divine talisman

Chapter 937 The blood moon is in the sky [Part 2]

This is a canyon, not a blade of grass grows.

It was obvious that a fierce battle had just been experienced here. The rocks collapsed, the ground was cracked, and corpses lay here and there, blood staining the ground.

At this time, more than ten black-clothed guards were guarding a girl by her side.

This girl is about eleven or twelve years old, with a naive face, but her clothes are quite gorgeous, her demeanor is soft and there is a compelling noble atmosphere, she is not an ordinary person at first glance.

And the guards beside her, all of them had superb eyesight, full of vigor, they were by no means mediocre.

Especially the guard at the head, with a thin body, a stern and rigid face, full of murderous intent, and a stream of blood dripping from the sword in his hand.

In addition, in the distance of the canyon, there is still a black bronze chariot, which is pulled by a black leopard beast.

"Tu Fang, take someone to clean up the traces, don't leave any clues."

The thin old-fashioned guard gave an order, then turned around, and said to the girl: "Miss, don't panic, it's not far from Black Cliff City, as long as we get there, we will be safe and sound."

The girl nodded and said in a low voice, "Uncle Gu Tian, ​​please."

"It's your duty, don't bother."

Gu Tian shook his head, his expression was stern and old-fashioned. Speaking of this, he seemed to have noticed something, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Who? Come out!"


When he spoke, he had already sacrificed his sword weapon, and the sword energy was blowing out, and the cold light flowed, pointing far away.

The guards around the girl suddenly felt as if they were facing an enemy, and all of them sacrificed their weapons one after another.

In the distance, Chen Xi came out from behind a rock, with a frank expression on his face. He had no intention of covering up his whereabouts, and no matter how sneaky he was, it would easily lead to misunderstanding.

"My friends, I have no malicious intentions."

Chen Xi walked over slowly, and stopped a thousand feet away, because he knew that if he got any closer, he would definitely arouse the vigilance and counterattack of the other party.

The reason is very simple. Through the observation just now, he has already discovered that this team seems to be being hunted down, and everyone has a strong murderous look and full vigilance and vigilance.

Maybe he didn't have any malicious intentions, but if he was misunderstood by the other party in any way, he might start a fight, which he didn't want to see.

Seeing that there was only a young man with a handsome face, the guards looked a little relaxed, but the leader, Gu Tian, ​​was still stern, and said coldly: "Friend, you are not welcome here, please leave quickly!"

Chen Xi was startled, nodded and said, "That's fine, but..."

"But what?" Gu Tian interrupted with a frown, his expression full of vigilance.

All the guards were somewhat puzzled, because they clearly sensed that the aura on Chen Xi's body was at best around the Golden Core level, and with such an existence, any one of them could kill the other.

It can be seen that Gu Tian's commander looks like he is facing a big enemy, which is a bit unusual.

"Before you leave, can you give me a map, I can exchange things." Chen Xi said seriously with his expression still gentle.


Everyone was stunned, and one of them couldn't help but said: "Hey, you won't get lost, right?"

Chen Xi thought about it, and felt that getting lost was a very good excuse, so he immediately pretended to be a little embarrassed and said, "To tell you the truth, I did get lost."

Everyone was amused all of a sudden, how old are you, and you still get lost?This guy is really weird.

The atmosphere became much more relaxed unconsciously.

Gu Tian was keenly aware of the change in the atmosphere, and couldn't help but frown. The vigilance in his eyes continued unabated, and he stared at Chen Xi, as if he was thinking about some thorny problem.

"Uncle Gu Tian, ​​it's too pitiful for him to lose himself in this miserable place, why don't you take him with you." The young girl said in a low voice.

"Miss, he..." Gu Tian was about to refuse, but when he met the girl's expectant eyes, his heart softened for no reason, he pondered for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "That's fine."

The girl smiled happily, and said to Chen Xi who was in the distance: "That big brother, you can go with us, this is a miserable place, there is no map at all."

Chen Xi's affection for the girl immediately increased greatly, and he cupped his hands with a smile: "Thank you, young lady."

The girl smiled lightly, turned around and returned to the black bronze chariot, and disappeared.

"This friend, no matter who you are, as long as you dare to have an evil heart towards my lady, don't blame me for being rude!" Gu Tian's eyes were like knives, and he glanced at Chen Xi coldly, his voice carried a strong Be warned about the smell.

"I'll save it." Chen Xi nodded, not feeling annoyed.

Seeing Chen Xi's hob-like appearance of not moving no matter how hard he was hit, Gu Tian frowned even more fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that I can't drive you away no matter what, since that's the case, then there are certain things I have to remind you too."

"But it's okay to talk about it." Chen Xi said.

"From your eyesight, you can probably see that our situation is not safe. It can be said that we are facing various dangers all the time. Once it affects you, we will not be able to spare our energy to help you!"

Gu Tian warned word by word, "Now, you should understand your situation, if you leave now, maybe there is still time."

Chen Xi smiled: "Although it's dangerous, it's much better than getting lost here."

Gu Tian was startled, stared at Chen Xi for a long time, said no more, turned his head and shouted to the other guards: "Cheer up and continue on your way!"

A group of people shuttled through the canyon and rushed to the distance.

Along the way, Chen Xi also keenly discovered that this team was extremely seasoned, and while moving forward at top speed, they buried the traces and aura left along the way.

There are also guards acting as scouts to check the situation in front. It can be said that they are well-trained. They have obviously experienced many battles, and they appear to be very capable and sophisticated.

Of course, from Chen Xi's point of view, their strength wasn't too strong. All the guards were in the Nether Transformation Realm, and only the leader of the guard named Gu Tian had a cultivation level of around the third level of an Earth Immortal.

However, what surprised Chen Xi was that this team did not choose to fly, but trudged purely by foot power, which seemed a bit too unusual.

You know, according to the speed of the Earth Immortal, it is thousands of miles away in an instant, even if Gu Tian takes all of them to perform teleportation, it is countless times faster than simply relying on walking.

"It seems that this place called Blood Basin Bitterland may have something mysterious..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful.

When the evening approached, the team stopped and camped in a dense forest.

Perhaps because of Gu Tian's order, almost no one talked to Chen Xi along the way, and they all had a cold face, as if they were not to be bothered by strangers, so Chen Xi naturally would not go out of his way to make fun of himself.

On the contrary, it was the eleven or twelve-year-old innocent girl who was quite curious about him. As soon as she stopped at this moment, she walked up to Chen Xi's side, sat on a rock, and said, "My name is Cui Qingning, big brother And you?"

Chen Xi smiled and said, "Chen Xi."

"Brother Chen Xi, why did you get lost in the bloody place?"

Cui Qingning said, "This is a fierce place in the netherworld, full of all kinds of terrible dangers, if it is not for avoiding..."

"Miss!" Na Gu Tian suddenly reminded from the side.

Cui Qingning was startled, then stuck out her tongue and said, "Well, I forgot to keep it a secret."

Gu Tian couldn't help shaking his head.

Chen Xi, however, couldn't stop smiling. This girl was obviously not deeply involved in the world, and her heart was pure and kind.

There are so many things he has experienced. Just the word "confidentiality" combined with what the girl said before can roughly determine a vague outline.

This team must have entered this bloody and miserable land in order to avoid the pursuit of certain enemies, in order to take advantage of the dangers in this area as a cover so as to take the opportunity to escape.

Of course, if they were not forced to, they would not enter here, because it was very simple. Sometimes the dangerous environment could serve as a cover, but sometimes it would actually hurt themselves.

"By the way, you haven't told me why I got lost." Cui Qingning had a pair of clear black jewel-like eyes and fair skin.

She had a youthful face with an unconcealable beauty, but unfortunately her figure was slender and her face was a little pale, as if she had suffered a serious illness.

"I also came here by accident. I didn't even know what this place was before." Chen Xi couldn't help laughing at himself, "If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't even be worthy of the name Bloody Bitterland."

"Brother Chen Xi, aren't you a person in the nether world?" Cui Qingning asked in surprise.

It has to be said that a girl with a simple mind also has the innate keen sense of smell that belongs to women, and she can make a perfect guess right away.

Chen Xi didn't hide anything, and said, "Exactly."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caught Gu Tian's attention. He walked over and frowned and said, "No wonder I feel that your breath is abnormal. So, you are from the human world?"

"That's right." Chen Xi nodded, and he noticed that Gu Tian's expression seemed to have softened a lot, and his heart suddenly moved. It seems that the reason why he was on guard against him before was because he sensed that his aura was a little abnormal.

Seeing Chen Xi's admission, Gu Tian frowned and pondered for a long time, then turned and left.

"Human World? That's a good place. I heard it's much more fun than the Nether World." Cui Qingning's eyes lit up, her face full of yearning and longing.

Chen Xi laughed, and said, "Actually, they are all the same."

Cui Qingning didn't know what to think of, she pursed her lips, and said melancholy: "It's different, the Netherworld is too chaotic, there are killings and fighting everywhere, I don't like it."

Chen Xi was stunned, but he didn't know what to say, because in today's human world, there were wars everywhere?

"It's about to enter the night, hurry up! Pack up your things and be careful!" At this moment, Gu Tian suddenly said in a deep voice, with a stern expression and a dignified look.

Chen Xi raised his head and looked at the sky. Through layers of branches, he could vaguely see a bloody moon jumping out from the dark sky at some time. It was strange and palpitating.

The blood moon was in the sky, and a depressing invisible fluctuation, like the blood-colored moonlight, shrouded the sky and the earth, and everything seemed to fall into silence at this moment.


ps: The new map is very laborious to write, and there will be more when some necessary explanations are done.

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