divine talisman

Chapter 938 Nine Ghosts Pulling the Coffin [Part 9]

The blood moon was in the sky, and the red and eerie moonlight spread like a tide, forming a heart-pounding wave that shrouded the sky and the earth.

In just a moment, the whole world was filled with a boring, depressing, and irritable atmosphere, which was so breathtaking that it hit people's minds like waves.

Gu Tian and the rest of the bodyguards all became very dignified at this moment, armed with various magic weapons, guarding Cui Qingning in the center, holding their breath and concentrating on it, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

No one made a sound, and all the actions were completed in silence. Obviously, they have already experienced many scenes like the one in front of them along the way, and they appear to be quite sophisticated.

Seeing this, Chen Xi also pursed his lips and remained on guard.

Although his cultivation base has not yet recovered, his soul is still there, and he can clearly feel the unparalleled immortal thoughts in an instant. When the blood moon appeared in the night sky, a monstrous hostility and resentment accompanied the violent ghost The power suddenly spread out.

That depressing power comes from it.

"It's such a thick and terrifying resentment. When the blood moon comes out, how can it release such a terrifying breath? It's like opening the gate of hell..."

Chen Xi frowned, feeling uncertain in his heart.

They were in a dense forest at this time, and through layers of branches, they could clearly see that in the dark sky, the blood-colored moonlight was like a substance, floating down, covering the world, as if covering the whole world with a veil. A layer of bloody tulle is like, ghostly and bewitching.


As the night grew thicker and the blood moon glowed brighter and brighter, suddenly, nine figures appeared under the night, each wearing robes as thick as blood, with an ashen look on their icy faces. Her eyes and lips were bright red like blood.

When he saw the faces of these nine people clearly, a word popped up in Chen Xi's mind - ghost!

And it's not an ordinary ghost, but a ferocious evil ghost!

Because their aura was too weird and gloomy, lifeless, and their whole bodies were shrouded in a strong sinister ghostly aura, which was unparalleled.

What is particularly frightening is that these nine figures are also carrying a dark and cold bronze coffin, which is thirty feet long, and the surface is densely covered with a layer of dense and twisted patterns, which is extremely gorgeous and exudes a noble aura. breath.

Monster Blood Moon!

Nine ghosts pull the coffin!

This picture, in this silent and pitch-black night, was filled with an extremely shocking force, and even Chen Xi couldn't help but concentrate his eyes.

He could clearly feel that in the dark and cold bronze coffin, there was a terrifying power that did not belong to the fifth level of the Earth Immortal.


A muffled sound resounded through the world.

The bronze coffin opened automatically, and immediately, a pair of slender and slender white palms that looked like suet jade were protruded. The fingers were close together and overlapped, forming a strange handprint soon.


When a handprint was condensed, a huge torrent of blood suddenly emerged from the bloody moonlight above the sky, pouring into the bronze coffin like a waterfall falling from the sky.

Obviously, the existence in the coffin is using a secret method to absorb the power from the blood moon.

"It turned out to be a sign of 'Ghosts Swallowing the Moon'. It seems that the order in the Netherworld has become extremely chaotic. The source of the chaos is either from the Blood River in the Netherworld, or from the Division of Hell and Evil Ghosts in the Six Dao Divisions of the Underworld, or it happened in the City of Death. A shocking accident happened..."

Xiao Ding suddenly sent a voice transmission.

Chen Xi was startled, disordered?Could this also be a sign of the turmoil in the Three Realms?It seems that not only the human world, but also the Netherworld is in turmoil.

"But this is also an opportunity for you."

Xiao Ding changed the subject, and said, "When your strength recovers, you can completely supplement the power to repair the Nether Record by killing these ghosts."

Chen Xi was startled, thoughtful.

Before, he had already clearly felt that the blood moon was filled with a violent ghost power, but it was extremely heterogeneous, and there were also substantial suffocation, fierceness, and resentment in it, which were not suitable for absorption at all.

But all of this obviously couldn't help those ghosts, they obviously regarded the power of the blood moon as the best way to gain power.In this way, as long as these fierce ghosts are beheaded and their power is seized, the Nether Record may be repaired.

At this time, Xiao Ding uttered a voice to verify it, and Chen Xi immediately confirmed this idea.

"Of course, if you have the strength of the third Nether Emperor back then, you can reach the sky and refine the power of the Nether in the entire Blood Moon. In that case, all the creatures in the Nether Realm will be grateful to you. "

Xiao Ding made a rare joke.

Chen Xi was startled, but said thoughtfully, "If there is an opportunity in the future, I really want to give it a try."


After a stick of incense.

Above the sky, the bronze coffin was closed again, and the nine ghosts carried the coffin precariously, walking in the dark night, and disappeared.

At this point, Gu Tian and the others all breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions became much more relaxed.

"Brother Chen Xi, just now it was the Nine Ghosts pulling the coffin. It's very common in bloody places. As long as they don't disturb them, they won't be in danger."

Cui Qingning came to Chen Xi's side with light steps, and said with a smile, "Didn't I scare you just now?"

Chen Xi shook his head, and said, "I'm just curious, the moon in the netherworld is completely different from the human world."

"Actually, it was the same before."

Cui Qingning said in a low voice, "In recent years, there have been a sudden increase in the number of evil spirits and fierce ghosts in Wushi City. Thousands of evil spirits appear every day. The resentment and hostility in their bodies cannot be resolved, and they are swallowed by the moon."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help sighing, "It can't be helped, the great venerable Ksitigarbha who controls the dead city suddenly disappeared, which made the city chaotic, and the evil spirits and ghosts couldn't be rescued. Disaster for the entire Netherworld."

Sure enough, something happened in the city of vain!

Chen Xi immediately thought of Xiao Ding's previous speculation, and couldn't help frowning: "Don't the big shots in Netherworld Palace ignore it?"


A look of disappointment appeared on Cui Qingning's lips, she shook her head and said, "They only care about fighting for power and fighting each other, who cares about the life and death of other underworld creatures?"

Chen Xi secretly said: "It seems that this Netherworld is also precarious, with undercurrents surging."

At this moment, Chen Xi's heart suddenly throbbed without warning. The fighting instinct honed over the years made him subconsciously leap forward and rush towards Cui Qingning who was beside him.

Cui Qingning felt her eyes go dark, and before she had time to react, Chen Xi hugged her body and dodged to the side. On the way, she knocked down a big tree surrounded by several people.

This sudden turn of events made her scream violently.


A sword light that looked like silvery water came out of nowhere, brushing her temples dangerously and passing by, leaving a bloodstain as thin as a hair.

There was a plop, and the next moment, she felt her world spinning and her whole body rolled on the ground.

Chen Xi's reaction to this was extremely fast, like lightning, and he subconsciously started to take action from the moment he sensed that palpitation. If his strength hadn't recovered, this one was enough to teleport Cui Qingning tens of thousands of miles away.

It's a pity that his strength is only about the same as that of Jindan now, and he can only hold Cui Qingning in embarrassment and break a big tree, dodging this unexpected attack.


A light hey sounded suddenly and erratically in the dense forest.

At this time, Gu Tian and the other guards also realized that something was wrong at this time, and roared angrily, as if they had already made a move.

It's a pity that all of these made Chen Xi feel insecure. On the contrary, the sense of danger in his heart became more and more intense, which made all the hairs on his body stand on end.

Because up to this moment, that aura that was like a glow on his back was still firmly locked on to him.


The sound of the low and small gnat-like sword glow piercing the air resounded again.

Chen Xi didn't even think about it, his figure bowed, and the sword talisman in his hand lightly pierced a void in front of him obliquely, a black shadow suddenly flashed in the originally empty void, and Chen Xi's sword talisman happened to point at the opponent's Throat area.

That feeling was like a prophet, as if he had already expected the assassin's whereabouts and where he would appear, and Chen Xi's sword was like waiting for a rabbit, with a light finger, he directly hit the opponent's vital point, thus Indirectly disintegrated the opponent's offensive.


A sharp piercing sound sounded, passing by the side of Chen Xi's cheek, piercing a finger-thick hole in the ground behind it, bottomless.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi remained expressionless and didn't even blink his eyes. This was the reason why he bowed his body before, and he had already accurately captured the trajectory of the opponent's sword glow.


There was another light hey, the assassin seemed extremely surprised, but his reaction was also extremely fast, his figure flashed, and he slashed towards Chen Xi from another direction again.

This time, Chen Xi didn't counterattack at all, but hugged Cui Qingning, and retreated violently, completely ignoring that there was an extremely dangerous sword light approaching from behind.


A deafening crash sounded from behind Chen Xi.

At this point, Chen Xi stopped, turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw that Gu Tian had already fought with that assassin.

From the beginning to the end, his expression was as calm as ice, his actions were even more crisp and neat, and he was not sloppy, and his every move was full of a sense of foresight, but he was not in a panic.

The reason is that although his strength has not recovered, his terrifying fighting consciousness has already surpassed the scope of the fairyland. How could he be easily succeeded by an assassin?

"It's all right now, let's open your eyes." Chen Xi narrowed his eyes and looked at the battle situation, clearly knowing that it was very difficult for that assassin to succeed.

At this time, Cui Qingning had already turned pale with fright at this sudden scene, and she didn't realize that she was pressing her petite body tightly against Chen Xi like an octopus...

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