divine talisman

Chapter 940 Ghosts Sacrifice the Moon [Part 1]

A month later.

This is a plain, the earth is full of scorched earth, blood-red, boundless as far as the eye can see.

It was now twilight.

The dim purple sun quietly submerged in the clouds, only the bitter cold wind howled on the bloody wasteland, and there was a dead silence.

Gu Tian looked at the sky and ordered to start camping and rest in place.

The guards began to move in an orderly manner, while Chen Xi chose an open space and began to meditate cross-legged.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed a little dull.

This situation has been going on for a month. Since the last time Qing Xiao was assassinated, Cui Qingning stayed on the bronze treasure chariot and never showed up again.

After Gu Tian persuaded Chen Xi to leave many times to no avail, he stopped persuading him and began to trek on his way wholeheartedly.

What puzzled Gu Tian and the others was that they didn't encounter any blocking or sneak attack along the way. Those who chased and killed seemed to evaporate out of thin air, which looked extremely strange.

But Gu Tian knew very well that the opponent would definitely not let it go.

Perhaps the opponent's forbearance is just to choose the best time to completely wipe out his group!

"We have already reached the edge of the blood basin, and in three days, we will be able to enter the Black Cliff City. If those damn things want to do something, I'm afraid they will choose these few days?"

Gu Tian frowned and pondered for a long time, his heart became more and more heavy. He glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Everyone should be more vigilant tonight. If something happens, remember to protect the young lady as soon as possible."

The other guards also knew the severity and nodded solemnly.

Only Chen Xi remained motionless like a statue, hurrying up to cultivate.

"This kid, he doesn't miss any time to cultivate, but unfortunately, the realm is too low after all, and he is still too weak even if he cultivates..." Gu Tian glanced at Chen Xi, and sighed inwardly again.

He knew very well that the reason why Chen Xi refused to leave again and again was probably because he was also going to the Netherworld, but the most important thing was to contribute his strength to help himself and others.

He was very grateful for Chen Xi's hard work. After all, in today's world, people like Chen Xi are really rare.

But Gu Tian also knew very well that Chen Xi was still too young, and it was a good thing to act chivalrously, but if his strength was too weak, not only would he not be able to help much, but he would become a burden to himself and others.

Just imagine, if something dangerous happened to Chen Xi, would they save him or not?

The answer is obvious, it must be saved!

Even if he saved the young lady's life from Qing Xiao last time, it was only due to luck, it was still enough to make them grateful, if something happened to him, how could they just ignore it?

"If you are destined to arrive at Black Cliff City, you must give this kid a generous gift, and then persuade him to leave, so that he can no longer be involved in Miss's affairs..."

Gu Tian secretly made a decision in his heart. From his point of view, Chen Xi was still very young, possessed of passion and justice. Although such a person may seem stupid to most people, he was most worthy of respect.

In today's world, there are too many selfish people, good and evil have been blurred, black and white have been confused, but it becomes more and more rare that such a person is rare, isn't it?

If Chen Xi knew that in Gu Tian's heart, he had already become an incarnation of righteousness and zeal for justice, he didn't know what to think...

As night fell, the blood moon hung again under the pitch-black sky, emitting a strange luster.

Chen Xi woke up from his meditation, and stood up long.

"Yes, in about half a month, it will be enough to restore all strength."

Sensing the vigorous vitality within his body, and the surging immortal energy that was as vast as the sea, Chen Xi couldn't help but have a satisfied smile on his lips.

After a month of recuperation and restoration, his power has returned to around the level of perfection of Minghua. At this time, when he meets a strong Earth Immortal, he no longer needs to dodge or back down.

However, in order not to cause Gu Tian's misunderstanding, he still maintained the aura around the Golden Core Realm.

There is no way, the strength is increasing too fast, they are afraid that they will suspect that they are deliberately concealing their strength in order to get close to Cui Qingning, and have other plans...

Of course, when the time is right, Chen Xi will tell the truth.

But it doesn't work now, he knows nothing about the Netherworld, and from what the guards said, there are some harsh conditions to enter the Netherworld, so it is undoubtedly the best choice to follow Gu Tian and others.

As for possible dangers on the road, or being regarded as a thorn in the side by Cui Qingning's enemies, he doesn't care, as long as he can enter the Netherworld and rescue Qing Xiuyi, all of these are nothing.


At this moment, on the pitch-black sky, black dots suddenly appeared one after another, gathered under the blood moon, densely packed, within a few breaths, there were no less than a thousand of them gathered.

Taking a closer look, it was a fierce ghost wearing a blood robe, with a pale face and red eyes.

And in the center, there is a huge blood-colored skull suspended.

The skeleton is crystal clear and white, as big as a hill, and its teeth are as sharp as upside-down daggers. At the position of those eyes, there are two groups of green will-o'-the-wisps burning. Green fire.

As soon as it appeared under the sky, thousands of blood-robed ghosts kowtowed and worshiped it, all of them uttered an obscure and sharp "Jie Jie" cry, which stirred the world and was extremely terrifying.

"A group of ghosts worshiping the moon! God, how is it possible, this is a more terrifying vision than the nine ghosts pulling the coffin!"

Gu Tian's face suddenly became extremely dignified, and he transmitted his voice with his spiritual thoughts: "Quick! Quickly restrain your breath and be on full alert!"

All the guards were stunned, guarding in the center of the bronze treasure chariot, all with an indelible look of horror on their faces.

A group of ghosts sacrifice to the moon!

Even in this bloody and miserable land, such a vision is extremely rare, because it is a sign of great evil!

According to the rumors, when a group of ghosts worship the moon, it often means that a ghost king is about to be born, and in the Nether world, the strength of the ghost king is all above the fifth level of the earth fairy!

This is just its strength, the most important thing is that every time a ghost king appears, it means that another huge disaster has occurred in the Netherworld!

This is like a sign, and it has been circulated in the Netherworld since ancient times. It is known as the saying that "the appearance of the ghost king brings disasters".

"Such a surging power of the nether world, is this the ghost king..." Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, staring at the huge mountain-like skull on the sky far away, secretly surprised in his heart.

During the month he spent with Gu Tian and the others, he already had a general understanding of the power of the Netherworld.

Like the hundreds of millions of creatures in the nether world, the path of cultivation is actually no different from that in the human world, except that the attributes of the power they absorb are different.

These creatures in the underworld can also cultivate into immortals. The peak strength is around the eighth level of the earth immortal. If they cross the ninth level of the earth immortal, they will be extradited to the fairy world.

The only difference from the human world is that in this netherworld, there are many wronged souls, fierce ghosts, fierce spirits, and evil spirits. These ghosts were supposed to be driven into the six realms of reincarnation to reincarnate.

However, with the current chaos in the Netherworld, institutions such as Huangquan Palace, Mengpo Palace, Ten Palaces of Yama, Six Daosi and other institutions in the Netherworld are fighting each other, fighting, and fighting for power and profit, causing chaos in the entire Netherworld.

No one is going to detain and extradite these evil spirits, so they have become a scourge in the Netherworld. If they are allowed to develop, it will even affect the entire Netherworld!

Like today, with the mysterious disappearance of the Ksitigarbha King, the "Wonderful City" that suppresses the most evil spirits and fierce ghosts in the Netherworld has collapsed, and the ghosts trapped in it have long since become an empty city.

Of course, the rampant ghosts and the escape of unjust souls does not mean that the power of the underworld is weak.

On the contrary, the background of the Nether Underworld is ridiculously strong, and the big figures sitting in it are all existences above the gods, like the head of the Six Dao Division of the Underworld, the King of Yama of the Ten Palaces, the master of the Mengpo Palace, and the Emperor Huangquan who controls Huangquan Road. It is to have the strength that is more terrifying than the angel.

It's a pity that these great figures have no time to pay attention to the chaos in the Netherworld. Instead, they put their minds on fighting for power and profit, which led to the current chaotic situation.

bang bang bang...

At this time, on the sky, on the thousands of blood-clothed ghosts, green ghost fires sprang up, self-igniting, and the entire body collapsed, turning into strands of abundant ghostly power, towards the huge skull mouth in the center. to go.

That feeling is like offering sacrifices.

Use your own strength to sacrifice to that skull.

At the same time, a thick blood-colored beam of light gushed out from the blood-colored moon in the sky, pouring directly into the huge skeleton.

In just a split second, the entire world was surging with blood-colored ghostly power, and the center of that power was that skull.

It is absorbing this force, and it is undergoing an astonishing transformation!

"Not good! This ghost king is too violent, and he wants to sacrifice his subordinates to complete his transformation overnight! Quickly, take this opportunity to leave here, and when it transforms into a real ghost king, we will all become its sacrifices! "

Gu Tian's face became extremely gloomy and solemn, and as soon as he gave an order, he led a group of people and flew towards the distance at full speed, wanting to leave this land of right and wrong early.

Everyone was aware of the crisis in front of them, and they all pursed their lips tightly, guarding the bronze treasure chariot carrying Cui Qingning, and galloped silently with all their strength.

Because they left too hastily, no one noticed that Chen Xi was missing from the team.


"Take advantage of this opportunity to kill him, and practice Nether Record, otherwise, if you leave this miserable land, I'm afraid you won't have such an opportunity again..."

Chen Xi stopped, glanced at the direction where Gu Tian and the others left, then turned his gaze to the sky.

He's just a ghost king at the fifth level of the Earth Immortal Realm. With his current strength, he is enough to fight against him.


However, at this moment, he seemed to be aware of something, his brows were slightly frowned, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

Just as Chen Xi had finished hiding his whereabouts, a gigantic, pitch-black shadow flew silently from the extremely distant pitch-black sky, covering the sky and covering the earth.


ps: Before 12 o'clock in the second update, due to too many chores and the layout of the new volume, it is difficult to update more in the past two days. Brothers and sisters, please bear with me, and the rhythm of the 3rd update will resume in the next few days !

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