divine talisman

Chapter 941 Ghost Emperor Bodhi Heart [Part 2]

Thanks to brothers "User 46761996" and "Soldier Ant" for their support!Thanks to the brothers "Jiangnan Style" and Baojiang for their super red envelopes, as well as the monthly support of all brothers!There are too many names, so I won’t list them one by one. I will personally add the essence to thank you.


The black shadow covering the sky was very fast and arrived here in an instant.

It was a thirty-foot-long bronze coffin that was pitch-black and cold with a metallic luster, but at this moment, the coffin was surrounded by turbulent black ghost fog, which seemed menacing.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and immediately recognized that he had seen this coffin before. At that time, there was even a strange scene of "nine ghosts pulling the coffin".

According to his estimate, the ghosts among them are at least around the fourth level of the Earth Immortal.

But why did this bronze coffin appear here again?

As soon as this thought appeared in Chen Xi's mind, a rough and sharp roar suddenly came from the sky: "Bei Ling! Are you going to ruin this king's good deeds!"

The sound was like thunder, stirring the night sky.

It was the head of that huge snow-white hole that was as big as a mountain, and the green ghost fire was burning in its eyes, which looked extremely terrifying.

Chen Xi immediately understood that the owner of the bronze coffin was probably trying to destroy the chance of the skull being promoted to become the ghost king.

When two tigers fight, there must be one injury.

Realizing this, Chen Xi held back for the time being and watched coldly.

At this time, the bronze coffin suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the coffin lid was opened silently. First of all, a pair of slender and slender white palms were exposed, which were beautiful and flawless as if carved from suet jade.

Even though they are just a pair of opponents, they exude a deadly temptation.

"Xue Kong, you took advantage of my retreat and stole my Blood Underworld Orb, and you still want to advance to the ghost king? If you didn't make too much noise, I'm afraid you will succeed."

A low voice with a hint of hoarseness came from the bronze coffin. Accompanied by the voice, a woman bathed in the blue flame stretched her graceful figure and stood up from it.

She has smooth and black hair that falls to her waist, and she is wearing a dark blue skirt with a wide skirt, her eyes are picturesque, cold and beautiful.

Only the pair of cherry lips were pale, without a trace of blood.

This woman is very beautiful, cold as ice, with a noble temperament, and her every move reveals a pleasing elegance, like a young lady who was born in a family of noble etiquette.

If she hadn't walked out of that cold and dark bronze coffin, Chen Xi wouldn't even be sure that the other party would be a ghost!

"Hmph, the Blood Phantom Bead is a rare thing in the world. If you are destined to get it, how could it be yours? Bei Ling, you leave quickly. If this king succeeds in advancing this time, he will leave the blood basin and never be with you again!" How about fighting?"

The skeleton known as Xue Kong snorted coldly. When he spoke, his whole body was burning with green ghost fire, as if he was seizing the time to refine the power of those ghosts offering sacrifices.

"Another idiot! All the things in this miserable place belong to me. I don't bother to talk to you if you borrow my precious land to cultivate, but you dare to get involved in something you shouldn't get. Don't blame me for not getting it." You're welcome!"

Bei Ling's expression was cold, and her words were as cold as a knife. As soon as she finished speaking, she made a sudden move.

Chi Chi!

Wisps of faint blue flames, like agile fire dragons, poured out from between his palms and fingers, tearing apart the void, and shrouded the blood hole.

"Bei Ling! Don't be ignorant, do you think this king will be afraid of you?"

Seeing that she said to do it, the blood boy couldn't help being furious, and with a bang, he had turned into a middle-aged man in a green robe with a sullen face. Fight together.


The battle between the two shook the sky, and the matchless green and blue will-o'-the-wisps intertwined together, bursting into terrifying waves, sweeping in all directions, and shattering the clouds.

Among them, there was a sharp, ferocious, and extremely brutal sound of howling ghosts and wolves, rendering the whole world as if it were a place where ghosts danced wildly.

Although they are ghosts, their strengths are all above the fairyland. The destructive power caused by the confrontation between the two will sweep away the entire area of ​​thousands of miles, and the rocks will be pulverized and the mountains will collapse.

"That woman's strength is pretty good. She's only at the fourth level of the Earth Immortal. She actually suppressed a guy who is close to the sixth level of the Earth Immortal. It's obvious that her aptitude and cultivation skills are more than a little better than the other party."

"In addition, that Xue Kong is obviously on the verge of transformation and promotion, and if he is disturbed by others, his strength will inevitably be greatly reduced. In the end, it may be more or less unfortunate."

Chen Xi hid in the distance, watched this fierce battle, and judged the strength between the two in an instant.

He took a deep breath and made up his mind to pay attention. If Bei Ling wins later, he will take the opportunity to kill him, and then collect all the ghost power in the world.

After tea time.

That Xue Kong's arm was torn, and he let out a roar in pain: "Beiling! Are you really going to kill them all!?"

Bei Ling didn't answer, a pair of slender and almost perfect palms swiped again and again, displaying a series of dark blue fire knives, like a sky-slicing blade, like an earth-splitting knife, sharp and chilling, merciless.


Xue Kong was caught off guard, and a shocking scar was drawn on his left chest, bleeding continuously.

"Damn it! Beling, you little bitch, wait! One day, this king will catch you with his own hands, raise you as a slave, ravage and flog you to death!"

Xue Kong roared again and again, already extremely angry, but before he finished speaking, his figure flashed, and a bloody light was drawn from the figure, and he was about to run away.

"Under my command, can you escape? Let's stay. The power in you can be used by me. As long as I absorb it, it will be enough for me to advance again!"

Bei Ling's voice was light, her figure was elegant and calm, but her movements were not slow. She reached out her white and slender palm and grabbed it. With a bang, she directly grabbed the void, pinched Xue Kong's neck, and gently , and grabbed it back in front of him.


She didn't hesitate at all, and didn't even give the other party a chance to beg for mercy, so she slapped him and killed him directly.

"There was such a big commotion about ghosts sacrificing the moon, hmph, in the end, didn't you want to make a wedding dress for me, Bei Ling?" Bei Ling's lips showed a touch of disdain, and he swallowed and sucked his palm, and began to absorb blood from Xue Kong's body. Nether power.

good chance!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, ready to go.


However, at this moment, someone unexpectedly took action before Chen Xi!

A shattered and lightless sword glow quietly tore through the void, suddenly appeared above Bei Ling's head, and struck down towards his sky spirit cover.

This blow was extremely fast, fierce and decisive, as if it appeared out of nowhere, it came so suddenly that it was impossible to guard against.

And this person is Qing Xiao!


It has to be said that Bei Ling's reaction was not slow either. Almost at the moment when he sensed the danger, his figure flashed and narrowly avoided the vital position, leaving only a bloody hole on his left shoulder.

"court death!"

Bei Ling's expression was as cold as ice, as if he couldn't feel the pain, he raised his hand to kill Qing Xiao, but the latter missed a single blow and had already dodged thousands of feet away.

"Sure enough, you are the female spirit Zun Bei Ling who controls the blood basin bitter land. As long as you give up resistance and use it for me, I can spare you from dying."

Qing Xiao's figure was shrouded in a black cloak, revealing only a pair of sharp blade-like eyes.

"Are you here just for me?"

Even though she was injured, Bei Ling's demeanor was still calm and elegant, her cool and beautiful face, and slender figure made her even more aura-like, without any ghostly aura at all.

"It's just on the way. I heard that the female spirit venerable in the blood basin suffered from a wisp of 'ghost emperor bodhicitta' who cultivated to the Tao. Now that I see it, it really lives up to its reputation. I can't help but want to keep it for myself."

Qing Xiao's voice did not have any emotional fluctuations, but there was a look of disdain as if he was in control of the overall situation, which was a kind of confidence in his own strength.

Obviously, he is confident that he can catch Belling.

Ghost Emperor Bodhisattva?

Chen Xi in the distance frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"In the Nether world, the ghost emperor who can be called the ghost emperor only existed in the ancient times, and there is only one person who can cultivate bodhicitta in the ghost emperor's body, and that is the ghost emperor Shenglin, who appeared in the third ghost emperor. Before this, the Holy Ghost Emperor was a well-known figure in the Three Realms."

At this time, Xiao Ding opened his mouth to help Chen Xi clear his doubts, "If that woman cultivates the Dao with a wisp of Bodhicitta from the Holy Ghost Emperor, if she grasps it, she can refine a wisp of Bodhicitta, which will be of great benefit to her cultivation. help."

Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised, but he didn't expect that Bei Ling had such a big background.

"Being able to know my origin, it seems that you are not an unknown person. Could it be that you came from the Netherworld?" Bei Ling's expression became colder and almost expressionless, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"That's right, as far as I know, a long time ago, many important people from the Netherworld Palace came to Blood Battered Land, intending to arrest you, but it's a pity that you have been hiding for a while."

Qing Xiao said slowly: "Fortunately, you were bumped into by me. This is called luck. How about it, do you consider submitting to me? I don't have much time. I will give you three breaths to think about it."

"Submit to you? Isn't it to refine me into a bodhicitta?"

There was a strong sarcasm on Bei Ling's lips, "It's a pity, let alone you, even the big man from Liu Daosi has come, and I can't help it, because you don't even know what is so wonderful about bodhicitta."

As she spoke, she made a move with her bare hands, condensing a faint blue glow of fire, which suddenly enveloped her body, and her figure actually turned into a little spot of light, gradually disappearing into the void.

Obviously, this is an extremely mysterious escape technique.

"It's ridiculous. I'm an assassin. What I'm best at is concealed assassination techniques. How could I let you escape?"

Qing Xiao's figure flashed, and disappeared in place. The next moment, the void shook, and he had arrived at the position where Bei Ling was standing. The long and narrow black sword in his hand stabbed fiercely into the void.


There was a crisp sound, as if glass had been shattered, the void suddenly exploded, and immediately, Bei Ling's graceful figure staggered and fell out of it.


ps: Khan, Brother Taohua said that the monthly ticket will only be given after the third shift, hooo~ It’s too bullying, I will try my best tomorrow to make it better?

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