divine talisman

Chapter 942 Experts follow each other [Part 1]

Bei Ling coughed up blood from his lips, his pretty face turned pale.

What was particularly eye-catching was that a blood hole was pierced through her left shoulder, and the black air around the wound was sizzling, eroding her flesh.

Even so, her expression was still as cold as ice, but there was a deep sense of fear in Qing Xiao's eyes, "It turned out to be the Unending Sword of Deceit, and you are the descendant of the Hell Division?"

Qing Xiao seemed to be taken aback, then smiled lightly and said: "I didn't expect that your eyesight is pretty good." The implication is that he acquiesced.

"The Six Dao Division of the Underworld, the Hell Division is in charge of suppressing arrests, and is also known as the 'detainee', but as far as I know, the detainee must be appointed by the 'Punisher' of the Criminal Law Division before he acts. Action, embarrassing me, but committed a big taboo!"

Bei Ling said calmly: "Because I am not a criminal or a ghost, and I have never violated the laws of the Netherworld. But you."

Hearing this, Qing Xiao was not only not afraid, but a strong look of disdain appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Bei Ling with pity, "If it were the time of Emperor Youming, what you said might make me Extremely afraid."

After a pause, he shook his head and continued: "It's a pity, but you forgot one thing. Nowadays, not only other places in the underworld, but even the Netherworld are in chaos. Pai, even the Department of Criminal Law, is now fighting endlessly."

"As for the Palace of the Underworld, the Palace of Meng Po, the City of Death in vain, and the gates of the five ghosts, all of them are embracing their own self-respect, eyeing them like tigers, and wanting to take advantage of the chaos to get a piece of the pie. Who will obey the rules set by the Emperor Youming?"

Speaking of this, there was even a sympathy in Qing Xiao's voice, "You probably have practiced for too long and forgot that the Netherworld is now, it is no longer the period when the third Nether Emperor reigned, and you are still holding that the Department of Criminal Law will do it for you." Your idea of ​​justice is pathetic, pathetic indeed."

Bei Ling was startled, and lightly pursed her cherry lips. For the first time, a look of bewilderment appeared on her cold face. She didn't expect that the current situation has become so chaotic.

It seems that I have indeed retreated for too long...

She sighed inwardly.

Seeing this, Qing Xiao became more and more proud, and said leisurely: "Now, you are a turtle in a urn, and you can't escape. I will give you another chance and submit to me obediently, otherwise don't blame me for sacrificing you right now." Practiced!"

Bei Ling sighed, "The morals of the world have collapsed, and the law does not exist. It's a pity that Emperor Youming has worked so hard, but now it is in vain..." His voice became deeper and deeper.

"This is due to luck. No matter how great the Nether Emperor was, he was still buried in the hands of the gods and Buddhas. I advise you to recognize the situation." Qing Xiao said.


Before he could finish his words, Bei Ling made a sudden move, and a faint blue sword glow spewed out from his fingertips, tearing apart the void, and slashed away.

"You... you don't eat the toast, you don't eat the fine wine!"

Qing Xiao saw that this woman was still obstinate despite all the fuss he had made, he couldn't help being furious, murderous intent burst out of his eyes, he no longer hesitated, and wanted to kill Bei Ling.


That blue sword glow was easily shattered, Qing Xiao smiled sinisterly, and said: "Little slut, I don't know how many women I Qing Xiao tortured and killed. Today, I will let you have a taste of it!"

When he was speaking, the other person had already flashed, and the long and narrow black sword in his palm, as narrow as a knuckle, buzzed, bursting out hundreds of millions of points of sword light, and roaring away.


But as soon as he moved, a big hand suddenly appeared behind him out of thin air, caught his neck by surprise, and the bones in his throat shattered, making a crisp sound.

All of a sudden, Qing Xiao's eyeballs protruded, and he struggled to breathe, like a dead fish that was about to dry up and die, struggling violently frequently.

It's a pity that the big hand was motionless, like a rock, and it was tightening a little bit.


There was a strange sound from Qing Xiao's throat, and he couldn't utter a word. He wanted to turn his head to take a look, but it was a pity that even such a simple action was difficult to do.


Qing Xiao's throat shattered and turned into a rain of blood. Together with his body, he fell into the air like a rain of blood.

This assassin who is now famous in the Netherworld, an existence who had assassinated the ancestor of the seventh-level Earth Immortal with a cultivation base of the fourth-level Earth Immortal, was sneaked to death by someone from behind, and he died without even seeing the murderer.

"This is the mantis catching the cicada, with the oriole behind?"

Bei Ling spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She looked at the handsome young man who suddenly appeared on the opposite side, but she was a little surprised to find that the other party's cultivation was only around the level of the Perfection Realm!

Realizing this, she was startled, how is this possible?That Qing Xiao was even stronger than himself, how could he be attacked and killed by a little guy in the Nether Transformation Realm?

I'm afraid this person is not as simple as the surface!

Though thoughts abounded in his heart, Bei Ling's expression was still cold, his demeanor was calm and elegant, but he looked at the young man with a hint of disgust.

Obviously, she thought that Chen Xi, like that Qingxiao, also came here to arrest herself.

That handsome young man was naturally Chen Xi.

If he confronted Qing Xiao head-on, he might have to spend a lot of energy, but if he took the opportunity to attack, relying on his fighting consciousness of the eighth level of the immortal, he could do it easily.

Of course, the key point is that Qing Xiao and Bei Ling did not discover his existence from the beginning to the end, which also provided him with an excellent assassination opportunity.

"you can go now."

Chen Xi casually put down a few words, and with a flash of his figure, he came to Xue Kong's corpse, looked it up a bit, and was quite satisfied in his heart, the Nether power in the other party's corpse was still there, so it could just be collected and sacrificed to the Nether Record.

As for Qing Xiao's corpse, since he was not a ghost, when he died, the ghost power in his body was dispersed, and there was no way to absorb it.

Bei Ling was taken aback: "You didn't come here for me?"

"It was indeed intended to kill you, but since you are not an evil spirit and you have not committed any crimes, so I plan to let you go." Chen Xi said it very easily.

There is one more thing he didn't say. Before, he had listened to the conversation between Bei Ling and Qing Xiao, and knew that this woman had always upheld the order of the third Nether Emperor, and had never done anything that violated Nether. The matter of order made him feel appreciative.

After all, after careful calculation, the relationship between him and the third Nether Great Emperor can be regarded as a master-student relationship on another level. Even the Nether Record, the Pen of Exorcising Evil, the Dao of the Other Side, and the Dao of Sinking all came from Obtained from the third Nether Emperor.

With this relationship, he naturally has no intention of killing Bei Ling.

"You don't miss the Bodhi Heart of the Ghost Emperor?" Bei Ling couldn't help asking again. She felt that this young man was too strange. Over the years, no matter who it was, once they learned that she was a wisp of the Bodhi Heart of the Ghost Emperor, they would either Involving framing, or directly robbing, it is rare for anyone to be able to refuse this kind of temptation.

But the young man in front of her looked indifferent, which made her a little curious.

"I don't have the hobby of killing people to seize treasure." Chen Xi shrugged, and was about to leave with Xue Kong's corpse.

"Wait." Belling shouted from behind.

"What else is there?" Chen Xi turned his head.

Bei Ling bit her cherry lips, but remained silent.

Chen Xi couldn't help but shook his head, no longer hesitated, turned and left.

Gu Tian and his group are speeding ahead, if they get separated, the loss will not be worth the loss, after all, he still needs to rely on Cui Qingning's strength if he wants to enter the nether world.


As soon as Chen Xi left, he noticed that Bei Ling was also chasing him from behind.

He frowned involuntarily, stopped his body, and said, "What are you following me for?"

"Where are you going?" Belling asked back.

"The Underworld." Chen Xi answered very simply, and there was nothing to hide.

"I'll go as well."

Bei Ling's clear eyes lit up, "I haven't left the Bloody Territory for many years. Now that the world is in chaos, I want to go and see if the Underworld is really what the 'detainee' of the Hell Division said. It's been a mess."

"Then why did you follow me?" Chen Xi frowned.

"I..." Bei Ling didn't know how to answer. She felt that she had made it very clear, but the young man on the opposite side still seemed to reject her, which made her frown slightly. That beautiful face that was as cold as ice actually gave people a kind of delicate and pitiful taste.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, pondered for a while, and said, "You can follow me, but you must agree to one condition."

Belling suddenly raised his head, his eyes were as bright as stars, shining brightly, and said: "Okay!"

If it wasn't for her elegant demeanor and her expression as cold as ice, Chen Xi would almost have thought that she was a little girl with a pure mind, and she didn't even have the slightest sense of defense.

After all, any normal person would probably listen to the conditions before agreeing, weigh the pros and cons, and decide whether to agree or not.

But she was lucky, she didn't even ask, she agreed directly, and she agreed so readily that Chen Xi was a little embarrassed to raise any excessive conditions.

It was only later that Chen Xi found out that ever since Bei Ling attained the Dao, she had been living alone in the miserable land, spending all her time on cultivation and rarely interacting with others. As a result, she was ignorant of all the ways of the world.

And all her cognition and consciousness are still retained a long time ago.

A long time ago, when the third Nether Emperor was still in control of the Netherworld, it may have been a million years ago...

In other words, this Bei Ling is a very old antique, and she has survived for a frighteningly long time, but it is easy to understand when she thinks that she is a wisp of ghost emperor bodhicitta who has cultivated the Tao.

After all, there is no way to measure the meaning of its existence in terms of time for such a rare spiritual thing that is first-class in the world.

"It's not bad to have such a master follow, at least before my strength recovers, I can help myself solve a lot of troubles..."

Chen Xi glanced at Bei Ling who was following behind him step by step, thoughtfully.


ps: The second update is at 10:[-], and the third update is in the early morning.Khan~ Forced me to fight...

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