divine talisman

Chapter 943 Ghost Unicorn [Part 2]

When Gu Tian and his group stopped, they immediately realized that Chen Xi was missing from the team.

"Too bad, that guy is only at the Golden Core level, so he couldn't keep up?" A guard said worriedly.

"Could it be that he was killed?" someone wondered.

The scene of "ghosts sacrificing to the moon" is too terrifying, not to mention Jindan Realm cultivation, even those who are strong in the Nether Transformation Realm and Earth Immortal Realm, if they do not dodge in time, they will probably die.

"To shut up!"

Gu Tian frowned and scolded, "Stay where you are, and after a stick of incense, if Chen Xi doesn't come again, you will escort the young lady on the way, and I'll go back and investigate."

A guard couldn't help but said, "If he really..."

Gu Tian waved his hand and interrupted: "Don't jump to conclusions!"

Everyone was silent, but they felt vaguely in their hearts that this time Chen Xi might never come back again, with the ghosts offering sacrifices to the moon and the ghost king in this world, how could he let a little guy at the Golden Core level go?

"Miss? Why don't you stay in the treasure chariot?" Gu Tian glanced and saw Cui Qingning stepping down from the bronze treasure chariot.

"Uncle Gu Tian, ​​brother Chen Xi, is he alright?" The girl pursed her lips, her pale and innocent face was filled with an unconcealable look of worry, and even a trace of self-blame.

She seemed to feel that it was because she was too negligent and did not take good care of Chen Xi that Chen Xi was left behind, and her whereabouts are still unknown.

"Miss, Chen Xi is an auspicious person, so nothing will happen, you don't have to worry." Gu Tian comforted in a warm voice.

"That's right, brother Chen Xi can even dodge Qing Xiao's assassination, so he will definitely be fine." Cui Qingning's eyes lit up, and she said confidently.

Seeing this, Gu Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and secretly said: "I hope so too."

Thinking of this, Gu Tian suddenly raised his head and pondered: "Miss, is Mr. Cui Ming in Black Cliff City reliable?"

Cui Qingning was stunned, and said: "The sixth cousin has taken good care of me since I was a child, and his father is my third uncle, and he has the best relationship with my father. He should not be on the side of the second elder."

Gu Tian seemed to be secretly relieved, and said: "That's good, when we arrive at Black Cliff City, we will use the power of Mr. Cui Ming to activate the large moving formation in the city and rush to the Yellow Springs. Can't catch up with us."

Cui Qingning nodded, and immediately remembered something, her eyes showed a look of bewilderment and loss, "But I am worried that even if I return to the clan, I will..."

Gu Tian patted the girl on the shoulder, and stopped him: "Miss, don't worry, when I return to the family, I will contact all the old brothers in the Criminal Law Department to escort the lady."

"Huh! Look quickly, that seems to be Chen Xi..."

At this time, one of the guards seemed to have discovered something and was surprised.

"Sure enough, it's Chen Xi, but how could there be one more person beside him?"

The others also noticed that there were two figures rushing towards that extremely far away, and the leader was none other than Chen Xi, but behind him was a strange woman.

"Could it be that Chen Xi was coerced by that woman and wanted to harm us?" A guard frowned, and a stern look appeared in his eyes.

Gu Tian waved his hand to signal everyone to be calm.

However, his expression also became serious, because he could clearly sense that the woman who looked as cold as ice had a strength not inferior to his own!

In other words, the opponent's cultivation base is at least around the fourth level of the Earth Immortal.

This is too strange, it was only a short cup of tea, how could Chen Xi befriend such a powerful woman?I'm afraid there must be something strange in this!

Realizing this, Gu Tian quietly guarded Cui Qingning behind him, secretly guarding himself.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting."

Chen Xi slowed down a thousand feet away, and walked step by step, with a magnanimous demeanor.

He also found that Gu Tian and the others had a look of wariness in their eyes, obviously because there was an extra Bei Ling beside him.

"Oh, this is..." Chen Xi said, planning to introduce Bei Ling's identity, so as to clear up the misunderstanding in everyone's mind.

At this time, Bei Ling rushed to speak and said, "I am Bei Ling, and now I am his maid."

Hearing this, not only Gu Tian and the others were taken aback, but even the corners of Chen Xi's lips couldn't help twitching, and he glanced at Bei Ling strangely.


I swear to God, he had never discussed this with Belling before. In other words, this was all Belling's own rhetoric.

Unfortunately, this rhetoric is too lame...

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, he suddenly regretted keeping the aura around him around the Golden Core realm.

Sure enough, the next moment, Gu Tian and the others even looked at Chen Xi with a look of vigilance.

Probably in their view, this is simply a lie full of flaws. How can a strong earth immortal be willing to be the maid of a guy in the golden core state?

What's more, this maid is so beautiful, not only the clothes are exquisite and gorgeous, but also her manners are so elegant and calm, just like a lady born in a noble family of etiquette, how can she condescend to be a maid?


So abnormal!

Chen Xi opened his mouth, and was about to explain, but Cui Qingning had already said crisply, "Brother Chen Xi, it's good that you come back, I was very worried about you just now."

As she said that, she happily ran to Chen Xi's side and hugged his arm.

Seeing this scene, Gu Tian was so frightened that he trembled all over, and shouted: "Miss!"

Cui Qingning raised her head, wondering, "Uncle Gu Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Gu Tian looked at Chen Xi, then at Bei Ling, and finally shook his head: "It's nothing."

Chen Xi was very clear about what was going on in Gu Tian's mind, so he couldn't help being speechless for a while, stepped forward, and quickly whispered something in Gu Tian's ear.

"Really?" Gu Tian was startled, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Chen Xi nodded.

Gu Tian glanced at Bei Ling in a daze, then shook his head, with a hint of sympathy in his expression.

Next, without any further delay, everyone started on their way.

According to Gu Tian, ​​if they run with all their strength, they can reach Black Cliff City within two days, and when they get there, their situation will become much safer.

On the way, Belling suddenly asked, "What did you tell him just now?"

Chen Xi sighed, and said, "Do you really want to listen?"

Belling nodded, looking very serious.

"I said you were short-sighted. You mistakenly took Meng Po Tang and lost your memory. In the end, you mistakenly thought that I was your son. You swore to follow me to the death. You couldn't drive me away. You had to keep me with you." Chen Xi told the truth, I'm sorry.

What he didn't expect was that Bei Ling didn't seem to be annoyed, and nodded thoughtfully: "That's a good reason."

Chen Xi was taken aback, he didn't expect that this woman seemed cold and proud, but she had a pretty good temper.

Along the way, all the guards were extremely wary of Bei Ling's sudden joining, but after Gu Tian told Chen Xi's reasons, everyone immediately showed a bit of sympathy for Bei Ling.

Mengpo soup, that is a treasure that can erase even the memory of gods.

No one thought that this strong man in the [-]th level of the Earth Immortal would accidentally drink Meng Po Tang and lose his memory, which is a bit too pitiful...

Of course, they also had doubts about this reason at the beginning, but after walking together for two days, they found that Bei Ling hadn't changed anything, and had been following Chen Xi's side from beginning to end, this doubt gradually faded a lot.

On the contrary, everyone began to envy Chen Xi a little. They felt that this guy in the Golden Core Realm accidentally had a beautiful and elegant Earth Immortal strongman as his maid.

Two days later.

It can already be seen from a distance that in the far distance of the cloudy sky, there is a majestic city, like a huge beast entrenched on the horizon, extremely eye-catching.

Black Cliff City!

Seeing the outline of the majestic city in the far distance, Gu Tian and his party all showed a look of relief and joy on their faces.

"I didn't expect that we didn't encounter any danger in the past two days. Have those damn bastards already given up?" a guard said with a smile.

Everyone else was also a little surprised.

Only Chen Xi knew well that Qing Xiao originally planned to do something two days ago, but it was a pity that he ran into him, and invisibly helped Gu Tian and others resolve a crisis.

"You bastard, don't you want someone to rob and kill you?" After Gu Tian smiled and scolded the guard, he waved his hand and continued on his way.

As we got closer to Heiya City, we could clearly see that this majestic city was completely dark, entrenched between the sky and the earth, the city walls alone were hundreds of feet high, and torches as thick as pillars were inserted around the walls, densely packed like The ten thousand-foot fire dragon spreading over the city wall dispelled all the haze in the sky, and the flames shone fiercely in all directions.

At this time, in front of the city gate, there were already many creatures coming in and out, and it seemed quite lively.

Chen Xi even saw two violent-looking big men, holding two-foot-long iron whips, driving a group of ghosts shrouded in black mist towards the city, which seemed quite mysterious.

That is the unique "ghost exorcist" in the underworld, who makes a living by catching evil spirits and ghosts.

But soon, Chen Xi was attracted by a group of people.

The leader was a young man in a golden robe, holding a jade fan, sitting astride a three-foot-high pitch-black beast, with a leisurely demeanor, as if he was waiting for someone.

Behind him, followed by a group of well-equipped followers, about a hundred of them, occupying the street in the center in front of the city gate.

The pedestrians passing by not only did not dare to express any dissatisfaction, but even looked at these people with deep fear and awe.

It was not these things that attracted Chen Xi, but the mount under the crotch of the golden-robed youth, which was a ghostly unicorn!

The unicorn is originally a terrifying divine beast in the heaven and earth. It is as famous as the phoenix, Qingluan, Xuanwu, Bai Ze and other divine beasts. However, after the ghost unicorn fell, its soul poured into the nether world, and then it was captured by the golden robe youth. Captured and raised for his own mount.

"Cousin! I finally expected you to come!"

After seeing Gu Tian and his party from afar, the young man in the golden robe immediately lit up his eyes, turned over and got off the ghost unicorn, and walked towards this side with a big smile.


ps: The third update is after 2 o'clock in the morning, I can't wait to watch it tomorrow.

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