divine talisman

Chapter 944 Evil Ghost Commands [Part 3]

At this time, Cui Qingning had already stepped out of the bronze treasure chariot, seeing this young man in golden robe, a look of excitement appeared on her small face, and she said crisply, "Sixth cousin!"

The young man in the golden robe laughed loudly, and said: "This time I found out that you are going to travel through the blood basin, I was so worried that I didn't sleep well for several days, but now that you arrived safely, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. "

Cui Qingning's eyes turned red, and she said in a low voice, "Thank you, cousin six, for missing me."

The young man in the golden robe waved his hand and said: "Qing Ning, don't see outsiders, this is what I should do, okay, let's go back to the city together, I have already arranged a place for you, and when everything is settled, I will welcome you Wash the dust!"

As he spoke, he took Cui Qingning's hand and walked towards the city gate.

"Show me off! Go back to the city!"

A waiter behind the golden-robed youth roared loudly.

Immediately, the group of well-equipped and brave-looking guards suddenly surrounded the young man in gold robe and Cui Qingning, and walked towards the middle of the black cliff city gate, full of style.

Gu Tian followed closely behind with a group of guards.

"That's the eldest son of Cui Fanghu, the third elder of the Cui family. He is the sixth eldest in the younger generation of the clan. His name is Cui Ming. He is Miss's cousin. He is now in control of Black Cliff City and is the city lord."

Gu Tian quickly explained to Chen Xi through voice transmission: "Mr. Cui Ming has been gifted since he was a child. He was born with the soul of a unicorn. He is the best in the Cui family. Now he has the cultivation base of the fifth level of the earth immortal. Fighting endlessly, with his aptitude and strength, he is enough to go to the Criminal Law Department."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "It is indeed a character."

Hearing the words, Gu Tian couldn't help but look stagnant, and secretly said: "This boy in the Golden Core realm seems to be modest, but he didn't expect his tone to be quite loud...Who would dare to rely on Mr. Cui Ming like this if he were any other strong Golden Core?"

Chen Xi was keenly aware of the subtle change in Gu Tian's expression, and couldn't help laughing in his heart. Could it be that the peak king of the eighth-level Earth Immortal realm couldn't comment on the existence of a fifth-level Earth Immortal?

But he didn't point it out, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Brother Gu Tian, ​​what kind of existence is the Criminal Law Department? Why isn't it in the Sixth Department of the Underworld?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Gu Tian was stunned, and immediately remembered that Chen Xi was not a person in the nether world, so it was reasonable to not understand it, and he explained immediately: "The Criminal Law Department is the judge's hall in the former underworld. It is in charge of judging and sentencing. , but it is one level lower than the ten halls of Yama, and it is the central organization in the nether world."

Chen Xi couldn't help but shudder inwardly. Speaking of which, since the Cui clan that Cui Qingning belonged to was able to control the Criminal Law Department, it must be a formidable behemoth in the Netherworld Palace.



Black Cliff City is very prosperous, and there are rough and simple styles everywhere, but magnificent and magnificent buildings, which are completely different from the exquisite and gorgeous style of the human world.

This was the first city that belonged to the Nether Realm that Chen Xi entered, and his first impression was——weird!

On the streets, strands of will-o'-the-wisps floated everywhere, indigo, azure, scarlet, and orange. The colors were colorful and gorgeous.

Under every wisp of will-o'-the-wisp, there is a ghost floating. Like pedestrians, they sell various items in the streets and alleys. There are old people, girls with cardamom, and children with yellow mouths.

These ghosts are different from fierce ghosts and fierce ghosts. They all have a peaceful expression and a gentle aura.

"This is the ghost, formed by some souls who do not want to reincarnate. They stay in the netherworld and help the ghosts do some chores, but they are also loyal. Some ghosts that perform well will even get some ghosts to carry out Practice."

Seeing Chen Xi's interested appearance, Gu Tian couldn't help explaining with a smile.

"It really opened my eyes." Chen Xi secretly sighed, this kind of scene can be regarded as unique in the Three Realms.

"If Brother Chen Xi is interested, you might as well take some wraiths as servants. They will be absolutely loyal and obedient to their words and deeds." Gu Tian said.

Chen Xi shook his head, and said, "Forget it."

Gu Tian smiled and said no more.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion and confusion on the street ahead.

"Huh? Someone dares to block the way of Mr. Cui Ming?" Gu Tian was stunned, and murmured: "It shouldn't be, he is the Lord of Black Cliff City, who would dare to do that?"

Chen Xi's immortal thoughts spread away, and immediately presented the scene in the distance in detail in his mind.



Cui Ming, who was dressed in a golden robe, looked a little gloomy.

Opposite him stood a man and a woman. The man was tall and heroic, with a striking tattoo of a ghost on his forehead, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour, adding a ferocious aura to him.

The woman has red hair, skin like snow, and is wearing a black leather jacket. She vividly outlines her graceful and hot figure, and her pretty face is enchanting and charming.

This man and woman's aura is actually not weaker than that of Cui Ming, and they are both obviously strong in the fairyland.

At this time, it was the two of them who stopped in front of the team.

"Brother Cui, for the sake of a little girl, you don't hesitate to be our enemy. You really let us down."

The man shook his head and sighed, his face full of regret.

"Could it be that brother Cui thinks that the conditions we gave are not generous enough? If so, everything can be discussed. As long as you hand over that little girl, I can even make the decision on behalf of my adults, and transfer you to the evil ghost department. Destiny job!"

The red-haired woman in black smiled coquettishly and said leisurely.

"Liu Jun, Rui Qing, if you don't get out of the way, don't blame me for being rude!"

Cui Ming frowned, his brows were icy cold, his voice was sonorous, and there was no room for maneuver.

"So you have decided to be our enemy?"

Liu Jun frowned, and the evil ghost tattoo on his forehead seemed to come alive, with a blood-blue color that penetrated people.

"That's enough, Liu Jun, haven't you seen that Sixth Master Cui loves that little girl very much?"

Rui Qingjiao interrupted with a smile, then slowly stretched out three fingers, waved them in front of Cui Ming's eyes, and said, "Sixth Young Master Cui, we will not make things difficult for you, we will give you three days to think about it, after three days, We will come again, but if you are still like this by then... you will understand the consequences."

The words were not finished, but there was a full sense of threat in them.

The next moment, Rui Qing grabbed Liu Jun's hand, tore open the void, and disappeared suddenly.


Cui Ming snorted coldly, but his face was gloomy. He never expected that the other party would be so arrogant, blocking him in the street, it was lawless!

"Sixth cousin, what happened?"

Cui Qingning came down from the bronze chariot, her small face was full of worry. She was in the chariot just now, and Cui Ming communicated with Liu Jun and Rui Qing through sound transmission, so she didn't hear the content .

But even so, she could still keenly sense that those two seemed to be quite unkind to the sixth cousin.

"It's okay, get in the car quickly, let's go home first." Cui Ming smiled, his face became warm and cheerful in an instant.

"En." Cui Qingning nodded.

The team continued to move forward.

It's just that the atmosphere has become a little dull.

Just now, Chen Xi had already captured all the previous scene in his eyes, and because he was afraid of disturbing the other party, he didn't find out what Cui Ming was communicating with those two people.

However, it could be vaguely sensed that the two of them seemed to be here for Cui Qingning, because when they were talking, their gazes had been intentionally or unintentionally fixed on the bronze treasure chariot where Cui Qingning was.

"It seems that even if she enters this Black Cliff City, this little girl's situation is very bad. Now let's see if Cui Ming can be trusted..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful.

"If I'm not mistaken, those two should be the two Commanders of the Evil Ghost Division."

Gu Tian suddenly said, "The Evil Ghost Division is in charge of crossing evil and suppressing evil, just like the executioner in the world, who is best at using torture and punishing evil spirits. Just like the Hell Division, each Commander's hands are stained with countless blood , all violent and bloodthirsty, the most ruthless, I don't know how Mr. Cui Ming got entangled with them."

Chen Xi did know that among the six departments of the underworld, the person in charge of the six departments is called the "big department head", and there is a "commissioner" under him, who handles the affairs of each department full-time, and has extremely heavy authority.

Every commander is selected through strict selection, and the only criterion for selection is strength!

It is said that almost every one of the powerhouses in charge of orders in the Six Dao Division of the Underworld is a one-in-a-million powerful character, and their strength is above the fifth level of the Earth Immortal, and their fighting power is extremely fierce. Blinking ruthless character.

As for the Grand Secretary, it rarely appears under normal circumstances, and its strength is all unfathomable. It is equivalent to the existence of Huangquan Emperor, Meng Po Palace Master, and Wufang Ghost Emperor.

"I don't know which big shot Xiuyi has fallen into the hands of the Nether Underworld. If I have a chance, I would like to inquire about it. Who would be the sacred one who can use the Nether Plate as a sacrifice..."

The more he understood everything about the Netherworld, the more worried Chen Xi was about Qing Xiuyi's current situation, but he also knew very well that before his strength recovered, it would be useless to worry any more.

For today's plan, it can only be done step by step.



Black Cliff City, the City Lord's Mansion.

This is a mansion with an area of ​​a thousand mu, with small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, and the environment is quite elegant.

Only by careful observation can one discover that the entire City Lord's Mansion has a rigorous layout, and layers of precise guards are stationed everywhere, guarding the safety of the entire City Lord's Mansion either explicitly or covertly.

After arriving here, Chen Xi was arranged in a courtyard to take a bath and rest. At ten o'clock at night, Cui Ming would hold a banquet in the main hall to welcome Cui Qingning and the rest of the group. Chen Xi was also invited.

Of course, this is also due to Cui Qingning's credit. After all, the aura he exudes now is really too weak, even slightly inferior to the guards in the city lord's mansion.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was also very helpless, he couldn't show a brand new realm in one day, right?In that case, it would be too dazzling and easily cause too many misunderstandings.

"Forget it, take advantage of this time, it is better to collect the power of the nether world in the corpse of the blood ghost king first, and refine the nether world record."

After Chen Xi took a bath, he felt refreshed, and after a moment of pondering, he made a decision.

He was very curious, when the power of the Nether Record was restored enough to be opened, what kind of secrets were hidden in it?


ps: Three more!Don't break your promise!

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