divine talisman

Chapter 945 Great Wheel Chapter Jue [Part 1]


In the room, wisps of pure and substantial Nether power flowed out from Xue Kong's corpse, and were then executed by Chen Xi to be extradited to the Nether Record in front of him.

The power of the nether world is very unique, completely different from the various spiritual power attributes in the human world, filled with a cold, deep, pure and ruthless taste.

Like cold metal, it is not as vibrant and lively as spiritual power, but there is no doubt that the power of the nether world is also an extremely powerful force.

This kind of power is even higher than spiritual power, but slightly inferior to Xianyuan.

It was also because of this that Chen Xi was able to tame him with the immortal essence in his body just now, and then gradually extradite him to the Nether Record.


With the influx of Nether power, the palm-sized Nether Record was like a white jade book, with a glint of luster quietly appearing on the surface, with a grand, broad, and profound aura.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but be overjoyed. Sure enough, this Nether Power is a key to unlock the Nether Record, and it's no wonder that he couldn't explore its mysteries in the past...


After a cup of tea, when the Nether power in Xue Kong's body was about to be drained, the Nether Record flashed and opened suddenly, like opening a mysterious door, and the scenery inside was reflected for the first time. Now in front of Chen Xi!

Great reincarnation!

The first thing that catches the eyelids is a line of iron-painted silver hooks, written with sharp brushstrokes, every word is pearly, blooming with immeasurable light, causing Chen Xi's eyes to ache.

After a while, the vision of all this faded away.

Chen Xi raised his eyes, and saw that on the first page of Nether Records, there was a small person sitting cross-legged. The small person seemed to be formed by the condensation of light and shadow. He was breathing and meditating. , all glowing brightly.

If you look carefully, you can see that the dots of light converge into lines, meandering and circulating in the meridians of the whole body, forming a complicated and mysterious picture of exercise and meditation!

"Reincarnation! It really is the art of reincarnation! Unexpectedly, it is hidden in this Nether Record. After the gods and Buddhas beheaded and killed the third Nether Emperor, they tried hard to find the inheritance of the law on him, but found nothing. Unexpectedly, it was obtained by you little guy, it really is a matter of luck, and it is useless to plan."

Xiao Ding spoke suddenly, with an uncontrollable emotion in his voice.

"Senior, is this Great Reincarnation Art very powerful?" Chen Xi was surprised.

"It's more than powerful. After the division of the three realms, each of the three realms has its own magic method, but in this Netherworld, the art of reincarnation is the most supreme, unmatched in the past and the present!"

Xiao Ding said slowly, "The nether world is reincarnation, and life and death follow it. The reason why the great emperor of the nether world was able to surpass the universe and honor the nether world is due to this great reincarnation formula."

Hearing this, Chen Xi was also amazed in his heart. He never expected that on the first page of the Nether Record, there was a supreme cultivation technique that shocked the past and present!

"Now that your aura is different from that of the people in the Nether world, you can practice this skill to cover up your aura. In this way, you will no longer attract the attention of others, and in the future you want to inherit the mantle and legacy of the third Nether Emperor, It is also inseparable from the power of the Great Reincarnation Jue."

Xiao Ding said: "After all, this Great Reincarnation Art is not just a simple exercise, but also symbolizes the identity of the heir of the Nether Emperor. When you grow up, you can take over the Nether Underworld and become the new Nether Emperor! "

In charge of the underworld?

Achieving the position of Nether Emperor?

Hearing the words, even with Chen Xi's calm state of mind that has long since been honed to be firmer than a rock, he couldn't help but feel an unstoppable wave of waves.

But soon, he came to his senses, smiled wryly and shook his head and said, "With my current strength, I don't dare to hope to control the Netherworld. It is enough to save Xiuyi and return to the human world."

Xiao Ding said: "It can be done in the future."

"Who can predict the future?"

Chen Xi sighed, thinking of his mother Zuoqiu Xue who was imprisoned in the Immortal Yuanwei Immortal Prison, and thinking of his father Chen Lingjun whose whereabouts were unknown.

There are too many things on him, so he dare not expect too much, he can only move forward all the way, lest he will slack off a bit.



The ghost power in Xue Kong's corpse was collected, but he could only open the first page of the ghost record, but he didn't know how much ghost power was needed to open the next page.

Regarding this, Chen Xi did not force it, but instead focused on the "Great Reincarnation Art".

Life and death go back and forth, one year old and one dry and prosperous!

The essence of the Great Samsara Jue is embodied in these few ten words. The specific method of exercise is to transform the power of the whole body into the two qi of life and death, and perform three-day cycle according to the mysterious exercise diagram, 72 Little Sunday cycle.

In the final analysis, this "Great Reincarnation Jue" is actually a qi-refining method, but in comparison, it is more obscure and magical, with alternation of life and death, orderly withering and prosperity, implying the magic of reincarnation.

With Chen Xi's comprehension, it is not difficult to find out the mysteries and mysteries in it.

After a cup of tea.

He has already mastered all the mysteries of the "Great Reincarnation Jue" by heart.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi began to try to cultivate. The Qi machine in his body roared, turning the immortal essence into the two Qi of life and death, which circulated back and forth along the meridians and acupoints in his body...


It's like a torrent of ice and molten fire alternately in the whole body at the same time, one cold and one hot, one life and one death, the colors are black and white, and the alternation is the principle of the cycle of life and death.

Chen Xi soon discovered that his celestial essence had carried a ray of ghostly aura, which was cold, pure, profound, and mighty. When this force gathered in the chaotic world, it immediately caused Shocking changes!

In that chaotic world, there was originally a splendid, beautiful, and peaceful universe, but now, with the influx of immortal essence carrying the power of the nether world, the entire world was suddenly shaken by thunder and lightning. , The hurricane roared, and everything seemed to return to chaos and reshape the universe.


Between the sky and the earth, a bolt of lightning tore down as if splitting chaos, forcibly opening up a vast space.

In this space, it is dark and vast, with ancient stone bridges, turbid seas of bitterness, ghosts and monsters...etc.

"Youming! I understand!"

"This chaotic world corresponds to the outside world, reflects the heaven and the earth, life and death are the laws of heaven, and are in order between the universe, so the ghosts are born, all things have changes in prosperity, and all spirits have a cycle of birth, old age, sickness and death!"

"And everything circulates in it and evolves day by day, which is the mystery of the universe's changes!"

At this moment, various enlightenments arose in Chen Xi's heart.

But in his body, the chaotic world has turned into another appearance, the cycle of sun and dawn, the alternation of day and night, the passage of time in it, resulting in the changes of the four seasons, everything has a kind of impermanence and permanent changes, creatures There is a cycle of life and death.

Death is not the end, but the beginning of new life.

It's like falling leaves returning to their roots, just to accumulate strength and break through the ground again to regenerate.

And all of this comes from the power of the nether world in the chaotic world!

"There are gaps in the Dao, but they can complement each other to achieve perfection. People have different paths, but they all belong to the Dao..."

Feeling the changes in the power of his body calmly, Chen Xi suddenly had an extra understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. It was a perception of exploring the origin of all things and gaining insight into the essence of heaven and earth.

dong dong!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard, and after a while, the sound of Bei Ling's footsteps sounded outside the door, "Master, Mr. Cui Ming sent someone to invite you, and he has prepared a banquet in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, please come feast."

Hearing that, when Chen Xi woke up from his meditation, a look of amusement could not help but appear on his lips. This Bei Ling took on the role very quickly, as if she already regarded herself as a dutiful little maid.



The main hall of the City Lord's Mansion is lit with neon lights, and the huge hall is gorgeous and bright.

When Chen Xi arrived, Cui Qingning, Gu Tian and the others had already arrived for a long time, sitting cross-legged behind the desk.

The lord of Black Cliff City, Cui Qingning's sixth cousin, Cui Ming, was also sitting on the main seat, talking in a low voice with Cui Qingning beside him.

There were no other outsiders, and the atmosphere seemed quite relaxed.


But what surprised Chen Xi was that the moment he brought Bei Ling into the main hall, everyone's eyes fell on him in unison, with a hint of kindness in their expressions.

"Haha, this is Brother Chen Xi, take your seat quickly."

Cui Ming got up, strode over, and warmly invited him.

This time, Chen Xi was a little surprised. You must know that the aura he is showing now is only at the Golden Core Realm, and the other party is a fourth-level Earth Immortal expert, and he is even the leader of the Black Cliff City. Lord, at this time, he took the initiative to stand up and invite you. How could Chen Xi not be surprised by this grand ceremony?

"Thank you, Young Master Cui." Chen Xi collected his thoughts and said with a smile.

"Brother Chen saved Qing Ning, he is the great benefactor of my Cui family, and I hope that Brother Chen will not see anyone else. If there is anything negligent, Brother Chen, please forgive me."

Cui Ming laughed heartily. He waited for Chen Xi to take his seat before returning to his seat.

Not to mention what kind of person this Cui Ming was, just because of this point, Chen Xi felt a lot of goodwill, because he could clearly feel that the other party was not just trying to put himself off, and his attitude was sincere and sincere.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that Chen Xi's seat is actually closer to the main seat than Gu Tian and others, and it is comparable to Cui Qingning's seat. This is a kind of treatment like a chief VIP.

It can be seen from this that Cui Ming really wanted to thank Chen Xi sincerely for this cleansing feast, and the reason was nothing more than Chen Xi's saving Cui Qingning's life.

This also shows from another side how important Cui Qingning is in Cui Ming's heart.

"It's such a sumptuous banquet, Mr. Cui Ming won't blame Wang for coming uninvited, right? Hahaha..."

After the line of waiters presented the drinks and dishes one by one, Cui Ming just raised his wine glass and was about to say something. At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came from outside the hall. The sound was as loud as a bell.

Hearing this, Cui Ming's expression darkened, and he lowered the hand holding the wine glass again, his eyes were as cold as lightning, and he looked out of the hall from afar.

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