divine talisman

Chapter 946 Asura Commanding Order [Part 2]

That voice pierced through the hall, carrying a sense of arrogance and domineering, without having to look at Cui Ming's face, everyone knew that the visitor was not kind!

For a moment, everyone turned their eyes to the outside of the hall.

I saw a group of three people, stepping into the night, Shi Shiran walked into the main hall, the leader was an extremely handsome young man, handsome in appearance, his facial features were carved like jade, giving people an evil and charming atmosphere.

Behind him, followed by a man and a woman, they were Liu Jun and Rui Qing, the commanders of the Evil Ghost Department of the underworld.

Seeing these three people, even Chen Xi frowned, knowing in his heart that they were probably here for Cui Qingning again.

"Bold! How dare you break into the City Lord's Mansion at night!"

"Quick, catch the thief quickly!"

There was a rush of footsteps outside the main hall. It was the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, wearing black armor, rushing like a tide.

Seeing this, Cui Ming couldn't help frowning, got up from his seat, waved his hands and said, "You all step back."

Seeing this, the guards were slightly taken aback, looked at Cui Ming, then at the three people in the hall, and finally took orders to retreat.

"Haha, these bastards have eyes but no eyes. It's really ridiculous to treat the distinguished guests as thieves. Mr. Cui must train them well, so that they don't take care of the door and cause some trouble to the house."

The young man in the lead looked up to the sky and laughed, commenting unscrupulously, not polite at all, with a forceful and domineering aura.

"Wang Chong, you came here just to make fun of my men?"

Cui Ming's face was a little gloomy.

"Of course not. I'm here for the banquet. I heard that Miss Cui's family is here. How can I not come to pay a visit?"

Wang Chong laughed loudly, his eyes were like knives, and fell on Cui Qingning who was sitting on the seat. Seeing that the other person was so scared that his face was pale, and he seemed a little frightened, a sneer appeared on his lips.

"What about you? Didn't you agree to give three days for consideration?"

Cui Ming looked at Liu Jun and Rui Qing, not hiding his anger.

If it was just the two of them, he would not be afraid, but with Wang Chong tonight, he had to be careful.

This Wang Chong is the chief commander from the Shura Division. He is full-time to suppress the Nether Blood River and prevent it from causing harm to the Nether World. Therefore, killing cannot kill, only by suppressing it under the river of blood can it prevent it from causing disaster to the world.

Wang Chong himself is from the most valiant Shura clan in the Netherworld. He has been stationed on the banks of the Blood River in the Netherworld. Even though the other party is only at the fifth level of the Earth Immortal Realm, his years of fighting and killing have made him stronger than ordinary people. Even more terrifying.

Since he appeared here, how could Cui Ming not be afraid?

"I can't help it. I'm worried about Ye Chang's dream. If Brother Cui takes the opportunity to send Miss Cui away, wouldn't my trip be in vain?"

Liu Jun said slowly, the ghost tattoo on his forehead glowed with a ferocious luster.

"You guys are deceiving people too much! It seems that you can't interfere with the affairs of my Cui family, right?" Cui Ming's face was gloomy, and his voice had become unceremonious.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this action was exactly assigned by your Cui family members. As for who it is, Mr. Cui must know in his heart."

Wang Chong laughed out loud, with an insolent demeanor.

Cui Ming was stunned, his face became more and more gloomy, livid, his eyes were about to burst into flames, family fighting, after all, is still a matter within the family, but now someone is colluding with outsiders to deal with their own people, really damn it!

No need to guess, he knew that the one who could do such despicable things must be the Second Elder, and only the Second Elder had been secretly in touch with the Evil Ghost Division and the Asura Division.

Cui Qingning, Gu Tian and the others also looked shocked and angry, and immediately dispatched the three heads of the Evil Ghost Division and the Asura Division, obviously to drive them all out!

You know, this kind of power is enough to sweep any city in the Netherworld.

"Young Master Cui, since we have already talked to this level, I might as well say it bluntly, as long as you hand over Miss Cui, the important figures of your Cui family will arrange a bright future for you in the future."

Wang Chong suppressed his smile, stared at Cui Ming and said leisurely, "If not, don't blame me for being too strong. You should know that with your strength, it is impossible to be our opponent."

The voice fell, and the whole audience was silent, dead silent.

Liu Jun and Rui Qing crossed their arms, and proudly glanced at everyone in the hall, except for a little sizing up of Bei Ling and Gu Tian, ​​they turned their eyes away.

Obviously, they are also very clear that in the hall, apart from Cui Ming, Bei Ling and Gu Tian deserve attention. Of course, they are just paying attention, not fear.

With their self-confidence in their own strength, if they are confident that they can easily capture the two of them.

Cui Qingning's face was pale, and her innocent brows were full of unconcealable worry and horror. No matter how much this eleven or twelve-year-old girl suppressed her emotions at this moment, she looked extremely pale and powerless at this moment. .

Chen Xi sighed softly in his heart, and said in a warm voice: "Don't worry, trust me, just treat it as a good show."

Cui Qingning was stunned, looking at the comforting expression on Chen Xi's face opposite, her heart warmed up for no reason, but the worry in her heart couldn't be erased for a while, let alone watching the theater with a cold eye.

Chen Xi also knew that the girl's heart was pure and kind, and she was still an inexperienced child. If such a sudden change happened, if she were a normal person, she might not be able to perform much better than her.

"So, if I don't agree, you're going to kill me too?" Cui Ming said with a livid expression, his voice was cold and icy as if squeezed through his teeth.

"I just hope it doesn't."

Wang Chong shrugged his shoulders very chicly, with a relaxed demeanor, he didn't pay attention to Cui Ming's attitude at all.

"Sixth cousin, how about..."

Cui Qingning gritted her teeth, her voice trembling uncontrollably, as if she was about to make a decision.

"Qing Ning! Don't say any more, even if I die today, I will not hand you over to these bastards!"

Cui Ming knew what she was going to say, and immediately interrupted her with a resolute voice.

"Young Master Cui, I'll help you fight!" Na Gu Tian suddenly got up and strode to Cui Ming.


Wang Chong glanced at Gu Tian coldly, and uttered a few words from his lips.

"Well, leave this guy to me, I hate such stubborn and stupid things the most."

Liu Jun smiled lightly, the evil ghost tattoo on his forehead was ferocious and ferocious, almost as if he wanted to come back to life.

"Sister, don't sit still, why don't we play?"

That Rui Qing glanced at Bei Ling, licked her fiery red lips frivolously, and said with a coquettish smile.

Bellingdai frowned, and a look of disgust appeared on her cold face, as if she hated this kind of provocative behavior extremely. She looked at Chen Xi, as if asking for advice.

"Hey, sister, don't you still want to listen to the orders of a small person in the Golden Core Realm?"

Rui Qing glanced at Chen Xi in astonishment, but her expression was full of disdain and contempt, "Oh, it's really embarrassing for us women, do you want me to kill him first, and then we can do it?"

"Can you make her shut up?" Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to all of this, but looked at Bei Ling and asked indifferently.

"Yes!" Belling replied without hesitation.

"How sure are you?" Chen Xi continued to ask.

"It's easy to kill her, but it's a little troublesome just to shut her up." Bei Ling frowned and said seriously.

"Okay, then kill her, and then she will shut up." Chen Xi immediately made a decision.

There was no sound transmission in the conversation between the two, so it fell into everyone's ears clearly. In this depressing and dead atmosphere, there was an indescribably strange feeling.

A little guy in the Golden Core Realm instigated a strong Earth Immortal to kill people?

This is fucking ridiculous!

At least, Wang Chong, Liu Jun, and Rui Qing thought so, and even felt that the boy was afraid that he would say such idiotic words because he was frightened into a fool.

Even Cui Ming was a little surprised, even though he had already known from Gu Tian that Chen Xi had mistakenly accepted a strong earth fairy as a maid in the Bloody Bitter Land, and he was still a little skeptical at that time.

But seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

But that's fine, if there is this cold woman to help, in a three-on-three situation, even if it is not the opponent, it is at least enough to give Cui Qingning a chance to escape.


No one expected that after Bei Ling got Chen Xi's reply, he would ignore everything and get up straight, and with his clothes fluttering, he had already killed Rui Qing.

Obviously, she was carrying out Chen Xi's orders meticulously.

"What an idiot-like woman, she actually listens to a little thing at the Golden Core Realm!"

That Rui Qing stared, with a cold killing intent in her eyes, she jumped up, with one hand like a knife, ruthlessly cut into the void, blocking Bei Ling's attack.

"Brother Chen, please help take Qing Ning to leave. After leaving the main hall, someone will take you to the teleportation array in the city. If there is a chance to see you next time, I will definitely invite you to Fengxue Palace to drink a pot of the god's wine!"

In Chen Xi's ears, Cui Ming's fast voice transmission could be heard.

Before the voice fell, Cui Ming charged up, shouted loudly, and rushed towards Wang Chong.

At the same time, Gu Tian also brazenly dispatched to meet Liu Jun.

All of a sudden, the strong winds in the hall crisscrossed, and the light exploded, just like volcanoes erupting suddenly, destroying everything in the hall.

Chen Xi was startled, looking at Cui Ming and Gu Tian who regarded death as if they were at home, a vague smile could not help but appear on his lips.

He jumped to Cui Qingning's side, carefully guarding her behind his back, and asked, "Do you want to leave now?"

Cui Qingning shook her head again and again, with a look of disappointment and melancholy, and said in a low voice: "I would rather die here with my sixth cousin than return to the clan alone."

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, no one will die."

As he spoke, he raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared in a flash.


ps: I ate watermelon for a day and then broke my stomach at night. Chapter 2 has already been coded, but it just got through. Today is so f*cking and sad!Fuck!

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