divine talisman

Chapter 947 Chen Xi Takes Action [Part 1]


Under the pitch-black night, the Lord's Mansion of the Black Cliff City suddenly produced a burst of crashing and crashing sounds, and the brilliant light soared into the sky, shocking the whole city.

One after another silhouettes rushed towards the sky, fighting fiercely, the thunder swayed furiously, and the haze surged, turning everything within a radius of ten thousand li into a tragic battlefield.

This is a duel between the strong in the earth and fairyland. The mountains and rivers collapsed in a snap of the fingers, and the sun and the moon were dark. Such power and influence made the people in the city run away in panic, fearing that they would be affected.

All of a sudden, there were exclamations, shouts for help, crying for father and mother, all in chaos.

In this chaos, Chen Xi and Cui Qingning quietly stopped outside the battlefield, his demeanor was as calm as a rock, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the battlefield.

The situation is very bad!

Neither Gu Tian nor Cui Ming are opponents, and they are in a state of being suppressed as soon as the battle is fierce. If the two hadn't fought for their lives and were not afraid of death, they might have been defeated already.

The only thing that made Chen Xi feel at ease was Bei Ling, this woman who had cultivated the Dao with a wisp of ghost emperor bodhicitta, her strength was undeniably strong, cold and chilling, and she had vaguely taken the initiative.

What surprised him most was that when Bei Ling raised his hands and feet, there was an aura of "the Tao of the other side". Although he had not reached the point of perfection, his power should not be underestimated.

It was also because of this that Rui Qing, the Chief Commander from the Evil Ghost Division, was suppressed by him and dodged repeatedly.

The Dao of the Other Shore is one of the three supreme avenues in the Netherworld, alongside the mysteries of sinking and ending. Originally, Chen Xi thought that no one in the world except himself could comprehend the mysteries of it, but it is obvious that he There seems to be a slight deviation in this cognition...

At this moment, a shocking shout came out, "Brother Chen! What are you still doing in a daze, quickly take Qing Ning away!"

It was Cui Ming, looking over with a look of shock and anger.

He never expected that not only did Chen Xi not leave, he even stood stupidly watching the battle from a distance. This scene made his lungs almost explode with anger.

He desperately desperately wanted to fight for a ray of life, to let Chen Xi and Cui Qingning escape safely, how could he have thought that such a scene would happen?

Is this guy scared stupid?

Cui Ming's face was livid and gloomy, full of shock and anger, his heart sank into a trough, and he felt that he seemed to have misjudged the person this time... That's right, a little guy in the Golden Core realm, how can he be of much use?

"Sixth cousin, I won't leave." Cui Qingning shouted excitedly, "If you die, I don't want to live either!"

"Chen Xi! If you don't fucking act, I'll kill you right now! Get out! Get out!"

Cui Ming roared, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Hey, Mr. Cui, the guy you entrusted is too useless. How can such an important matter be handed over to a trash? Obediently accept your fate, in my Wang Chong's hands, no one can escape today."

Wang Chong laughed loudly, his fist was like a startled dragon, he bent his elbow and thrust out, tearing apart the void, turning into thousands of shadows of fists, forcing Cui Ming to back again and again, without giving him any time to breathe.


At the same time, on the other side, Liu Jun's face flashed fiercely, and his palms shook violently, like pushing a mountain, and they were firmly imprinted on Gu Tian's chest.


Gu Tian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, like a kite with a broken string, it flew upside down thousands of feet away, his chest collapsed, his face was pale and pale, he had already been severely injured.

"Uncle Gu Tian!" Cui Qingning exclaimed, her face pale and transparent.

"You bastard! You're still not leaving! Are you going to watch us all die?" Cui Ming gritted his teeth, his hair disheveled, and he roared like a madman.

At this point, Chen Xi finally decided not to hide his strength anymore!

Even if he was misunderstood by the other party afterwards, it would be a big deal to leave, because... at this moment, he was indeed shocked by Cui Ming and Gu Tian's attitude of killing one's life into benevolence.

He could no longer tolerate himself standing by and watching!

"Haha, it's too late. After I get rid of this stubborn thing, where can a small ant in the Golden Core Realm go if he wants to kill it?"

That Liu Jun laughed loudly, and in a flash, he rushed to Gu Tian's side, his palm was like a crane's beak, sharp as a needle, and he stabbed fiercely at Gu Tian's throat.

At this moment, Liu Jun could even clearly see a hint of helplessness and despair in the other party's eyes, that dying look stimulated the blood in his whole body to become excited.

As the Chief Commander of the Evil Ghost Division, his hands were stained with blood. Every time he kills, he can feel a sense of excitement, so wonderful, so tempting...

However, at this extremely urgent moment, suddenly, a huge fist appeared in Liu Jun's vision without warning.

Um?This is……

Before Liu Jun could react, he felt that his five sense organs were hit by a mountain, his whole face collapsed, blood was blurred, his cheekbones, forehead, and bridge of nose were all pulverized, and his head was full of stars.

If he hadn't dodged in time, this punch would have nearly exploded his head.

But even so, Liu Jun still uttered an incomparably shrill scream, and dodged backwards like burning his butt.

"Who! You're looking for death, you dare to sneak attack! I'm going to kill you!" Liu Jun yelled frantically, his facial features were bloody and savage.

This scene immediately shocked the people who were fighting fiercely, and stopped them one after another.

Looking up, I saw a tall figure standing in front of Gu Tian at some point, his face was clear and handsome, his eyes were as deep as stars, he stood up casually, his waist pierced the blue sky like a gun, as if he wanted to fight against the Dao !

Chen Xi!

No, how could the breath on his body become so strong?

Whether it was Cui Ming or Gu Tian, ​​they were all stunned, keenly aware that Chen Xi's aura was as deep as the sea, and he actually possessed the power and influence not inferior to that of an Earth Immortal powerhouse!

But Wang Chong, Rui Qing and the others were even more shocked. They never expected that a small ant in the Golden Core Realm would grow into a strong Earth Immortal in the blink of an eye!

Immediately, no matter whether it was the enemy or us, the same thought flashed in their minds—this guy has been hiding his strength before!

The atmosphere suddenly became dull.

Facing this, Chen Xi said to Cui Ming apologetically, "Brother Cui, I didn't hide it on purpose before. After I deal with these guys, I will apologize to you."

Before Cui Ming could answer, Liu Jun roared frantically and rushed over, "Damn it, you dare to sneak attack on me, you will die!"

He was already stunned by Chen Xi's punch, his facial features collapsed, his face was bloody and bloody, and he was ferocious. As the high priest of the Evil Ghost Division, how could he have encountered such a situation?

What's more, although the opponent hides his strength, the aura he is showing now is only equivalent to the first stage of the earth immortal.

Such a guy can actually sneak attack him, this is simply a great shame to the proud and conceited Liu Jun!


The palm prints were like thunder, crushing the void, engulfed in an aura as violent as the ocean, and came violently.

At this moment, Liu Jun was completely enraged, and he made a move with hatred, as soon as he made a move, it was a killer move at the bottom of the box.

Faced with this, Chen Xi stood still quietly, like a pine tree, like a stone, with a light cloud and a breezy wind, calm and unwavering. When the opponent's fist was enveloping him, he stretched out his arm, grabbed it, shook it, and collapsed.

The three simple movements are done in one go, but they contain infinite mystery, like a crane dancing lightly, like an old turtle emerging from the green pool, without a trace of fireworks.

In the next moment, everyone's eyes blurred, as if they were carrying a chicken, and Liu Jun was directly grabbed by the neck by Chen Xi, which seemed more relaxed and comfortable than searching for something.

With a shake of his arm, Liu Jun fought fiercely all over his body, as if he was sifting chaff, his muscles, bones, and membranes crumbled and crumbled, like soft noodles, and he couldn't lift any strength.

The strength of his wrist collapsed, and there was a bang sound, Liu Jun didn't even have time to let out a scream, his whole body seemed to explode, turning into blood rain and flying into the night sky.

This grabbing, shaking and collapsing seemed slow, but it was completed in an instant, it was incredibly fast, so fast that when everyone came to their senses, Liu Jun had already died tragically on the spot.


Everyone shrank their eyes and couldn't help but gasp.

This Liu Jun is the Chief Commander of the Evil Ghost Division. He has been cultivated in the fourth level of the Earth Immortal Realm. He has suppressed and killed countless evil spirits. His hands are covered with blood, and his actual combat experience is rich and sophisticated.

But now, he was killed by his opponent in one blow!And there is not even a trace of resistance, how can this not be shocking?

In an instant, everyone looked at Chen Xi with serious eyes.

"Brother Cui, you take Brother Gu to rest for a while, and leave these two to me." Chen Xi said calmly.

Cui Ming glanced at Chen Xi with a complicated expression. He knew that this was not the time to get to the bottom of it, so he immediately stepped aside with Gu Tian, ​​who was seriously injured.

Even he himself didn't realize that he didn't have the slightest thought of resistance, as if Chen Xi's words were the truth, invisibly, making him believe that Chen Xi was enough to deal with the situation in front of him.

"My friend, I didn't expect you to be a hidden master, but you are a bit overconfident in doing this."

Wang Chong took a deep breath, stared at Chen Xi like a falcon, and said slowly, "I'm not afraid to tell you that this action has implicated the Department of Evil Ghosts, the Department of Shura, the Department of Hell, the Department of Criminal Law, and other institutions. If you do this It will only hurt yourself, so I advise you not to get involved."

Chen Xi said indifferently: "Have you finished?"

This indifferent attitude made Wang Chong frowned, and a violent look flashed in the depths of his eyes, but in the end, he still suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, and said: "If you do it right now, I can pretend that what happened before didn't happen." Pass."

The implication is that he can completely ignore Liu Jun's death.

It can also be seen from this that Chen Xi's beheading of Liu Jun just now caused a great shock to Wang Chong. If he hadn't been afraid of it, with his disposition, he probably wouldn't have been so humble.

It's a pity, but he didn't expect at all that Chen Xi was not a person in the nether world at all, so how could he care about the threats he said?

"After talking, let's go on the road."

The next moment, Chen Xi spat out a few words lightly from his lips, with a calm voice, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

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