divine talisman

Chapter 948 Whereabouts of the Nether Disk [Part 2]

As soon as he decided to make a move, Chen Xi's entire demeanor changed.

Strands of mysterious and profound symbols lingered around his body, blooming like a sea of ​​runes. He stepped on the void and stood tall.

Although she looks young, at this moment, she is as powerful as an emperor coming!

After practicing the "Great Reincarnation Jue", his cultivation has returned to around the first stage of the Earth Immortal, which is enough to display about [-]% of his combat power at his peak.

Although it is only [-]%, it is enough to easily wipe out the strong seven-layer earth immortal. This has long been proven in countless battles in the human world.

Feeling the earth-shaking change in Chen Xi's momentum, everyone's expressions changed again in an instant.

This kind of aura, chilling and deep, if it is real, overwhelming, it is definitely honed from the battle of blood and fire, and the ordinary ancestors of the fairyland can't have it at all!

Who is this guy?

Even Gu Tian, ​​Cui Qingning, Bei Ling and the others were a little suspicious, as if they were meeting Chen Xi for the first time, they knew very well that Chen Xi's true identity was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface!


That Wang Chongmeng's eyes burst into sharpness, and he shouted violently, and he was already outrageous.

At the moment when Chen Xi's aura changed, a dangerous throbbing surged in his heart, and the fighting consciousness honed over the years made him understand in an instant that if he didn't take action, it might be too late.


Rui Qing yelled coquettishly, and Wang Chong, one on the left and one on the right, attacked and killed Chen Xi.

The two of them, one is the chief commander of the Asura Division, and the other is the chief commander of the Evil Ghost Division. They are both powerful men with monstrous authority in the Netherworld Palace. They are extremely famous in terms of strength and combat experience.

As soon as he made a move at this moment, the clouds soared into the sky, and the murderous aura rushed straight to the sky, disturbing the situation, and the momentum was extremely overwhelming.

It's a pity that today they encountered an existence with more perverted combat power and richer combat experience than theirs, and all their advantages were gone.

Almost as soon as they took action, Chen Xi was also dispatched.

He holds a sword in his hand, a simple single sword, but it tears the void, cuts off yin and yang, and releases a brilliant aura that seems to come from an ancient epic, easily disintegrating the offensive of the two.

What a terrifying sword practice!

Wang Chong and Rui Qing's complexion changed drastically, they gritted their teeth and attacked again, they were already on the verge of riding a tiger, they had no choice but to go all the way desperately.

Faced with this, Chen Xi remained calm. His figure wandered through the void like a stroll in a garden, making it impossible for the other party to touch his clothes, and he looked extremely chic and comfortable.

"This guy is indeed a hidden master!"

Seeing such a scene, Cui Mingxuan's heart was completely relaxed, and he looked at Chen Xi with both surprise and doubt, and couldn't help but ask, "Qing Ning, tell me the details of meeting this guy again. .”

At this time, Cui Qingning had recovered quite a bit of composure, and was looking at Chen Xi's display of supernatural power with surprise on his face. Hearing this, he couldn't help being startled, and then gathered his thoughts, about the scene where he would meet Chen Xi in the bloody and miserable land. I said everything.

"So, he's not a person in the nether world?" Cui Ming could not help but wonder when he keenly captured a detail.

"Well, that's what Brother Chen Xi said." Cui Qingning nodded.

"It's weird. If you want to enter the nether world from the human world, you have to die or use some special channels. However, those channels are controlled by the various institutions of the nether world. How could he appear in the blood basin?"

Cui Ming frowned and pondered, he couldn't care less about the battle in the distance.

After a while, he made a decision, and instructed Cui Qingning with a stern expression: "Qing Ning, don't mention Chen Xi's origin in front of other people in the future, once Chen Xi is discovered by some forces in the Netherworld, I'm afraid something bad will happen to him. "

Cui Qingning was startled and said, "Why?"

"Human beings have different paths to the underworld. This is the law of the realm. Chen Xi has not yet reached the realm of celestial beings, but he appeared in the netherworld with a perfect body. He is like a strange species, and he will be regarded as an enemy and suppressed."

Cui Ming said slowly, "But you don't have to worry. Now that the Netherworld is in chaos, the various forces in the Netherworld are fighting each other, and they can't take care of themselves. As long as they don't reveal their identities, they will be fine."

Speaking of this, he looked at the tall figure scrambling in the battlefield from afar, and said in a slightly complicated way, "What's more, you didn't notice that he has already started practicing Ming Jue, and his breath is no different from that of people in the Netherworld." , if you want to identify his identity, maybe you can only use sacred artifacts such as the 'Sansheng Stone' and the 'Wangchuan Mirror'."

"That's good, that's good." Cui Qingning didn't care so much, knowing that Chen Xi would not be in danger, she didn't think too much about it.


At this moment, a scream came out, and Wang Chong was cut in half by Chen Xi's sword, his whole body exploded, and he fell completely on the spot.

Seeing this, everyone present was shocked again.

Wang Chong is a strong man in the fifth level of the Earth Immortal Realm. He was stationed on the bank of the Blood River in the Netherworld.

But now, he was chopped to death by Chen Xi's sword!

That Rui Qing was so frightened that she froze and dodged again and again, she couldn't bear the panic in her heart anymore, she screamed to tear apart the void, and was about to leave this place of right and wrong.

Chen Xi's eyes were icy cold, and there was a cold arc on his lips, he gently raised the sword in his hand, and slashed away.

This bitter and mean woman had repeatedly humiliated him as a wimp in the hall before, how could he let her escape?


In the next instant, thousands of miles away, the void exploded, and Rui Qing's whole body turned into a rain of blood, spreading between the heaven and the earth, stepping into Wang Chong's footsteps.

At this point, Wang Chong, Liu Jun, and Rui Qing, the three chief commanders from the Underworld, all fell down.

This scene also shocked the minds of everyone present, and they were speechless for a long time.

Chen Xi put away the sword talisman, but he sighed in his heart, a little dissatisfied, if it wasn't for the fact that his strength had not recovered, how could it be so troublesome to kill these two people?


That night, in a restaurant in Black Cliff City.

Cui Ming held another banquet to entertain Cui Qingning and his party.

There is no way, the city lord's mansion has gone through a terrifying battle, and it is about to become a ruin, so it can only choose to hold a banquet here.

During the banquet, everyone had a sense of relaxation as if they were alive after a catastrophe. They toasted Chen Xi frequently. Even Gu Tian, ​​who was seriously injured, retired to rest after toasting Chen Xi.

Regarding the question of why Chen Xi concealed his own strength, no one asked any more, because Chen Xi's beheading of Wang Chong and the other three had already proved his strength and will.

Going to ask again, it seems too outsider.

At least Cui Ming knew very well that the three of Wang Chong were important figures in the Underworld. If Chen Xi had something wrong in his heart, how could he help him kill them at a critical moment?

He already took it very seriously, as long as Chen Xi doesn't hurt Cui Qingning, who cares who he is?

Seeing this, Chen Xi also heaved a sigh of relief, as long as the other party didn't misunderstand, that would be fine.

"By the way, Brother Cui, may I ask who owns the Nether Disk?" Chen Xi asked suddenly.

Nether disk!

Hearing this, everyone present was startled, and the atmosphere became quiet.

Chen Xi keenly noticed that the expressions of Cui Ming, Cui Qingning, and those Cui family's guards all had some strange expressions, and there was even a hint of suspicion in the eyes they looked at him.

Cui Ming smiled, broke the silence, and said, "Before answering Brother Chen, you can answer the next question first."

Chen Xi said, "But it's okay to talk."

"Dare to ask Brother Chen, why did you ask about the whereabouts of the Nether Disk?" Cui Ming stared into Chen Xi's eyes and asked seriously.

"It's very simple, find someone." Chen Xi had nothing to hide, and said, "My wife was taken away, and the only clue is the Nether Disk."


Cui Ming was startled for a moment, then was shocked and said, "So that's the case, no wonder Brother Chen is like this."

He knew very well that Chen Xi came from the human world. In other words, his wife was probably also arrested in the human world and brought to the Netherworld.

As for the power of the Nether Disk, he is also very clear that as long as it is used properly, it is enough to break through the boundary between the human and the underworld, and trap living beings in the human world.

"To be honest, the Nether Disk was originally a sacred artifact of the Criminal Law Department, which was in the hands of my Cui clan, but later, because of an internal struggle in my Cui clan, this sacred artifact was accidentally stolen by others, and its whereabouts have remained. unknown."

Cui Ming sighed, and said: "This is a disgrace to my Cui family, and it is kept secret, so when Brother Chen mentioned this matter, I will ask this question."

Chen Xi never expected that the Nether Disk was in Cui's hands before, and for a moment, he felt a little complicated in his heart.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and said, "Brother Cui, if the sacred object is lost, don't people in your clan find any clues?"

As if he had expected Chen Xi to ask such a question, Cui Ming's lips showed a sneer, "Clues? Of course there are, but it's a pity that the Cui clan is fighting endlessly for the position of patriarch. Who cares about this?"

Speaking of this, Cui Ming sighed, and said: "Brother Chen, to be honest, if you want to find clues to the Nether Disk, it is actually very simple, but..." When the words came to his lips, he hesitated, not knowing whether to say no It should be said.

Chen Xi frowned, and said, "Brother Cui, please speak frankly."

Cui Ming moved his lips, and finally said: "Before the Nether Disk was lost, it was in the hands of the Second Elder. Perhaps only he knows who stole it."

Cui's second elder?

Chen Xi immediately understood why Cui Ming was so hesitant, probably because he was worried that he was thinking too much, and mistakenly thought that he wanted to use his own strength to deal with the second elder.

After all, communicating with Cui Qingning along the way, he already knew that the one who wanted to kill him in the Cui clan was the Second Elder.

"Brother Chen, I didn't want to drag you into the quagmire of my Cui family, but..."

Cui Ming explained sincerely, but he was interrupted by Chen Xi in the middle of the conversation, and he smiled casually, "This is the law of fate. Speaking of which, I should be thankful that I was able to meet Miss Cui and you. With my own strength, it is difficult to know all of this."

Seeing that Chen Xi's expression didn't seem to be fake, Cui Ming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "In that case, Brother Chen and Qing Ning will leave together later, and when we get to the Underworld, I will ask someone to help you find out Some news."

Chen Xi toasted from a distance: "I'm sorry."

All in one drink.

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