divine talisman

Chapter 949 Judgment Mystery [Part 1]

Black Cliff City, teleportation array.

With a flash of light, Chen Xi, Cui Qingning, Gu Tian, ​​and Bei Ling disappeared.

Those guards who followed Gu Tian to protect Cui Qingning were all left behind. On the one hand, it was because their own strength was too low; .

Cui Ming personally sent Chen Xi and his party away, and sent a jade token, saying that after arriving at the Nether Underworld, someone would take the initiative to contact Chen Xi to find out about the Nether Disk.

And this jade tablet is a proof.


Huangquan domain, Luohu city.

There was a flash of light in the teleportation array outside the city, and Chen Xi and his party walked out of it.

The first thing that catches the eye is a gorgeous red!

On the ground, in front of the city wall, on both sides of the road... there are layers of blood-red flowers, one after another, bright red like burning, pouring over the ground.

From a distance, it looks like a carpet covered in blood, like fire, like burning, like in full swing, like blood.

The other side of the flower!

Also known as Manzhushahua, the flower of attracting souls, it means the death flower of disaster, chaos and separation.

Rumor has it that after death, the soul leads to the underworld under the guidance of this flower, and is reincarnated, and this road paved with Bianhua flowers is also called the "Road of Fire", which has the power of guiding souls to cross disasters.

Even in the human world, Chen Xi had heard of the name of the Bana Flower and the legends about it. Seeing it with his own eyes at this time, he felt a sense of astonishment in his heart.

As far as he knows, the Bana flower has always been known as "the flowers bloom and fall, the cycle of thousands of years, the flowers and leaves do not want to see, and the love and fate are separated". The other shore flower conceived.

It can be said that in the nether world, the Bana flower is like a kind of sacred flower, loved by all beings in the underworld.

"These are ordinary Bana flowers. The truly valuable Bana flowers grow in Rahu Canyon. If you are lucky enough to get the fruits of Bana flowers, you can even comprehend a little bit of Bana's meaning from them."

Gu Tian explained in a low voice, he knew that Chen Xi was here for the first time, and he was not familiar with all of this.

Bana fruit?

Chen Xi's heart moved, and a trace of strong interest arose. He looked at Bei Ling thoughtfully, and said, "Could it be that the meaning of the other shore that you grasped came from your comprehension?"

Yesterday when he fought against Rui Qing from the Evil Ghost Division, Bei Ling's Taoism implied a ray of Taoism from the other side. He was quite surprised at the time, but after listening to Gu Tian's words, he immediately understood that the Taoism from the other side As one of the three supreme Dao intentions of the Nether world, there will probably be many people who control it.

Sure enough, Bei Ling nodded and said: "That's right, when I killed an enemy in the blood basin, I got three Bianhua fruits from him, and I realized the meaning of Bianhua from it."

Seeing this, Chen Xi became more and more interested, and said, "If there's a chance, I'd like to go to Luohu Canyon to experience it."

Without any further delay, a group of people stepped on the paved path of Bana flowers and headed towards the inner city of Naluohu.


According to Gu Tian, ​​the Underworld is the core of the Nether Realm, which is divided into four domains: Huangquan, Wangchuan, Liudaowang and Yama.

Every domain is extremely vast, and the city Luobu is like a small world in the human world.

Entering the Netherworld Domain is equivalent to entering the scope of the Underworld.

And this Luohu City is an important frontier defense town in the Huangquan domain, with an outstanding status, and has always been firmly controlled by the Huangquan Palace, a powerful force in the underworld.

The Netherworld Palace's duty in the underworld is very important, it is responsible for attracting souls, the undead who passed away in the three realms, after entering the gate of ghosts controlled by the five ghost emperors, they will be extradited by the disciples of the Netherworld Palace.

In other words, the disciples of the Underworld Palace are probably equivalent to the bull's head and horse's face in the folklore of the world, and they are responsible for attracting souls full-time.

The ruler of Huangquan Palace is "Huangquan Emperor", whose status is roughly equivalent to that of the "Great Sizhu" in Liudaosi. Absolutely one of the supreme beings with monstrous authority.


According to the rumors, in the ancient times, the demon ancestor Luohu once broke into the netherworld, and discussed the Tao with the ancestor of the blood river of the nether world for a hundred days, and finally because of the disagreement of the orthodoxy, the victory was determined by fighting.

How horrific that battle was, it is no longer possible to study, but after the battle, the blood river patriarch hid under the blood river and never showed his whereabouts again, and the demon ancestor Luohu also died here because of his serious injuries. Ling Yuanshen left Netherworld.

And this Rahu City, according to legend, is the place where the demon ancestor Rahu died.

Rahu City, in a quiet mansion.

This is a secret stronghold belonging to the Cui family, controlled by the third elder, Cui Fanghu, and his family, and this Cui Fanghu is Cui Ming's father, so it is unexpected that others will find out if he stops here.

"Brother Chen Xi, at least three days, and at most ten days, I will return to pick up Miss. During this period, I will ask you to protect Miss."

After everything has been settled, Gu Tian called Chen Xi to the side and instructed in a low voice.

The place where the Cui clan is entrenched is located in the city of the Six Paths Kings. For safety reasons, Gu Tian intends to go to the Six Paths Kings City first to investigate the situation, contact people, and then return to pick up Cui Qingning home.

After all, now that the Cui family is fighting endlessly, it is too risky to return directly to the clan, and it is no different from sending them to death.

Chen Xi was also very aware of this point, so he should agree to it.

That night, Gu Tian left Rahu City alone.

"Brother Chen Xi, can you tell me something about you and that wife of yours?"

At night, a courtyard in the mansion was filled with stars, exuding a sense of tranquility.

Chen Xi, Bei Ling, and Cui Qingning were drinking tea and chatting around a stone table. When talking about the Nether Disk, Cui Qingning suddenly raised her face and asked curiously.

Chen Xi was startled, nodded and said, "Yes."

As he spoke, he told the story of how he met Qing Xiuyi bit by bit.

Of course, he mentioned some things that were not suitable for children, but he didn't hide anything about other things.

There is nothing to hide, in today's human world, who doesn't know the relationship between him and Qing Xiuyi?

Although Chen Xi spoke plainly, Cui Qingning's eyes widened when she heard it. Sometimes she frowned, sometimes she was angry, and sometimes she smiled, she was very devoted.

Even Bei Ling was stunned when he heard it, as if he never expected that so many twists and turns and thrilling things would happen between Chen Xi and his wife.

When Chen Xi finished speaking, Cui Qingning and Bei Ling were still immersed in the joys and sorrows of that scene, unable to extricate themselves.

Regarding this, Chen Xi just quietly smiled.

Perhaps others felt that his journey was too difficult, but he didn't feel that, whether it was for Qing Xiuyi or for his son Chen An, he felt that all the sacrifices were worth it.

It's not a matter of complaining, and I'm not proud of it, because this is his woman, and this alone is enough.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely help Brother Chen Xi find the Nether Disk, so that you and that sister can be reunited." After a while, Cui Qingning raised her head, and her little face was already full of seriousness.

Chen Xi smiled, and said: "How about you, at such a young age, how could you attract so many people to chase after you? If it's just for the sake of the Cui family's power, it seems that there is no need to kill them all like this at all?"

Cui Qingning hesitated for a moment, but still said softly: "Brother Chen Xi doesn't know that among the Cui clan, only my blood can open a 'secret realm' left by my ancestors. The supreme inheritance is hidden in it."

After a pause, she continued: "According to the Cui family's ancestral precepts and rules, only the descendants of the ancestors can take over the Cui family and thus control the Criminal Law Department. It is precisely because of this that the second uncle and the others regard I am a thorn in the side, and I don't want me to return to the family, because I am worried that I will enter the ancestral land and get the inheritance."

"I see."

Chen Xi looked at the disappointed and melancholy expression on the girl's face, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This is really innocent, but a girl of eleven or twelve years old, because of her special blood, has become a member of the clan and wants to kill her. It's too chilling to be an absolute object.

"Cui's supreme inheritance? Could it be the 'judgmental will'?" Bei Ling said suddenly from the side.

Cui Qingning was startled, then smiled bitterly, and said: "It turns out that my sister also knows that the meaning of the existence of the Criminal Law Department lies in the trial and sentencing. It is precisely because I, Cui, have grasped the meaning of the ruling, that I can rely on the holy artifact Nether Disk to firmly hold The Criminal Law Department is in control."

Is the ruling moral?

Chen Xi frowned, and he could probably guess that this must also be a rare profound meaning of the Dao, and from what Cui Qingning said, only by ruling the meaning of the Dao can the power of the Nether Disk, the sacred artifact, be displayed.

"Could it be that within the Cui family, no one can control the power of judgment?" Chen Xi asked.

"Yes, but they are not complete. Only by relying on the inheritance in the ancestral land can we obtain the complete mystery of the ruling."

Cui Qingning sighed softly, "Actually, they didn't come to kill me for the purpose of adjudicating morality, they just worried that I would return to the clan, open up the ancestral land, and snatch the position of patriarch."

Speaking of this, a relaxed and open-minded look appeared on her small face, and she said: "Brother Chen Xi, you probably don't know that there are many elders in my Cui clan, and there are also many seniors who are hidden from the world. As long as I can get the ancestor They will come to support me, this is my only chance, whether it is for myself or for the foundation of my Cui clan, I will try my best to do it!"

At this point, Chen Xi finally understood the ins and outs of all this. He couldn't help but let out a long breath, patted the girl on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, for the sake of the Nether Disk, I will also help you reach the clan smoothly."

Early the next morning.

Chen Xi pushed open the door, checked the direction, and then headed towards the northwest of Rahu City.

Soon, a canyon full of bright Bianhua flowers appeared in front of my eyes. It was the Rahu Canyon. According to rumors, this was the origin of the Bian Dao, one of the three supreme Dao Yi of the Netherworld!

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