divine talisman

Chapter 950 Black Eat Black [Part 2]

Rahu Canyon.

When Chen Xi arrived at a flat land in front of the canyon, there had already gathered a lot of Hades cultivators, including men and women, old and young, and there were even some ghosts wandering in it.

On the other side of the crowd, there are Bianhua flowers in full bloom all over the ground, bright red like blood, burning like burning.

The most eye-catching thing is a mountain peak in the canyon. This peak is ten thousand feet high, straight into the sky, lonely and steep, and can be clearly seen. Countless Bana flowers grow on it, like a burning volcano, extremely eye-catching.

At this time, there were quite a few cultivators of the Ming clan climbing the mountain, as if they were all looking for something, and their figures flocked around, appearing full of popularity.

"Hey, I've been searching here for a month now. I only found two plants of the four grades of Bianhua, Huo, Yan, Yan, and Yan. It's really unlucky!"

"Don't be dissatisfied. I have been here for more than half a year, and now I have only obtained three flame-level Bianhua flowers. I don't know when I will be able to comprehend the meaning of the Bana."

"It's a pity that the restrictions on the Bi'an Peak are too strong. Only those who have realized the meaning of the Bi'an can set foot on it. Worry!"

"Cut! Wishful thinking, then not everyone can climb Bi'an Peak if they want to!"

A burst of discussions resounded in front of the canyon, and Chen Xi heard it in his ears.

Only then did he realize that the Bana flowers in the Rahu Valley are also divided into different grades according to their appearance.

The fire level is the most basic, and there is only a slight trace of the meaning of the other side in it, which cannot be comprehended and mastered at all, but this kind of Bianhua is a valuable panacea, which can be sold in many shops a good price.

Yan level is better. According to those Nadir cultivators, if you collect tens of thousands of Yan level Bianhua flowers, the amount of Bian Dao meaning contained in them is equivalent to the most common Bian fruit.

By analogy, a thousand Yan-level Bianhua flowers and a hundred smoke-level Bianhua flowers are roughly equivalent to the Bianhua Taoist meaning contained in an ordinary Bianhua fruit.

In this Rahu Canyon, there are many four grades of Bianhua flowers. After careful calculation, the fire grade is the most, followed by the Yan grade, and the Yan grade is relatively rare. As for the smoke grade, you can only find it on the Bian peak. arrive,

Bi'an Peak is the mountain peak in the canyon that is ten thousand zhang high, with countless Bi'an flowers in full bloom, like a burning flaming mountain.

This mountain is extremely miraculous, and its whole body is filled with a natural and powerful restriction. Only those who have comprehended the Tao of the other side can set foot on it.

And the fruit of the other side can only be found on the other side mountain.

After understanding all of this, Chen Xi raised his eyes to look at the Bi'an Mountain in the distance, and walked towards the canyon without hesitation.

He has already mastered the profound meaning of the other shore, so he naturally has the conditions to climb the peak of the other shore. As for the four kinds of flowers of the other shore, fire, flame, flame, and smoke, he doesn't like them at all.


As soon as he entered the canyon, a strange wave rushed towards his face, as if he wanted to extradite the human soul. This was clearly the breath of the other side's morality.

It can be seen that many Mingzu cultivators did not look for the other shore flowers in the canyon, but sat cross-legged in various corners, meditating to understand.

Think about it too, since this place is filled with the breath of the other side's Taoism, it must be of great help to practice and understand its mysteries.

"It's a pity that time is limited, otherwise I would like to meditate on the spot, but if I can climb the peak of the other side, get some fruits of the other side, and perfect my own profound meaning of the other side, there is no need to waste time here."

As Chen Xi walked forward, he felt this strange wave in the canyon. He could clearly sense that the closer he was to the peak on the other side, the stronger this wave was.

However, this fluctuating pressure is nothing to him at all, and he can completely dispel this pressure with a little exercise.

"If you want to get the Bana fruit, I suggest you collect some smoke-grade Bana flowers." Suddenly, Xiao Ding reminded.

"Senior, what else is there to pay attention to?" Chen Xi stopped abruptly and asked in surprise.

"The fruit of the other shore is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth. It has been connected with wisdom. It is like a phantom of an elf. Is it so simple to find it?"

Xiao Ding pointed out: "Do you still remember the Taoist method I taught you, 'painting the ground as a prison'? With this method, it is enough to easily collect smoke-grade Bana flowers. When you have collected enough, I will teach you a formula to keep you catching Bana flowers." When the fruit comes, you can grab it with your hands.”

Chen Xi was surprised, but he never expected that Xiao Ding knew this so well.

But this is a good thing after all, if it is true as Xiao Ding said, it is very possible for him to collect the fruits of the other shore flower this time, and it is very possible to perfect his own profound meaning of the other shore!

Without further hesitation, Chen Xi began to approach the peak on the other side.

Just when he had just ascended the mountain peak of more than three thousand feet, a female cultivator of the Ming clan was recovering from her comprehension. When she saw Chen Xi from the side, she enthusiastically said, "Fellow Daoist, you should be more careful. , the restriction pressure is too great, a bad thing will cause the soul to suffer backlash."

"thanks for reminding."

Chen Xi nodded and said, he could feel that the aura of the other side on this woman was roughly equivalent to Xiaocheng's level, but her own cultivation was not high, only around the Nether Transformation Realm.

Perhaps because he thought Chen Xi was young, handsome, and gentle, the female cultivator of the Ming clan pointed out with a smile: "Looking at the appearance of fellow daoist, it should be the first time you have come to Bi'an Peak, maybe you still don't know this Some taboos on the other side peak."

As she spoke, she had already described everything in it.

It turned out that on the ten thousand zhang-high Bi'an Peak, twelve areas were divided according to the strength of that restraining force, which happened to correspond to "the four realms of Taoism are twelve-storied buildings".

Cultivators who have just mastered the Tao of the other side can only move within the height range of three thousand feet at the bottom of the mountain.

Those who have reached the level of Xiaocheng like the other shore Taoist can move within the range of the mountain peak's six thousand feet.

And so on.

If one's own morality on the other side is not enough, and if one tries to challenge a height range that does not belong to one's own, one will be backlashed by that prohibition, ranging from injury to one's mind and soul, to annihilation of one's soul directly.

"It turns out that there is such a thing."

After understanding all of this, Chen Xi cupped his hands to thank the female cultivator of the Netherworld, and then asked, "How about the range of heights where the Bianhua fruits are distributed?"

The female cultivator of the Ming clan smiled and said: "It's nothing special. There are almost all the fruits of the other side on the entire mountain, but the number is extremely rare, and it is extremely difficult to find them. I have been here for several months. Barely get only one."

After a pause, she saw that Chen Xi was listening seriously, so she couldn't help pointing again: "Fellow Daoist, according to my observation, the higher you go, the higher the chance of getting the Bianhua fruit, but you'd better be careful. There are many top masters from all major forces in the underworld, and if you encounter conflicts, you must not fight against them."

Chen Xi frowned and said, "Murder to seize treasure?"

The Nirvana female cultivator sighed: "This is inevitable. Who made the temptation of the Bianhua fruit too strong? I have witnessed many tragedies in the past few months. I advise you to stay in the lower area as well." , although it is not comparable to the top, but it is much safer."

Speaking of this, she seemed to suddenly realize something, looked Chen Xi up and down, and said with a smile: "I forgot, seeing that you are so young, and this is the first time you have come to Bi'an Peak, even if you have mastered the meaning of Bi'an I'm afraid I can't go to the high place, but I don't have to worry about any danger."

This woman is straightforward and enthusiastic.

"Thank you, fellow daoist."

Chen Xi smiled. He could feel that the other party didn't mean to look down on him. On the contrary, he was quite enthusiastic towards a stranger like himself. This kind of kindness is rare.

After understanding a little bit, Chen Xi didn't stay any longer after thanking the female cultivator from the Nadir Race, but just when he was about to leave, a sudden change occurred——

"Senior brother Qin, this is the woman who robbed me of a Bianhua fruit yesterday!"

A group of five people suddenly rushed up the mountain and surrounded the female cultivator of the Ming clan. One of them, a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, said viciously.

"Oh? That's right, girl, if that's the case, you hand over the Bianhua fruit, how about writing off the debt?"

The so-called "Senior Brother Qin" was a middle-aged man with a sullen complexion and a strong breath. He was actually a strong Earth Immortal, and he was obviously the leader of these people.

The face of the Nadir female cultivator changed drastically, and she took a few steps back: "It's mine! I didn't snatch it at all!"

"Junior Brother Li, can't you lie to me?" Senior Brother Qin frowned, and glanced at the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked guy.

"Senior Brother Qin, how dare I lie to you, I can swear on my personality!" said the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked guy with an aggrieved expression.

"I remember you. You were hiding nearby when I got the Bianhua fruit yesterday! I didn't expect you to spout blood now. It's really abominable!" the Nirvana female cultivator yelled.

"Hmph! So, the Bianhua fruit is indeed in your hands?"

Senior Brother Qin's eyes lit up, and he immediately said with a gloomy face, "I'll give you three breaths, if you don't give it up, don't blame me for being rude!"

"No, I have been searching here for several months, and finally got a fruit of the other side, and I will never give it to you shameless people!" The female monk of the Ming Dynasty was so excited that her eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Hmph, don't eat and drink fine for a toast!"

Senior Brother Qin snorted coldly, and everyone else sneered, with a look of fierceness on their faces, and they were ready to kill.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help shaking his head. He just mentioned killing people and seizing treasures, but he didn't expect it to happen right before his eyes. It seems that the Bi'an Peak is really dangerous. Not only must we guard against that restriction, but we must also guard against other people's blackmail. Eat black.

"A bunch of scum, get out!"

Without any nonsense, Chen Xi's eyes were like lightning, and he coldly glanced at Senior Brother Qin and the others, and directly shouted in a deep voice.


ps: After the early morning of the third update, there are so few monthly tickets today, everyone, please encourage me, for the sake of code words, I gave up the World Cup~! ~

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