divine talisman

Chapter 952 Taking advantage of the fire to rob [Part 1]

Among the bright red flowers of the other shore, psychic-like fiery red fruits swayed, spreading the pure breath of the other shore, as if wisps of fire essence were steaming.

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart, the Bianhua fruit is very rare, priceless, and extremely difficult to catch, like that female monk of the Ming clan, who lingered again for several months before she was lucky enough to get one.

From this we can see how difficult it is to obtain the Bianhua fruit.

But now, there are more than ten Bianhua fruits in front of him, and with the passage of time, these numbers are still gradually increasing, how can this make Chen Xi not excited?

He secretly took a deep breath, calmed down, and waited quietly.

These Bianhua fruits are wonders of heaven and earth. They are wise and psychic, and they have already had Taoism. Now so many gather together, the glow of fire overflows, and the aura of Taoism is filled, and some visions have appeared.

In the air, there are thousands of auspicious clouds, winding out one after another fiery red bridges, just like roads illuminated by fire, like leading to the underworld, trying to lead the soul to silence.

Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

At this time, in the area near this mountain depression, someone seemed to have noticed something, and asked in surprise: "It's so strong from the other side, could it be that there is a heavy treasure in this world?"

"God! That's a group of Bianhua fruits! It's amazing that they appeared together in groups!"

Someone immediately noticed the vision there. This person in blue shirt and red hair, with a dignified face, seemed to be a leader, and immediately began to gather his companions, ordering: "Everyone, go together, block this area, don't leak the news, take them all! "

His companions immediately understood that this was going to take down even people and things!

"Brother Qian, it seems that someone from the other side has rushed over. The commotion over there has alarmed more than just us." Someone suddenly reminded him, his face darkening.

Sure enough, there were figures of people in the distance, and the sound of breaking through the air could be heard from time to time, and immediately a group of people came from another direction, there were more than ten people, more than them.

This group of people are all wearing dark gray clothes, apparently from the same side.

"Well, so many fruits of the other shore! If we capture all of them, I, Cen Shaoling, will surely break through the meaning of the other shore to a terrifying level."

Leading a young man with a white face like jade, suave and romantic said excitedly, a pair of eyes flashed with incomparably eager light.

In fact, not only the two forces of "Brother Qian" and "Cen Shaoling" came, but also the third wave of forces arrived at the same time.

This third force has about [-] people, and the leader is actually a pretty girl!

"Damn it! Sure enough, as the woman said, there are obviously many powerful forces in the area at the height of the Bi'an Peak!"

At such moments, Chen Xi also keenly sensed that there were powerful auras scanning his surroundings, so he didn't dare to hesitate, and took action resolutely, otherwise it would be too late.


He was glowing all over his body, using the method of "painting the ground as a prison", he reached out and grabbed it, a radiance condensed, turned into a curtain of light covering the sky, rushed into the patch of flowers on the other side, and began to arrest.

At the same time, the three forces rushed forward without calling.

"Hey, someone actually arrived earlier than us!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up! These other fruits are priceless treasures!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, it would be a pity if you miss this opportunity from the sky. Let's do it together, don't let one go!"

Everyone shouted and rushed forward, each with an excited and fanatical expression, their eyes were red, and they frantically ransacked and hunted these Bana flowers and fruits, making this place completely chaotic.

Chen Xi had previously set up some restrictions around him, but the main purpose was to prevent the Bian Huaguo from escaping, but he couldn't stop these people at all.

What's even more vile is that these three forces attacked and killed them, not only looting the fruit of the Bianhua flower, but also attacking Chen Xi with vicious and outrageous methods.

Chen Xi's expression turned cold, and his heart was already aroused with infinite murderous intent, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't attack. Instead, he dodged to one side, and shot again and again, imprisoning one after another of the other shore flower fruits, and putting them into his bag.

These fruits are wise and psychic, and they are frightened to run around after encountering such an accident. If they care about those people at this time, even if they kill them all, such a heavy loss will not be recovered.

"Yo ho, that kid has tricks!" Someone was surprised and glanced at Chen Xi.

"Don't worry about it so much, it won't be too late to deal with that kid after we've wiped out all the Bianhua fruits!" Someone said fiercely with a look of ferocity on his face.


Suddenly, the mutation rose sharply, and those Bianhua fruits were forced to escape, and they burst into blazing fire, setting off a series of waves of fire, rushing towards the surroundings.

Immediately, someone screamed, was swept away by the fire, and was directly hooked away from the soul, while the body seemed to be incinerated, and turned into a pile of dry bones in an instant.

At the same time, fire clouds raged violently, filled with unparalleled mysteries from the other side, rolling down like clouds of fire, suppressing and killing these people.

"Not good! These Bianhua fruits are irritated!"

"Back! Rewind!"

There was a bang, and the clouds of fire, like chains of gods, soared into the sky, engulfing the breath of the other side, suppressing and killing several people again, confining their souls and killing their bodies, their power was extremely terrifying.

It's not that these cultivators are too weak, on the contrary, those who can reach here all have the cultivation base of the fairyland, but these flowers and fruits of the other shore attack together, but they are like old monsters, and they contain the Taoism of the other shore, and their power can be imagined. How scary.

In just a few breaths, more than ten people from the three forces have already fallen on the spot, which is extremely tragic.

However, those who survived were no mediocrity. Death did not dispel the greed in their hearts, but instead stimulated their ferocity one by one, mobilizing all their strength to attack and kill from one side.

Suddenly, the entire mountain col was in chaos.

Those Bianhua fruits couldn't stop this fierce attack, and they collapsed one after another, losing their power.Started to run around.

Seeing this, how could everyone let it go, they frantically attacked all the way, but they got nothing.

In the end, Chen Xi only managed to capture five Bianhua fruits, and the others either escaped or were looted by those three forces, which made his expression turn cold.

I worked so hard to collect smoke-grade Bana flowers, and combined with Xiao Ding's formula, I managed to lure a group of Bana flowers fruits, but they were looted halfway by these bastards. How could I not make Chen Xi angry.

"This friend, can you part with me and let me wait for those Bianhua fruits?" The young man named Cen Shaoling set his eyes on Chen Xi.

At this time, the three forces had regrouped, and most of them had been injured, but there were still a lot of people, and those who remained were the real strong of their respective forces.

"My friend, we are from the Underworld Palace. If you can give up the fruit in your hand, I will definitely give you a satisfactory price." On the other side, the "Brother Qian" led someone over, and he was faintly blocked. Chen Xi's retreat, to prevent him from escaping.

"Hmph! Why are there so many nonsense? If you want to eat alone, you have to ask our Meng Podian if you agree or not!" The third-party force spoke, and the leader was the pretty girl.

Chen Xi watched coldly from the sidelines, and his heart was already full of murderous intent. These people picked their own peaches, and they actually planned to eat another one. They seemed to treat themselves as a meal, and directly discussed how to divide them up!

I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones!

"How about this, why don't we share it equally among the three families?" Cen Shaoling frowned and said coldly, "Although one of you is Huangquan Palace and the other is Meng Po Palace, my Cen family is not easy to provoke!"

"Equal share? That's fine, I'll take half of the Netherworld Palace, after all, we arrived here first." Brother Qian's expression darkened, and he said sinisterly.

"Half? What a big appetite!" The girl sneered, and said immediately, "Well, let's see how many Bianhua fruits he has caught, and then share them."

As she said that, she raised her chin, glanced at Chen Xi haughtily, and said, "This fellow Taoist, you must have recognized the situation clearly, obediently offer up your treasures, so as not to encounter any accidents."

Chen Xi laughed, and said, "After I hand it over, will I still be silenced?"

The girl was startled, looked at the other two groups of people, and pondered: "It depends on how you behave. If you want to live forever, I can use the method of soul washing to erase your memory, although it will become a waste. No matter how difficult it is to cultivate, you can still survive in the end, this should be kind enough for you, right?"

"What to do with so much nonsense with him, if it doesn't work, kill him first, and the three parties will decide how to divide up the treasure." Cen Shaoling said coldly.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, glanced at everyone, and said, "Your conditions are all finished, do you want to listen to my conditions?"

Everyone frowned, a little impatiently.

"Fart your fart!" The leader of Huangquan Palace shouted, Big Brother Qian.

"Hand over the Bianhua fruit in your hands obediently, and see how much you can get. If it can make up for my loss, then that's fine. If it's not enough, I can only use your lives to make up for it."

Chen Xi said calmly, he had already had enough of this group of bastards, who not only ruined his big event, but also wanted to rob him, and kill him again.

"You bastard! How dare you stick your nose in the face! Are you looking for death?" Brother Qian was furious.

"I've put in a lot of effort for anyone who pushes their noses. You come to take advantage of the fire, and then kill people to seize treasures. Do you really think that you can be lawless?" Chen Xi said coldly.

"This little villain obviously doesn't want to live anymore, let's do it and kill him!" Cen Shaoling said displeased.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"


The leaders of the other two groups of forces spoke almost at the same time, and the next moment, they were already swarming forward, fearing that they would be too slow and be captured by others.

After all, killing Chen Xi is nothing, the most important thing is that the things on him cannot be snatched by others.

It was with this kind of mind in mind that as soon as they made a move, they scrambled to be the first, and their faces were extremely ugly.


The second update is at 11 o'clock.

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