divine talisman

Chapter 953 Emperor of the Underworld [Part 2]

All the way to practice till now, Chen Xi sometimes thinks, how can there be so many arrogant and domineering guys with eyes above the top in this world?

Later, he finally figured it out. When there are distinctions between high and low, high and low, the concept of rank and rank, and the strict and insurmountable hierarchy in this world, these things have no meaning at all. Can't avoid it.

Just like now, each of these three forces has a strong self-cultivation and a monstrous background. When facing a lonely family like myself, they will naturally become more unscrupulous and lawless.

This is a common problem of the vast majority of superiors and cannot be avoided.

But when this kind of unfair treatment fell on him, Chen Xi would not let it go.

Ren Shan was bullied by others, not to mention that the other party not only killed him halfway, but also planned to kill him after cheating. This has completely angered Chen Xi.


The group of people who attacked first was very powerful, all of them had cultivation bases around the fourth level of Earth Immortal. They each sacrificed their magic weapons with a menacing aura, as if they had a strong posture to kill Chen Xi with one blow.

In an instant, the precious light covered the heavens and the earth, and the sound of the Dao pierced all directions. The terrifying fluctuations were like a curtain covering the sky, and they slashed down on Chen Xi.

Seeing their ferocious, greedy, excited, and cruel expressions, seeing how they treat themselves as if they were eating on a plate...

Chen Xi's expression was cold and indifferent, he didn't hesitate any longer, his whole body exploded with billions of brilliance, and amidst the roar of Dao Yin, he chopped out a thick and unparalleled sword energy that reached the sky, magnificent, majestic and immortal.

He was really angry, and once he made a move, he had already exerted all his strength!

With just a bang, all kinds of attacks and magic weapons were smashed, and even the space was torn apart into a narrow, long, dark crack that could not be healed.

woo woo woo...

The crack rolled over like a black hole, inside it was a storm of time and space, several cultivators were caught off guard and were directly engulfed in it, uttering a scream and dying completely.


Everyone was shocked, and their scalps went numb.


The radiant sword energy that Chen Xi slashed out did not disappear. After disintegrating the opponent's attack, the momentum remained undiminished, and he slashed straight away, like a sword crushing the sky, enveloping the people in Netherworld Palace.


They screamed in panic, glowing all over, urging their cultivation with all their strength, and using all kinds of strongest methods were useless at all. The next moment, they were crushed by a sword, their bodies burst into pieces, their flesh and blood turned into mud, and they were killed on the spot.

At this moment, everyone finally came to their senses and kicked to the iron plate!

Although the other party is just a handsome young man, even though the aura that the other party shows is only at the level of the first level of the Earth Immortal, but that kind of outstanding and terrifying combat power is not something that ordinary Earth Immortals can possess!

If it was just that, the crowd would not be afraid. After all, they all came from great forces in the Netherworld, and they were confident that relying on such backgrounds would be enough to deter each other.

But the scene in front of them made them feel terrified and even terrified, because the other party still dared to kill people brazenly even though they knew their background. The forces behind it are in their eyes, or they are crazy.

But obviously, the other party is not crazy!

As soon as he realized this, the handsome and suave Cen Shaoling couldn't help screaming anymore, his face turned pale with fright, and he turned around and ran away.

In the end, before he could leave, he was caught up by Chen Xi and stepped on the ground.

"Steal my things and still want to run away? You are so arrogant, does the sect behind you know?" Chen Xi stomped on the opponent's face fiercely, and at the same time coldly swept towards the other two parties.

Swept by Chen Xi's icy gaze, everyone's hearts were filled with chills, as if falling into an ice cave.

"Brother Dao misunderstood! Don't do anything. If you have something to say, we are willing to make it up with generous gifts." The "Brother Qian" of the Netherworld Palace spoke, his face was extremely ugly.

"Hand over the fruit of the other shore flower first, and I can give you a happy time."

Chen Xi said coldly. When he spoke, he exerted force on his feet, and with a bang, Cen Shaoling's head exploded like a rotten watermelon, completely dead.

This scene made those people on the opposite side tremble.

The girl from Meng Po Temple's face turned green and then white, but she was still stubborn and strong, and shouted: "You know we come from Meng Po Temple, there are some people you can't offend, be careful to bring disaster to your sect behind you!"


In an instant, Chen Xi teleported his body with the wings of black magnetism, and when he got close, he slapped her and flew her away, saying, "It's ridiculous, is the Meng Po Temple very powerful? I hate you things who are arrogant!"

The pretty girl's cheeks were red and swollen, like a boiled pig's head, and she screamed: "You are trying to die, the Meng Po Temple is in charge of the cleansing of souls, you dare to offend us, be careful after you and the forces behind you die Can't rest in peace!"


Chen Xi slashed his sword, pierced the sky, and directly brought up a smear of bright red blood. The next moment, the pretty girl's head was thrown away, and she died tragically on the spot.

He glanced at the woman's corpse with disgust, and Chen Xi withdrew his gaze. He even suspected that there was something wrong with the woman's head. She was on the verge of death, and she still used the forces behind her to threaten him. If she didn't die, she would not die .

"Quick! Let's do it together and kill this guy!"

At this time, Brother Qian roared violently, because he had seen that this matter could not be resolved, and if he did not take any action, the consequences would be disastrous.

Without any surprise, a battle broke out.

Under Chen Xi's cultivation of swordsmanship, which had already reached the level of a great master, and which had been integrated into the profound meaning of the Talisman Dao, all kinds of offensives and magic weapons exploded like paper.

That kind of brave and decisive aggressive aura can be regarded as overwhelming and devastating!

Soon, everyone including that "Brother Qian" was suppressed and killed!

The pungent blood spread, dyeing the ground red, and the blood flowed in the clusters of flowers on the other side, soaking the fiery red flowers more and more beautiful.

After killing these bastards, Chen Xi felt that the resentment in his heart had subsided a lot, and his thoughts became clear.

He started to clean up the battlefield, but in the end he only collected more than a dozen Bianhua fruits, as well as a large pile of storage magic weapons, which contained some miscellaneous things such as ghost crystals, medicine pills, and spiritual materials.

Unfortunately, for the current Chen Xi, none of these values ​​can compare to the value of the Bianhua fruit.

"Including the ones I captured, I got a total of sixteen Bianhua fruits, which should be enough to shock the Bianzhi Dao to the point of perfection."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, but he didn't have much regret.

In fact, even if no one disturbed him, he would not be able to capture them all, at most this amount. After all, the Bianhua fruit possesses wisdom and strong fighting power, so it will never sit still.


Without any further delay, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he slid towards the bottom of Bi'an Peak.

He wants to find a quiet place, and in one fell swoop, he can completely perfect the Taoism on the other side.


Not long after he left, a skinny old man in black floated out of nowhere on Bi'an Peak.

His figure is ethereal and elusive, but he seems not to be oppressed by the restriction on the mountain peak, and looks extremely relaxed, just like walking in a garden.

"What a ruthless little baby, Huangquan Palace, Meng Po Palace, and the Cen's forces that controlled the Animal Division were all defeated in his hands..."

The skinny old man in black reached out and grabbed it, and the mist in the air was steaming like a mirror, unexpectedly reflecting all the scenes that happened before.

"When did such a master appear in the nether? Is it because I have been in seclusion for too long?"

The skinny old man in black pondered for a while, and with a wave of his palm, another cloud of water mist rose up, which reflected the scene when Chen Xi lured the Bianhua fruit before.

"Hey! This is..." A frightening red light suddenly flashed in the old man's eyes.


However, just when he was about to take a closer look, the cloud of water mist exploded.

This scene happened so quickly that even the old man didn't expect it, he couldn't help but startled, and his expression immediately became serious, "It is true that there is an expert to help you to collect so many Bianhua fruits, but who is that person? I can't even deduce it with my 'Phantom Ten Thousand Birth Technique'..."

The skinny old man in black stopped and pondered for a long time, when suddenly there was a commotion in the distance.

"Junior Brother Qian's soul tablet is broken, go and find out what happened!"

"How dare you kill my Netherworld disciple, I'm so impatient."

"The top priority is to find out where the enemy is, and the murderer must not just escape like this."

Accompanied by the sound, a group of people suddenly appeared on the mountain peak.

They were a group of powerful Earth Immortals with different appearances, but they all exuded a powerful aura, as if rounds of scorching suns were rising into the sky.

"Get back, I already know who that person is." The skinny old man in black woke up from his contemplation, looked at those people with a frown, and waved his hand.

"Who the hell are you, you dare to order me to wait... ah!"

A burly middle-aged man with a fierce face opened his mouth to curse, but when he saw the appearance of the black-clothed old man clearly, he was shocked as if struck by lightning, and stood still in fright.

"Meet the Emperor!"

At this time, the others also reacted, and they were all shocked, and hurriedly bowed their heads to salute. Their expressions of sincerity and fear were like worshiping a supreme ruler.

"Take advantage of the fire, be arrogant and domineering, unseemly..." The skinny old man in black shook his head, sighed softly, and disappeared into the void, completely gone.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and it took a long time to come back to their senses, but the terrified look on their faces would not be able to shake off for a while.

Because that is the Emperor of the Underworld!

One of the Nether Supreme Powerhouses who has controlled the Netherworld for thousands of years!

Chen Xi did not go away, but searched for a secret place in Luohu Canyon, and with the help of the Bianhua fruit, he raised his realm of Taoism, but he didn't realize that the small cauldron radiated divine brilliance around him, covering his whole body, helping him invisibly It blocked the detection of a terrifying idea.


ps: After the early morning of the third update.

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