divine talisman

Chapter 954 Coming to the World from the Other Side [Part 3]

The Bianhua fruit is ruddy and translucent, as big as a pigeon's egg, and there are traces of the Dao on the surface, intertwined together, flowing endlessly like red arcs.

Chen Xi reached out and grabbed one, only to feel an incomparable amount of Taoism from the other side rushing towards his face from the fruit, pure and alluring, exuding a wonderful fragrance of Taoism.

"Dare you, junior! Let me go quickly, lest you not die!"

In the fruit, suddenly there was a deep and loud cry, and one could vaguely see a villain in a high crown and ancient clothes standing in the fruit, with a upright demeanor, just like a fairy who had attained the Tao.

Chen Xi was astonished, but he never expected that the Bana Flower Fruit would be so psychic.

But he didn't even think about it, and swallowed it directly into his mouth.


A majestic meaning of the Dao turned into a trickle of heat, and suddenly dispersed into the soul. Chen Xi could clearly sense that his grasp of the Dao on the other side was improving little by little!

At the same time, various enlightenments emerged in his heart.

That is the cognition of the Tao of the other side, which is the most original mystery, and only by comprehending and controlling all of it can the greatest power of its Tao be exerted.

In a trance, Chen Xi seemed to see a road of fire shining through the three realms, paved with countless bright red flaming flowers of the other shore.

This road exists in every corner of the Three Realms. As long as there are living beings, it will be illuminated by the fire from the other side, emitting a harmonious brilliance, but it will not be noticed by hundreds of millions of living beings.

Only when the time passes and the soul dies out, will that soul be extradited by the Bana flower, walk on the road of fire, and be led into the nether world...

It is like the incarnation of the order of the underworld, maintaining the extradition between the soul and reincarnation, mysterious and powerful, so that the dead have a resting place and a place of reincarnation.


If there is no extradition, where will the dead go?

This is the mystery of the other shore, so that the deceased can reach the other shore without becoming a lonely ghost. It represents the simplest, most essential, and most fair and just law of order.

Chen Xi was immersed in enlightenment, completely unaware of the passage of time.

three days later.

After swallowing the No. 12 Bana fruit, strands of flames emanated from his whole body, like burning petals, dancing around his body.

At the same time, a deep and mysterious Dao Yun fluctuation suddenly spread out.

In an instant, in the entire Luohu Canyon, the Bianhua flowers piled up layer by layer, densely packed like a sea of ​​flowers, swayed at the same moment.

Like a candlelight praying devoutly, shouting with joy.

Especially in the sky, a road like a divine rainbow suddenly stretched out, flaming red like burning, exuding a sacred and deep luster.

"Tian Yan Huo Zhao, the other side is coming!"

"God! Someone has comprehended the profound meaning of the other shore to the point of perfection!"

"How is this possible!? This is one of the three supreme Dao intentions of our Netherworld. For countless years, only the Emperor of Huangquan has mastered it to a perfect level, thus deriving the law of the other shore, and achieving the supreme position."

"It's amazing! It's really amazing! It's a miracle!"

In Rahu Canyon, practitioners who don't cultivate every day come to look for the fruit of the other side. After realizing this scene, they are all shocked and exclaimed, as if witnessing a miracle.

At the same time, a series of tyrannical thoughts swept from all directions, and searched the entire Rahu Canyon for a long time, but finally recovered nothing.

"The other shore is consummated. Throughout the ages, there are very few people in the nether world who can reach this level of cultivation at this level."

After seeing those powerful thoughts disappear, Xiao Ding restrained his divine brilliance and murmured in a low voice. Just now, it was it that helped Chen Xi avoid the detection of these powerful thoughts.

But regarding all of this, Chen Xi was completely unaware.

He could clearly feel that after mastering the Taoism of the other side of the Consummation Realm, everything was different. With a movement of his soul, he could faintly perceive the fluctuations and ups and downs of the rules and order of the world in the netherworld.

There is no doubt that all of this comes from the merits of the other side of the road.

Similarly, after stepping into this level, Chen Xi's strength has also increased a lot, and his experience and understanding have been greatly different.

Regrettably, the injuries in his body have not yet fully healed, and it is temporarily impossible to know how much his strength will be improved after mastering the Taoism of the other side of the Perfect Realm.

"Ten days! In another ten days, I will be able to recover my cultivation at the peak. At that time, only those who have not met the powerhouse above the Heavenly Immortal Realm will be able to conquer the Netherworld."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, calming down the excitement in his heart little by little.


At this moment, in the pagoda of the Buddha in his body, a letter talisman suddenly shattered, and at the same time, a voice rang in Chen Xi's ears.

"Young master, hurry to help!"

It was Belling's voice, full of anxiety.

Chen Xi's heart trembled, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes. The next moment, the other person had already walked into the void, and disappeared in an instant.

That piece of letter was left to Bei Ling when he went to Rahu Canyon, telling her that if an accident happened, just crush it, and he would be able to return in an instant.

Bei Ling's duty is to protect Cui Qingning, but now he has exploded the letter. It is obvious that the enemy is powerful, at least above the fourth level of the Earth Immortal, otherwise with Bei Ling's strength, there is no need to bother him at all.


Rahu City, a barren hill thousands of miles away.

A woman wearing a dark blue Luan pattern wide-swing skirt was trapped in the middle by a group of people.

Her hair was like a waterfall, hanging down her waist, her face was cold and beautiful, she was exactly Bei Ling, but at this time her breathing was disordered, and her clothes were stained with blood, her brows were tightly knitted, showing a hint of anxiety.

And the people surrounding her, there were about seven or eight people, all of them had stern faces, strong breaths, and terrifying celestial waves emanating from their bodies, all of them were earth immortals!

And judging by their appearance and dressing, it is obvious that they come from the same force.

Especially the leader is a three-foot-tall boy!

He was wearing a fiery red Taoist robe, and his skin was as white as a baby's, but he had long snow-white hair. When his eyes opened and closed, there was no innocence that belonged to a child, but a vicissitudes of life and a stern air rushed towards his face.

With fiery red Taoist robes, snow-white hair, and a three-foot boy's body, such a person is extremely eye-catching, especially his aura, which is more than a step higher than others!

"Beauty, why didn't you run away? Look at you, you're tired, dripping with sweat, and out of breath, brother, I really feel sorry for you." Beside the white-haired boy, an earth immortal strongman frivolously touched his chin and said with a smile.

Bei Ling pursed his lips and ignored this person, but fixed his eyes on the white-haired boy. In the presence, only this person posed the greatest threat to her.

That terrifying aura even made her feel helpless and hopeless. According to her estimate, the other party's cultivation was at least above the seventh level of the Earth Immortal!

She really couldn't imagine how the other party would dispatch such a terrifying person just to arrest Cui Qingning. If she hadn't seen the opportunity and escaped with Cui Qingning in time, she was almost blocked to death in Luohu City.

It's a pity that even though he escaped from the city, he was still stopped by the other party...

"Are you a female spiritual master who cultivated Taoism with the ghost emperor's bodhicitta?"

The white-haired boy spoke suddenly, his voice was immature and clear, unmistakably like a boy, but the more it was like this, the more mysterious and palpitating it was.

Bei Ling still didn't say a word, just thinking quickly in his mind how to break the situation.

"Ghost Emperor Bodhisattva?"

The eyes of the other earth immortal powerhouses brightened, and Bei Ling's beauty might not be able to shake their Dao heart, but when they learned that her original form was a wisp of the Bodhi Heart of the Ghost Emperor, the Dao heart of these powerhouses suddenly became hot, and their faces Reveal the color of greed.

"Hand over my lady, I don't have to kill you."

The white-haired boy said, "But I want you to be my concubine, my Yin-picking stove, so that you can survive, otherwise I will refine you now!"

He looks like a boy, and his voice is immature and clear, but he threatens to take Bei Ling as a concubine, giving people a very weird feeling, even ridiculous, but what he said is extremely serious, and even the most ridiculous things become It's not funny anymore.

At least Bei Ling couldn't laugh, because she knew very well that since the other party dared to say such a thing, she would definitely be able to do it.

No matter how angry she was, she had to admit it.

"Haha, beauty, it's a great blessing for you to be spotted by my uncle Cui Ruyin. Quickly hand over my lady and go back with my uncle. Wouldn't it be better than being a lonely ghost?" The frivolous strong man laughed.

"Don't think about who will come to save you. The person I, Cui Shi, wants to arrest is the Emperor Huang Quan, and I dare not stop him!"

"Quick! I'll count to three, if you don't agree, don't blame me for being rude!"

Others also scolded and opened their mouths.

Bei Ling's expression suddenly became pale and transparent, he gritted his teeth, and was about to say something, at this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded——

"On my territory, I fought and killed, and said that I dare not obstruct it. These little dolls of your criminal law department are a bit too rampant!"

The voice was cold, deep, and calm, but it fell into the ears of everyone, but it was no less than a thunder, and their expressions suddenly changed, and their whole bodies froze.

Even the white-haired boy frowned, and his expression became serious, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Emperor Huang Quan!

The one who dared to speak like this, and made himself unable to detect his whereabouts, could only be the Huangquan Emperor who controlled this territory and belonged to the supreme figure in the Netherworld!


Suddenly, one of the strong Earth Immortals trembled all over, and then his whole body exploded, blood rained down, and from the beginning to the end, no one saw who did it!

"Misfortune comes from the mouth, this is punishment." That deep voice sounded again.


After this sudden change, an indescribable cold current surged into the hearts of everyone. Even if they were powerful earth celestial beings, they still felt an indescribable fear in the face of such a legendary supreme figure like Emperor Huangquan.

Even Bei Ling was shocked endlessly. This kind of invisible method of killing people is enough to be described as "reaching the sky"!

Could it be...the other party is really the Emperor of the Underworld?


ps: It's almost 2:4 in the morning, but I promised to make the [-]th update, and I will still stay up late to send it out.

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