divine talisman

Chapter 955 The Great Emperor Appears [Part 4]

The atmosphere was frozen, dull and dead.

"I don't know that Emperor Huangquan is here, but I offended you just now. I, Cui Ruyin, hope that the Emperor will look at my ancestors and make a difference."

The white-haired boy opened his mouth, breaking the dullness, with a clear voice that shook the world.

"Ancestor Cui? Hmph! Today's criminal law department is full of smog and turmoil. It's all destroyed by you dirty bastards. You can't even keep sacred artifacts like the Nether Disk. If I don't have important business, I'd like to go Ask Cui Zhenkong if he really intends to hand over the Criminal Law Department to others."

That deep voice sounded, carrying a forceful force.

Cui Zhenkong!

The patriarch of the Cui family, a supreme powerhouse who can't live in seclusion, is because of his presence, the Cui family can still firmly control the criminal law department of the underworld despite the endless internal fighting.

That voice dared to call Cui Zhenkong's name so directly, it made Cui Ruyin and others more and more sure that the other party must be Huangquan Emperor Qi Shanhe!

Because of this, everyone seemed to be more and more silent, not daring to move.

"Get out! Disappear in Huangquan domain immediately!" That low voice sounded again.

"Emperor, this woman is..." the white-haired boy Cui Ruyin said bravely.


With a muffled sound, another strong Earth Immortal exploded and died on the spot. This is a warning, and anyone who is not a fool can understand it.

Cui Ruyin didn't dare to hesitate any longer, glared at Bei Ling viciously, led the others, tore open the void, and left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Bei Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a respectful voice, "Thank you, senior, for saving the siege, and I am very grateful."

"Hmph! I don't intend to save you, huh?"

That deep voice snorted coldly, and then disappeared as if aware of something.


At this moment, the void shattered, and Chen Xi's tall figure emerged. Seeing that Bei Ling was safe and sound, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and said, "What happened before? Why did you crush the letter?"

When he was speaking, he swept his eyes and found two puddles of blood on the ground, and there was still a smell of blood floating in the air, so he couldn't help frowning.

Apparently, two people had died here before.

Bei Ling collected his thoughts and told the whole story of what happened before.

It turned out that at noon today, she was cultivating in Cui's secret stronghold in Luohu City, but unexpectedly someone broke into the door and threatened to arrest Cui Qingning.

She didn't dare to hesitate, and fled with Cui Qingning, but unfortunately she was still stopped here.

Because the opponent was too strong, she had no choice but to crush the letter, and then, the Emperor Huang Quan made a move to drive away Cui Ruyin and others...

"Emperor Huangquan?"

Chen Xi's heart trembled. He never expected that such a great person would be involved in this accident.

"Where's Miss Cui?" Chen Xi asked.

"I will hide her in the treasure, and it will be fine for the time being."

Bei Ling replied, and then she frowned, "However, I have some doubts, whether something unexpected happened to Gu Tian, ​​if not, how could Cui Ruyin and others come to the door first."

Chen Xi sighed lightly, and said, "I've thought of this too, but there are still seven days left before the ten-day agreement, so let's wait a little longer, and hope that Brother Gu will be in good fortune, and nothing will happen to us... ..."

"What if something happens to him?" Belling couldn't help asking.

"Then I will take Ms. Cui to the Realm of the Six Kingdoms."

Chen Xi replied without any hesitation, "Whether it's for repaying kindness or for clues from the Nether Disk, I have to do this."

Belling nodded.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but ask, "What about you? Still planning to pretend to be my maid and go with me?"

Belling asked, "Why not?"

The thoughts of this cold as ice woman are always unpredictable.

However, Chen Xi didn't bother to guess. Cui Ruyin and others appeared, Gu Tian's life and death were uncertain, and he had already smelled an inexplicable ominous opportunity, so he had no time to worry about other things.

"These are the four Bianhua fruits. Just accept them, and treat them as your reward for being a maid." Chen Xi thought for a while, and handed the remaining four fruits to Bei Ling.

Bei Ling was obviously taken aback, staring at Chen Xi for a long time, and finally accepted, "Thank you, I will always play my role well."

Hearing such an answer, Chen Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded. He never thought about bringing Bei Ling by his side all the time. After all, he didn't belong to Netherworld. After finding Qing Xiuyi, he would leave immediately.

"Tian Yan Huo Zhao, the other side is coming to the world, my little friend, you are the first person I have seen in thousands of years who has reached the perfection of the other side."

Suddenly, that deep voice sounded again between heaven and earth.

Accompanied by the sound, a skinny old man dressed in black came forward with his hands behind his back and his feet stepping on the void. His face was stern, his eyes were as deep as an abyss, and his breath was flat, but he had an intimidating spirit.

It's a kind of temperament that sees through the falsehood and returns to the truth. It's not amazing, but it makes people unable to guess how high his cultivation base has reached.

Emperor Huang Quan!

When seeing this person's appearance, Bei Ling and Chen Xi guessed the other person's identity in an instant, and they were a little surprised, unable to figure out why the other person came.

Especially Chen Xi, who beheaded many people from the Netherworld Palace three days ago, and now facing this supreme master of the Netherworld Palace, he felt a little nervous.

"As far as I know, relying solely on the fruit of the Bianhua flower, it is impossible to achieve the perfection of the meaning of the other side. Dare I ask my friend, where did you come to understand the meaning of the other side?"

Although Emperor Huangquan's voice was flat, every word and every move carried a force that reached people's hearts, making people want to bow down and bow.

This is a more frightening aura, which can affect the soul and consciousness of others with one's own arrogance, which is extremely terrifying.

"Reporting to senior, this junior also learned it unintentionally." Chen Xi took a deep breath and said.

"you're lying!"

Between the opening and closing of Emperor Huangquan's eyes, like lightning flashes, he coldly fell on Chen Xi, as if he wanted to see the inside and outside of him thoroughly.

Under such gazes, Chen Xi only felt his whole body stiffen, and he felt a great spiritual pressure. If his Dao Xin cultivation had not reached the level of "heart and soul", he might not be able to bear it in an instant, and obediently admitted it. .

As if he didn't expect Chen Xi to be able to bear it, a look of astonishment flashed in the depths of Emperor Huangquan's eyes, and then he withdrew his gaze, and said, "Don't worry, although you killed a few of my subordinates who were useless, they It is not wrong to die, and I will not embarrass you because of this."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xi felt another rippling in his heart. He was secretly astonished. He never expected that what he did in Luohu Canyon would already be known by the other party.


The next moment, Emperor Huangquan seemed to realize something, raised his head again, and suddenly landed his eyes on Chen Xi, as if examining an unknown artifact, sometimes frowning, sometimes pondering, sometimes surprised...

It was not until a long time later that his expression returned to calm.

And during this process, Chen Xi's breathing almost stagnated. There was no way he could do it. The pressure brought to him by the opponent was too great. It was even more palpitating and uncomfortable than when facing a Xuanxian-level powerhouse like Liang Bing.

From this, he also vaguely judged that the opponent's strength was definitely no less than that of a Xuanxian-level powerhouse!

This made him feel a little heavy. When it comes to power, the Criminal Law Department controlled by the Cui family is not inferior to the Huangquan Palace controlled by Emperor Huangquan.

So how strong should the cultivation of the "chief secretary" of the criminal law department be?

And the "big bosses" of the Evil Ghost Division, Hell Division, and Shura Division, are they also so powerful?

Chen Xi knew very well that if he wanted to find clues to the Nether Disk, he would inevitably be unable to avoid the powerful forces in the Nether Underworld, and if he wanted to rescue Qing Xiuyi, he might even have to deal with someone of the same level as Emperor Huangquan and the Chief Secretary. There is a dispute.

In that case, his advantage will be gone.

Fortunately, he is not alone, and can still rely on Xiao Ding's strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi felt much more at ease.

"This is the order of the underworld of my seat. If necessary, I can save you once."

Suddenly, Emperor Huang Quan opened his mouth, raised his hand, and flicked a token at Chen Xi. After that, he took a deep look at Chen Xi, and then he turned and left.

"I hope this seat has not misjudged the person."

These were the last words left by Emperor Huang Quan when he disappeared.

All of this made Chen Xi confused and didn't understand why, so he was a little stunned. The token clearly told him that all of this was true.

The token is only the size of a palm, shiny like suet jade, warm and cool to the touch, and a divine rainbow across the sky emerges on the surface, burning like a fire, it is a road of fire.

And on the back of the token, there are only three ancient handwritings that are clear and meaningful——Qi Shanhe!

Obviously, this is the name of the Yellow Spring Emperor.

"He seems to have discovered something unusual about you." Bei Ling glanced at Chen Xi, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Anyway, it won't be a bad thing." Chen Xi let out a long breath, and carefully put away the token.

He can also feel that the other party seems to have discovered some secrets about him, but he is not sure what it is. There is no way, there are too many secrets about him.

Things like Youminglu, Xiexie Pen, Hetu fragments, his own destiny concealed by heavenly secrets, and the existence of Xiaoding may all be one of the objects noticed by the other party.

But at present, it seems that the other party has no malicious intentions, and Chen Xi will not speculate too much anymore. Some things, when you should understand, you will naturally understand.

"Let's go back to Rahu City. After seven days, if Brother Gu hasn't come back, let's set off to the Six Kingdoms Domain."

Chen Xi didn't hesitate anymore, and took Bei Ling with him, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.

Although it was only seven days, it was enough for him to completely restore his cultivation to the peak state. By that time, even without the help of Xiao Ding, he could deal with most dangers.

In addition, the token given by Emperor Huangquan gave him more confidence in finding clues to the Nether Disk in the Six Paths Kingdom.


ps: The fourth update!Staying up until dawn, I just hope that the monthly pass will not be as short as the previous two days...

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