divine talisman

Chapter 956

seven days later.

Rahu City.

In an ordinary house.

Bei Ling slowly woke up from the meditation, his eyes were clear and bright.


Swallowing four Bianhua fruits made her successfully reach the ninth level of Daoism of Bianhua, and she was only three levels away from reaching perfection.

What made her especially gratified was that after these seven days of meditation, her own strength had once again broken through, advancing to the fifth level of the Earth Immortal!

Unlike other Mingzu cultivators, she attained the Tao with a ray of "Ghost Emperor Bodhi Heart", and during the cultivation process, she will not touch the power of heavenly tribulation.

However, this kind of cultivation path has a disadvantage, that is, every time she advances, it needs to consume a lot of energy and time, which is extremely difficult.

Bei Ling is very clear why she is like this. Strictly speaking, she is roughly equivalent to a clone of the "Sacred Ghost Emperor", and the Holy Ghost Emperor has gone through many catastrophes as early as the ancient times, and has proved the Dao. As a result, it became famous in the Three Realms.

And as a ray of bodhicitta of the ghost emperor, she naturally doesn't have to go through the many catastrophes.

To put it simply, Bei Ling is like the continuation of the Holy Ghost Emperor's life. Although her strength is not as strong as before, and her memory is only one-thousandth of that of the past, as long as she persists in practicing, there is every hope that she will regain her life. Shaping the past glory!

Bei Ling took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "According to my combat power, I should not be afraid of the ordinary seventh-level Earth Immortals, and I can already practice the 'Pluto Immortal Art', as long as I practice Success, no one in this world can refine me..."

Pluto Immortality!

Shenglin Ghost Emperor is famous for the supreme inheritance of the world. After successful cultivation, he will become a ghost, immortal, and can condense 6000 ​​million thoughts!

Even if one suffers a severe injury, with only a wisp of thought left, one can reshape one's life and survive in the world forever, which is extremely powerful.

Like Bei Ling, it was actually transformed by a ray of thought from the ghost emperor Shenglin back then, but the ghost emperor had already cultivated his own thoughts to the perfect and innocent "Bodhi state".

The so-called Bodhi state, in the eyes of Buddhist sects, is the highest state of completeness of the Dao and no taint of cause and effect. In the Buddhist kingdom, great figures who can reach this state can already be honored as "respectful" and "Bodhisattva"!

"It's been seven days. Counting it, this should be the tenth day since Gu Tian left..."

Bei Ling got up, thought for a while, and was hesitating whether to go to that Cui Clan's secret stronghold to investigate, when Chen Xi had already pushed the door and walked out.


When seeing Chen Xi for the first time, Bei Ling couldn't help being stunned, and a deep look of surprise flashed in his clear eyes.

A handsome face, a stern figure, a demeanor... Chen Xi is still the same Chen Xi, but his cultivation has undergone earth-shaking changes!

"Eighth Layer of Earth Immortal!" Bei Ling couldn't help but lost his voice.

She could clearly sense that when Chen Xi raised his hands and feet, Dao Yun accompanied him, and he faintly possessed an intimidating kingly aura. It was an aura that could only be possessed after passing through the Ziwei Thunder Tribulation. !

Just looking at it from a distance gave her an uncontrollable sense of awe, like a courtier meeting the emperor.

"Due to being seriously injured before, it was only today that I fully recovered." Chen Xi smiled and said frankly.

Bei Ling took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said, "No wonder you are so powerful in battle. It turns out that you were a peak king of the fairyland before."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but take another look at Chen Xi, as if she still couldn't believe it, how could the other party's appearance be so young, but his cultivation was so terrifying.

"Brother Chen Xi." At this time, Cui Qingning also walked out of the room.

This eleven or twelve-year-old girl had a pale complexion on her innocent face, and there was a trace of worry that was hard to shake off between her brows. She came to Chen Xi's side and asked in a low voice, "Hasn't Uncle Gu Tian come back yet?"

"Let's go, let's go and investigate together. Ten days have passed, and I don't know if brother Gu has returned..." Chen Xi patted the girl's shoulder to express his comfort.


In Rahu City, Cui's secret stronghold.

When Chen Xi and the others arrived, this peaceful mansion had already been turned into ruins, and it was extremely desolate.

Cui Qingning bit her cherry lips, her eyes were already glistening with tears.

No matter how simple her mind is, she can still guess that Gu Tian will never leave for ten times.

Bei Ling hugged the girl at the side, and gently rubbed her hair, but didn't say much. At this time, maybe letting her settle down quietly is the greatest comfort.

At this time, suddenly a ghost wandered over, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Chen Xi?" This ghost was respectful like a handyman.

Chen Xi was startled, nodded and said, "I am."

"That's good, I've been waiting here for a long time. This is a jade slip, which was left in my 'Wuzhi Building' by a senior a few days ago. The senior asked that if he didn't come back in time, Let the little one be transferred here and handed over to you."

The soul explorer grabbed a pair of scrolls, on which a portrait of Chen Xi was being drawn, compared with the Chen Xi in front of him, and knew that the other party was the rightful owner, immediately took out a black jade slip from his bosom, and handed it over .

"Please put it away, my lord, and I'll take my leave." He bowed and then drifted away.

Wuzhilou, a wraith, a piece of jade slip... This sudden scene made Chen Xi vaguely feel that all of these were probably written by Gu Tian.

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the jade slip and looked at it.

"Brother Chen Xi, when you receive this jade slip, it proves that I can no longer return. Please also take care of Miss on my behalf and send her to the Six Kingdoms Domain..."

Sure enough, this was indeed left by Gu Tian, ​​but it was like a last word.

At the end of the jade slip, there was a place marked "Fengchu Residence". According to Gu Tian's intention, Chen Xi only needed to send Cui Qingning to Fengchu Residence, and someone would take care of them.

"Fengchu Residence?" Chen Xi frowned.

"It's a mansion that my sixth cousin bought by himself. Apart from sixth cousin, only Uncle Gu Tian and I know about it." Cui Qingning explained from the side.

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but ask again: "Brother Chen Xi, Uncle Gu Tian, ​​he really..."

Chen Xi remained silent.

He couldn't bear to deceive another eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

However, what he didn't expect was that Cui Qingning didn't show any sadness, but a firmness and a smile appeared on her innocent face, "Brother Chen Xi, don't worry, I already understand what to do."

The voice was calm and gentle, but it made Chen Xi's heart skip a beat, and he vaguely felt that the girl in front of him seemed to have transformed into another person in an instant, as if she had no emotion, only an indifferent and lonely will.

Bei Ling obviously also noticed this change, and couldn't help asking: "Qing Ning, what are you... planning to do?"

Cui Qingning raised her small face, looked at Bei Ling and Chen Xi, and a smile appeared on her lips, "Of course I'm going home."

This smile, which appeared on the young girl's innocent face, should have been very pleasing, but at this moment, it made Chen Xi feel a little uncomfortable.

It's hard to describe the feeling, as if if Cui Qingning continues like this, she will become a completely different person, but that kind of her is not what I want to see.

Soon, Chen Xi shook his head to dispel this strange thought in his mind.

Next, Chen Xi exchanged a large amount of Mingjing in one of the top shops in Luohu City, and then took Bei Ling and Cui Qingning to the teleportation array in the city.

Mingjing, like Lingjing, contains pure ghost power.

What Chen Xi exchanged was king-level Mingjing, and one piece was equivalent to the value of one fairy stone.

Before, he killed many strong Earth Immortals in Luohu Canyon and collected a lot of spoils. Now, all of them have been turned into pieces of king-level underworld, totaling [-] pieces.

Such a sum of king-level ghost crystals is enough to buy more than ten pieces of ordinary immortal artifacts, and the value is astonishing. It may be difficult for ordinary immortals to work hard for a lifetime.


After spending [-] King Grade Dark Crystals, the teleportation array in Rahu City flashed, and Chen Xi and the others disappeared.

This teleportation array is a cross-domain teleportation array, directly from the Huangquan domain to the Wangchuan domain. The two domains are separated by thousands of miles, and it may take several days to rely on teleportation.

This also makes it extremely expensive to pay for the underworld when entering the teleportation array. A person needs a hundred king-level underworld crystals, which is almost as expensive as a half-immortal artifact.


Wangchuan domain.

This vast and boundless territory is under the control of Meng Podian, and inside it flows a mysterious river famous in the Three Realms——Forget River!

The River of Forgetfulness originates from the deepest part of the nether world and gathers in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Rumor has it that the Supreme Immortal Brewed "Mengpo Soup" in Mengpo Temple is made from the water of the Forgotten River and refined with many rare spiritual materials.

It is worth mentioning that the sea of ​​bitterness is not in the realm of Wangchuan, but in the realm of the Six Kingdoms.

Like the Forgotten River, the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness is also a famous mysterious existence in the Three Realms. It is controlled by the Underworld Division, under which it suppresses countless evil spirits and unjust souls.


With a flash of light, Chen Xi and others appeared outside an ancient city.

"This should be the Sala City in the Wangchuan Region. Let's go, without delay. With the help of the teleportation array in the city, we can reach the Six Kingdoms Region today."

Chen Xi looked around for a while before making a decision.

Bei Ling and Cui Qingning naturally had no objections.

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly increased——

A childish and clear voice suddenly sounded, "Let me wait here for seven days, if you let you leave, it would be too disappointing."

Accompanied by the sound, a group of people suddenly appeared out of thin air, stopped Chen Xi and others outside the city, and vaguely blocked all escape routes.

The leader of this group of people is a white-haired boy who is only three feet tall, with a strange and striking face, he is Cui Ruyin from the Cui clan!

Obviously, they did not give up their pursuit of Cui Qingning.


ps: The second update is around 11:[-].

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