divine talisman

Chapter 957 Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger [Part 2]

Cui Ruyin and his party are all strong earth immortals, standing proudly in the void, with the power of the ghost celestial being surging around them, with a majestic aura, like rounds of scorching sun, extremely terrifying.

This place is outside the gate of the city of Sala, and there are many Hades and ghosts coming in and out from time to time, but witnessing this scene, they all scattered in fright and did not dare to stay here.

This is a group of Earth Immortal powerhouses who are coming in menacingly. Once a battle starts, the power will be enough to cover the mountains and rivers for [-] miles. Who would dare to stay here and watch?

In just a few breaths, the area was deserted and deadly silent.

Bei Ling frowned, feeling a little heavy in his heart. Compared with seven days ago, Cui Ruyin and his party had added a lot of strong people, adding up to twelve or three people.

Such a force is enough to sweep away many Nether forces!

"Protect Miss Cui well, and leave the rest to me."

Chen Xi's sound transmission suddenly came from beside his ear, which made Bei Ling feel relieved, and then suddenly remembered that the current Chen Xi is a peak king in the fairyland!

However, what puzzled her was that at this moment, Chen Xi was still maintaining the aura of the first stage of the Earth Immortal, appearing to be quite low-key.

Is he going to use this to paralyze his opponent?

Realizing this, a faint sneer even appeared on her lips. These bastards were scared away by Emperor Huang Quan last time, and now they are chasing after them again.

She raised her hand and hid Cui Qingning in the treasure.

"Last time, because of Emperor Huang Quan, you escaped a catastrophe. This time, no one will come to save you."

The white-haired boy Cui Ruyin said with a gloomy expression: "And in order to prevent further accidents, I have already contacted the people in Meng Po's palace. Even if the world is turned upside down, no one will come to stop it."

Hearing this, the other strong Earth Immortals all sneered, and looked at Chen Xi and Bei Ling, as if they were looking at a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, full of banter and excitement.

It's not that they don't want to do it right away, but they don't want to do it.

Because each of them had a cloud of gloomy anger in their hearts, and was forced to withdraw from the Huangquan domain like a bereaved dog by the emperor of Huangquan with the word "roll", and paid a huge price in exchange for Meng Podian to stand by and wait here for seven days. Now that they finally caught each other, how could they kill each other like swallowing a jujube?

In that case, it would be too cheap for the other party.

Therefore, from the very beginning, they had the mentality of a cat playing with a mouse, and planned to put the anger in their hearts into every link of the torture and killing bit by bit.

They have the patience to do so, and they are confident that the other party is like a salted fish on the chopping board, and can only be slaughtered by themselves.

Regarding all of this, Bei Ling didn't bother to pay attention to it at all, and his expression was as cold as ice, turning a deaf ear to it.

As for Chen Xi, he could vaguely sense the excitement and playfulness in the other party's mood, but he also didn't care about it.

Cui Ruyin and the others were startled by the cold reaction of the two, and they couldn't help being a little annoyed. How could these two men and women be so calm! ?

Are they afraid of death?

How about kneeling down and begging for mercy?

How about dying generously?

What about fear of discoloration?

Why is there such a big difference from what was expected?

"You bastard, why don't you kneel down and beg for death?" A strong Earth Immortal couldn't hold back and shouted sharply.

"This pair of dogs and men were so frightened. Damn, they didn't react at all. Just capture them and kill them with a little bit of abuse. I remember that the fourth child seems to like men very much, so I will leave the kid to him." Another person hehe Smiled strangely.

"I hate it! People only like handsome and powerful men. This kid has a pretty face, but he doesn't know if his body is strong. Don't let me play enough, he can't bear it. That's too disappointing."

A seductive man with a feminine face and red lips said coquettishly. When speaking, a pair of watery eyes swept over Chen Xi, and a shy look appeared on his face.

Obviously, this person is the "fourth child" who likes men.

As soon as these words came out, not only did Chen Xi feel a chill in his heart, he had a strong thought of killing, even his companions trembled all over, and immediately burst out laughing.

"Fourth, since you don't like him, I'll kill that kid!" one person jokingly said.

"How dare you!" The fourth child stared at him, but his voice was delicate, causing another burst of laughter.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, let the fourth child enjoy this kid, as for this woman..."

"Of course it's for Master Cui Ruyin!"

"Yes, just do it!"

After making up their minds to pay attention, everyone looked at Chen Xi and Bei Ling with more and more excitement, with a look of bloodthirsty and violence, ready to move.

The reason why he hasn't moved yet is because the white-haired boy Cui Ruyin hasn't spoken yet.

Cui Ruyin was obviously very satisfied with everyone's such submissive attitude, cleared his throat, glanced at Chen Xi and Bei Ling quietly, and was about to speak.

However, Chen Xi didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and pulled out his sword talisman with a clang, "Have you finished talking nonsense? Then you can rest in peace."

The voice was calm and calm, but it choked Cui Ruyin so badly that he was almost out of breath. He was extremely uncomfortable, and his face immediately became gloomy. The kid is comfortable serving you, don't blame me for not being able to spare you!"

The fourth child gave a "coquettish smile", pinched the orchid finger, and said in a coquettish voice: "My lord, can you still not trust my tricks?"

Everyone was chilling again.

Chen Xi frowned. For the first time, he felt an urge to kill. This seductive man who is neither male nor female is really disgusting!

He stopped talking nonsense, raised his hand and slashed fiercely with his sword, aiming directly at the fourth child.

"Ah, this little brother is going crazy, and I'm still scared."

The figure of the fourth child dodged, and hid to one side. Despite his delicate demeanor, his movements were as fast as lightning, and his reaction was even more superb. He actually dodged Chen Xi's sword energy all at once.

Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised by this, since he had recovered his peak strength, yet the opponent was able to dodge him, his strength is not bad.

It's a pity that the person next to him was not as lucky as the fourth child. When the sword energy fell, he rushed out with a fist, and wanted to blast the sword energy away with his own strength.

The result can be imagined, just hearing the bang, his whole body was split in two by that wisp of sword energy, and when he was about to die, there was a look of excitement and bloodthirsty on his cheek, which looked extremely strange.


The body was shattered and blood rained down.

This sudden scene made Cui Ruyin and the others stunned. They never expected that this kid who seemed to be only at the first level of the Earth Immortal would have such terrifying fighting power.

"It really is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!" Bei Ling watched from the side with bright eyes. Of course, she didn't mean to compare Chen Xi to a pig.

"Ah! It's amazing! People like it so much!"

The fourth child clapped his hands and screamed like a nympho, but he didn't realize that the faces of the others, including Cui Ruyin, were gloomy and dignified at the moment.

But these words made the corners of Chen Xi's lips twitch uncontrollably. He had already made up his mind to pay attention to this disgusting thing that would kill anyone!

"Boy, this kid deliberately concealed his strength. He is at the seventh level of the Earth Immortal... No! The eighth level of the Earth Immortal!?"

The white-haired boy narrowed his eyes, and wisps of dark green light rolled out of his pupils, which was breathtaking.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they were startled.

Unfortunately, they understood it too late.


The next moment, Chen Xi was already on the move, and his figure was like a startled dragon coming out of the abyss, slashing in all directions with his sword!

He concealed his strength before, firstly to paralyze the opponent, and secondly to wipe out the opponent without leaving anyone alive. After all, once the opponent realizes his strength and chooses to escape, it will be too late.

At this time, since he was seen through by the opponent, he would not hold back any more, and immediately displayed his cultivation base of the eighth level of the Earth Immortal, and the sword talisman flew across the sky, deriving infinite and terrifying sword energy, and charged away.

It is worth mentioning that, if the eighth level of the earth immortal is the peak king, then Chen Xi can definitely be called the king of kings, and can even be described as invincible under the heavenly immortals!

Because as early as in the human world, he was able to kill a clone of Daluo Jinxian Bing Shitian, one can imagine how terrifying its background is.


Once again, a strong Earth Immortal was unable to dodge in time, and was split into a cloud of blood by Chen Xi's sword, without even screaming.

"No, let's join forces to deal with him!"

The white-haired boy Cui Ruyin shouted angrily. At the same time, he swung a pair of carved purple light giant axes with both hands. His figure flashed and he slashed towards Chen Xi.

It has to be said that this person's strength is indeed extraordinary and comparable. His moves are wide open and closed, the ax light is like a python, entangled with surging black light, and it has spawned hundreds of millions of evil spirits, ghosts, yakshas and other terrifying visions. Life.

This piece of heaven and earth seemed to have turned into a purgatory of evil spirits.

It's a pity that no matter how he chased him, he couldn't catch up with Chen Xi's speed. Instead, Chen Xi took advantage of this gap and killed several people again, almost one by one with a single sword. territory.

That kind of outstanding posture can be said to kill a person in ten steps, and never stop a thousand miles away!

This is also destined to be a massacre without any suspense!

In front of Chen Xi's current combat power, he was already invincible among his peers. Killing these Cui clan's powerhouses whose cultivation level had not reached the eighth level of the Earth Immortal Realm, was naturally like killing a chicken and a monkey.

Just for a moment.

Only the white-haired boy Cui Ruyin and the fourth child were left in the field.

It must be mentioned that this fourth child is completely different from the others. Seeing his companion being killed and seeing Chen Xi displaying his supernatural power, he did not show any signs of panic or anger. Instead, his cheeks turned red with excitement. He looked at Chen Xi Her gaze was even softer, almost dripping water.

And even though he looked like this, he was the best at escaping in the arena, his movements were like nothingness and ghosts, and he had escaped Chen Xi's pursuit several times without any danger, which was not to be underestimated.

"If you don't have an assistant, I will kill this woman!"

That Cui Ruyin no longer ran after Chen Xi, but jumped forward, and he was already in front of Bei Ling, and with a grab, he was about to lock Bei Ling's neck, threatening Chen Xi.


ps: I drank some wine with my father today, my eyes were drunk, I resisted to code and finished this chapter, today's 5 more will be put to tomorrow.

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