divine talisman

Chapter 958 6 Void Blood God [Part 1]

Cui Ruyin crossed the sky, teleported to him, slightly closed his palms and fingers, captured the dragon and controlled the crane, like a lock that imprisoned the sky, swift as lightning, incredibly fast.

This was his full blow, confident enough to easily capture Bei Ling.


However, there was a scene that surprised him. Bei Ling turned his palm back, like a knife stabbing the air, forming a fierce and unparalleled piercing force, which actually disintegrated him head-on!

How can it be?

In just seven days, how could the opponent's strength suddenly soar?

Cui Ruyin shrank his eyes and pupils. You know, seven days ago, when he chased and killed Bei Ling, it was as easy as flipping the palm of his hand, as easy as a tiger pounces on a white sheep, but now, the opponent is fighting him on a par!

"A born deformed child, you really are an idiot!" Bei Ling's figure flashed, and he retreated a thousand feet away, with a cold expression and a mocking arc on his lips.

Deformed children!


These two words irritated Cui Ruyin's forehead with blue veins bursting out, and he was furious. With a roar, he was about to rush up and kill Bei Ling.

However, before he could move, he felt someone grabbing the back of his neck suddenly, and he couldn't exert any strength in his body, but was lifted up like a doll.

"It's really impolite to ridicule deformed children, but you are not only physically deformed, but also mentally deformed. You deserve to be looked down upon for the rest of your life."

Chen Xi exerted force with his palms like he was carrying a torn rag.

"you you……"

Cui Ruyin even had difficulty breathing, and was about to suffocate, his baby-like immature face suddenly turned purple and red, his eyes protruded, looking extremely ferocious, he struggled repeatedly, but it was of no avail.

Instead, it looks like an ugly monkey, which looks very funny.

"Haha, little brother is so mighty, I really love you to the bottom of my heart."

The fourth child stood in the distance clapping his hands and laughing, his eyes were like water, and he looked at Chen Xi with excitement and fascination, and he even couldn't help sticking out his scarlet tongue and licking his lips.

Chen Xi felt a chill all over his body, and at this moment, he almost couldn't control himself to kill Cui Ruyin.

"Keep an eye on him, I'm going to kill this disgusting thing that is neither male nor female!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, used the "Great Imprisonment Technique" to imprison Cui Ruyin's entire body, and threw it to Bei Ling. Then, with a flash of his figure, he killed the fourth brother in the distance.

He was really fed up with this bastard. He was obviously a five-foot man, but he was dressed up gaudy and alluring. man guy.

"Ah, brother, do you want someone else? I'm so excited..."

Seeing Chen Xi coming to kill him, the fourth child didn't want to dodge, but screamed excitedly, a blush appeared on his heavily made-up face, and his coquettish attitude was like water.

Chen Xi's face darkened, and he slashed with his sword.


A swipe of thick and powerful sword energy flew into the sky, accumulating hundreds of millions of runes, and shattered the heaven and earth. The momentum was monstrous, fierce and terrifying to the extreme, and the surrounding void burst into pieces, roaring and turning into tidal turbulence, and the sky and the earth turned pale.

As soon as he made a move, he unleashed a killer move, from which it can be seen how much Chen Xi loathes this fourth child.

The fourth son clearly only had the fifth level of the Earth Immortal Realm, but he didn't show a trace of fear in the face of Chen Xi's full-strength sword.

"Brother, unless the immortal who controls the power of law comes, no one can kill him." He covered his mouth with his hand and giggled, his figure flashed.

In the next instant, the others had turned into hundreds of millions of tiny bloody lights like ox hair, rushing towards all directions.

Puff puff!

The sword qi slammed down and smashed large pieces of small blood light, but it was impossible to leave all of them, because the number of blood light was too many, densely packed, like inexhaustible tide locusts, and Drilling into the void and disappearing in a flash, it looks extremely strange.


Regarding this, Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly startled, what kind of cultivation technique is this?

"Brother, don't let people wait too long for you in the Six Paths Kingdom—"

In the void, the voice of the fourth child curled up and spread, excited and charming, and it took a long time for the silence to disappear.

The damn thing!

The corners of Chen Xi's lips couldn't help twitching again.

"That person should have comprehended the 'Six Deficient Blood God Art', which was inherited from the Nether Blood River. It is rumored that it was created by the blood river leader in ancient times. It can incarnate 36 blood god sons. It is easy to defeat him. It is extremely difficult to kill him."

Bei Ling flew over, and she obviously knew a lot about it, and explained in a low voice, "This skill is similar to the 'Undead Pluto Art' I practiced, but this kind of skill emphasizes 'if you don't die, kill the sky, "Killing the earth, killing all living beings" is extremely cruel and bloodthirsty, once cultivated, the soul will be annihilated, and the violence will be like a demon, which is far inferior to the "Undead Pluto Art".

"Kill the sky, kill the earth, kill all living beings, heh, what a big tone."

It was only then that Chen Xi realized why the other party was so perverted and disgusting. It turned out that he had practiced a brutal cultivation technique that destroys the soul.

He has also heard that in the ancient times, the leader of the Nether Blood River had towering skills and might spread far and wide in the three realms.

It was also later that a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with great wisdom, great perseverance, and great compassion came to the Buddhist sect, guarding the bank of the Nether Blood River, and made the great wish of "Hell is not empty, and I swear not to become a Buddha". Master He suffered a serious injury and never appeared in the world again.

Next, Chen Xi cleaned up the battlefield, and was planning to take Bei Ling into Miluo City, torture Cui Ruyin who was captured alive, and get some news.

At this moment, Cui Ruyin, who was imprisoned by the great imprisonment technique, did not know what kind of secret technique was used, and his whole body swelled up like a ball.

On his face, there was a hint of resentment and madness.

not good!

Chen Xi's eyes were fixed, and he almost subconsciously took Bei Ling to the side, and the person had disappeared.


Where they were originally standing, suddenly a ray of light rushed out of the sky, roaring like thunder, submerging thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and everything was on the verge of being destroyed.

Then Cui Ruyin chose to blew himself up!

Standing thousands of miles away, Chen Xi watched the terrifying and destructive fluctuations in the extreme distance, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I didn't expect this guy to be so ruthless. If everyone in the Cui family is like him, it will be difficult to deal with."

"I don't think he knows that he must die, but he doesn't want to reveal some of Cui's internal secrets, so he has to die." Bei Ling shook his head.

Chen Xi thought about it, and approved of Bei Ling's idea.

Next, without any further delay, the two brought Cui Qingning into the cross-domain teleportation array in Sala City.


At this time, in the domain of the Six Paths Kings, in Cui's mansion.

With a snap, Cui Fangjun crushed the jade slip in his hand, a gloomy look appeared on Weiyi's cheek, he raised his eyes, scanned the surroundings, and said, "Only Cui Rushan returns, and the rest are wiped out."

The sound was like thunder, shaking the hall.

All the elders looked at each other in blank dismay, silent like cicadas.

The world-renowned Qing Xiao who never missed a shot died, and Wang Chong from the Asura Division, Liu Jun and Rui Qing from the Evil Ghost Division also fell in Black Cliff City.

Now, even Cui Ruyin and more than a dozen Earth Immortal powerhouses have encountered unexpected events...

Everyone really couldn't imagine why it was so difficult to solve just a little girl who was just a baby.

"Rushan, come and tell everyone who did all of this." Seeing the doubts in everyone's eyes, Cui Fangjun waved his hand and ordered.

Immediately, an enchanting man with heavy make-up walked gracefully, swayed to the center of the hall, his watery eyes swept over everyone, and when he touched them, everyone trembled and felt disgusted.

This person is the "fourth" Cui Rushan.

Rushan, a majestic and majestic name, fell on him, but it was completely inappropriate.

"Well, that's a handsome little brother, extremely powerful, and his heroic and brave aura makes his heart go cold..."

When Cui Rushan spoke, his voice was so coquettish that everyone frowned, and even the second elder Cui Fangjun felt sick in his heart.

But I had to endure it, because Cui Rushan was the only one who witnessed everything.

After half a sound.

When Cui Rushan finished speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the disgusting feeling in their hearts gradually calmed down. However, when they thought of the "Chen Xi" that Cui Rushan had mentioned, everyone felt astonished again. .

Earth Immortal Eightfold!

Outstanding combat power!

Unparalleled swordsmanship!

In this Netherworld, when did such a powerful character suddenly appear?Why hadn't heard of its reputation before?

Everyone was amazed, with such a master protecting him, it's no wonder that even Cui Ruyin, who was at the seventh level of the Earth Immortal, missed.

"Could that Chen Xi be someone sent by other forces? Want to take advantage of our Cui Clan's chaos?" An elder frowned and muttered.

"Hmph, it's nonsense, our Cui family has an ancestor in charge, which force would dare to do this?"

The second elder, Cui Fangjun, immediately vetoed it. Immediately after, he took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, we, the Cui Clan, have made many jokes to other forces due to our internal struggle. It is time for this crisis to be resolved."

After a pause, he continued: "I have a premonition that soon, that Chen Xi will definitely escort Qing Ning to the Six Kingdoms Realm, and this is also our last chance. If we can't solve it, we can only do it in the 'Ancestral Worship Ceremony. 'It's time for a share. I don't want to wait until then!"

Everyone's heart trembled, and their expressions became dignified.

"Second Elder, your city is like the sea, why don't you tell us what to do." Cui Rushan said softly.

Cui Fangjun didn't care about whether this guy's words were disgusting or not, and a ruthless look appeared on his majestic face, "Use all the power we have, and just wait for the prey to enter the city, and kill without mercy!"

A hammer is fixed.

After everyone was ordered to leave, Cui Fangjun stood up and paced back and forth in the empty hall. After a while, he stopped abruptly, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Chen Xi... no wonder this name feels so familiar..."

In the next moment, his figure flashed, and he left the hall. He was going to pay a visit to a big man, and to find out the details of this little guy named Chen Xi.


ps: The second update is at 9:11, the third update is at [-]:[-], and the fourth and fifth updates are in the early morning.

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