divine talisman

Chapter 959 Ignorance Building [Part 2]

Six realms of kings.

This is already the core of the Nether Underworld, where the most powerful forces in the Nether, such as the Six Dao Division and the Criminal Law Division, are stationed.

In comparison, the Huangquan domain and the Wangchuan domain only belong to the periphery of the Nether Underworld. When it comes to the vast territory and great influence, they are far inferior to the Six Kingdoms domain.

The "Ziluo City" where the Cui clan is entrenched in the Kingdom of the Six Paths is an extremely ancient city. Its history can be traced back to the ancient times.

As for the Department of Criminal Law, it has been controlled by the Cui family since ancient times, even when Emperor Youming was in power, it never changed.


The "Phoenix House" marked in the jade slips left by Gu Tian is not in Ziluo City, but in a small city a million miles away from Ziluo City.

This small city is called "Ignorance City".

Although it is not as prosperous as Ziluo City, when it comes to reputation, it is not inferior to Ziluo City, and even surpasses it.

The reason is that there is a building of ignorance in the city of ignorance!

The Wuzhi Building is a force that spreads all over the world. It has branches in every city. It sells magic weapons, pills, exercises, spiritual materials, and other cultivation treasures. It is a unique big business house in the entire Netherworld.

It's not even an exaggeration to say that as long as you can afford the price, you can buy anything in the Netherworld in Wuzhi Building.

And this city of ignorance is the birthplace of the ignorance building.

At this time, outside Wuzhi City, it was bustling and lively as usual.

"This is the city of ignorance? It is really different from other places."

"It's very simple, because this is a world-renowned commercial capital. There are countless commercial firms and vendors coming in and out every day. The trade exchanges are extremely prosperous, which makes the flow of personnel very large."

In the distance, Chen Xi and Bei Ling walked side by side.

The two followed the crowds into the city, and after a cup of tea along the dense, spider-like streets, they finally stopped in front of a sparsely populated street.

Diagonally across the street, hundreds of feet away, stands a row of buildings, which are ordinary and nothing eye-catching.

In front of the eaves of one of the buildings, there is a plaque with the words "Fengchuju" hanging impressively.

Obviously, this is a private place that Cui Ming set up. Apart from Cui Ming, only Cui Qingning and Gu Tian knew about it, not even the members of the Cui family.

The interior of Fengchu's residence is quiet and elegant, with bright and clean windows. Chen Xi settled Bei Ling and Cui Qingning here, pondered for a while, and planned to go out for a while.

In the southeast of Wuzhi City, there is an inconspicuous building, hundreds of feet high, with a simple appearance, but the words "Wuzhi Building" are impressively written on the plaque.

As we all know, Wuzhilou is the No. [-] firm in the Netherworld, but the most famous one is the news about Wuzhilou.

For the guests who can pay the price, the Wuzhi Building is "omniscient", and any information and secrets can be obtained from it.

Conversely, if you can't afford the price, Wuzhilou is "knowing nothing".

The name Wuzhi Building came from this at the beginning.

The background of the Wuzhi Building is very mysterious and terrifying. Even the powerful forces such as Liu Daosi, Huangquan Palace, and Mengpo Palace are not willing to provoke them at will, and their status is quite detached.

On the first floor of Wuzhi Building, an old man with a calm demeanor was sitting behind the desk, flipping through the accounts in his hand, with a serious and meticulous expression.

"Now, Mr. Mo is still in charge of Cui's news?"

At this time, a person walked in,

The old man raised his head, and when he saw the appearance of the visitor, he couldn't help being startled, then stood up solemnly, and said, "Exactly."

"Okay." The man nodded and went straight to the building.

"Weird, weird." The old man watched the man leave, with a hint of doubt in his expression, as if he didn't expect that the other party would have the time to come here.

But soon, he stopped thinking about it, because someone came to the door again.

"Do you want to buy and sell treasures, or ask for information." The old man sat in the chair, continued to look through the accounts in his hand, and asked plainly.

"Inquire about the news."

"Oh? Tell me what news." The old man asked without raising his head.

"About Choi."

Startled, the old man raised his head slowly, squinted his eyes and looked at the young man standing in front of the desk, and said after a while, "Which Cui family?"

"The one in Ziluo City." The young man said indifferently. He had a tall figure and an indifferent demeanor. It was Chen Xi.

"3000 yuan for king-level crystals." The old man quoted a price.

The young man was startled, and said: "This is the price of several fairy artifacts, isn't it a bit too expensive?"

The old man raised his head, and after making sure that the other party was not making fun of him, he said seriously, "If you come back ten days later, I will only charge you a piece of ordinary Mingjing, but now, 3000 yuan of king-level Mingjing is a must."

Chen Xi frowned: "What else is there to pay attention to?"

"Don't you know that after ten days, Cui's 'Ancestor Worship Ceremony' will be held?" the old man asked back.

Ancestral worship ceremony?

Chen Xi thought about it, but still shook his head.

The old man looked at Chen Xi with some surprise, but didn't say any more.

"This is 3000 yuan king-level crystal." Chen Xi raised his hand and handed over a storage bag.

The old man was a little surprised at this moment. He took a deep look at Chen Xi, then picked up the storage bag, looked it up a bit, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his lips. He nodded and said, "Go in from here and go to room C on the fifth floor. Someone will tell you everything."

"Thank you." Chen Xi cupped his hands, turned around and walked towards the ignorance building.

"It seems that this young man is not an ordinary person for being able to hand out such a sum of wealth." The old man watched Chen Xi's back disappear, and his eyes fell on the storage bag again, thoughtfully.

The sixth floor of Wuzhi Building, room C.

Chen Xi pushed the door open and entered. There was only one desk and two chairs in this room. It was small in size, but it was equipped with a layer of restraints. It was able to isolate Xiannian's probes, making it extremely safe and secret.

"What do you want to know?" Behind the desk was a man in a black robe, his whole body was covered by the black robe, only a pair of calm and indifferent eyes were exposed.

"How did Cui's Nether Disk get lost?" Chen Xi sat in front of the writing desk and said calmly.

The man in black was stunned, but he still replied: "The Nether Disk is the Cui clan's holy weapon, the key to controlling the Criminal Law Department. It has been in the hands of Cui Fangjun, the second elder of the Cui clan. unknown."

"I just want to know who stole it." Chen Xi said.

"This is beyond the scope of my understanding, so it's hard to answer." The man in black replied without thinking.

Even though he had known for a long time that it would be such a result, Chen Xi still couldn't help feeling disappointed. After a while, he asked about Cui's situation.

Sure enough, the man in black knew the Cui family very well, and he knew everything.

"It turns out that everything will be decided during the ancestor worship ceremony..."

After a long time, Chen Xi finally understood everything after listening to it.

The so-called ancestor worship ceremony is a ceremony of worshiping ancestors within the Cui family. It is held once a year, and the ceremony is not important. Take over the power of the Cui family.

More importantly, after Cui Fangjun inherited the position of patriarch, Cui Zhenkong, the patriarch of the Cui family, would perform a forbidden technique to open the secret realm of the ancestral land, allowing Cui Fangjun to enter it and understand the mantle inherited by his ancestors.

At that time, even if Cui Qingning returns to the clan, it will be difficult to change the overall situation.

Of course, before everything is settled, Cui Fangjun will never tolerate any accidents, which is why Cui Qingning is frequently hunted down.

Because strictly speaking, Cui Qingning is the heir to the position of patriarch, and the blood flowing through her body is unique, and it is the key to unlock the secret realm of the ancestral land, so there is no need to ask the ancestor of the Cui family to take action.

"Thank you."

Chen Xi got up, turned around and was about to leave.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a moment. If you want to know the whereabouts of the Nether Disk, I suggest you go to the Qunying Building, maybe you will get some unexpected rewards." The man in black said suddenly.

"Qunying Building?"

Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and after thanking that person again, he turned and left.

"It's good luck, the 380 city of the Six Kingdoms, just happened to let me meet this little guy..."

Just a moment after Chen Xi left, the black-robed man suddenly let out a chuckle, and lifted his hood, revealing a stern and stern face.


With a wave of his hand, the jade slip of communication turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the room.


Ignorance City, Qunying Building.

This is a restaurant that is about to decline, deserted.

When Chen Xi arrived, he saw only the store manager dozing off behind the counter, and was about to fall asleep. Apart from him, there was not even a waiter in the store.

But just when Chen Xi stepped forward and was about to enter the building, he seemed to notice something, and a cold gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he stopped in his tracks.

"Yo, guest officer, you're here, please come inside quickly!" At this time, the shopkeeper also found Chen Xi, and he immediately lifted his spirits and said with a smile on his face.

"I'm worried that after entering, there will be rivers of blood here." Chen Xi said indifferently.

The shopkeeper was taken aback, then smiled and said, "Guest officer is really good at making jokes."

"You think I'm joking?" Chen Xi asked back, looking at him with interest.

"Isn't the blood flowing into rivers just a joke?" The shopkeeper said with a smile, "Of course, I know very well that someone will definitely die today, such as you, guest officer."

As soon as the words were finished, the entire Qunying Building flashed with light, and suddenly turned into a terrifying formation, sealing off Chen Xi and the entire world.

At the same time, more than ten figures appeared out of thin air, with overwhelming momentum.

Especially the shopkeeper, turned into an eight-foot tall man with a head of horns, a blue-faced red-eyed man surrounded by ghost mist, with a bunch of bloody skulls hanging around his neck. He looked fierce and violent. No match.

"Little guy, just die obediently. After entering the blood-transforming divine light array, even if your cultivation level is as high as the sky, you will still turn into a puddle of pus!" The shopkeeper who changed his appearance laughed and roared.

Chen Xi’s expression was still calm and calm. He glanced around, sighed immediately, and said, “It seems that I was tricked by the ignorance building, and I’m really quite ignorant…”

Before the voice fell, others had already attacked outrageously!


ps: ask for a monthly pass~~

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