divine talisman

Chapter 960 Eyed Ghost Monkey [Part 3]

Thank you brother "Pursuing Peach Blossom" for your support!


The sixth floor of Wuzhi Building, room C.

The man in black sat leisurely behind the desk, looked up at the steaming tea on the desk, and thought to himself: "At this time, that little thing is probably trapped in the blood-transforming divine light array, so wait for a cup of tea, maybe There will be a result.”

Thinking of this, he waved his sleeve robe, and with a plop, a figure knelt down on the ground.

This person had gray beard and hair, and an old face. As soon as he appeared, he roared and wanted to get up, but the man in black stomped on his face and pinned him firmly to the ground.

"Old man Mo Kun, isn't it just to use your C-shaped room, why are you so angry?" The black-robed man chuckled and said slowly.

"This is Wuzhi Building, you offended me, do you think you still have a way to survive?" Mo Kun stared at the man in black, hoarsely growling.

He no longer struggled, the opponent was much stronger than him, struggling was useless.

"I'm working for the Cui clan. After everything is done, I will return to the Cui clan. If you want to arrest me, you Wuzhilou will have to go through the Cui clan first."

The man in black picked up his teacup, blew leisurely, and said, "And you are just a marginal elder in Wuzhilou. Who do you think will stand up for you?"


Hearing this, Mo Kun's expression changed, and after a while, he suddenly said: "You pretended to be the master of the dark palace of Wuzhilou before, didn't you worry that he would trouble you?"

"Idiot, thanks to the fact that you are still the elder of the Wuzhi Building, don't you understand that since I can pretend to be that old man Ren Changfeng, I can naturally pretend to be someone else, and who will find out who I am?"

The man in black said proudly, "What's more, in this world, except for the guy with the eyes of the gods, the golden eyes, and the ghostly sun and green pupils, even the gods can hardly recognize my identity!"

Mo Kun's face darkened, and then he seemed to think of something, and said in surprise: "Your surname is Hou, are you a descendant of the thousand-eyed ghost monkey?"

The thousand-eyed ghost monkey, a strange race that has long since disappeared in the underworld, looks like a savage monkey, with ghostly eyes all over its body, and possesses a unique innate talent called "Mirror Exchange Magic"!

After performing this technique, the thousand-eyed ghost monkey can incarnate anyone in the world, and the person's aura, appearance, and even the voice and smile will be firmly remembered, so that even the gods can hardly distinguish the real from the fake, which is so weird horrible.

It's just that a long time ago, an elder of the Thousand-Eyed Ghost Monkey Clan pretended to be the third Emperor Youming, causing a catastrophe, and finally angered the Emperor Youming, and suffered the catastrophe of annihilation.

Since then, it has been extremely difficult to see the thousand-eyed ghost monkey in this nether world.

"You can see through my identity. It seems that you people in Wuzhilou are not ignorant. It's a pity that you know it too late and it won't help."

The black-robed man smiled lightly, but he didn't care.

"Sure enough, I didn't expect that Cui Shi would dare to violate the regulations of the Nether Emperor and take in the descendants of the thousand-eyed ghost monkey. If the old man is still alive, Cui Shi must be thoroughly cleaned!"

Mo Kun gritted his teeth, with a strong unwillingness and anger on his face.

As soon as these words came out, the black-robed man seemed to have been uncovered by someone, and he kicked Mo Kun violently, screaming with resentment in his mouth: "What is the Emperor Youming, that old thing that deserves a thousand knives has already died!" He was killed by the gods and Buddhas of the gods without leaving any bones, so what's the use of mentioning him!?"

His feet were so strong that Mo Kun broke countless bones in his body, and curled up on the ground in pain, but he couldn't escape no matter how hard he struggled, and finally passed out.

After venting his anger, the black-robed man Hou Zhan took a gulp of tea and murmured, "Why is there no news yet? Forget it, don't wait, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

As he spoke, he stood up, lowered his head, and stared at Mo Kun on the ground, with murderous intent in his eyes.


At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside.

A tall figure walked in, with a calm expression and a handsome face, it was Chen Xi.

He looked at Mo Kun on the ground, then at the man in black robe, a cold arc appeared on the corner of his lips, "I'm sorry, you can't leave."

Hou Zhan was startled, and suddenly smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist came back so soon, but have you found out the whereabouts of the Nether Disk?"

When he was speaking, he exerted a sudden force on his foot, which was about to obliterate Mo Kun's life without a trace, but before he could make a move, he felt his foot tremble, and an unstoppable force was used to shock him. I staggered all over and almost fell down.

And that Mo Kun was already rescued by Chen Xi.

"You lied to me, and then killed someone in front of me, isn't it too presumptuous?" Chen Xi glanced coldly at Hou Zhan.

"Fellow Daoist! What do you mean?" Hou Zhan said in a deep voice.

"Alright, since you're still pretending not to know, I'll make you understand," Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe.

There was a muffled thud, and more than a dozen bloody heads appeared on the copybook in front of Hou Zhan, lined up in a row. Before he died, he didn't know what kind of fright he had suffered, and each of them looked terrified and distorted, full of unwillingness and despair.

Seeing this scene, Hou Zhan froze all over, and said after a while, "Who are these people, and why don't I know any of them?"

"These are the strong Earth Immortals in Qunying Tower, but unfortunately they don't know the whereabouts of the Nether Disk, so I can only come back to find you."

Chen Xi said coldly, he didn't bother to care whether the other party was still pretending, and said directly: "Today, if you don't give me an explanation, I guarantee that you will end up worse than them."

"Why can't I understand what Fellow Daoist said?" Hou Zhanqiang laughed to himself.

"This is Wuzhi Building, you must be very worried about being noticed by them, right?" Chen Xi laughed suddenly, and slowly closed the door with his backhand.

Seeing this smile, Hou Zhan's heart skipped a beat, and he said to himself, "I'm the elder of Wuzhilou, how could my family be afraid of my own family?"

"Whether you're afraid or not, you'll know if you try it." Chen Xi smiled brighter and brighter.

next moment--

Suddenly there was a shrill scream in the room, which lasted for a whole stick of incense, the sound was extremely miserable and moving.

But outside the room, you can't hear a single sound, because this is the Wuzhi Building, every room is restricted, and it is difficult for even immortal thoughts to penetrate, let alone sound?

"I say! Please let me go—"

Hou Zhan's mournful and utter wailing resounded in the room, and immediately, all the noise stopped abruptly.

I saw Hou Zhan was drenched in blood, kneeling on the ground, his face blurred, and every inch of his skin was scorched. Even if he took off the black robe at this time, no one would be able to recognize who he was.

"You'd better tell the truth, don't force me to use some soul-searching methods, the feeling of pain, you should probably know better than me."

Chen Xi sat in the chair and quietly looked at Hou Zhan.

Hou Zhan's whole body trembled, and the gaze he looked at Chen Xi was like looking at an omnipotent demon, full of horror and fear.

At that moment, he no longer dared to hide anything, and explained everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

After listening, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised.

Although he had already guessed that the second elder of the Cui family would definitely use extremely strong means to prevent Cui Qingning from entering Ziluo City, he still did not expect that the other party would deploy heavy troops in all the 380 cities of the Six Paths Kings Region. It can no longer be described with the word horror.

From this, we can also know how strong and frightening Cui's background is, as one of the most powerful forces in the Underworld.

"As for the Nether Disk, it was privately lent by the Second Elder Cui Fangjun to King Chu Jiang of the Second Hall of Yamas. Even the ancestors of the Cui family didn't know about it, and the person in charge of it was me..."

Hou Zhan was indeed terrified of being tormented. Chen Xi didn't have much expectation when he heard about the Nether Disk before, but he never expected that Hou Zhan unexpectedly gave him a pleasant surprise.

Through the fluctuation of Hou Zhan's soul, Chen Xi already knew that the other party was not lying.

As for why King Chu Jiang borrowed the Nether Disk from Cui Fangjun, it is actually easy to guess. He must have received Bing Shitian's instruction, in order to use the power of the Nether Disk to bring Qing Xiuyi into the Netherland at a critical moment. middle!

King Chujiang!

Cui Fangjun!

Very good, you dare to meddle in the affairs between me and Bing Shitian, then wait to bear the consequences of offending me!

Knowing all this, Chen Xi's face was a little gloomy, his eyes were cold and filled with killing intent.

"I've told you everything I know, please, kill me, don't torture me again!"

Seeing that Chen Xi's expression was uncertain, Hou Zhan was so frightened that his heart was ashamed, and he repeatedly begged for death.


Chen Xi stared at him for a moment, then waved his palm, knocking him unconscious, then imprisoned him, and threw him into the Pagoda of the Buddha.

On the first floor of the ignorance building, behind the desk, the old man in charge of the reception was calm, and he was still checking the accounts meticulously.

Chen Xi stepped forward, knocked on the table, and said, "I suggest that you better go to room C on the sixth floor to have a look."

After speaking, the other person has disappeared.

The old man raised his head in displeasure, frowned and murmured: "Nonsense, who in this nether world would dare to make trouble in my Wuzhi Building?"

He lowered his head and was about to check the accounts again, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He couldn't help rubbing his brows angrily, stood up awkwardly, and strode towards the sixth floor.

A moment later, an angry shout suddenly came from the six-story corridor: "What? The thousand-eyed ghost monkey taken in by the Cui family? Damn it! How dare you insult the elders of my ignorance building! This matter must not be let go!"

Immediately, everything fell silent.


After Chen Xi returned to "Fengchu Residence", he chose to retreat.

Ten days later, it will be the ancestor worship ceremony of the Cui clan, whether it is long or short, at that time, he will bring Cui Qingning and enter Ziluo City!

But before that, all he had to do was to work hard to adjust his cultivation to the best state.

The Cui family——

That is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den!

With Chen Xi's confidence in his own strength, coupled with Xiao Ding's help, he had no choice but to make complete preparations.


ps: Chapters 4,5 and [-] will be a bit late, and I can’t wait to read them tomorrow. To be honest, these chapters have a large span, and the scene changes frequently, but they also need to be concise.

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