divine talisman

Chapter 961 Fire Shining God Fist [Part 4]

ten days later.

Chen Xi woke up from his meditation, and when his eyes opened and closed, two flames surged out. Looking carefully at them, it seemed that there were two roads of fire shining in those pupils, piercing through the heavens and the earth, and they were about to burn the sky.


He stood up, stretched his figure, his whole waist and spine swayed like a big dragon, his elbows bent like an old turtle, and he punched out with a simple punch. Although it didn't contain the slightest immortal essence, it shook the void like a tidal wave. Circles of ripples.

It was a punching force, containing the charm of the Taoism of the other side, deep and vast, breathtaking!


The waist is straightened like a gun, the five fingers are squeezed together, the fist is like a big gun, and when one punch is swung, the void is smashed like glass, which is very frightening.

This punch also didn't use any immortal energy, just the fist intent, easily exploded the void!

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it, his figure wandered around the room, and punched a mysterious and unpredictable punch.

The void shatters without damaging the house.

The fist is surging, but it is not exposed.

Looking from a distance, those punches are like paths leading to hell, with mysterious meanings, shocking the soul.

And this is "Fire God Fist"!

A supreme method recorded on the second page of Nether Records!

This kind of boxing technique, the good fortune of seizing the world, combines the intention of boxing with the Dao of the other shore, and cooperates with the "Great Samsara Jue", which is extremely powerful and terrifying.

Reaching the highest level, one punch can even create a road of fire that penetrates the world, and wherever the punch is directed, the souls of all creatures will be taken away!

Similarly, this boxing scripture is also the supreme skill that the third Nether Emperor became famous for, and it has left a strong ink stroke in the long history of the Nether Realm.

"If it takes a little longer, the power of the Huozhaoshen Fist will probably be even stronger..."

Chen Xi withdrew his fist, stood on the spot and carefully understood the subtleties.

After a long time, he regained his composure and pushed the door open.

Today is the day of Cui's "Ancestor Worship Ceremony". According to Cui Qingning, the grand ceremony will be held when the sun is three poles high. Calculated now, there are less than two hours left.

in the courtyard.

Bei Ling and Cui Qingning have already made preparations.

Bei Ling was dressed in a strong black dress, outlining her graceful figure to the fullest, with a heroic posture, coupled with her ice-cold and stunning face, she possessed a shocking beauty of her own.

Cui Qingning was completely different from the past. Although this eleven or twelve-year-old girl had a pale face, her expression was calm and her demeanor was so calm that one couldn't see what she was thinking in her heart.

This change occurred after learning of Gu Tian's death.

Until now, even Chen Xi sometimes has a slight illusion, feeling that what he is facing is not an eleven or twelve-year-old innocent girl, but an adult whose city is like a deep valley.

And Cui Qingning only showed a smile when facing him and Bei Ling. At other times, she was like a sculpture without all emotions and desires.

"Let's go."

Chen Xi looked at Bei Ling, then at Cui Qingning, he didn't say much, he said everything in just two words.


The next moment, Chen Xi tore through the void, leading the two of them into an instant disappearance.


Violet City.

The streets that used to be bustling and bustling are now extremely cold, with shops, inns, and restaurants closed one after another, and even the wraith that always loves to wander around seems to have evaporated.

Lines of elite guards were stationed in front of the four city gates in the southeast, northwest, and at least five Earth Immortal powerhouses were stationed in front of each city gate.

No entry, no exit.

To put it simply, it is just two words-close the city!

Only outside the city could some figures be seen, but they seemed to have gotten used to it for a long time, and did not show any surprise or bewilderment.

The reason is simple, today is Cui's annual ancestor worship day!

The Cui family belonged to the pinnacle of power in the entire Netherworld, controlling the Criminal Law Department of the Underworld, and their status was even higher than that of the Six Dao Department.

And this Ziluo City is the place where the Cui family made its fortune, and it has been firmly controlled by the Cui family since ancient times. Now, in order to carry out the ancestor worship ceremony smoothly, it is very common to block the entire city.

What's more, the ancestor worship ceremony this time is different from previous years. It is related to the succession of the Cui clan's patriarch, and some bloody conflicts are more likely to break out. Therefore, this time, the Cui clan's defense against Ziluo City has also reached An all-time high.

The time was approaching noon, and the sky was full of purple sun, with a dim luster.

In front of the east gate of Ziluo City.

Stationed here is Dong Yunhai, the elder of Cui's Keqing, and four other elders, all of whom are at the fifth level of the Earth Immortal Realm.

Near them, there is an elite guard of 500 people, who take turns to replace the guards up and down the city gate.

Such a powerful formation, let alone a person, even a fly cannot fly in.

"It seems that there will be no accidents, and the second elder can take over the position of patriarch with peace of mind."

Dong Yunhai was lying in a rocking chair in front of the city gate, squinting his eyes and said leisurely, his figure was thin, with a nose augmented and eagle eyes, he seemed to be leisurely, but he exuded a vigorous and stern demeanor.

"Hehe, of course, in the entire Netherworld, who doesn't know that today is our Cui family's ancestor worship day. As long as you are not stupid at this time, no one will dare to come and make trouble." Another strong earth immortal said with a laugh.

"It's better to be more careful. If something goes wrong, none of us can afford it." Another person reminded softly.

"By the way, Brother Dong, I heard that at the ancestor worship ceremony, the Second Elders would take the Third Elders and completely suppress the Third Elders. Is it true or not?" Someone suddenly asked.

Dong Yunhai narrowed his eyes, and pondered: "It's not certain, after all, as we all know, the third elder has always been at odds with the second elder, and has always supported the daughter of the previous patriarch's direct line to inherit the position of patriarch in private. This is a crime. Taboo of most Cui clan members."

"What taboo?"

"Do you think a woman can take over the position of patriarch and control the criminal law department of the underworld?"

Dong Yunhai asked back, and then sighed softly, "That's where the difference is. I remember that girl is only eleven or twelve years old, but she has a special bloodline, and her natural personality fits the meaning of the ruling. Because of this, she won." Support from many elders."

"Hehe, she's just a yellow-haired girl. No matter how special her talent is, how can she compare to the talent of the Second Elder Xiong?" The others laughed lightly, and they all agreed.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Dong Yunhai couldn't help shaking his head, but he knew that the little girl might never come back again, and it would be meaningless to compare.


At this moment, the void shook, and three figures appeared outside the east gate.

A handsome young man, a cold woman, and a naive young girl, in the usual way, when seeing such three people, they would not attract much attention.

But at this time, the east city gate was empty, and the appearance of these three people was very eye-catching, and immediately alarmed the crowd in front of the city gate.

These three people are naturally Chen Xi, Bei Ling and Cui Qingning.

"Listen, three of you, close the city today, leave quickly, or you will be killed without mercy!"

On the city wall, a guard yelled loudly, even though they knew that all those who could teleport were earth immortals, but as Cui's guards, they were not afraid at all.

Not to mention that there are five elders of Cui's Keqing sitting under the gate of the city, their identities alone are enough to frighten the other party into fear.

Because they are members of the Cui family.

It's that simple.

"Closing off the city? That second elder is really a character. He has been defeated and fought repeatedly, and he has made arrangements everywhere, and he is not discouraged."

Chen Xi shook his head, and led Bei Ling and Cui Qingning straight to the middle of the city gate.

"Bastards! Are you deaf? Get out of here!"

A group of Cui's guards were restless and shouted loudly.

For this, Chen Xi ignored it from the beginning to the end, and walked towards the city gate on his own.

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be fined! Kill!"

A guard roared and clattered. Hundreds of guards in fine armor appeared at the top of the city. They bent their bows and set up arrows, opened their arms, and shot arrows swishing down.

The arrow pierced through the air, and the strong wind whistled sharply, with unparalleled strength, like a black cloud shrouded down.


Suddenly, an invisible force field surged out of Chen Xi's body, and it spread loudly, and immediately bounced back the overwhelming arrows.

puff puff puff...

Scarlet blood rained down on the city wall. Caught off guard, the guards were all pierced through their heads and died on top of them, letting out a shrill cry.

In just one breath, the city wall was stained red with blood, and corpses were everywhere, at least hundreds of people died.

This scene immediately frightened a guard who hadn't had time to open his bow to scream suddenly, his legs trembled, and he was so frightened that he peed his crotch.

"Junior dare!"

A purple cloud shrouded in thunder and lightning came over, and the divine glow transpired, diffusing thousands of purple lights, covering Chen Xi's head.

The person who made the shot was a skinny middle-aged man, dragging a mountain-shaped magic weapon in his hand, the purple lightning shot out, and the celestial gang was lingering, and the purple cloud was released by him.

"act recklessly!"

Regarding this, Bei Lingpin's fingers on one side were like knives, and he slashed out a blue knife aura. With a bang, he chopped the piece of purple cloud into pieces, and cut off the thin middle-aged head directly with unrivaled sharpness.

The skinny middle-aged man was startled, he quickly sacrificed the Yamagata magic weapon in his hand, and crushed it hard.


The two collided, like a volcanic eruption, the brilliance was dazzling and deafening.

However, before the thin middle-aged man could heave a sigh of relief, he saw that the blue saber energy shattered by him turned into wisps of blue light, covering him like a sky full of stars.


The next moment, his whole body exploded, and he died tragically on the spot!

This scene made Dong Yunhai's four earth immortals shrink their eyes and pupils, knowing that the comer was not good, and their strength was also extremely high.

"Fellow Daoist, stop! I don't know why you came to Ziluo City?"

Dong Yunhai didn't dare to be negligent, he jumped forward, and the sound was like thunder, rumbled away.


The fifth watch is probably going to be coded until dawn, but I will stick to it.

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