divine talisman

Chapter 962 Entering the City [Part 5]

Dong Yunhai wanted to delay the time and find out the details of the other party.

Unfortunately, his wishful thinking fell through.

Chen Xi ignored him at all, took Cui Qingning's hand, and walked straight forward, with a calm and calm demeanor, but he seemed to have ignored the world, so how could he put Dong Yunhai and others in his eyes.


Bei Ling erupted, and his cool and graceful figure fluttered, like a blooming blue flame, emitting hundreds of millions of sharp blades, like a blue crescent moon, beheading all directions.

boom!boom!boom! ...

On the city wall, on the ground, and in the void, there were long and narrow cracks that were torn open everywhere, and the rocks collapsed, forcing Dong Yunhai and the other four to retreat again and again.

Although it was done by one person, it was invincible!


A faint blue sword light flashed, like a glimpse of a rainbow, but it brought up a bloody head, and another strong Earth Immortal died tragically.

Dong Yunhai and the others were frightened and furious, it was almost unbelievable that it was just a woman, but they were so suppressed that they couldn't lift their heads, and they had no room to fight back.

That faint blue blade light is too terrifying, it looks like a waning moon, it is extremely fierce, and it seems to be able to cut through everything.


There was another cry of misery, and an ancestor of the earth fairy couldn't dodge in time, his body was cut in half, and the colorful intestines and internal organs were mixed with blood and poured all over the ground, bloody and disgusting.

At this moment, the only remaining Dong Yunhai and the three finally panicked, feeling a fatal danger. The woman seemed to be only at the fifth level of the Earth Immortal, but her combat power was not inferior to that of the Seventh Level of the Earth Immortal. She was simply a female killer !

"Huh? I remembered, that girl is the daughter of the former patriarch—Cui Qingning! They came here to destroy the ancestor worship ceremony!"

One person's face changed suddenly, and he recognized Cui Qingning's identity.

But as soon as his voice fell, his whole body was cut in half by a sharp blue blade that was ten feet long, and he died on the spot.

"Escape! Go and inform the Second Elder! Something is wrong!!"

Dong Yunhai roared sharply, and with a flash of his figure, he turned around and rushed towards the city.

And the other Earth Immortal Patriarch didn't need him to greet him at all, he was so frightened that his fighting spirit collapsed, his liver and gallbladder were torn, and he ran away in a panic.

However, at this moment, Chen Xi, who had been moving forward quietly, suddenly raised his head, and a cold lightning flashed in his eyes.

In the next instant, an invisible force field enveloped all directions in an instant, imprisoning the void, and Dong Yunhai and the two were imprisoned in the void just after performing teleportation.

Jiuhua Peak Dao Technique - Great Imprisonment Technique!


With two crisp sounds, the void exploded, and the bodies of Dong Yunhai and the others had already turned into fine blood clots, and fell to the ground in a rustle.

Killing is as simple as that.

For the current Chen Xi, when one thought arises, ten thousand dharmas come into being, and one thought destroys all things. Dealing with two Earth Immortal fifth stage cultivators is no different from crushing two ants to death.

In less than a cup of tea, the east gate of Ziluo City fell, the city wall collapsed, and the ground cracked, like a big hole forcibly dug open by the hands of the gods.

The power stationed at the city gate has also been exhausted!

At this time, Chen Xi was holding the girl's hand, and had just walked into that straight bluestone street in the city. His figure was outstanding, and a long shadow was torn off by the purple sunlight.

The sun fell on Cui Qingning's innocent face, but there was no sign of fear or excitement. It was as calm as water, exuding a sense of tranquility.

Only when she raised her small face to look at Chen Xi, would her gaze be extraordinarily bright.

Bei Ling walked on the other side of the girl, dressed in black clothes, with a face as cold as ice, and a graceful figure.

This is a very shocking picture.

Among the fallen city gates, the empty streets, and the cold and dead world, the three people walking side by side seemed to be enemies of the whole world.


Cui's mansion, dominating the center of Ziluo City, occupies countless areas, with pavilions, towers and pavilions everywhere, artificial mountains and green lakes, among which there are even several mountains standing tall!

It was the mountain that was moved horizontally by the ancestor of the Cui family with his physical strength. The underground communicated with the spiritual veins, released Zhou Tian's mystery, and forcibly opened up the entire Cui family's mansion into a paradise.

In the southwest of the mansion, there stands an ancient bluestone altar with a mottled surface and a vicissitudes of life, as if it has continued from ancient times to the present.

In front of the altar is a flat and tidy square, which can accommodate ten thousand people.

The annual ancestor worship ceremony will be held here.

At this time, no matter the direct lineage or side branches of the Cui clan, as long as the blood of the Cui clan flows in their bodies, they all stand silently in front of the altar according to their seniority.

Standing at the very front of the altar are the high-ranking dignitaries of the Cui family, both men and women, all of whom possess divine light and aura like abysses. They are all powerful enough to stand alone in the outside world.

But at this time, they also stood solemnly, not daring to show any disrespect.

Among them, there is the second elder, Cui Fangjun. He stands in the most central position, and the people on both sides are indistinctly surrounded by stars. This has proved invisibly how powerful Cui Fangjun's authority in the Cui family is.

However, in the front row, there were also two, four or five misfits. The leader was a dignified middle-aged man, whose face was six to seven points similar to Cui Ming's, but at this time his brows were furrowed and gloomy.

He is Cui Ming's father, Cui Fanghu, the third elder of the Cui clan!

When it comes to personal strength, he is even a bit higher than the second elder Cui Fangjun, but he is not interested in power. The only thing he seeks is martial arts. He is a powerful and famous member of the Cui family.

"In another hour and three quarters of an hour, the ancestor worship ceremony will begin. At that time, all the clan uncles and ancestors who are hidden from the world will appear. If Qing Ning does not come back by then, I'm afraid ..."

A voice rang in Cui Fanghu's ears, and he didn't need to turn his head to know that it was his younger brother Cui Fangtu who was speaking.

"As long as you don't die, you will definitely come back!"

Cui Fanghu said decisively, "Although Qing Ning is young, she is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and has a firm temperament. As long as she comes back, I think the second child will dare to do anything wrong!"

"However, now that the entire Ziluo City is blocked, and we are also under house arrest here, how can Qing Ning return?" Cui Fangtu frowned and sighed.

"Then it's up to God to save face." Cui Fanghu took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

"Actually, that's not what I'm most worried about."

After hesitating for a moment, Cui Fangtu couldn't help but said, "What I'm worried about is that Second Brother will take this opportunity to... suppress us all!"

Cui Fanghu was silent, and said after a long time: "Don't worry, when the time comes, I will take everything down."

Cui Fangtu was startled, waiting for the sound transmission to say something.

At this moment, a figure hurried over, came straight to the second elder Cui Fangjun, and said something unknown, the next moment Cui Fangjun's face darkened.

This scene, in this quiet and solemn atmosphere, attracted the attention of many people. Seeing this, they were all a little puzzled, did something happen?

Immediately, Cui Fangjun's expression returned to calm, and he said a few words to the people around him, and saw several elders of the Neizong who were in the eighth level of the Earth Immortal Realm, all turned and left.

The crowd was in an uproar.

This is an ancestor worship ceremony. Unless there is a major change, no one is allowed to leave before the end. This is the rule set by the ancestors.

But now, several elders of the inner sect have left in a hurry. Doesn't this mean that something big has happened?

"Huh? Third brother, do you think this has something to do with Qing Ning?" Cui Fangtu's eyes lit up.

Cui Fanghu's face was still gloomy, and he said: "The one who took the lead to leave is Cui Lengzhong, who has been serving in the Criminal Law Department. The others are also the top kings of the Earth Immortal. Could it be that they have used such a large force to stop Qing Ning, who is only eleven or twelve years old?" ?”

Cui Fangtu frowned, his expression darkened.

Thinking about it, this is Ziluo City, which is now firmly under the control of the Second Elder and strictly blocked, and now sending out such a terrifying force, if it is only to deal with Cui Qingning, it will be too much work.

"But it's not impossible. The little girl has traveled all the way so far, but she hasn't encountered any accidents. Maybe it's because of the help of an expert."

Cui Fanghu changed the subject, and pondered, "But no matter what, as long as there are variables, the greater the variables, the more opportunities we can provide."

Cui Fangtu thought for a while, then sighed softly: "I just hope that this civil strife won't hurt the foundation of our Cui family..."

Hearing this, Cui Fanghu patted the other person on the shoulder and said no more.


Chen Xi raised his head and looked at the sky above his head, the purple sun was gradually moving towards the center.

One more hour.

not late.

He looked at the girl beside him and said, "If a battle breaks out later and some of your relatives and friends are injured, you won't blame me, will you?"

Cui Qingning shook her head: "I won't feel bad if I kill them all."

This answer made Chen Xi startled, it was very clear that Cui Qingning had indeed changed, she was no longer the kind and innocent ignorant girl she was before.


Bei Ling raised his hand and swiped casually, a faint blue sword light flashed away, and immediately, a series of muffled sounds sounded in the shadow of a building next to the street.

"Since entering the city, this is already the No.13 batch. Unfortunately, the strength is too bad. It's the same as sending a chicken to death. It's not challenging at all."

Bei Ling frowned, and said softly, "Could it be that the masters of the Cui family have the heart to watch their subordinates die one after another?"

Chen Xi was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Bei Ling, who was as cold as ice, would have a crazy side once he started fighting.

He was about to say something when he raised his eyebrows and said, "A master is here."


As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of tearing the void, and immediately, four or five stalwart figures emerged from the cracks, each of them burst into immeasurable divine brilliance, and the divine power was mighty, as if the scorching sun was rising.

Seeing this, Bei Ling frowned more and more, and finally said helplessly: "No, I am not their opponent."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "Then leave it to me."

The voice was flat, as if he was talking about an unusual thing.



The first time I stayed up until 5 o'clock, I was too tired. Is this considered a burst?If it counts, please give me a monthly pass!

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