divine talisman

Chapter 963 Forbidden to Destroy Ten Thousand Laws [Part 1]

Leave it to me then.

A very plain and casual sentence, as easy as helping someone harvest crops, the voice is not strong at all, not sonorous, nor sonorous.

But these words fell into the ears of the strong Cui family, but they were extremely arrogant, domineering to the extreme, and ridiculously rude to the extreme!

These people are headed by an old man with gray temples and a haggard face. He exudes a gloomy and gloomy aura, and his body is like light rain, as if he had been soaked in a pool of blood. The luster is extremely penetrating.

This is a powerful King of the Eighth Level of the Earth Immortal Realm!

And there is a bloody air of conquest all over his body, and his combat experience must be extremely rich.

He is Cui Lengzhong, one of the four legal guardian elders of the Criminal Law Department. Perhaps very few people in the netherworld have heard of his name, but when the word "Iron Face Butcher" is mentioned, he is well known to everyone, and his face changes when he hears it, and he can stop it. Children cry at night.

The four people around him were equally powerful, and they were all strong in the eighth level of the Earth Immortal Realm. In the past, they had been stationed in the Criminal Law Department. Their status was high, and they belonged to the level of old monsters.

Such a group of Earth Immortal peak kings who lived for an unknown number of years, killed an unknown number of undead souls, and stained their hands with an unknown amount of blood, could imagine what to think in their hearts when they heard Chen Xi's words.

So the next moment, their gazes at Chen Xi became cold and gloomy, as if they were staring at a small ant who dared to provoke a goshawk.

"Cui Lengzhong, have you also betrayed my father?"

Suddenly, Cui Qingning spoke, a pair of eyes scanned Cui Lengzhong and the others, her innocent face was full of indifference.

"I have been working for the Criminal Law Department and the Cui family. How can I betray you? Miss, don't spit blood."

Cui Lengzhong said expressionlessly.

The others also sneered and didn't care.

"Qing Ning, are these your father's subordinates back then?" Chen Xi asked directly.

"That's right. That's Cui Lengzhong, a down-and-out kid from a side branch of the Cui family. If my father hadn't pitied him for his difficult life and taught him how to cultivate, how could he have the status he has today."

Cui Qingning said coldly, "As for the other four, they are roughly the same as Cui Lengzhong, but what I didn't expect was that they would betray my father and take refuge in Cui Fangjun."

"Miss, you are a bit too nonsense. You actually collude with outsiders and regard us as traitors. This alone has violated the family's criminal law. Now that you plead guilty quickly, there may be a chance of survival."

A peak king said in a deep voice, his demeanor was indifferent, showing a taste of looking down on all living beings.

"Collude with outsiders?" Cui Qingning chuckled, but her eyes were emotionless, "As traitors, you are also qualified to say such things?"

She took a deep breath and said word by word: "Actually, I have already figured it out that the reason why the internal struggles of the Cui family cannot be healed is that you traitors are helping the tyrants to abuse. Perhaps, when I took charge of the Cui family, my first What we have to do at once is to bloodbath all the traitors within the clan, only in this way can we exchange for the eternal peace of my Cui clan!"

To fight against the outside world, we must press the inside.

This has been the case since ancient times. If the cancer within the family is not completely removed, disasters will arise sooner or later.

What she said was pretty good.

But when it fell into Cui Lengzhong's ears, his eyelids twitched, and he said coldly, "It's really childish!"

Seeing this, Chen Xi knew that no matter how much Cui Qingning said, it would be useless.

"let me."

He patted the girl on the shoulder and stepped out.


In the next instant, a terrifying wave suddenly spread from Chen Xi's body. The glow was overwhelming, and hundreds of millions of runes were scattered, as if the emperor in a rune had been revived, and his aura soared to the heavens, frightening the world!

Cui Lengzhong and the others shrank their pupils, and their faces showed a hint of shock, as if they had never expected that a young and light guy would actually possess the power of the eighth level of the earth immortal.

"Miss, it's no wonder that you are so confident. You have found an expert to help you. Unfortunately, this strength is not enough." Cui Lengzhong shook his head endlessly.

"Guardian Cui, stop talking nonsense with them, let me kill this kid first!"

A peak king couldn't hold back, he took a step in the void and punched out.

This punch was like opening the gates of hell. With the force of the punch, ferocious yakshas and ferocious ghosts flew out like tides, coming to kill Chen Xi.

Regarding this, Chen Xi did not move, his eyes suddenly became deep, as if the mystery of the universe and the galaxy were operating in it, releasing strands of deep and cold black light, distorting time and space.

The Eye of Divine Truth——The Light of the Forbidden Law!


A Yaksha charged at the front, exploded directly, and disappeared into fine spots of light.

Afterwards, screaming again and again, Chen Xi glanced over and saw that the bodies of these Yasha demons transformed by the strength of their fists all exploded as if they were being ignited, like paper, vulnerable to a single blow.

"Huh? Sinister! I underestimated you, give me another punch!"

The peak king was stunned, his face darkened, and he punched again violently.


As soon as this punch was released, the fist was strong, the murderous aura screamed, and the unparalleled killing intent gathered together, as if a piece of purgatory descended, refining the void into a forest of ghosts.

Ancient Killing Fist!

A terrifying way to destroy the hell and refine the forest!

But Chen Xi didn't move at all, and just said four words, "Overestimate yourself!"

He raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes, and immediately everyone felt that the world seemed to be plunged into darkness, time and space were distorted, and terrifying force fields appeared in the air one after another.

Then I saw that the ancient killing prison fist of the peak king exploded inch by inch, and his power collapsed. No matter how he swung his fist, it didn't even have any power at all, as if his strength and mana were all imprisoned.

This is the "Light of the Forbidden Law", which claims to ban and destroy all laws in the world.

At the same time, this blow also emptied all the witch power in Chen Xi's body. After all, his real body's body training realm was too low, and it was difficult for him to fight for a long time.

"You also punch me!"

However, this was already enough. In the next moment, Chen Xi's eyes turned cold, and he punched lightly, like a bright red road of flames spreading out, leading straight to the other shore!


The body of the peak king burned without any suspense, and his whole body became a ball of flames.


A tragic cry emanated from him, and in just an instant, all the essence, blood, and immortal energy in his body were exhausted, and they were refined and incinerated into ashes.

And his soul was extradited by the Huozhaoshen Fist, and it turned into a trace of pure and unparalleled power and poured into the Nether Record.

So far, this Cui Clan's peak king only had time to swing two punches before he was killed by Chen Xi in one fell swoop!

This scene immediately shocked everyone present.

This is the pinnacle king, as long as he has enough time, he can break through the catastrophe, the shackles of heaven and earth, and enter the fairy world, becoming an existence with the same life span as the ages.

But now, with just one look from Chen Xi and one punch, he was killed to death, and he didn't even have a chance to save him, so how strong is Chen Xi?

Even Bei Ling showed a look of surprise. Although he knew that Chen Xi was the peak earth immortal king, but seeing him easily beheading another peak powerhouse, he still couldn't help being a little shocked.

Such a heaven-defying combat power has even surpassed her cognition!

Naturally, Chen Xi would not tell her that as early as in the human world, he was able to kill a clone of a Da Luo Jinxian...

Now, he has mastered the Taoist will of the other side of the perfect realm, practicing "Great Samsara Jue" and Huozhaoshenquan. Even he himself doesn't know how far his limit has been expanded.

However, he is very confident, at least he can be invincible among his peers!

"This kid is tricky, let's kill him together!"

That Cui Lengzhong's face was solemn, knowing that he had encountered a formidable enemy, how could he dare to be negligent, and immediately called for the other three to join hands and come to kill Chen Xi.

"The strength of strength cannot be compensated by quantity..."

Chen Xi shook his head, his figure flickered, and hundreds of millions of runes were dispersed, and he no longer held back his hands.


In Cui's mansion, in front of the ancient altar.

The solemn and solemn atmosphere became dull at some point. Even the purple sun in the sky was shrouded in a thick haze, and the sky and the earth were cloudy.

With the passage of time, strands of gloom appeared on Cui Fangjun's brows, and he was no longer smug and radiant as before.

Everyone's eyes were so vicious, they all keenly noticed this subtle change, and they were all a little puzzled in their hearts. They sent Cui Lengzhong and other five peak kings. Could it be that the second elder can't feel at ease?

What happened in the outside world?

"The storm is coming!"

On one side, Cui Fanghu sighed in his heart, faintly feeling that there might be a huge change in the future, and this is exactly what he hopes to see.

Now, the entire Cui family is fighting endlessly, the atmosphere is smoky, and it is coveted by many powerful forces from the outside world. If it is not resolved, the status of the entire Cui family and the entire Department of Criminal Law will be in jeopardy.

And the source of all this happened after the previous patriarch Cui Fanglin passed away...

"In one incense stick's time, the ancestor worship ceremony will begin. Everyone, I have something to announce at this time!" Second Elder Cui Fangjun stepped forward suddenly, facing everyone present, and spoke loudly.

The voice was like Huang Zhong Dalu, shaking around the altar.

Hearing this, everyone was slightly taken aback. Could it be that the second elder wants to inherit the position of patriarch in advance?

As for Cui Fanghu and the others, their complexions sank.

"Everyone must be aware that my Cui family has been in constant disputes recently, which has left all businesses in ruins, and people's hearts have been scattered. It's like a mess."

Cui Fangjun said in a deep voice: "The reason for this is that the position of patriarch has always been vacant, just like a group of dragons without a leader, so at the beginning of this ancestor worship ceremony, I suggest that from now on, I, Cui Fangjun, will be in charge of the position of patriarch , cut off the ills, and reorganize the family rules!"

Speaking of this, his eyes burst into light, like lightning, and his majesty, he glanced at everyone present: "What do you think?"

The audience was completely silent, and the needle drop could be heard, only Cui Fangjun's majestic voice echoed.


ps: I didn't close my eyes all day and night, and I was very tired, and the second time is more likely to be later.

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