divine talisman

Chapter 964

According to the clan rules of the Cui clan, a new patriarch would be elected in front of all the clan members of the Cui clan after the ancestor worship ceremony.

But now, before the ancestor worship ceremony started, Cui Fangjun couldn't hold his breath anymore, and bluntly said that he would take over the position of patriarch and lead the entire Cui family. Such a scene made everyone present startled slightly and fell into silence.

What happened to make the Second Elder Cui Fangjun take this step ahead of time?

Suspicions abounded in everyone's hearts, because they already knew that the Cui family's patriarchal position would be established at this ancestor worship ceremony, and there was a high probability that the second elder Cui Fangjun would be in charge.

Although it was a bit abrupt to take a step ahead, if combined with the scene of Cui Lengzhong's departure before, this series of events became unusual.

Something must have happened!

As for what happened, no one can tell.

The atmosphere was dull and peaceful, and no one raised any doubts. Seeing this scene, Cui Fangjun couldn't help showing an imperceptible smile on his lips, which was fleeting.

The next moment, his expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Since no one has meaning, from now on, I, Cui Fangjun, will take the place of patriarch..."

"I disagree!"

Before he could finish speaking, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded, which was extremely ear-piercing in the silent atmosphere.


At the same time, everyone's eyes fell on the front row, that nine feet tall, mighty figure.

That was the third elder of the Cui family—Cui Fanghu!

Seeing this, some people looked stunned, as if they had guessed that the other party would be like this, and some shook their heads, as if they knew that even if they objected, it would be useless.

Similarly, someone even showed a cold and stern look. They were the second elder's men, and their gazes towards Cui Fanghu became slightly unfriendly.

Only Cui Fangjun was expressionless, he glanced at Cui Fanghu indifferently, and said: "Third brother, since you disagree, let me ask you, who do you think is more qualified to take over the patriarch than me in the current Cui family?" position?"

Being watched by so many eyes, Cui Fanghu didn't care at all. In other words, he was already going all out, but he seemed extremely calm and peaceful.

"Who is qualified to take over the position of patriarch, I think you, second brother, know better than me."

Cui Fanghu said in a deep voice, "I just want to ask, according to the rules of the clan, is it true that only those with the 'judgment bloodline' can become the clan leader?"

Cui Fangjun seemed to have expected the other party to say this, nodded without thinking: "Not bad."

Everyone was stunned, as if they didn't expect the second elder to reply like this, and they were a little surprised, because according to the clan rules, there is still one person in the clan who has the qualifications to hold the position of patriarch, and he is the only one.

Cui Fanghu's voice became deeper and deeper, and he said: "Since this is the case, the position of patriarch should be in charge of Qing Ning, and only her aptitude can conform to the rules of the clan!"

Cui Fangjun shook his head this time, and said: "Third brother, you are wrong, not to mention that Qing Ning is not in the clan now, even if she is allowed to take over the Cui family, with her current age and strength, how can she Command the entire Cui family?"

Speaking of this, his voice raised sharply, already with a touch of clang, "This is not a joke! If others know that the position of patriarch of my Cui family is taken over by an eleven or twelve-year-old doll, I will Cui, and I, the Department of Criminal Law, how should I gain a foothold in the Netherworld?"

Cui Fanghu frowned with thick eyebrows, and said: "You are young, but you can grow up. With Qing Ning's aptitude, after entering the secret realm of the ancestral land and obtaining the inheritance of the ancestors, it is enough to become a strong one in a short time."

Cui Fangjun waved his hand and said, "Third brother, you are wrong, the current situation cannot wait for her to grow up!"

He turned his head, glanced at everyone present, and said confidently: "What's more, I can swear to the sky that as long as I take over the position of patriarch, within a hundred days, I will definitely find the ghost disk of our clan's sacred artifact! At that time, in the whole world, who would dare to underestimate the Criminal Law Department? Which force would dare to covet my Cui family?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was excited!

Indeed, as Cui Fangjun said, recently, the Cui family has been struggling internally, and the whereabouts of the Nether Disk has been unknown, so that the power of the Criminal Law Department has been questioned, and the major forces are even more eyeing on the Cui family.

As members of the Cui clan, they couldn't possibly feel this kind of change, so when they heard that Cui Fangjun vowed to find the Nether Disk and revive the Cui clan's majesty, everyone was excited.

Seeing this, Cui Fanghu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a voice.

"Third Elder! The Second Elder is also thinking about the family, so please help me."

"Third Uncle, Qing Ning's whereabouts are unknown now, what's the point of arguing so much with Second Uncle?"

"That's right, Third Elder, I still listen to what Second Elder said, our Cui family's situation is not as good as before, do you have the heart to continue this situation?"

A group of members of the Cui clan opened their mouths and chattered, seeming to persuade Cui Fanghu, but in fact they all started to support Cui Fangjun with a clear-cut stand.

Seeing this, Cui Fanghu's face became more and more gloomy. He raised his eyes to look at the crowd, and then at Cui Fangjun who was majestic. He couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

That's right, Qing Ning hasn't come back yet, at this moment, do I have to fight with the second child all the time?Is it right or wrong to do this by yourself?

Cui Fanghu was silent, his mood was completely messed up.

Seeing this, Cui Fangjun couldn't help showing a hint of coldness on his lips, shook his head, and said proudly in his heart: "This third child is still too young. When it comes to trickery, who in the entire Cui family can compare to me?"

He took a deep breath and kept himself calm. This was a critical moment, and there was no room for any mistakes.

The next moment, Cui Fangjun returned to his majestic and solemn appearance, and said: "Since there is no objection, then..."

"I disagree!"

The voice was interrupted again.

This made Cui Fangjun's face darken, a trace of sullenness flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at everyone present, but he didn't find out who was objecting, so he couldn't help being slightly startled.

"It seems to have come from outside the mansion." An elder said quickly in a low voice.

Outside the mansion?

Cui Fangjun's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition, because until now, none of Cui Lengzhong and others have returned, and there has been no news of them!

On the other hand, Cui Fanghu's brows that were knit together relaxed a little bit, because he was so familiar with that voice, it was Cui Qingning's voice, which was childish and peaceful!

"Like a mountain, like a forest, like a wind, like a fire, go and see who dares to come and make trouble in front of my Cui family!"

Cui Fangjun made a decision in an instant, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Here!" A group of four people jumped forward and rushed to a very far distance.

After thinking about it, Cui Fangjun still felt uneasy, and said in a low voice: "Fifth and Sixth, you two also follow, no matter who it is, shoot and kill!"

The fifth child is named Cui Fangheng, and the sixth child is named Cui Fanglei. They are Cui Fangjun's right-hand man, the strongest of the Earth Immortal peak, all possessing secret treasures, and their combat power is astonishing.

Hearing this, the two nodded silently and left without leaving a trace.

"I'll go and have a look too." Seeing this, Cui Fanghu's eyelids twitched, and he turned to leave.

"Third brother! It's just some youngsters. It's not worth your dispatch. It's better to stay and help the second brother host the ancestor worship ceremony together!" Cui Fangjun said in a deep voice.

While speaking, a black shadow had already appeared and stood in Cui Fanghu's way.

It was an old man with a green beard and hair and a withered face, with a hunchback and a stick, skinny, as if he could be blown away by a gust of wind.

It can be seen that Cui Fanghu's face darkened when he saw the old man.

This blue-haired old man is named Wen Xiaofeng, he is the elder Keqing of the Cui family, and he is a piece of "Bixiao Ghost Resting Tree" who practiced and proved the Tao. For many years, the background is thick and scary.

There are rumors that if it weren't for his body being a piece of "Bi Xiao Gui Ming Mu", the power of the ninth heavenly tribulation that is most taboo, he would have been able to fly across the fairy world thousands of years ago.

So when facing such an old monster, Cui Fanghu knew very well that the other party might have nothing to do with him, but if he wanted to entangle him, he could do so easily.

"Elder Wen, if you don't get out of the way today, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Cui Fanghu didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately said sharply, his whole body was roaring, and his towering figure nine feet high was like a mountain, extremely compelling.

The crowd was in an uproar. They didn't expect such a change. First, a group of strong men rushed out of the mansion, and then the third elder, Cui Fanghu, looked like he was going to fight again, sweeping away the solemn and solemn atmosphere and becoming tense.

"Third!" Cui Fangjun frowned and scolded, "What are you doing? You're just messing around!"

When he was speaking, he waved his hand, and several elders dispatched, together with that Wen Xiaofeng, blocked all the way of Cui Fanghu faintly.

"The voice just now was made by Qing Ning! Are you going to send someone to kill her?" Cui Fanghu's face became more gloomy when he saw this, and he yelled sharply.

Qing Ning?

Could it be Cui Qingning, the only heir of the previous patriarch Cui Fanglin?

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and they were all a little shocked.

"Third brother, I think you are a little bit mad, you should follow Elder Wen and go to the Exorcism Cave for a while!"

Cui Fangjun ordered with a blank face.

As soon as the words fell, Wen Xiaofeng raised his head, a pair of green pupils stared at Cui Fanghu, and said, "Third Elder, please."

"What if I don't go?" Cui Fanghu's face was as gloomy as water, and he did not hide his sullenness.

"The old man can only take you along." Wen Xiaofeng said calmly.

"you dare!"

Cui Fanghu shouted loudly, turned his head to look at Cui Fangjun, "Second brother! For the sake of the position of patriarch, you actually want to kill the eldest brother's daughter, how can you bear it!!"


Cui Fangjun's face was also gloomy, and he waved his hand: "Elder Wen, take him away quickly, so as not to disrupt the ancestor worship ceremony. In that case, no one can bear this responsibility!"


Then at this moment, there was a thunderous booming sound from that extremely far away place, shaking the whole Cui's mansion.

At the same time, a childish voice came, "Second Uncle, this little power can't kill me!"


ps: fell asleep, completely exhausted.

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