divine talisman

Chapter 965 Fierce Confrontation [Part 1]

I was too tired from staying up late yesterday, and made a common sense mistake. The "Second Uncle" at the end of the last chapter should be "Second Uncle", which has been revised.


The innocent lingering sound curled up, but everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Second uncle?

That girl—is she back?

The ground was still shaking, reminding everyone that there was a shocking roar just now, which shook the entire Cui's mansion.

And Cui Fangjun's complexion was already filled with gloom.

At this moment, time seems to be stretched and slowed down.

Around the ancient and mottled altar, a dull and frightening atmosphere was shrouded.

No one pays attention to Cui Fanghu any more. Everyone's faces are filled with astonishment, bewilderment, and doubt, but they all look at the far away.


In the field of vision, a black image of a kite with a broken string was thrown from a very far away. The person was in the air, but his mouth was already spurting blood. The scarlet plasma, under the dim purple sunlight, was glowing strangely. Poignant sheen.

He fell to the ground like a pool of bloody mud, and he could be vaguely seen that he was Cui Rushan, that enchanting and coquettish man.

He was obviously on the verge of death, but at this moment, those watery eyes were still shining brightly, and he muttered to himself: "Little brother is so mighty, if he dies in your hands, he can also smile in Jiuquan... ..."

The voice became weaker and weaker until it was completely dead.

When everyone saw this scene, they all felt chills, angry, and terrified.

bang bang bang...

Before everyone came back to their senses, another three figures flew over and died on the spot.

The faces of the Cui clan members had become extremely gloomy, Cui Rushan, Cui Rulin, Cui Ruhuo, Cui Rufeng, these four people just got the order of the second elder to leave.

Now, in just a moment, he was killed, and even the corpse was thrown back, obviously to show his prestige!

Da Da Da...

A sound of footsteps sounded in the distance.

Under the dim purple sunlight, three figures appeared in people's field of vision.

The leader is a handsome young man with a tall and straight figure and an outstanding temperament. With every gesture, he has an intimidating power to control the world.

For the vast majority of the Cui clan, this young man's appearance was too unfamiliar, and they didn't even know who he was, but when their eyes fell on his left hand, their eyes shrank suddenly.

It was a girl about eleven or twelve years old, with a childish face, but a calm and cold expression, with a solemn demeanor that did not match her age, and the contours of her face were five or six points similar to the previous head of the family, Cui Fanglin. .

Cui Qingning!

In an instant, a name jumped into the minds of everyone, causing their expressions to change slightly again, as expected she was back!

At this point, the doubts in everyone's hearts were completely revealed.

They finally understood why the Second Elder, Cui Fangjun, would mobilize the crowd so much and send Cui Lengzhong and other five top Earth Immortal kings away without hesitating to break the clan rules.

Not only that, Cui Rushan and other four people were sent in succession, as well as the fifth elder Cui Fangheng, and the sixth elder named Cui Fanglei...

All of this is to prevent Cui Qingning from returning, and to block her from outside Cui's mansion.

There were even those with a clear mind who guessed that the reason why the Second Elder announced to take over the position of patriarch in advance was probably to prevent the scene before him from happening.

After thinking about it, everyone's expressions were extremely complicated, and the atmosphere became more and more dead silent, making people breathless. Only the slight sound of footsteps was gradually becoming clearer and approaching.

"Hey! That...that's it!?"

Someone suddenly exclaimed, with a look of unbelievable horror.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and when they looked up, they all froze and their faces froze.

On the right side of the handsome young man, a cold as ice woman in black was holding a bloody human head in each hand, her face was terrified and full of unwillingness.

That is the head of fifth elder Cui Fangheng and sixth elder Cui Fanglei!


Two respected and powerful elders were beheaded in a cruel way, and they didn't even want to die in peace!

Even Cui Fanghu frowned, a little in disbelief.

Although the fifth child and the sixth child were opposite him, they were still his blood brothers after all. Seeing the tragic death of the two, how could he not be touched?

"Five elders!"

"Uncle Six!"

"Father! How dare you kill my father! I will fight you!"

"Kill! Kill them!"

After the silence, there was a sudden roar, and more than a dozen figures rushed out, striking and killing Bei Ling, all of them were extremely angry.


Chen Xi's footsteps stopped, his eyes were like lightning, and he glanced coldly at the past. At the same time, an invisible force field spread out, like a hundred thousand mountains pushing away, and there was a muffled bang, bang, bang, and it actually directly pushed these people away. Backlash passed.

Coughing up blood from their lips, they staggered and fell to the ground, their expressions changing rapidly.

"The following offends the superiors and despises the family rules. If I hadn't taken over the position of patriarch, you would have been condemned to death for this alone!"

When Cui Qingning spoke, she was young and her voice was pure and innocent, but coupled with her calm and indifferent temperament, she already possessed a faint sense of authority.

"As for the Fifth Elder and the Sixth Elder, they all want to kill me and harm the people of the tribe. The crime will be added to the crime. Death is their merciful punishment!"

Cui Qingning glanced at all the clansmen present, and said expressionlessly, "Now, who is not convinced?"

"What courage! You are a yellow-haired girl, who gave you so much power, you can kill if you want, you are trampling on the family rules, and you deserve death!"

One person was not angry and shouted angrily, he is the son of Fifth Elder Cui Fangheng.

With a buzzing sound, beside him, Chen Xi stretched out a big hand, melted endless runes, covered the front, and slapped that person directly into a pile of bloody mud.

The speed was so fast and the killing was so decisive that it was too late for everyone to rescue them.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why Cui Qingning was so strong. It turned out that this handsome young man was actually a master of terror!

But the more this is the case, the more angry these Cui clansmen are, using the power of outsiders to wantonly kill their own clansmen, this is simply lawless!

Regarding this, Cui Fangjun looked livid, but he sneered in his heart, "Young people really can't hold back, kill, just kill, the more you do this, the better for me, when all the clansmen have hatred for you, Who would agree with you to take over the position of patriarch? How stupid..."

Ever since Cui Qingning appeared, he had been holding back and thinking about countermeasures. Now that he saw such a scene, he finally found an opportunity to completely isolate Cui Qingning with the help of public anger!

Indeed, as Cui Fangjun speculated, at this time, all the Cui clan members were furious, glaring at Cui Qingning and the three of them, faintly showing signs of eruption.

"Qing Ning! What are you doing?" Cui Fanghu couldn't help but to speak, he also sensed that the situation was not right.

"Third Uncle, don't worry, Brother Chen Xi kills people who deserve to be killed." Cui Qingning's expression was calm, like a stone in an undercurrent, despite being washed away, she remained motionless.

She glanced at everyone, and finally landed on the second elder, Cui Fangjun, and said, "Second uncle, if you still have some conscience, it's best not to make unnecessary sacrifices."

Cui Fangjun said in a deep voice: "It's ridiculous! Originally, I thought it was because of my elder brother's face that I couldn't bear to argue with you, a little girl, but now, you have colluded with outsiders, entered the clan, committed a heinous mistake, and still don't know how to repent. Really Heartbreaking!"

His gaze suddenly swept across Chen Xi, a sneer appeared on his lips, and then he turned to everyone present and said, "Everyone, you have all seen the scene just now, and I roughly guessed that Qing Ning was young, Ignorant and ignorant, now being bewitched and deceived by traitors, I want to take this opportunity to bring trouble to my Cui clan!"

"That's right! The two outsiders, the man and the woman, must be killed!"

"Yes! Kill them and avenge our people!"

When everyone heard the words, they all drank angrily.

"If that's the case, please trouble Elder Wen to quickly capture this pair of men and women, and use their souls to pay homage to those deceased clansmen on the occasion of worshiping the ancestors!"

Cui Fangjun waved his sleeves and issued an order decisively.

After speaking, Wen Xiaofeng, with green beard and shaggy face, came out in a blink of an eye.

"It's okay to do it, but before that, I want everyone to see a jade slip." Cui Qingning remained expressionless, and when she spoke, she had already taken out a mirage jade slip.

Seeing this, Cui Fangjun's heart jumped for no reason, and he said sharply: "It's not too late to wait until these two thieves are killed, Elder Wen, don't do it yet!?"

Wen Xiaofeng's figure flashed and turned into a sky-high green light, enveloping murderous intent, and headed towards Chen Xi.

The old man was hunchbacked and leaning on a stick. His appearance was not impressive, but once he made a move, he seemed to be in control of the world.

Seeing this, Cui Fangjun heaved a sigh of relief, Wen Xiaofeng is a peak king who has been practicing and proving the Dao from a "bixiao ghost's death tree", and he has practiced for more than ten thousand years.

In the family, apart from those uncles and uncles who are hidden from the world, as well as the ancestors, Wen Xiaofeng is the most powerful!

With his shot, isn't it easy to catch?

However, before Cui Fangjun had this thought, an unexpected scene happened. Wen Xiaofeng came back even faster, and was knocked back by the opponent's palm after only a few blows.

The figure is embarrassed!

It's not the opponent's one-stroke enemy!

This time, everyone present was suffocated, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it.

Even Cui Qingning and Bei Ling seemed to be a little surprised. They didn't expect Chen Xi to be so fierce that he could push such an expert back with a single blow.

Only Chen Xi knew exactly what was going on, so he couldn't help but glance at Wen Xiaofeng, and the astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Second Uncle, your patience is a bit too bad. If you want to kill me, don't be in a hurry. It's better to let the clansmen take a look at this jade slip first."

While speaking, Cui Qingning sprayed a thin glow from the palm of her hand, igniting the Mirage Jade Slip. Immediately, a light curtain appeared in midair, and the picture on it slowly changed, like a horse watching a flower, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.


The second update is at 10 o'clock.

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