divine talisman

Chapter 966 Cui's Ancestor [Part 2]

The images transformed by the Mirage Jade Slip flickered frequently, presenting scenes of thrilling robbery and murder.

Among them are those that Chen Xi has never seen before, and some that Chen Xi has seen before, like the sudden attack of the assassin Qing Xiao in the bloody bitter land, like the sudden arrival of Wang Chong, Liu Jun, and Rui Qing in Black Cliff City, like Bai The pursuit of Fatong Cui Ruyin and others...

Scenes were vividly presented in front of everyone's eyes.

Even the sound in it was recorded without a trace.

Even Chen Xi didn't expect that Cui Qingning, a simple and innocent girl, would record all of this along the way, as if she had already expected to encounter such a situation today.

This made him a little surprised. Looking at the girl beside him, there was an indescribable throbbing in his heart, which was inexplicable and fleeting.


After a cup of tea, the mirage jade slip shattered and turned into powder.

But at this time, the expressions of the people present have become extremely complicated, astonishment, shock, anger, doubt...

No one expected that Cui Qingning would encounter so many dangerous robberies along the way, let alone that all these murders were done by her own clansmen!

This made it difficult for them to accept it, and because it was difficult to accept it, they felt endless anger. The eyes they looked at Cui Fangjun changed, and there was indescribable disappointment in their anger.

Even the people who had spoken out in support of Cui Fangjun before became silent.

"Second brother, what else do you have to say!"

Cui Fanghu took a deep breath and asked sharply.


Cui Fangjun looked livid, and frowned, "I am also extremely indignant about all of this, but if I say that all of this is at my behest, it would be a bloodbath! Maybe someone deliberately framed me."

"What time is it, you still have to quibble!?"

Cui Fanghu's face was full of anger, his beard and hair were flying, and his teeth were about to be crushed with hatred. The so-called tiger's poison does not eat its children. Cui Fangjun's despicable behavior has already offended his bottom line.

"Third Uncle, please be safe and don't be impatient."

At this moment, Cui Qingning seemed particularly calm, with a calm expression, as if she had no emotional fluctuations, staring at Cui Fangjun, and said: "Second Uncle, you are right, I really have no evidence to prove that you ordered all of this."

Cui Fangjun snorted coldly: "That's how it is!"

Cui Qingning's expression was still calm, and the next moment, she paused every word: "But I have evidence to prove that the holy artifact of my Cui clan, the Nether Disk, was not stolen by others, but by you, Cui Fangjun, who took the initiative in private. gave it to someone else!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked and astonished.

Take the initiative to give someone away?

If this is true, it is unforgivable!

The Nether Disk is the key to controlling the Criminal Law Department, and it is the supreme sacred artifact of the Cui family, and it is well-known in the Nether.

For the entire Cui family, losing the Nether Disk is no different from self-destructing the foundation!

All of a sudden, everyone looked at Cui Fangjun with a touch of anger and suspicion that could not be concealed, as if they were staring at an eternal sinner.

And Cui Fangjun's face was so gloomy and embarrassing to the extreme, he took a deep breath, tried to suppress the turbulent emotions in his heart, and said: "Qing Ning, there must be a scale for spitting blood! If you continue to mess around, don't blame the second uncle You're welcome!"


Before he finished speaking, Chen Xi waved his sleeve robe, and a figure appeared on the ground.

This man has a stern face, flat facial features, and strange eyes all over his body. He is exactly Hou Zhan of the thousand-eyed ghost monkey clan.

Seeing Hou Zhan, Cui Fangjun couldn't control himself anymore, his face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "How is it possible?"

Everyone was stunned, and they were all a little puzzled, because the thousand-eyed ghost monkey clan had long been annihilated in the long river of history, who would have imagined that this guy in front of him would be one of them?

However, from the change in Cui Fangjun's expression, everyone suddenly realized that this person was probably the "evidence" that Cui Qingning was talking about.

"It seems that you also recognized Second Uncle." Cui Qingning said calmly.

"Nonsense!" Cui Fangjun immediately shook his head, "How could I know him?"

"Elder Cui, I'm counting on you to live, don't you want to admit it?" Hou Zhan on the ground screamed violently.

"Everyone has also seen that this person belongs to the Thousand-Eyed Ghost Monkey Clan, and his illusion technique is unique in the world. The Nether Disk was sent out from the Clan under the guise of his hand."

Cui Qingning looked down at Hou Zhan, and said, "What did you look like in Cui's house back then, let everyone recognize you."

Hou Zhan hesitated for a moment, but looked at Cui Fangjun.

The development of the situation to this point has caused Cui Fangjun's mind to be in a state of confusion, and he is extremely irritable and angry. At this time, seeing that Hou Zhan looked at him, faintly calling for help, he couldn't help but shouted: "You bastard, you See what I do? Court death!"

When speaking, he raised his hand abruptly, and went straight to kill Hou Zhan.


It's a pity that this blow was blocked by Chen Xi, who had already been prepared, and exerted force with his palms and fingers, shaking Cui Fangjun's body so much that he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Little thing, you are courting death!"

Cui Fangjun was furious, and he was about to make a move, when a blur appeared in front of his eyes, and a figure stopped in front of him, it was Cui Fanghu.

"Second, it's not too late to start after he finishes speaking!" Cui Fanghu said coldly.

Cui Fangjun's expression was uncertain, and he stared at Cui Fanghu for a long time, but in the end he restrained himself, because he knew very well that he might be far superior to the opponent in tactics, but his combat power was inferior to the opponent's. There is no way out.

"Well, you Cui Fangjun, the matter is revealed, and you actually want to kill people to silence it! Even if I die, I will drag you into the water!"

When Hou Zhan saw this scene, he immediately flew into a rage, and in a flash, he turned into another person, with an ordinary face, a strong figure, and a loyal look.

He pointed to his face and said, "Everyone, take a look, do you still recognize this face?"

When he spoke, his voice became rough, and he was a different person from before.

"You are... Wei Hu!?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Yes, I also remembered, he is the slave who followed the Second Elder!"

"Wei Hu, it really is him!"

Everyone remembered that this person often followed the second elder, Cui Fangjun, like a shadow.

"That's right, it's me. A year ago, it was Cui Fangjun, an old man who stole the Nether Disk, the sacred artifact of your clan, and then made me change my appearance and secretly sent it out!"

Hou Zhan stared at Cui Fangjun with resentment, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity, I am loyal, but such a result is exchanged, I am really blind!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was completely sure that this matter was inseparable from Cui Fangjun.

All of a sudden, they looked at Cui Fangjun with anger to the extreme.

Stealing the sacred artifacts of the clan to others, and frequently robbing and killing the daughter of the previous patriarch, this is simply despicable and shameless to the extreme, and deserves death!

"Second Uncle, what else do you have to say now?" Cui Qingning said coldly.

Cui Fangjun was silent, his face turning blue and then pale. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with madness, "Hahaha, what evidence is there? Isn't it for the position of patriarch? Winners and losers, I Cui Fangjun will never admit defeat!"

When he spoke, his figure flashed, and he was planning to run away.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and was about to stop him, but at this moment, the sudden change——

A big hand that was crystal clear like jade broke through the air, and with a light grab, it was like fishing for fish in a big river, and it unexpectedly caught Cui Fangjun's figure with ease.


The next moment, Cui Fangjun was suppressed and fell to his knees. No matter how he roared and struggled, he couldn't stand up anymore, as if a hundred thousand mountains were crushed on him.

What a powerful tool!

Chen Xi's heart trembled inwardly. This Cui Fangjun was at least the peak king of the Earth Immortal, but he was easily suppressed like an ant, with no room for resistance. How high should the person who made the attack be?


At this time, a golden portal suddenly appeared in the sky, and as soon as it appeared, the divine light of ten thousand zhang spread out, billowing auspicious energy, magnificent and vast.

Immediately, stalwart figures stepped out from the golden portals, like rounds of scorching suns appearing, illuminating the entire sky!

The leader is an old man with a temperament like ice, a tall figure, white beard and hair. Wisps of golden light and rain are floating from his body, intertwined into the power of law, filling this world, sacred and mighty.

It's like the arrival of the legendary saint.

"Meet the ancestors!"

When they saw the figure of the old man at the head, there was a clatter, and all the members of the Cui clan present fell to their knees one after another, their faces full of awe.

Obviously, this old man is the ancestor of the Cui family——Cui Zhenkong!

A supreme being who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Huangquan, Master Meng Po, and Chief Master of the Underworld Six Dao Division!

As for the majestic figures behind Cui Zhenkong, they should be those hidden old antiques. This is the real power of the Cui family.

Among those present, only Chen Xi and Bei Ling did not bow down, and they were extremely eye-catching.

"Today is my Cui family's ancestor worship day, two visitors, please go to the VIP Pavilion to rest for a while."

That Cui Zhenkong's eyes swept down like a golden blade that could tear apart the world, and landed on Chen Xi and Bei Ling's body, causing both of them to shudder and feel a terrifying pressure.

"Fang Hu, take them away."

"As ordered!"

Cui Fanghu got up, came to Chen Xi and Bei Ling, and said via voice transmission, "Leave for now, with the ancestor here, Qing Ning won't have any accidents."

Chen Xi and Bei Ling looked at Cui Qingning, seeing the latter nodding, they immediately followed Cui Fanghu and left.

"And me, and me!" Then Hou Zhanchi stood up and was about to leave.


An old antique next to Cui Zhenkong made a move, lightly pressed down with his finger, a force of law intertwined, pierced through the air, and killed Hou Zhan on the spot, as easily as crushing an ant.

Realizing this scene, Chen Xi's heart shuddered again, and he gained a new understanding of the background of the Cui clan.

But this is not the point. The point is that Chen Xi suddenly had a feeling that the previous scenes had already been seen by such reclusive old antiques like the Cui family...


ps: It’s gone tonight, Fuhuang has 300 million words, a new journey, from tomorrow to the end of the month, every day 3 more reports.

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