divine talisman

Chapter 968 Mysterious Ancestor [Part 2]

ancient days!

The commander of the guards who escorted Cui Qingning all the way left alone when he was in Luohu City. Ten days later, he left behind a jade slip. At that time, Chen Xi was even angry at the passing of Cui Qingning.

But now, the other party is standing in front of him alive!

Chen Xi's eyes narrowed all of a sudden, and after staring at Gu Tian for a long time, he said, "You have your difficulties, and I have my principles, so I can act on my own."

The voice was calm, without a trace of emotion.

After all, he strode away.

Bei Ling didn't even look at the other party, and left behind Chen Xi.

Gu Tian's whole body was stiff, and he smiled bitterly. He immediately remembered the instructions of his ancestor, and hurriedly followed, saying, "Brother Chen Xi, Miss Bei Ling, my ancestor has an invitation..."

The voice has not yet fallen, but the person has disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, Gu Tian sighed dejectedly, and murmured: "In his position, you can't help yourself!"

He knew that from now on, it might be difficult to redeem Chen Xi and Bei Ling's forgiveness.


Outside Cui's mansion, looking up at the sky, Chen Xi couldn't help but let out a long breath of foul air.

Some good intentions were exchanged for a conspiracy and deceit, not to mention much anger, but it made it difficult for Chen Xi to face all of this with his previous attitude.

"I was really worried that you killed him just now."

Belling said from one side.

"What did you kill him for? I blame myself for not being strong enough. If I were someone like Emperor Youming, who would dare to plot against me?"

Chen Xi shook his head, filled with emotion in his heart, no matter whether he was used by the other party or not, in the final analysis, he was still not strong enough.

"Let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Yan Luo Wang Yu, go and meet the King Yan Luo Chujiang of the second hall who is stronger in status and strength than Cui's ancestor."

"it is good."


However, just when Chen Xi and Bei Ling were about to leave, there was a humming sound, the void fluctuated, and immediately a majestic figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

It was a chubby old man with rosy cheeks, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and a smiling appearance, but there was a wave of mysterious law fluctuations on his body, which made one's heart palpitate.

Obviously, this is a terrifying existence with at least a cultivation level in the Heavenly Wonderland!

"You two little friends, do you feel that Cui's hospitality is not good enough?"

The old man said with a smile, with a kind attitude.

Chen Xi was stunned, and he knew clearly that this time, even if he didn't want to see him, he had to see that ancestor of the Cui family.

"Senior, please lead the way."

he said directly.

The fat old man didn't seem to have expected Chen Xi to be so direct, he was slightly taken aback, and then said with a hearty smile, "Okay, young people these days really have personality, not bad, not bad."

When he was speaking, he took Chen Xi and Bei Ling and used the technique of teleportation, and they disappeared in an instant.

The ancient bluestone altar is mottled with vicissitudes of life, exuding a heavy breath of time.

The square in front of the altar is now empty. It's hard to imagine that not long ago, the entire Cui family gathered here, and there was a fierce confrontation and confrontation.

At this time, there was only a tall, thin, stalwart figure, standing proudly on the altar, with beard and hair like silver, and strands of golden law power intertwined all over his body, and the light and rain flew like a saint coming to the world.

This person is naturally Cui Zhenkong, the patriarch of the Cui clan!

One of the supreme figures with monstrous power and deterrence in the world.

When Chen Xi and Bei Ling arrived at this time, the chubby old man had already left without a sound, and only the three of them were left standing in front of the huge altar.

Looking at the majestic and gigantic figure on the altar, Chen Xi and Bei Ling didn't feel any awe in their hearts, only a hint of complexity lingered in them.

"Look, Qing Ning has now entered the secret realm of the ancestral land, and is about to begin to comprehend the inheritance left by our ancestors."

Cui Zhenkong didn't turn his head back, and with a wave of his sleeves, a passage appeared faintly in the void above the altar. In the passage, there was a slender figure walking forward.

The secluded passage, the petite back, seemed that the next moment, the surrounding darkness would swallow her up, but she seemed to be unaware of all this, and her steps were firm and calm, as if walking on flat ground.

She, of course, is Cui Qingning.

"The blood in Qing Ning's body is extremely rare, and it is most in line with the aura of the ruling. In the history of our clan, there are only seven or eight people with special qualifications like her."

"Only she is qualified to take over the position of Cui Clan's patriarch and control the entire Criminal Law Department. I can even foresee that after a hundred years, my Cui Clan will definitely have a ruling king with a wrist that reaches the sky!"

Speaking of this, Cui Zhenkong suddenly turned his head, and a pair of eyes were like golden sharp blades, scanning Chen Xi and Bei Ling, and said, "You two little friends, do you know the name of my ancestor?"

"Cui Jue, a million years ago, was the chief figure in the underworld. He held the book of life and death and the ecstasy pen in his hand, and was in charge of the entire Six Daos. Three Realms."

Although it was a little strange why Cui Zhenkong would ask such a question, Bei Ling still answered softly.

Cui Zhenkong nodded and said: "That's right, but what you don't know is that since my ancestors left, my Cui clan's power in the Netherworld has gradually declined. Even forces like Huangquan Palace and Meng Podian seem to be looming over our Criminal Law Department!"

There was already an uncontrollable tinge of anger in the voice.

Chen Xi and Bei Ling remained silent, but their hearts were not touched much. The great river went to the east to scour them, and the forces that were somewhat more prosperous and powerful than the Cui family had already been annihilated in the long river of history with the passage of endless years.

In comparison, Cui's ability to survive to this day is considered pretty good.

Cui Zhenkong shook his head suddenly, and said: "Actually, I can't blame anyone else for this. It's my fault that the Cui family has no one. I can't even inherit the mantle left by my ancestors. How can I control Liu Daosi?"

Speaking of this, his expression brightened, his eyes were clear, as if two suns were burning in it, and he said: "Fortunately, the sky has not failed me, Mrs. Cui. After waiting for a long time, I finally found a heir who can inherit the mantle of our ancestors! And I, the Cui family, finally have the hope of regaining the glory of the past! This person is Qing Ning!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed, only to see that in the light curtain that emerged from the void, Cui Qingning had already walked to the end of the passage, and arrived in front of an extremely ancient Taoist altar.

The altar was as round as Taiji, dark and dumb, covered with moss, just looking at it from a distance, one could feel an ancient and prehistoric atmosphere rushing toward one's face.

Above the Taoist altar, there is a dark-colored and strangely shaped treasure floating, resembling an axe, a sharp blade, and an irregular fragment.

Cui Qingning sat cross-legged on the Taoist altar, as if she had a slight connection with that unnamed treasure, holding her breath and concentrating, falling into a deep level of quiet comprehension.

Cooperating with Cui Zhenkong's words, Bei Ling couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart when he looked at the innocent girl sitting cross-legged in the center of the altar in the light curtain.

A once-in-a-lifetime bloodline inheritance?

The only hope for the revival of the Cui clan?

The ruling queen in the future?

Before this, who would have thought that such an innocent girl of eleven or twelve years old would have so many dazzling auras?

But Bei Ling is not jealous, because she is confident that she is no worse than Cui Qingning, because as long as she persists in practicing, sooner or later, she will be able to regain her former glory and become the existence like the Holy Ghost King back then.

Bei Ling was just a little emotional, whether it was right or wrong to entrust the fate of the entire family on a young girl.

At this moment, neither she nor Cui Zhenkong, the patriarch of the Cui clan, noticed that Chen Xi's expression at this moment was somewhat stunned, puzzled, and puzzled...

Because in the light curtain, on the Taoist altar, the mysterious treasure floating in the air gave him an incomparably familiar feeling!

Immediately, he finally figured out what kind of treasure this Jing Jing was, and a strange look appeared on his lips, but it disappeared in a flash.

"Did you see that Qing Ning is accepting the baptism of her ancestor's inheritance, and only someone with her qualifications can withstand such an inheritance."

Cui Zhenkong looked uplifted, and his pride could not be concealed between his brows.

"Senior, if there is nothing else, we will leave." Chen Xi said calmly.

Everything about the Cui family, no matter its decline or glory, has nothing to do with him.

Most importantly, because of the previous events, it was very difficult for him to have even the slightest liking for this unparalleled old man with unparalleled status.


That Cui Zhenkong was slightly startled, a little displeased to be interrupted like this, but he thought that the other party had helped Qing Ning a lot after all, so he didn't retaliate, but just glanced at Chen Xi lightly, and said: "Little friend, before Everything about it is just a game, you have to know that even if some people want to mix in, they are not qualified at all, let alone being interviewed by the old man in person."

The implication is that you should be honored to be able to enter the game and be interviewed by me in person. It is really rude and ignorant to dare to take the initiative to leave.

Of course Chen Xi could hear it, and felt very strange, where did the other party have such a great sense of superiority? The so-called interview was also invited by you, right? When did you ask for it like this?

What's more, for Chen Xi, such an interview is really not rare for him. He has even killed Da Luo Jinxian's avatar, and even a Xuanxian-level powerhouse has acted as his bodyguard, so how could he care about this kind of formal interview?

"This junior has something urgent to do, so I won't bother senior." Chen Xi thought about it, and decided to leave.

Cui Zhenkong frowned more and more, even with an imposing manner, his figure was tall, as if looking down on the ants in the world, he said indifferently and calmly: "If Qing Ning hadn't proposed to let the old man reward you, how dare you follow me like this?" The old man said that he has died more than once."

Chen Xi frowned, looked directly at Cui Zhenkong, and said, "If it wasn't for Miss Cui, I wouldn't have stayed here for a while."


Cui Zhenkong's entire aura changed, his eyes were like lightning, and he locked onto Chen Xi coldly. At the same time, a terrifying coercion enveloped him, like a saint getting angry!

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