divine talisman

Chapter 969 The Controversy Between Immortals and Buddhas [Part 3]

Cui Zhenkong's aura suddenly became extremely terrifying, and the power of law roared, covering the entire altar, making Chen Xi suffocate.

That feeling was like facing a volcano that was about to erupt, and he was like a grasshopper lying on the crater, facing the danger, but unable to break free.

Even if it wasn't for his amazing willpower, he would have already been crushed by this momentum, and fell to his knees.

Bei Ling didn't notice anything, because it was aimed at Chen Xi's power alone, but from Chen Xi's suddenly pale face, she could see that the other party must be enduring an indescribable oppression.

This made her eyes condense, and there was a sense of coldness and coldness. Although she knew that if she did it, it would be a gnat, but she still wanted to try.

But at this moment, Cui Zhenkong suddenly raised his eyes, glanced at her with a half-smile, and then withdrew his gaze.

At the same time, Chen Xi let out a muffled snort, and the coercion that shrouded his body had receded like a tide.

"If you want to leave, let's go."

Cui Zhenkong's eyes fell on the light curtain again, and he said indifferently, "Originally, Qing Ning had been begging me to come forward to help you rescue your wife from King Chujiang, but now it seems that you will not appreciate it. "

Bei Ling was taken aback, but she never expected that before entering the secret realm of the ancestral land, Cui Qingning would actually beg for such an opportunity for Chen Xi, and her heart felt warm for a while.

Although this little girl has changed, she hasn't forgotten to show her gratitude.

She raised her eyes to look at Chen Xi, but saw that the other party was indifferent, she just asked calmly: "Before I leave, I just want to know, did Ms. Cui know about this situation set up by senior?"

Cui Zhenkong glanced at Chen Xi with slight displeasure, "It seems that you are still obsessed with this matter. If you admit your mistake now, maybe this old man will change his mind and help you save your wife."

Chen Xi shook his head, turned around and left, with a hint of determination in his calmness.

Originally, he had no intention of rescuing Qing Xiuyi with the help of Cui Zhenkong, how could he bow his head and accept the assistance that was almost like a reward?

People fight for a breath, and Buddha receives a stick of incense.

Sometimes, the spine can be punctured by others, but it cannot be broken by oneself!

As soon as Chen Xi left, Bei Ling naturally followed without hesitation.

Seeing the two walking away, Cui Zhenkong's eyes flickered coldly, and he said with some disdain, "Hmph, ridiculous self-esteem, luckily met me, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have died already!"

After pondering for a while, he couldn't help but shook his head again. He didn't think about it any more. He looked into the light curtain and looked at the girl sitting quietly cross-legged on the altar. smile.

"Qing Ning, grandfather did all this for your own good. As for that kid, he is too arrogant. When he bows his head and admits his mistake, it will not be too late for grandfather to help him..."


On Ziluocheng Avenue, Chen Xi and Bei Ling walked side by side.

"In my opinion, Qing Ning probably didn't know about all this in advance, so after realizing it, she begged Cui Zhenkong to repay you."

Belling hesitated again and again, and began to whisper.

"I know."

Chen Xi smiled, his expression was calm, and he couldn't see any signs of anger.

"However, this time the Cui family did things too much. They were arrogant and arrogant. Thinking about how foolishly we became butchers in the hands of others, I couldn't be more angry."

Belling bit her cherry lip, and said with disgust.

"By the way, that Cui Zhenkong said just now, when will Qing Ning come out of their Cui family's ancestral land?" Chen Xi suddenly remembered something, and turned his head to ask Bei Ling.

"It seems to be seven days?" Bei Ling thought for a while, a little unsure.

"Okay! Then after ten days, I'll help you vent your anger." Chen Xi laughed.

Bei Ling opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "You want to kill back?"

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being amused, and said with a smile, "After ten days, you will naturally understand, um, we will stay outside Ziluo City for ten days."

Bei Ling glanced at Chen Xi curiously, and saw that he was keeping secrets, and finally held back. It was only ten days, and she could still bear it.


"Holy Immortal?"

"That's right, Heavenly Immortal, Xuanxian, Daluo Jinxian, and above all, the Holy Immortal!"

"It's no wonder that Cui Zhenkong puts so much pressure on me. I'm actually such a terrifying figure. However, senior, how could an existence like him appear in the nether world?"

"This involves some orthodox disputes. After the third Nether Emperor was suppressed and killed, the gods and Buddhas of the heavens successfully took over the Netherworld..."

Ten days later, outside Ziluo City, in a canyon rarely visited by people.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged in front of a waterfall, and was talking to Xiao Ding.

According to Xiao Ding, after the gods and Buddhas of the heavens took control of the Netherworld, the power in the entire Netherworld has actually been almost controlled by the two major systems of the Immortal World and the Buddhist World.

The most notable thing is that the Six Dao Division, the Criminal Law Division, the Ten Palaces of Yama, and the Death City in the Underworld are all controlled by the great forces in the fairy world and the Buddhist world.

The three divisions such as the "Department of Destiny", "Department of Human Spirits", "Department of Animals", and "Department of Criminal Law" have always been controlled by the forces of the fairy world, while the "Department of Asura", "Department of Hell", "Department of Evil Ghosts", and the "Department of Evil Ghosts", etc. The city is in the hands of the Buddhist world.

Whether it is the head of each department or the city lord of the dead city, there are powerful forces from the fairy world or the Buddhist world behind them. If it weren't for this, the people above the immortal level in these big forces would have already been led to the fairy world or the Buddha world. Buddha world.

The Criminal Law Department controlled by the Cui family is such an existence, influenced by the great forces of the Immortal Realm, and Cui Zhenkong, who has reached the realm of the Saint Immortal, is a controller of the Criminal Law Department in the Immortal Realm.

For example, Ksitigarbha, the lord of the City of Death, came from the forces of the Buddhist world.

As for the ten halls of King Yama, five of them are controlled by the fairy world and the Buddhist world. Among them, the second hall of Yama, King Chujiang, is controlled by the fairy world. , are all the same, all belong to these two camps.

It is worth mentioning that the titles of "Great Secretary", "Ksitigarbha", and "King of Chujiang" are like a title and do not refer to a specific person.

In fact, it is easy to understand, even the Nether Emperor still has several terms.

Of course, in addition to these forces controlled by the fairy world and the Buddhist world, there are other forces in the Netherworld, such as the Netherworld Palace, the Mengpo Palace, the Blood River Sect under the Nether Blood River, and so on.

At this point, Chen Xi finally had a relatively clear understanding of the major forces in the Netherworld.

He also finally understood why the Cui family had a holy fairy-level horror figure sitting in the town. It turned out that it also involved the confrontation between the forces of the fairy world and the Buddhist world.

However, there are many things that make him puzzled. It is reasonable for the "Blood River Sect" under the Nether Blood River to not be controlled by the fairy world and the Buddhist world. It has been lurking under the blood river, and no one can get involved, so it is naturally extremely difficult to be controlled.

As for Huangquan Palace and Meng Po Palace, they were able to survive the confrontation between the two camps, which is really surprising.

He asked Xiao Ding about this doubt, and Xiao Ding's answer was simple, "The Palace of the Underworld and the Palace of Meng Po are actually a buffer area between the fairy world and the Buddhist world. Once controlled by either party, the two camps of the fairy world and the Buddhist world will only We can start a war, because the power has been divided up, and if you want to expand, you can only start with the opponent."

Chen Xi completely understood now, and sighed secretly in his heart, the forces in the Netherworld were really chaotic enough, if the third Nether Emperor was still there, no one in the world of immortals and Buddhas would dare to set foot in the Netherworld...

But soon, he stopped thinking about it. No matter how chaotic the Netherworld was, it had nothing to do with him. The only thing he cared about was how to rescue Qing Xiuyi from King Chu Jiang.

If Chen Xi's guess is correct, the strength of this King of Chujiang must not be inferior to Cui Zhenkong's, or even stronger. In other words, the opponent is at least at the level of a saint.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to save someone from such a terrifying existence.

"Don't worry, I will help you then."

Xiao Ding's voice gave Chen Xi a lot of confidence, but Xiao Ding didn't say how to help him, or what the chance of success was, which made Chen Xi feel unavoidably heavy.

"Still thinking about how to save your wife?"

At this time, Bei Ling walked over, dressed in simple white clothes, with black hair casually coiled behind his head with a wooden hairpin, the whole person was cool and graceful, beautiful and moving.

"Actually, I feel that you have overestimated that King Chu Jiang. Perhaps his status and authority are stronger than the head of the Criminal Law Department, but his strength may not be as powerful as Cui Zhenkong."

Bei Ling casually sat down beside Chen Xi, pursed her cherry lips lightly, and said seriously, "What's more, Cui Zhenkong is not the head of the Criminal Law Department. An existence of the same level as King Jiang."

Hearing this, Chen Xi froze all over, as if struck by lightning!

He suddenly discovered that he had indeed made a ridiculous mistake, that Cui Zhenkong and King Chujiang were indeed two different levels of existence!

But before, I always mistakenly equated the two, and even felt that King Chujiang was stronger than Cui Zhenkong...

Thinking of this, he felt relieved, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. He really cared about it and was overly worried.

"Thank you very much. In order to repay your kindness, I will vent my anger on you right now!" Chen Xi laughed.

"How do you vent your anger?" Seeing that Chen Xi's mood seemed to have recovered a lot, Bei Ling couldn't help but a smile appeared on his lips, blinked and asked.

"Just look at it."

Chen Xi smiled, and immediately took a deep breath, his expression became calm and serious.


The next moment, a strange wave spread out from his body, like a circle of invisible ripples, instantly spread out of this canyon, poured into Ziluo City, continued to spread, and finally arrived in Cui's mansion quietly ...


ps: There will still be 3 changes tomorrow, calling for a monthly pass~

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