divine talisman

Chapter 970 Seven Judgment Forms [Part 7]

Thanks to the brother "Lemon is not cute" for the 6666 reward and support!


Cui family.

In front of the ancient and mottled bluestone altar.

Cui Zhenkong stared closely at the girl who had just returned from the secret realm of the ancestral land.

Even though he has cultivated to the realm of the holy fairy, Cui Zhenkong still couldn't help being shocked when he felt the aura emanating from the innocent girl in front of him.

What pure power of judgment!

A trance-like look surged in Cui Zhenkong's eyes. He had only heard of this kind of aura when he was young, through the precepts and deeds of his ancestors, but he could really feel it, and this was the first time he had experienced it.

That breath, cold, chilling, ruthless and indifferent, is like a knife in the hands of Heavenly Dao, wanting to judge the world, distinguish between black and white, right and wrong!

Cui Zhenkong knew very well that this was the power of judgment!It is the most supreme existence in the inheritance left by the ancestors!

Recalling the past, the ancestor Cui Jue holds the judge's pen in his hand, controls the book of life and death, measures crimes, judges good and evil, and runs through the entire Netherworld. Except for the Nether Emperor, who can compare with him?

Time flies, time flies, after the ancestors left, the Cui family's power has been declining, and it is declining day by day, but the glory of the year has long been a memory, and it is difficult to reshape.

What is the reason?

Without him, it's just because no one can comprehend and acquire the profound truth of the ruling!

This is an indelible regret in Cui Zhenkong's heart, and it is also the source of loss for generations of Cui's ancestors.

Fortunately, Cui Qingning's appearance made Cui Zhenkong see hope again, and saw an opportunity to revive the family's former glory!

Therefore, at the cost of the lives of his people, he set up a cruel and ruthless situation, just to sharpen Cui Qingning's character, and to make her transform quickly, he would even do so at any cost.

Now, finally succeeded!

Cui Qingning lived up to expectations. At a young age, she has successfully opened the ancestral land, obtained the inheritance of the ancestors, and mastered the secret meaning of the ruling that has been lost for endless years...

All of this made Cui Zhenkong extremely excited. In those clear and cold eyes, there was an irresistible look of fanaticism, as if he had seen the entire Cui family. Supremely brilliant!

Cui Qingning stood quietly, as if she didn't notice Cui Zhenkong's excitement.

Compared with before, her whole temperament has changed greatly, her innocent face has become more calm and indifferent, and there are wisps of mysterious and unpredictable aura lingering around her, chilling and ruthless.

When people look at it from a distance, they can't help but feel throbbing and fear in their hearts.

"Good! Good! Good!"

After a while, Cui Zhenkong said hello three times in a loud voice, his expression was filled with infinite excitement, and there was a touch of joy and doting, and he smiled kindly: "Qing Ning, have you ever controlled the inheritance?"

Cui Qingning nodded and said: "The inheritance of the ancestors is extensive and profound. Although I have fully comprehended it, it still takes time to comprehend and control it one by one."

Cui Zhenkong laughed heartily, patted her on the shoulder, and said: "Okay! From tomorrow onwards, you will go to Xianhong Cave for retreat with me. Don't bother with other matters at all. After taking you out of the retreat, you will take over the position of patriarch. Take control of the criminal law department!"

Cui Qingning pursed her lips, but she didn't see any excitement, she was still calm and indifferent, solitary and independent.

This made Cui Zhenkong more appreciative and gratified, and couldn't help but said: "Qing Ning, if you have any requests, just ask, the ancestor will agree to you!"

"Grandfather, I don't have anything else to ask, as long as you help Brother Chen Xi save his wife, that's enough." Cui Qingning said slowly.

Hearing this, Cui Zhenkong's smile faltered, his face darkened a little, and he frowned and said: "That kid doesn't know what to do, I promised him that he would help, but unfortunately, he doesn't appreciate it."

Cui Qingning was startled, looked up at Cui Zhenkong's expression, finally pursed her lips, and didn't say much.

Cui Zhenkong comforted: "Qing Ning, you can just retreat with peace of mind. When that kid comes back and bows his head to admit his mistake, I won't let him die."

Cui Qingning sighed quietly, and her figure floated in the air, like a delicate white lotus, drifting away.

Seeing this, Cui Zhenkong's face was a little gloomy. He never thought that that rude little guy who didn't know what to do would have such an important position in Cui Qingning's heart.

However, he didn't think that he did something wrong. He was just a king of the peak of the earth immortal. Maybe he could make waves in the nether world, but in the eyes of people like him, he was no different from the ants in the world.

"Hey, this little girl Qing Ning is still too young, maybe after a few years, she will forget about that little thing..." Cui Zhenkong shook his head, disapproving.


At this moment, an invisible wave suddenly burst out from the altar, and the sealed secret realm of Cui's ancestral land was reopened.

Almost at the same time, a streamer of light flew out of it, caught off guard by Cui Zhenkong, it disappeared in a flash.

what happened?

Cui Zhenkong's face darkened, he was uncertain, he was not able to react to the flash of light just now, even with his cultivation level of Saint Immortal, which is a bit unusual.

This is……

When Cui Zhenkong looked at the secret realm of the ancestral land, his whole body froze, his pupils dilated, and the inherited treasure left by the ancestors was gone!

As if struck by lightning, Cui Zhenkong's face changed suddenly. It is an item inherited from his ancestors, the foundation of their Cui family, and its value is even greater than that of the Nether Disk!

Now, it was lost under my nose!

All of a sudden, Cui Zhenkong's whole body trembled violently, his beard burst into anger, like an enraged ancient beast, he raised his head and roared: "Who! What bastard dares to come to my Cui family to play wild!"

The sound was like thunder falling from the nine heavens, shaking and roaring throughout Cui's mansion, resounding through every inch of space in Ziluo City.

"What happened?"

"The old ancestor is angry!"

"Who is so bold that he dares to provoke the ancestors?"

The entire Cui family was restless and looked at each other.

On this day, the entire Ziluo City fell into chaos, and Cui clansmen were everywhere, all murderous, patrolling back and forth, looking like they were digging three feet into the ground.

It took a full month before the turmoil subsided.

And it is said that because of the loss of a beloved treasure, the ancestor of the Cui family was furious, and was so angry that he almost fainted several times.

This has also become a joke in the Netherworld.

Everyone speculates, who is the thief who can make a saint so angry?

"Brother Chen Xi, is that you? Are you punishing me? Or my clan?"

In a secret place in Cui's mansion, Cui Qingning sat cross-legged on the ground, staring blankly, a natural intuition told her that this incident seemed to have a lot to do with Chen Xi.

However, she did not tell anyone, because she hoped that one day, she would be able to meet Chen Xi in person, and this matter might be a good opportunity.

As for how angry Cui Zhenkong and those Cui clan members would be because of this incident, she didn't care at all.

Because from the moment she was hunted all the way back home, she was no longer the former her...

"One day, I will take the blame and plead guilty. I just ask...you can forgive that little girl back then..."

A faint sigh echoed in the empty secret realm, and the next moment, the sadness on Cui Qingning's brows completely faded away, and she became indifferent and calm like ice that would not melt for thousands of years.

The way of heaven is unpredictable, and fate also has countless mysteries.

A decision, a thought, may affect a lifetime.

When Cui Qingning overlooked the entire Netherworld with the supreme attitude of "Blade of Judgment-Blood Queen", recalling the past, the only thing in her heart that she was grateful for was the seemingly naive and firm decision she made when she was incarnated as Judgment.

Because that decision was the source of her ability to overlook the Netherworld.


Time goes back to the day when Cui's inheritance treasure was lost.

Outside Ziluo City, in that deserted canyon.


A black light flashed by, and it poured into Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness without a sound, without attracting Bei Ling's attention at all, it seemed very miraculous.


That black light was a fragment of the river map, and as soon as it poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, it merged with the other four fragments of the river map suspended in it, bursting out countless strange fluctuations, roaring and rolling like a tide.

The fifth fragment of the river map, merged!

At that moment, Chen Xi felt that his soul was trembling like joy and excitement, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in a wonderful ocean of Dao, without desire or desire, peaceful and natural.

This state lasted for a long time.

When Chen Xi opened his eyes, he had once again mastered a brand new will—judgment!

This is a rare way of profound meaning, with the power of judgment, the most ruthless killing!The purpose of the ruling is to distinguish between right and wrong, to judge good and evil, and to judge right and wrong. How could it be sentimental?

What surprised Chen Xi was the fact that after he mastered the profound meaning of the ruling, the evil-killing pen in the Buddha Pagoda within his body, which had been silent all this time, actually faintly exuded an indescribable aura.

It's like calling, longing to be held in your own hands.


Before he could understand everything in it, he saw that Nether Record moved first, opened with a buzzing sound, and turned to the third page. Immediately, lines of obscure and mysterious words rushed into his mind.


That kind of feeling, if being empowered and taught the Dharma by someone, would not give Chen Xi a chance to refuse at all.

Seven types of rulings——

"Divide Yin and Yang!"

"Ruling the universe!"

"Kill all evil!"

"Good and evil are judged!"

"Straightforward and straight!"

"Everything has its limits!"

"Blade of Order!"

All kinds of mysterious and inscrutable truths of Taoism presented in his heart in detail, vast and complicated, like a vast ocean, washing away all kinds of cognitions of Chen Xi.

He was immersed in it, completely forgetting himself.

On the side, seeing that Chen Xi had fallen into deep comprehension at this moment, Bei Ling couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and bit his cherry lips, both amused and speechless.

"This guy, he clearly said that he wanted to help him vent his anger, but now he has fallen into a feeling. It's really..." Bei Ling shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

But at this moment, in the distant Ziluo City, there was a terrifying roar, full of endless anger and killing intent, as if he had lost his life.

"Cui Zhenkong! He...how could he be so angry? Could it be..."

Bei Ling was stunned, and lowered his head to glance at Chen Xi, "It seems that this guy must have done the tricks, but I didn't expect that he actually did it..."

Her voice was low, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on her curved lips, which made her cold and beautiful face dazzling.


The second update is around 11:[-].

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