divine talisman

Chapter 971 The Sea of ​​Suffering and Flow [Part 2]

A month later.

Chen Xi woke up from his meditation, his eyes were cold and ruthless, like a path leading to a deep abyss, it was chilling.

Bei Ling, who was meditating on the sidelines, was startled awake. When he saw this scene, he felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. He felt that Chen Xi had become another person, indifferent and ruthless, without any emotional fluctuations.

Fortunately, in just a split second, Chen Xi had returned to his previous temperament. He was so calm and exuded a unique aura that made people feel peaceful.

This meditation, he gained a lot, beyond imagination.

First, he obtained a fragment of the river map, and then comprehended and controlled the profound truth of the judgment, which triggered the opening of the Nether Record, and obtained the supreme method "seven styles of judgment".

And in this month, he has thoroughly understood all the mysteries of the "Seven Judgment Forms" and controlled them in his heart. What he lacks is tempering.

Compared with the Taoism and supernatural powers he controlled in the past, whether it is the "Seven Judgment Forms" or the "Huozhaoshen Fist", they all belong to the supreme Taoism in the netherworld, unique in ancient and modern times, and their power is terrifying.

Especially for ghosts such as fierce spirits, fierce ghosts, yakshas, ​​and unjust souls, it has a natural restraint effect.

"You... your cultivation has improved again?"

Belling asked in a low voice, his cold face could not hide his surprise.


Chen Xi shook his head, and said: "It's just that the combat power has improved, and the cultivation level is still at the eighth level of the Earth Immortal."

He didn't lie, since he entered the netherworld, he has practiced the "Great Reincarnation Jue", "Huozhaoshen Fist", "Seven Judgment Forms" and other supreme orthodoxy and Taoism from Nether Records.

Then he comprehended and mastered the Taoism of the other side of the perfect level, and the profound meaning of judgment at the basic level. All these combined together made his combat power at least double that of before!

It is a pity that until now, he has not yet realized the opportunity to usher in the Ninth Tribulation.

There are nine levels of earth immortals, who become immortals and become immortals. This heavenly tribulation is also known as "Xiaju Tianjie", which means that when flying to the fairyland, a rosy glow will come from the fairyland and turn into a magical rainbow to guide those who break the catastrophe.

"Perhaps, when you return to the human world, you will be able to sense the opportunity to advance?"

Chen Xi had a faint feeling that he might have been influenced by the power of the laws of heaven in the Nether Realm, because he himself was not a member of the Nether Clan.

Shaking his head, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it, looked up at Bei Ling, and asked with a smile, "Are you angry?"

It’s okay not to mention it, but Bei Ling couldn’t help laughing when he mentioned it, “Well, during the period of your meditation, I inquired a lot of news in Ziluo City, and now the Cui family is in trouble. It was very lively."

Her clear eyes are full, her cherry lips are slightly raised, and her face is cold and fair. At this time, she smiled lightly, taking away the beauty of the world, making everything eclipsed, and the beauty was thrilling.

Chen Xi stood up with a smile, and looking far away, he could faintly see the outline of Ziluo City. After gazing for a moment, he withdrew his gaze and said, "Let's go, to the Six Kingdoms Realm!"


Yama King Domain, the place controlled by Yama of the Ten Palaces.

According to rumors, the Yama King Domain is the most extensive territory in the Nether Realm. Ten Yama Emperors sit in ten directions and jointly guard the eighteen hells, as well as the place where the resentment of the three realms gathers—the Nether Blood River!

And the second hall, Yanluo Chujiang King, is located in the south area of ​​Yanluowangyu, and between the six realms of kings, there is a vast ocean that is famous in the three realms - the sea of ​​bitterness.

The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless.

In the ancient times, a bodhisattva from the Buddhist world came to the Netherworld and watched the sea of ​​suffering. After watching the sea of ​​suffering, he once uttered such a sigh that has been passed down through the ages, which describes the magnificence and vastness of the sea of ​​suffering.

Today, this statement also describes the meaning of persuading people to be kind, and it is spread all over the world.


Wanliu Mountain.

The place where the second hall of Yan Luo occupies is located on the bank of the turbid sea of ​​suffering. The mountain is steep, and all streams return here, merging into the sea of ​​suffering, majestic and magnificent.

On Wanliu Mountain, in a dark palace that looks like an ancient castle.

At this time, a tall and lonely man wearing an emperor's crown and black clothes stood in front of the hall with his hands behind his back, staring at the vast sea of ​​suffering in the distance with a pair of cold eyes like lightning, groaning silently.

He has a strange face and is ordinary, but his brows are wide and broad, his waist is stalwart, and he has a calm, majestic, majestic spirit that swallows thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

This person is the King of Chu Jiang in the Second Hall of Yan Luo—Ji Kang!

"It turned out to be a conspiracy. This king underestimated that ancestor of the Cui family..."

Ji Kang murmured, his pair of pupils reflected the weather of that day and place in the distance, the rolling sea of ​​bitterness, the transpiration of mountain mist, circling endlessly in his pupils.

"Forget it, without the power of judgment, the Nether Disk is useless if it falls into the hands of this king. Returning it in time may calm the old man's anger."

After a long silence, Ji Kang waved his sleeve robe, and a black light shot out suddenly, falling into a palace at the foot of Wanliu Mountain.

"Return this object to the Cui family of Ziluo City."

Ji Kang ordered lightly, obviously he was standing in the main hall on the top of the mountain, but his voice sounded clearly from the palace at the foot of the mountain.


A black figure flashed out, and after bowing to the hall, he disappeared in a flash.

After doing all this, Ji Kang seemed to be much more relaxed. He walked leisurely to the outside of the hall, looking at the turbid sea of ​​suffering, but after a while, his wide and wide eyebrows frowned suddenly, "The mind is restless, and the body is full of restlessness." , this is an ominous omen, is there any calamity about to befall this king?"

Thinking of this, his face darkened slightly, and he sat cross-legged on a lone rock on the cliff, shaped like a pine, and began to deduce everything silently.

After half a sound.

Suddenly, a voice as cold as a cold spring sounded in Ji Kang's ears, "Do you still need to deduce, you are already in disaster, and you are in danger."

Accompanied by the sound, a graceful figure like a fairy descending to earth appeared in front of the cliff. Her white clothes were more than snow, her hair was like a waterfall, her forehead was white, and her beautiful and alluring face was hazy in the mist and rain. The smell of fireworks.

It was Qing Xiuyi!

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang opened his eyes, without turning his head, he said calmly: "This king has already figured out that it is just a small trouble, and it seems to have a lot to do with you."

Qing Xiu's clothes were like still water, calm, and said: "Little trouble? That's not necessarily true, at least I know very well that you haven't been able to deduce anything at all."

The words are plain, but there is a strong self-confidence.

"Oh?" Chu Jiang Wang Ji Kang abruptly turned his head, staring coldly at Qing Xiuyi with lightning-like eyes, "Why do you see that?"

However, Qing Xiuyi didn't say much anymore, a pair of clear eyes stared at the sea of ​​bitterness in the distance, her clothes fluttered, her hair fluttered, and there was a hint of flying spirit in her eyes.

She knew that the guy was finally coming.

No reason, just intuition.

This made her feel extremely relieved, ironic, proud, and a touch of heartfelt touch.

However, these emotions only linger in her heart and will not be expressed outside. She is an introverted woman who disdains any words or expressions to express her feelings.

To be good to her, it is enough to know in my heart.

"It seems that you are looking forward to that Chen Xi's arrival."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang got up, with his hands behind his back, and just standing there, he had an unshakable awe-inspiring spirit, "But it's a pity, relying on his strength alone, he will also seek his own death if he comes. I'm not Bing Shitian, I won't For your sake, let that kid go."

"Bing Shitian was as conceited as he is now, but in the end, he was killed by a clone." Qing Xiuyi said quietly without even looking at the other party.

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang frowned, and suddenly smiled, "But in the end, that kid still missed and failed to bring you back, did he?"

Hearing this, Qing Xiuyi's lips showed a hint of sarcasm, "Two big Luo Jinxians worked together to plot against an Earth Immortal, is that something to be proud of?"

"Pride is out of the question."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang smiled, didn't care, and said calmly, "Actually, you should know that if this king is willing, he can completely suppress you into the eighteenth hell. For the sake of face, therefore, this king advises you not to do anything excessive."

Qing Xiuyi pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Forget it, I will have a good talk with you after I kill that kid. I heard that you have been reincarnated for hundreds of generations. This is a remarkable Dao fruit. Even in the netherworld, no one has been able to do it in recent years."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang took a deep look at Qing Xiuyi, and said: "But before that, please move to the 'Prisoner's Cave' so that you don't get lost, and this king will spend time finding you, that would be too much." Trouble."

"I hope next time we meet, you are still alive."

Qing Xiuyi lightly dropped this sentence, turned around and drifted away.

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang was dumb, as if he had heard an innocuous joke, he watched Qing Xiuyi's leaving back, and only waved his sleeve robe after a long time.


In the depths of Wanliu Mountain, there seemed to be an iron gate being locked, and there was a crisp metal sound. Although the sound was low, it was clearly caught by Chu Jiang Wang Jikang's ears.

"Come here! Command the power in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. If outsiders dare to break into it, no matter who it is, they will be killed without mercy!"

Chujiang King's indifferent and deep voice suddenly resounded throughout the entire Wanliu Mountain, revealing an undeniable chill.


The next moment, black shadows flew out of Wanliu Mountain, like black bats, tearing apart the void, and flew into the vast sea of ​​suffering.

"Earth Immortal Eightfold? Hmph, let's go through the sea of ​​bitterness first! Otherwise, what qualifications do you have to be killed by this king?" Chujiang King Ji Kang murmured, and before his voice fell, he disappeared out of thin air.


three days later.

A man and a woman appeared in Baoming City beside the sea of ​​bitterness.

The male is handsome and outstanding, and the female is as cold as ice, with a graceful figure. It is Chen Xi and Bei Ling.

"Sea of ​​Bitterness, Wanliu Mountain, the Second Hall of Yama..."

Walking on the bustling streets of Baoming City, Chen Xi thought silently in his heart, "Isn't this sea of ​​suffering the birthplace of the perverted Dao?"


ps: The state is very bad, Kawen is very good, the third update today will be released tomorrow, that is, the fourth update tomorrow.

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