divine talisman

Chapter 972 Walking with Immortals [Part 1]

Baoming City.

This is a city on the bank of the Sea of ​​Suffering. It is small in scale, but its reputation is in full swing. It is a well-known "Treasure Hunting City" in the Netherworld.

According to the rumors, throughout the ages, there have been many strong Ming clansmen who found all kinds of powerful ancient treasures, ancient skills, and ancient inheritances in Baoming City, and thus became a blockbuster and soared into the sky.

The reason lies in the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

Millions of years ago, during the period when the third Nether Emperor was in charge of the Nether Realm, he suppressed and killed an unknown number of powerful beings in the three realms, including immortals, demons, Buddhas, and Taoists.

And this sea of ​​bitterness is the burial place of those powerful beings of the Three Realms, an ancient land where gods are buried and Buddhas are exterminated!

How many powerful people from the Three Realms did the third Nether Emperor suppress?

Nobody knows.

Because the number is too large, some of the older generation of strong people only know that in those days, the entire sea of ​​bitterness was filled with red blood, the turbid waves were raging, the thunder was rolling, the red wind was hanging every day, and bloody rain was falling.

Among them, there are more shrill roars that shake the sky, and the sound of golden spears roaring across the sky. From time to time, one can even see terrifying phantoms struggling and roaring in the sea of ​​suffering, which is extremely terrifying.

Back then, no one dared to approach the sea of ​​bitterness within a radius of [-] li!

It wasn't until later that the third Nether Emperor fell, and Kuhai encountered a world catastrophe, and most of the suppressed gods, Buddhas, and immortal souls were extradited away, and this turned into the present appearance.

It was also from then on that the creatures in the nether world dared to touch the sea of ​​bitterness little by little.

Then, people were surprised to find that there were many broken treasures and exercises left behind by the sea of ​​bitterness!

And every once in a while, a phenomenon similar to a "tide" will appear in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. At that time, the seawater will pour back and the hurricane will cause disasters, which will cause great destructive power.

But when the "tide" phenomenon ends, many treasures will be left behind on the seashore. People speculate that all of these are likely to be left by the powerful beings of the Three Realms who were suppressed by the Nether King under the sea of ​​suffering.

It was also from then on that Baoming City was born, attracting countless powerful people from all over the world to hunt for treasures every day, hoping to find some opportunities from it.

Until now, Baoming City has become extremely prosperous and prosperous. There are countless shops and treasure buildings in the city, selling some so-called "ancient treasures" and "ancient skills"...

Of course, most of them are inferior and counterfeit.

But even so, there are still people who can find some real treasures from it, and thus become prosperous.

Ruixian Restaurant.

At this time, Chen Xi and Bei Ling were sitting on the second floor by the window, discussing the itinerary while drinking.

After spending half a day, they found out that the place where King Yama and Chujiang of the second hall was occupying was on a mountain called Wanliu Mountain on the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness.

It is a pity that there is no teleportation array in Baoming City that can cross the sea of ​​suffering.

In other words, if you want to reach Wanliu Mountain, you must fly across the sea of ​​suffering yourself.

"It's very tricky. There are too many mysterious areas in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and there are many space-time storms and natural restrictions. If there is no chart, even a fairy will not be able to reach the other shore."

Bei Ling frowned and opened his mouth, slowly telling the news he had found out.

The Sea of ​​Bitterness is a natural barrier that completely separates the Realm of the Six Kingdoms and the Realm of the King of Yama. If you want to cross it, only some great forces in the nether world can do it.

Because among these great powers, they generally have unique sea charts that can safely avoid those dangerous areas in the sea of ​​bitterness without getting lost in it.

"Sea chart..."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, and said, "I know about the same as you, but this sea chart is very difficult to get. There is no one for sale in Baoming City."

"Hey, I think of a good place."

Bei Ling's eyes lit up, as if he remembered something, he said quickly, "We can go to the Building of Ignorance to find out, isn't it claiming to know everything? I think as long as the price is enough, we may be able to exchange for a sea chart."

Chen Xi's spirit was lifted as well, and he said in a dumb voice, "I didn't expect this, let's go, without further ado, let's go and investigate."



Where there are cities in the nether world, there are Wuzhi Buildings.

This sentence was indeed true. After Chen Xi and Bei Ling left Ruixian Restaurant, they quickly found the sub-ruler opened by Wuzhilou in Baoming City.

But before they got close to the Wuzhi Building, the two stopped at the same time, because in their field of vision, a very familiar figure suddenly entered the Wuzhi Building.

"Hou Zhan?"

Bei Ling was surprised, that figure was thin and tall, with a cold face filled with an unconcealable majesty, it was exactly the appearance of Hou Zhan from the thousand-eyed monkey clan.

But she clearly remembered that as early as in Cui's mansion, Hou Zhan had already been wiped out by the fingers of an old antique from Cui's family, so how could he appear here?

"not him."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "If my guess is correct, that person should be a high-ranking figure in the Wuzhi Building, named Ren Changfeng, who seems to be a hall master of the Dark Underworld in the Wuzhi Building, who was in Wuzhi Building that day. When I was in the city, I went to the Wuzhi Building to inquire about the news, and Hou Zhan took the appearance of this person and deceived me."

"So that's it." Belling suddenly realized.

At that moment, the two of them didn't stay any longer, and went straight into the building of ignorance.

"The two of you are inquiring about the news, should you still buy treasures?" Behind the case, a middle-aged man asked without raising his head.

"To inquire about the news, we want to reach the other side of the sea of ​​suffering." Chen Xi spoke directly.

"Oh?" The middle-aged man raised his head, glanced at Chen Xi and Bei Ling strangely, and immediately said indifferently, "Are you two newcomers to Baoming City?"

"Not bad." Chen Xi replied.

"It's strange that you have to know the rules." The middle-aged man was a little impatient, and waved his hand, "You go, charts like this are forbidden items, even if I am ignorant, I am not allowed to trade, even the news is not allowed to leak .”

"Didn't it mean that as long as you can afford the price, you can buy anything in Wuzhilou? Is this just a gimmick?"

Bellingde frowned, a little displeased.

The middle-aged man's face darkened, and he said coldly: "This is the rule, girl, if you say that again, I will misunderstand that you are here to make trouble!"

"You..." Belling was sullen, and was about to say something.

At this moment, a deep voice came, "Wei Ping, what is it, you are yelling!"

Accompanied by the voice, a thin, tall and majestic middle-aged man with a gloomy complexion stepped forward. It was Chang Feng, the director of the dark palace of the Wuzhi Building.

As the distance got closer, Chen Xi realized that this Ren Changfeng was actually a fairy!There was a vague power of law surrounding his body, and his breath was obscure, but he couldn't hide it from Chen Xi's eyes.

This is indeed a heavenly immortal, not a Xuanxian, a Daluo Jinxian, or a holy immortal.

Because Ren Changfeng's aura was more than a notch behind Liang Bing's, according to Chen Xi's estimate, the other party could only be a Celestial Immortal.

But what surprised Chen Xi was that even when he faced Ren Changfeng up close, he didn't feel any pressure. He even had a feeling in his heart that if he fought against the opponent, he wouldn't need to be afraid at all...

Of course, this is just a feeling, how strong the opponent's combat power is, you have to do it to know.

"My lord, these two people want to inquire about the news of going to the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, but you also know that according to the rules..." The middle-aged man got up and explained in a low voice.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ren Changfeng: "Okay, leave this to me."

As he said that, he already turned his head, his gaze swept past Bei Ling, and finally landed on Chen Xi, a look of astonishment could not help but appear in the depths of his eyes, and he said, "Eight Immortal Realm?"

"Not bad." Chen Xi nodded. He didn't hide his aura, and it was normal for the other party to notice him.

Ren Changfeng looked at Chen Xi thoughtfully, and said, "Not everyone can go to the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness. Why are you two going there?"

"Look for someone." Chen Xi answered vaguely.

However, this answer seemed to make Ren Changfeng feel relieved, and he waved his hand and said, "If you don't mind, you can go to sea with me in three days. Of course, the price is 1 yuan king-level Mingjing, or ten immortals." can also be used.”

"Okay." Chen Xi replied without hesitation.

When he entered Ziluo City, he killed many of Cui's Earth Immortal powerhouses, and the spoils alone contained tens of thousands of king-level ghost crystals. This price may be an astronomical figure for others, but for How could he care if Qing Xiuyi was rescued early.

Ren Changfeng was taken aback. He originally planned to leave, but he didn't expect that the other party agreed so readily. This made him a little surprised. He sized Chen Xi up again, and said, "In that case, in the morning after three days, Meet here."

After that, he entered the depths of the building of ignorance.

"Hmph, you are lucky to have won the kindness of Mr. Ren."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly with a little jealousy, but he knew how rare and precious such an opportunity was.

Chen Xi was too lazy to argue with this person, so he paid half of the deposit and left with Bei Ling.


Early morning three days later.

Chen Xi and Bei Ling arrived at the Wuzhi Building as scheduled.

At this time, Ren Changfeng had already been waiting there, and there were two other people beside him.

It was only later that Chen Xi found out that among these two people, one was named Tang Yun, who had a strong figure, always had a smile on his face, and looked easy to get along with, but he was a real strong man of the Eighth Layer of Earth Immortal.

The other is Wang Yan, an ordinary-looking old man with a gloomy face, no smile, and his cultivation is also in the eighth level of the earth immortal.

"Everyone is here, let's go. There are only three days left until the day of 'Blood Tides'. We must hurry up."

Ren Changfeng gave an order, then turned around and walked towards the ignorance building. He was straightforward and did not drag his feet. He did not introduce the identities of Chen Xi and Bei Ling at all.

However, he couldn't introduce it, because he never asked the names of Chen Xi and the others from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps in his opinion, taking Chen Xi and Bei Ling out to sea was just a coincidence, not to mention that the other party paid a lot of Mingjing.

After a while, everyone came to the bank of the sea of ​​bitterness.

With a wave of Ren Changfeng's sleeve, a long and narrow treasure boat in the shape of a shuttle emerged in the air, carrying everyone, with a buzzing sound, it shook the void, and suddenly rushed into the vast sea of ​​suffering.


ps: I feel a little uncomfortable, but I will stick to the 4th update tonight.

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