divine talisman

Chapter 973 Shi'er Blue Lantern [Part 2]

The vast sea of ​​suffering is boundless.

Entering it is like entering another world. The hurricane howls, the waves wash away, and the dark clouds are like mountains, covering the sky, with dazzling and terrifying arcs flowing.

The space here is showing signs of collapse almost all the time, like pieces of broken glass, which is shocking.

The most frightening thing is that on the sea, from time to time, there will be ghosts, ghosts, and a terrifying sea beast with a hideous appearance, raging in all directions, rendering this sea like a purgatory!



In a torrentially rainy sea area, five figures were fighting fiercely with a group of ferocious-looking "Sea Soul Savage Beasts".

Tang Yun held a big bow in his hand. He plucked the bow string repeatedly, and the sharp arrows flew across the sky, shooting at the sea soul beasts one by one.

This is obviously a big bow of the level of a fairy weapon. The arrows are like a startling rainbow, lingering around the fairy gangsters, with a terrifying piercing power, which can easily tear the void.

It's a pity that although the arrows are as fast as lightning, the reaction of these sea soul beasts is even faster, easily dodging Tang Yun's shooting, and many sea soul beasts came to kill Tang Yun, trying to tear Tang Yun apart .

Wang Yan held a long knife, as bright as silver, flickering frequently in the void, forcing back the sea soul beasts that rushed to kill them one by one, and was responsible for Tang Yun's safety. The cooperation between the two was very tacit.

In the middle of the battlefield, Ren Changfeng fought with his bare hands, mighty like a god, unrestrained, every move carried a terrifying power of law, and killed an unknown number of sea soul savage beasts.

This group of sea soul beasts was really too many, covering the sky and covering the earth, and it was impossible to count them, but it was the existence of Ren Changfeng that restrained a large number of sea soul beasts and relieved many burdens for everyone.

As for Chen Xi and Bei Ling, they also entered the battle.

Bei Ling had nothing to hold back, because her cultivation was the lowest among the crowd, but her combat power comparable to the seventh level of the Earth Immortal still attracted the frequent attention of Ren Changfeng and the three of them, and they were all a little surprised.

Only Chen Xi kept a lot, and only shot to kill the sea soul savage beast when it attacked and killed it. In the current situation, the chances of victory were already guaranteed, and he didn't need much effort.

"In this sea of ​​bitterness, it's really weird. There is a smell of sinking everywhere, and even the sea beasts transformed by these unjust souls have a faint smell of sinking..."

"The Rahu Canyon has the fruit of the other shore flower, and I don't know if there are treasures that contain the meaning of sinking in this sea of ​​suffering. If you can take this opportunity to perfect your own way of sinking, it would be good."

"However, this place is really dangerous. The void is collapsing everywhere and the environment is harsh. If ordinary people set foot in it, they will probably die in it..."

While dealing with those sea soul savage beasts, Chen Xi thought to himself in his heart.

They have been in the Sea of ​​Misery for two full days. On the way, they encountered many dangers, but under the guidance of Ren Changfeng, they were able to turn the dangers into safety.

However, if it were an ordinary person who came here, he would probably be buried in the sea of ​​bitterness as soon as he entered it.

You know, they are a celestial being, three peak kings of an earth celestial being, and a sixth-level earth celestial strongman. With such a powerful lineup, they have to be cautious and dare not act rashly. You can see how terrifying this sea of ​​suffering is.

Like the sea soul savage beasts in front of us, they are terrifying beasts transformed from wronged souls, each of them is full of hostility, and the weakest ones have the fourth level of earth immortals.

Puff puff……

The battle continued, and sea soul savage beasts kept screaming and being punished, or died because they were pierced by arrows, or were disemboweled by long knives, or were directly grabbed by Ren Changfeng, killing more than a dozen of them.

After a full cup of tea, these sea soul savage beasts were completely wiped out, turning into a suffocation and blood that filled the sky and filled the sky and the earth.

The sea area returned to calm. Chen Xi looked around, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and stopped thinking about it.

"Miss Bei Ling is really skilled and has extraordinary strength."

That Tang Yun walked over with a smile, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and even a hint of enthusiasm. A woman as cold and beautiful as Bei Ling, with amazing combat power, is indeed attracted attention and admiration wherever she goes. .

Next to him, Wang Yan also showed a hint of approval. No matter in the human world or in the nether world, they all adhere to the principle of respecting strength. Bei Lingcai is only in the sixth level of the earth immortal, but he can display the combat power of the seventh level of the earth immortal. Indeed amazing.

Bei Ling didn't feel anything about it, he just raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Xi who was looking at the surrounding environment, and said in his heart: "You didn't see this guy make a move, otherwise you'd have to be frightened and stupid..."

At this time, Ren Changfeng came over, glanced at Bei Ling, and said, "You are very good. If you are interested, you can join the Wuzhi Building. I can be your guide."

As soon as these words came out, both Tang Yun and Wang Yan showed a look of surprise, as if they did not expect that Ren Changfeng would value this beautiful woman in front of him so much.

For a moment, both of them couldn't help but look at Bei Ling with envy.They are Ren Changfeng's subordinates, and they are even more powerful at the eighth level of the Earth Immortal, but they can't exchange for Ren Changfeng to become his "leader".

But Bei Ling was lucky. After only one battle, he was picked up by Ren Changfeng and wanted to be her "receiver". This meant that as long as she cultivated to the realm of immortality, she would be able to take over Wuzhi Tower smoothly. The position of the Lord of the Dark Temple!

"Miss Bei Ling, this is a rare opportunity in a thousand years, you must cherish it."

"That's right, Lord Ren has been in charge of the Dark Nether Palace in the past few years, but this is the first time I've seen him appreciate someone so much."

Tang Yun and Wang Yan were afraid that Bei Ling would not know the benefits, so they spoke one after another.

Seeing this, Ren Changfeng's stern lips could not help but smile, and he looked at Bei Ling with a hint of expectation.

However, to his disappointment, Bei Ling looked calm and refused without hesitation, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in Wuzhi Building. As long as I can be with my young master, I'm satisfied."

As she said that, she smiled at Chen Xi, her eyes were full of clear eyes, her brows were picturesque, and that flash of a smile made the world eclipse.

Chen Xi was startled, and couldn't help touching his nose. Could it be that Bei Ling is serious?

Seeing this, Tang Yun and Wang Yan looked at each other. Feeling sorry, they couldn't help but glance at Chen Xi, and said to themselves, "This guy's combat prowess is mediocre, but he took in an incomparably rare maid. It's just bad luck."

Before the two could speak, Ren Changfeng shook his head bluntly, stopped him, and said, "Let's go, there is only one day left before the 'Blood Tides' begins."

While speaking, intentionally or unintentionally, he gave Chen Xi a sideways glance.

Chen Xi didn't seem to notice it, and even leaned forward and asked, "Hallmaster Ren, I don't know what this 'blood tide' is?"

He has already discovered that Ren Changfeng and the other three have other important matters to go to sea this time, but he doesn't want to get involved, if there are some twists and turns that delay the time to rescue Qing Xiuyi, it will be too late .

"Tang Yun, you come and tell him."

Ren Changfeng gave an order and returned to the treasure ship, his attitude was obviously much colder than before.

"The blood tide is a phenomenon of heaven and earth that only occurs in the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness. At that time, the sea water will overturn and sweep across the sky. From a distance, it will look like the sky has fallen into the sea, and it will shake everything in the depths of the sea. Some secret treasures and ancient methods are swept out."

Tang Yun glanced at Chen Xi, a little reluctant, but in the end he patiently explained, "My lord has already found out that this blood tide is different from the past, and there will be an ancient Buddhist treasure——Shi'er Blue Lantern , it is rumored that it was left by a Buddhist venerable who was suppressed here by the third Nether Emperor, and our goal this time is this treasure."

Chen Xi raised his brows, and said in surprise, "Shi'er Green Lantern? Is the news confirmed?"

An imperceptible scorn appeared on Tang Yun's lips, and it was fleeting, "I'm sure, you just follow along, and I won't let you make a move."

Chen Xi smiled and said no more.

The other party obviously looked down on them, and most importantly, they had obviously taken the so-called "Shi'er Blue Lantern" into their pockets, so they naturally had a sense of guard against their inquiries.

"Let's go, when you reach your destination, I will show you a way to leave and go to the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness." On the treasure ship, Ren Changfeng said lightly.

At that moment, everyone returned to the treasure ship and continued to set off.


The deeper you go into the sea of ​​bitterness, the more you can feel the horror in it.

Space-time storms flash here from time to time, sweeping away and engulfing all the powerful and vicious ghosts. In the dark clouds of the sky, thunder and lightning fall from time to time, permeated with blood, strange and terrifying.

However, under the leadership of Ren Changfeng, everyone shuttled through the terrifying areas without any danger.

Even Xian Nian is restrained here, and everything he perceives has a hazy and distorted atmosphere, which makes people have to cheer up and be careful.

The atmosphere was depressing.

Ren Changfeng's expression became more and more solemn, and even a celestial being would be afraid to look like this, which shows how terrifying the danger of this sea of ​​bitterness is.

Among those present, only Chen Xi looked calm, sitting cross-legged on the deck, meditating with his eyes closed, like a clay statue, the ancient well was calm.

He was perceiving the aura of perdition in this sea of ​​bitterness. In the process, he keenly discovered that if he used the will of depravity to run his whole body, he could merge with this world very easily.

That feeling, like returning to the embrace of the source of Taoism, is very comfortable, and I don't feel how bad the surrounding environment is.

After a stick of incense.

Ren Changfeng's eyes opened and closed, and a bright and incomparable light flashed suddenly, "Be careful, you are about to enter the blood tide area!"

Hearing this, Tang Yun and Wang Yan both looked terrified, and secretly operated all their cultivation bases.

I saw a bewitching red blood glowing in the very distant sky, like a bloody mouth, wanting to choose someone and devour it.


ps: I have a cold, and I am trying to type, don't rush...

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