divine talisman

Chapter 974 Formless Calamity [Part 3]

Chen Xi suddenly got up and looked far away.

Looking at it with the eyes of the divine truth, I saw that the bewitching red blood light on the other side of the day was transformed by strands of blood, soaking the clouds and dyeing the sky and the earth red.

The boundless turbid sea water, like boiling, turned into huge waves, rushing towards the sky, stained with blood, covering the sky, sending out rumbling vibrations like thunder.

The blood stained the world, and the waves swept the sky!

Looking from a distance, just like what Tang Yun said before, it seems that the entire sky has fallen into the sea water, soaking in a dazzling bright red blood.

At the same time, a creepy and oppressive aura spread out from there, as if a peerless monster would shoot out of the depths of the sea in a short while.

"Blood Tides!"

Ren Changfeng uttered a few words lightly from his lips, his eyes were like lightning, spewing divine light, and firmly locked on to the distance.

"My lord, how long will it take?"

Tang Yun held out a big bow on one side, and lightly stroked a pale golden arrow in his hand. He was still smiling, but his eyes were full of terror, and his movements were gentle, like stroking a lover's face.

Wang Yan pursed his lips and remained unsmiling, but he secretly clenched the long knife as bright as silver in his hand. This is also a fairy weapon, a sword with a strong killing spirit.

"Don't worry, later, when that evil spirit rushes out, you are responsible for intercepting it, and I will do it."

Ren Changfeng's long hair fluttered in the air, and his expression was filled with a strong sense of confidence.

"What evil soul?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.Belling was also puzzled.

"That evil soul was left behind by a powerful man in the Buddhist world who was suppressed by the Nether Emperor in the sea of ​​suffering. It is just a wisp of remnant soul, but after so many years of cultivation under the sea of ​​suffering, his strength is no longer weaker than that of a heavenly immortal. who, and the Shi'e blue lamp is in his hands."

Tang Yun explained from the side, but looked at Bei Ling. Obviously, he didn't explain it to Chen Xi.

Only then did Chen Xi suddenly realize that as for Tang Yun's neglectful attitude, he was too lazy to care about it.

"Be careful, that evil soul is about to come out, don't make a sound, I use the 'Nine Stars Heavenly Soul Cover' as a protection, in case the other party finds out, and the rest, follow my orders!"

As he said that, Ren Changfeng turned his hand, and a treasure cover that seemed to be refined from stars and clouds emerged in the air, spreading wisps of divine light, covering everyone in it.

All of a sudden, their figures disappeared as if out of thin air, and even their breath was cut off, which was quite miraculous.

Obviously, this Nine Star Heaven Soul Cover must be a rare treasure to conceal aura.

In the distance, the blood is shining brightly, overflowing the sky.

The turbid sea water overturned the sky, like the tide rushing towards the sky layer by layer. The scene was strange, but the oppressive atmosphere released was getting stronger and stronger.


A moment later, a figure as tall as three feet suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the sea.

In an instant, the whole world boiled, the sea water roared, and the blood light shot out, making that figure look like a peerless monster.

Looking carefully, it was a monk, with benevolent brows, clear eyes, and smooth forehead, filled with the luster of wisdom.

However, he was wearing a bloody cassock, on which were drawn horrific patterns of yakshas, ​​ghosts, ghosts, skeletons, etc., and a string of rosary beads polished from white bones hung around his neck, one by one. They are all like the skull of a devil, twisted hideously.

This is an extremely weird monk, with a compassionate expression, tranquility and the light of wisdom, but he is wearing creepy decorations all over his body.

Not a Buddha, not a ghost, not a human, not a demon, the whole body has a cold and surly air of compassion, giving people a weird and palpitating feeling.

What a surly attitude!

Chen Xi's eyes were fixed, and he keenly sensed that the opponent's body was filled with a monstrous resentment, but it was transformed by a wisp of soul, without flesh and blood.

But even so, its aura is not weaker than that of a celestial being!

I really can't imagine how terrifying the cultivation of that powerful person in the Buddhist world who was suppressed here back then would be when he was alive.

"Amitabha, the divine blood is unyielding and wants to go away, but it would be too wasteful. It's better to take refuge in the viscera of the poor monk, so that the poor monk can have a full meal. Maybe he can break this cage and return to the kingdom of Buddhism."

As soon as the monk appeared, he proclaimed the Buddha's name, his expression was compassionate, as if he wanted to save all sentient beings, he turned his palm, and there was a bronze lamp in his palm.

This lamp was about a foot high, mottled and covered with bronze rust stains, making many patterns on the surface blurred.

Its wick is like a bean, swaying endlessly, emitting a soft and white luster, the light and shadow are very dim, as if it will be extinguished in the next moment.

But when it appeared there, the blood waves and hurricanes in the nearby sea seemed to have a sense of fear, and they faded away one after another.

"Shi'er Blue Lantern! It really is it!"

Ren Changfeng's eyes exploded with a strong blazing luster.

Tang Yin and Wang Yan's expressions also brightened, and they were very excited. It was an ancient Buddhist treasure, and it was once in the hands of a Buddhist venerable. How can it be compared with anything?

"It's a pretty good treasure, but unfortunately, it's not mine after all..."

Chen Xi stared at it for a moment, but secretly sighed in his heart, he had no intention of being black and white, after all, if he wanted to reach the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, he had to rely on Ren Changfeng.

Taking a step back, the other party is a celestial being after all, it's hard to say whether he can eat the other party...

"My Buddha is merciful, but the gods and blood are restless. How can a poor monk be a Buddha? Go, go, save your soul and relieve your misfortune, everything is left to you!"

The monk yelled loudly, his expression became ferocious and fierce, and with a wave of his big hand, he threw out the green lamp of Shi'e, intending to refine the bloody waves.


At this moment, Ren Changfeng let out a loud roar, leaped forward, and rushed towards the distance violently, his whole body roared, entwined with the power of law, and his first move was a killer move.


Holding the air with one palm, piercing the void, like a mountain pushing horizontally, smashing at the monk, the fists are surging, and the laws are intertwined, showing the terrifying combat power of a heavenly level powerhouse.

"Hmph, it's been so many years, and it's still the same old method. The poor monk has long expected that on this day of the blood tide, there must be a group of lifeless things coming to die!"

The strange thing is, before the punch came, the monk suddenly turned his head, a cold and cruel smile appeared on his lips, and the next moment, he disappeared out of thin air.

Together with what disappeared, there was the Shi'er green lamp.

It didn't seem surprising that Ren Changfeng's blow didn't work, his figure flickered, a pair of fists pointing at the sky and hitting the ground, traveling in all directions, throwing shadows of fists all over the sky.

There was a roar of bang bang bang, the whole world collapsed into dust, and the sea water burst into pieces, a figure was suddenly forced out from the void.

It's that monk, but his face at this time has a touch of surprise, "Baji Zhenkongquan!? This is the method of my Buddhist sect, how did you learn it?"

The so-called Baji suppresses the sky, which is the meaning of the Buddhist saying "Baji is the boundary, and the sky is used as a screen, and then it will become a free and joyful Brahma." When used in boxing, it is to block the world with the power of law, so that the enemy can't hide. You can hide, but you can't escape.

It is similar to the great imprisonment technique and painting the ground as a prison.

"In order to suppress and kill you, an evil soul, I have planned for a hundred years, how could I let you escape?"

Seeing that the monk was forced out, Ren Changfeng seemed to be secretly relieved, and when he spoke, he went straight to kill again.

At this time, Tang Yun and Wang Yan had already arrived. One was cruising around the periphery with a big bow in his hand, while the other charged in with a long knife in his hand.

"Let's go too." Belling said.

"No, they will be distracted." Chen Xi hastily stopped him.


Bei Ling was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that what Chen Xi said was indeed true. At this time, if he rushed over rashly, the other party might suspect that they were going to grab the treasure, and accidents would easily happen.

Although the monk is a remnant soul who has been cultivating so far, his strength is incomparably terrifying. Sometimes he looks like a fierce demon, and sometimes he looks kind and kind, as if he wants to save the world, but he is proficient in both the Buddha and the devil.

However, Ren Changfeng is obviously well aware of all the methods of this monk. In other words, he has worked hard against this monk long before. Rudian already has a faintly oppressive advantage.

As for the role of Wang Yan and Tang Yun, it seems not so important.

Soon, the monk was severely injured, blood was bleeding from the corner of his lips, his expression was ferocious and resentful, and he roared frequently.


The next moment, he couldn't hold back any longer, and sacrificed the green Shi'e lantern.

A ray of white flame flickered, blooming with immeasurable light, and actually derived grand and brilliant visions such as Bodhisattva's glaring eyes, Wei Tuo's conquest of demons, karma lotus saving the world, and heavenly dragon's soaring.

"No desire, no emptiness, no obscuration of desire, no dust and disasters..."

"It's like a dream, like electricity, all living beings are suffering, Purdue Shier, so I heard..."

At the same time, a sound of Buddha's Sanskrit singing roared to the heaven and earth, like a Bodhisattva preaching, it was deafening and deafening, reaching people's hearts.

All these visions turned into a terrifying attack, spreading in all directions, as if to cross this piece of heaven and earth, and to resolve all disasters.

This is the power of the ancient Buddha Baoshi'e Green Lantern, shocking the world, weeping ghosts and gods!

However, Ren Changfeng seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and took out a broken copper ring with his hand, and threw it in the air, only to hear a crisp sound of ding, and actually directly buckled the ancient bronze lamp!

"Tang Yun, continue!"


The next moment, the copper ring turned into a rainbow and fell into Tang Yun's hands.

"Damn it! It's the 'Shapeless Ring' that keeps everything from falling! So you have prepared so many methods to deal with me! Just wait, one day I will slaughter you all!"

Suddenly, the monk uttered a terrifying roar, his figure shook, and he wanted to dive into the sea of ​​suffering.

Seeing this, Ren Changfeng raised his head to the sky and laughed loudly, and rushed forward, "Evil barrier! Can you escape today? I heard that you still have a scroll of ancient Buddhist scriptures on you, which is a kind of supreme inheritance in the Buddhist world. give it to me!"


ps: Fourthly, I owe more, the cold makes my body feel very uncomfortable, and I can’t persist until dawn, I need encouragement...

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