divine talisman

Chapter 975 Time and Fate [Part 1]

The next moment, Ren Changfeng rushed into the depths of the sea of ​​suffering together with the monk.

Looking at it with Chen Xi's eyes of divine truth, he could only see that under the sea of ​​suffering, the two chased and fled, and soon rushed into the extreme depths of the sea of ​​suffering.

When the distance reaches one hundred thousand feet, the Eye of Divine Truth can no longer see clearly.

There is no way, Chen Xi's body training level is too low, and the limit of the range that the Eye of Divine Truth can detect is only within a range of one hundred thousand feet.

"Master Ren will be all right?" Tang Yun said carefully after hiding the broken copper ring.

Wang Yan shook his head, expressing his ignorance, with his usual rigid and unsmiling expression.

"Well, wait a minute, that evil soul must not be the match of Lord Ren." Tang Yun said with a smile after pondering for a while.

At the moment, one of the two held a bow and the other held a knife, waiting in full force and waiting quietly.

"Do you want to do it and snatch the Shi'e green lantern and the Wuxiang law robbery ring?" Bei Ling whispered in the distance, his expression was cold, but there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

"Forget it, let's go together anyway, if you lack magic weapons, I have quite a few." Chen Xi shook his head to transmit the sound.

Bei Ling couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Who wants you? I just feel that those two guys treated you so badly just now. Who wouldn't grab their guns?"

Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, this woman, no matter how high her cultivation level is, her habit of holding grudges will not change.

Of course, he was actually very useful in his heart. After all, Bei Ling seemed as cold as ice, but in fact he was extremely delicate and always cared about his own feelings.

Suddenly, amidst the roar of the sea, a figure rushed out, it was Ren Changfeng.

It's just that at this time, his clothes were stained with blood, his face was pale and almost transparent, and his breath was sluggish. Only a pair of eyes were full of excitement and joy.

As soon as he rushed out of the sea, he shook a roll of green bamboo and jade slips in his hand, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha, look what this is, the 'Shi'e Fahua Sutra' from the Taigu Lingchan Temple! Hahaha..."

The laughter shook the sky, revealing endless joy.

However, the next moment, he coughed up blood violently, his figure swayed, and he almost fell into the sea of ​​suffering. Obviously, he was also severely injured by that stop just now.

"Tang Yun, hurry up, give me the Shi'er Qingdeng, and let me check this treasure." Ren Changfeng took a deep breath, calmed down the energy in his body, and shouted.

"Okay, Mr. Ren."

Tang Yun replied with a smile, but he did not hand over the Shi'e green lamp, but directly drew up the big bow, and the arrow pierced through the air, directly piercing the neck of Wang Yan in front of him!

This attack was extremely vicious and unexpected, who would have thought that he would sneak up on his companion, not to mention that Wang Yan was attacked three steps ahead of him, and there was no time to react. Killed instantly.


Blood sprayed, and Wang Yan, who had been taciturn all the way, a king of the peak of the earth immortal, was killed from behind by his companions just like that.

Seeing this scene, the atmosphere immediately froze.

Even Chen Xi and Bei Ling felt chills in their hearts. Who would have thought that Tang Yun, who had been smiling all the time, would do such despicable and ruthless things in the blink of an eye.

"Tang Yun, you..."

Ren Changfeng was furious, and his chest heaved with anger. Seeing this scene, how could he not understand that this bastard was planning to betray him and take the treasure for himself.

"Master Ren, I'm sorry, after you refused to be my 'receiver' for Tang Yun many times in a row, I have made up my mind to surpass you in this life and trample you under my feet!"

Tang Yun laughed, showing an incomparable coldness, and even a touch of resentment, "Don't blame me for being ruthless, I also want to improve, and I also want to become a big shot in the Dark Palace, no longer servile, no longer flattery, no more Being called around again, you know, that feeling makes me sick!"


While speaking, he drew his bow and set an arrow, and another arrow pierced through the air.

"Be careful!" Chen Xi narrowed his eyes and reminded.

As soon as he spoke, a stream of blood spurted out. Ren Changfeng clutched his left chest, and a bloody hole the size of a fist was pierced there!

Even with his immortal cultivation, he couldn't block this arrow, which shows how seriously he suffered when he fought against that evil soul before.

Perhaps, it was also because of this that Tang Yun dared to forget his righteousness and resolutely chose to betray.

"I didn't expect that the guy I always relied on as my right-hand man actually betrayed me! Back then, I really shouldn't have saved you, a scumbag begging on the street!"

Ren Changfeng's face was livid, and his eyes were about to spew fire. He turned his head to look at Chen Xi and Bei Ling, as if he wanted to ask for help, but he remembered something, and finally shook his head.

Tang Yun betrayed, let alone these two outsiders?

I'm afraid that when they saw that they were seriously injured, they would also have the idea of ​​killing people to seize treasures?

Unexpectedly, the treasure that I, Ren Changfeng, planned for a hundred years to obtain, ended up making a wedding dress for someone else, and even costing my own life...

Ren Changfeng was slumped, and his mood was a little bit down.

Tang Yun suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahaha, what's the point of saying so much? It's a pity that I killed a fairy today, but I can't tell it. It's really regrettable."

Whoosh whoosh!

The bowstring vibrated, like the wind and thunder roaring, a series of light golden arrows with terrifying piercing power, tore through the sky and shrouded Ren Changfeng.

Woo woo woo... The sharp whistling resounded through the heavens and the earth. Seeing this, Ren Changfeng knew that he was powerless to dodge any more. Jane ruined.

But at this moment-

A figure flashed, picked it up, and avoided the murder.

That person had a tall figure and a handsome face, it was Chen Xi.

"You..." Ren Changfeng was taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe that Chen Xi would save him, and then he smiled miserably, "Let me guess, you are doing it for the Lotus Sutra in my hand?"

"You haven't told me the way to reach the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, so you can't die."

Chen Xi calmly said a word, then tossed him casually to Bei Ling.

"Little thing, you are courting death!"

That Tang Yun missed a hit, and his face suddenly became gloomy, "I have tolerated you for a long time along the way, and if you were sensible, maybe I would let you go, but unfortunately, what you did made me kill you!" you!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Bei Ling, and when he saw Bei Ling, a greedy look appeared on his lips, "Miss Bei Ling, you'd better stay obediently, I will kill you, useless young master, later, and I will take you We left together, or you wouldn't be able to leave the Sea of ​​Misery alive alone."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but sighed, another guy who was blinded by lard.

"Hahaha, why don't you talk? You want to delay time? What a waste! You don't even have the courage to fight, Miss Bei Ling, look, this is the son you are following, what the hell!"

That Tang Yun laughed wildly, complacent, and looked like he was in control of the situation.

However, the next moment, his face froze there, his pupils dilated, and he looked like a ghost, "You...you..."

Because, at some point, Chen Xi had already appeared by his side, only two steps away from him!

And from the beginning to the end, he didn't notice anything wrong at all.

What made his heart shattered was that when he subconsciously wanted to kill Chen Xi, he was shocked to find that the big bow in his hand actually appeared in Chen Xi's hand!

what on earth is it?

Tang Yun was terrified.


At this moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, his right hand fell down at the same level, and blood spurted out.


Tang Yun let out a terrifying scream, and he finally understood that at that moment just now, Chen Xi not only approached him, but at the same time cut off his right hand and snatched away his big bow!

Because all this happened so fast that he couldn't even react!

Immediately, Tang Yun's screams came to an abrupt end, because a pale golden arrow was pointed right at his mouth, the arrow was sharp and exuded a chilling brilliance, behind, Chen Xi held his bow like a full moon, A pair of calm and indifferent eyes are coldly locking on himself...

"do not want!"

Feeling that his life was under extreme threat, Tang Yun's face changed suddenly, and he said in a trembling voice, with a strong look of pleading, he didn't dare to scream, or even move a little, for fear of causing the opponent's arrow to pierce through his mouth And pass.

In the distance, Ren Changfeng saw this scene, and couldn't help being horrified. Only then did he realize that this guy who had been underestimated by him was actually a hidden master!

That lightning ghost-like identity, the unexpected attack, and understatement, completely restrained Tang Yun. How could such a character be an ordinary eighth-level immortal?

"I kept you alive until now, just to tell you before you die that maggots will sometimes spread their wings and fly all over the sky, but at the same time, please remember that flies cannot escape the fate of eating shit after all!"

In a faint voice, Chen Xi's fingers let go of the bowstring.


A string of blood spattered, and a pale golden arrow pierced through Tang Yun's mouth. The terrifying force on the arrow crushed his head and shattered his soul.

Die on the spot!

Seeing this, Ren Changfeng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Tang Yun's death made him feel a little grateful to Chen Xi.

But immediately, his face changed again, and he said in horror: "Bastard! The arrow is actually smeared with poison!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the blood hole on his left chest pierced by the arrow had completely turned black and was spreading in all directions.

In just a moment, his face was filled with a strange dark blue color.

"Zang Qing Ming Luo San! This bastard seems to have planned to deal with me a long time ago!"

Ren Changfeng originally thought he had escaped a catastrophe, but when he learned that it was actually such a poison, his face suddenly turned gray, and his desire to survive was completely extinguished.

Tibetan Qingming Luosan, that is a terrifying poison that can destroy the Dao Foundation of Heavenly Immortals. It is the unique secret recipe poison of the Blood River Sect.

"Shiye, Fate...I didn't expect that in the end it was cheaper for the two of you..." Ren Changfeng's eyes were dim and silent, he looked at Chen Xi, then at Bei Ling, and an unspeakable feeling surged in his heart complex.


ps: The second update is around 10 o'clock.

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