divine talisman

Chapter 976 Ten Thousand Star Islands [Part 2]

Chen Xi naturally understood Ren Changfeng's words.

In comparison, Wang Yan tragically died at the hands of Tang Yun, Tang Yun died at the hands of Chen Xi, and Ren Changfeng suffered an incurable poisonous attack, so whether it is the ancient Buddha treasure Shi'e Qingdeng, or The green bamboo and jade slips that recorded the "Dharma Flower Sutra" will definitely fall behind Chen Xi and Bei Ling.

This is an indisputable reality.

That's why Ren Changfeng sighed, time and fate.

A century-old layout has led to today's results. If it's not fate, what is it?

Regarding this, Chen Xi could not agree. He went straight forward, carefully checked Ren Changfeng's injuries, and couldn't help frowning.

This kind of poison is indeed very troublesome, not only has it spread to the whole body, but it has also spread to the soul. Unless it is an antidote, it cannot be expelled with the help of other external forces.

Moreover, this kind of poison is very poisonous, where it passes through, the vitality will be exhausted, and it will appear extremely domineering. If it cannot be rescued, it will not take long for Ren Changfeng to die.

"This is Tibetan Qingming Luosan, the secret poison of the Blood River Sect. It is said that it is made from the daura magic flower under the blood river and the evil spirit of ancient corpses. Just a swipe can take away the life of a celestial being. Only when you reach the realm of Profound Immortal can you not be afraid of this poison."

Bei Ling whispered from the side, "This kind of poison is extremely rare. Few people in the Blood River Cult can master it. There is no way to cure it."

"Since the poison came from Tang Yun's hand, there may be an antidote on him, I'll go and see."

Chen Xi frowned, got up straight and went to that Tang Yin's body, searched for a while, and finally shook his head. In this guy's storage magic weapon, there were no other items except some ghost crystals and spiritual materials.

"Thank you both, this is life!"

Ren Changfeng struggled to get up, his face was dark blue, his eyes were dull and lifeless, he panted for a while, and then said hoarsely, "My time is running out, if you want to reach the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, just listen."

"This sea of ​​bitterness is the place where the Nether Emperor fought with the gods. It is vast and boundless, and there are many forbidden places in it. You should carefully remember the path I said. One step is wrong, one step is wrong, and every step is murderous, so don't mess up. Break through, otherwise even Da Luo Jinxian will get lost in it..."

After half a sound.

Ren Changfeng's voice became lower and lower until it was too weak to be heard.

"He's dead." Belling said beside him.

"Bury him." Chen Xi thought for a while and said.

When Ren Changfeng was about to die, he did not forget to tell them the path to reach the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, but he was a person who kept his word and deserved their courtesy.

At that moment, Chen Xi started to incinerate Ren Changfeng and Wang Yan together, sealed the ashes into two clay pots, and threw them into the sea of ​​suffering.

Meanwhile, Bei Ling cleaned up the battlefield and harvested a fairy bow, thirteen light golden arrows, a broken copper ring, a green Shi'er lamp and an ancient Buddhist scripture.

As for the belongings of Ren Changfeng and Wang Yan, they didn't move, they were sealed in clay pots, and sank into the sea of ​​bitterness together with their ashes.

After doing all this, Chen Xi identified the direction, and immediately took Bei Ling away.



The turbid waves of the sea of ​​bitterness are rolling, black clouds are like mountains pressing down on the sky, a treasure ship, like a leaf of straw in the wind and rain, is speeding towards that extremely far away, as if it will capsize in the next moment.

But what is surprising is that despite the whistling of the hurricane, the treasure ship was as stable as a mountain, and galloped forward along the established route, avoiding the terrifying areas without any danger.

in the cabin.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged, his fingers gently caressing the green lantern of Shi'e in his palm.

This is an ancient Buddhist treasure. According to Ren Changfeng, it is a treasure left by a powerful person in the Buddhist world. The flame burning on the wick inside it is called "Shi'e Purifying Fire", which can obliterate all things, Suppressing all evils is the first-class divine flame between heaven and earth.

And the body of the lamp is engraved with the supreme prohibition of the Buddhist sect, with a total of three thousand layers, and each layer contains pure and majestic Buddha power, but most of them are broken, only more than a hundred restrictions are intact.

But even so, the power of this green lantern of Shi'er is still extremely powerful, completely beyond the scope of ordinary fairy artifacts, and can be compared with not a single mysterious fairy artifact!

"This Shi'e blue lantern is damaged to this point, and it is comparable to a mysterious fairy weapon. If it is completely repaired, the power will be so powerful that I have to wait."

Chen Xi put down the green lantern of Shi'e, took that piece of green bamboo and jade slips in his hand, and after flipping through it briefly, he knew that the scriptures in it actually recorded the method of driving and nurturing the green lantern of Shi'e.

"It's no wonder that Ren Changfeng tried his best to kill that evil soul. Without this volume of Buddhist scriptures, it is indeed impossible to drive Shi'er Qinglan. In that case, it would be useless to grab it."

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart, and turned his gaze to the other side. It was a broken copper ring, only the size of a palm, mottled and dull, and covered with a layer of copper rust.

Put it in the palm of your hand and look at it, it is heavy, as if it is supporting a mountain, but other than that, you can't feel any spirituality, like a dead object.

This made Chen Xi startled, but he clearly remembered that when that wicked soul monk sacrificed the green lamp of Shi'e, it was precisely this copper ring that was caught in it all at once, and it was put away. ,

According to his thinking, the value of this thing is even higher than Shi'er's blue lamp, but how can it have no spiritual power now?

"This is the Ring of Absence of Immortality. It is said that nothing cannot fall. As long as you are hit by it, any magic weapon will be taken away. In the ancient times, it was also a rare treasure that shocked the three worlds."

Xiao Ding opened his mouth and explained in a low voice: "Unfortunately, the spirituality of this object has been exhausted when collecting the Shi'e Green Lantern, and it is difficult to restore."

Hearing this, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a sense of loss in his heart, saying that "nothing never falls", if this treasure is intact, it would simply be a great weapon to kill the world!

Just imagine, the other party has just sacrificed a magic weapon, and then you are taken away by yourself. How refreshing would that feel?

Chen Xi shook his head. After thinking about it, he still put the copper ring into the Stupa Pagoda. If there is a chance in the future, he might be able to restore it.

"It doesn't matter if you put it away. After all, this thing is a rare treasure in the world. It is unique in the Three Realms. Maybe when you reach the realm of the Immortal King and master the time-traveling secrets, you may be able to find some dao marks in it and restore it." Xiao Xiao Dingdao.

Back in time!

The Realm of Immortal Kings!

Just listening to it made Chen Xi click his tongue. That level of realm is too far away from him, and he doesn't know when he will be able to reach it.

But this moved Chen Xi's heart, and he asked, "Senior, since this thing is so powerful, how could it be broken?"

"Of course it was destroyed by the third Emperor Youming. In this world, only his evil-killing pen, combined with the law of reincarnation, can restrain this formless robbery ring."

Xiao Ding is obviously quite familiar with all these allusions, and picks them up easily.

"The law of reincarnation..." Chen Xi was stunned. For him, this was another unknown territory.

"The law is different from the Dao, and the Dao is incompatible, but the law can be integrated into all kinds of Dao, and when you reach the realm of the celestial being, you will naturally understand."

Xiao Ding said: "The law of reincarnation is formed by the fusion of many ghosts and supreme Taoism."

"So, I also have a chance to control this way?" Chen Xi's eyes lit up.

"Unless you are not afraid of offending the gods and Buddhas, it is better to extinguish this thought."

Xiao Ding replied lightly, "You should know the reason. The intention of ending the Tao is never allowed to appear in the Three Realms. The key to the law of reincarnation is the intention of ending the Tao."

Chen Xi frowned, and ended his will again!

This is simply a taboo. Whether it is Ji Yu or Xiao Ding, they all remind him that it is best not to try to comprehend it, but it can also be seen from this that the gods of the three realms are so afraid of this kind of Taoism.

Chen Xi pondered for a long time, and finally stopped talking. He studied the "Dharma Flower Sutra" repeatedly for a long time, and then began to retreat.

three days later.

The outside world is precarious, thunder and lightning are raging, the sea of ​​bitterness is rolling, and it is gray, but the cabin is peaceful and quiet, free from the influence of the outside world.

According to Ren Changfeng's explanation, Bei Ling drew a sea chart by hand, and at this time was comparing the surrounding environment, driving the treasure ship forward slowly.

As for Chen Xi, he had completely sacrificed that green lantern of Shi'e and turned it into his own.

Today, this ancient Buddhist treasure is floating in the Pagoda of the Buddha. The wick flickers, emitting a white and solemn luster.

Wisps of Buddha-nature radiance overflowed around the blue lantern, creating visions of bliss, such as heavenly dragons hovering in the sky, phoenixes soaring, golden lotuses falling in disorder, and Sanskrit chanting...

As long as you sacrifice and practice slowly, sooner or later, the three thousand Buddha sect's supreme restrictions carved on it will be restored as before.

To Chen Xi's surprise, the Buddha-nature radiance emitted during the process of conceiving and cultivating the Shi'e Blue Lantern actually had an astonishing repairing power for the Buddha Pagoda!

This pagoda came from Longyuan City in the southern border of the Great Chu Dynasty. Due to serious damage, the spirit of the artifact disappeared, and it has been used by Chen Xi as a large storage magic weapon.

The reason is that there has been a lack of a Buddhist method to sacrifice and restore this thing.

So when it was discovered that the "Dharma Flower Sutra" actually had a repairing effect on the Buddha Pagoda, one could imagine the surprise in Chen Xi's heart.

According to his estimation, when the Buddha Pagoda is completely restored, it should at least be a Buddha treasure of the immortal level, but how powerful it will be at that time is immeasurable.

"We've arrived at the Ten Thousand Star Islands!"

At this moment, Bei Ling, who was standing on the bow of the boat, suddenly spoke, waking Chen Xi awake.

"Has it finally arrived?"

He suddenly got up, strode to the outside of the cabin, looked from a distance, and saw small black dots emerging on the turbid sea in the distance, densely packed, as if infinite.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are small islands, like stars, scattered on the sea surface, the number is extremely huge.

Ten Thousand Star Islands!

This is a dividing line between the Realm of the Six Paths and the Realm of the King of Yama. After arriving here, it is equivalent to entering the Realm of the King of Yama.

According to Ren Changfeng's introduction, on the Ten Thousand Stars Islands, there are many powerhouses of the Ming clan stationed there, all of them belong to the second temple, King Yama Chujiang!


The third is around 1:[-] in the morning.

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