divine talisman

Chapter 977 Direct Killing [Part 3]

Ten Thousand Star Islands.

After arriving here, the climate in the entire sea of ​​bitterness became much calmer. Although the hurricane was still raging and the turbid waves were surging, there was no such depressing atmosphere.

At this time, among the several islands in the front, there are actually pitch-black buildings standing one after another, and from time to time one can see strong people walking through them.

Looking at it with Chen Xi's gaze, he saw that several islands were arranged in a fan shape, and together they guarded a water passage. According to Ren Changfeng, this place should be the "Ten Thousand Stars Passage".

Only by entering through the channel of ten thousand stars can one reach the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness. This is also the only path mastered by the major forces in the nether world so far.

The sea areas in other places may also lead to the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness, but most of them are unknown areas, full of many dangers and space-time storms, no one dares to risk their lives.

Therefore, this passage of ten thousand stars has become the only passage between the realm of the six kingdoms and the realm of Yama, and it has been firmly controlled by King Yanluo Chujiang of the second hall.

In the past, if you want to enter the Ten Thousand Stars Passage, you have to pay a lot of Mingjing according to the number of people. In this way, the "Jianghunwei" who is stationed on the side of the Ten Thousand Stars Passage will let them go and allow others to enter the Ten Thousand Stars Passage. pass.

Jianghunwei is a team under Chu Jiangwang's command. Every Jianghunwei has a cultivation level comparable to that of the fifth level of the Earth Immortal.

After all, this is the center of the Sea of ​​Misery, and being able to stay safe and sound here is a symbol of strength. Ordinary people simply cannot survive here.

"No! No matter if you are from the Wei family or other families, you are not allowed to enter!"

"My lord, why is this? In the past, didn't each person only need to pay a hundred Mingjing to pass?"

"This is the will of my master. Since seven days ago, this place has been sealed off, and no one is allowed to step into it. If anyone dares to trespass, he will be killed without mercy!"

"King Chujiang!?"


There was a commotion in the distance. It turned out that in front of the Ten Thousand Stars Passage, there was a fleet trying to pass, but was blocked by a Jianghun Guard.

Seeing this, Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, stopped the treasure ship, and said, "There seems to be something wrong, let's see the situation."

The fleet is quite large, there are eighteen treasure ships alone, each of which is luxurious and exquisite, exuding an astonishing precious light, which is not owned by ordinary forces at first glance.

But such a powerful fleet is now blocked from the Ten Thousand Stars Passage, which is very abnormal.

Bei Ling nodded, and she also heard those conversations. It seems that King Chu Jiang ordered to completely block the Ten Thousand Stars Passage and not allow them to enter. This is a bit abnormal.

You must know that this channel of ten thousand stars is the only channel between the domain of the Six Paths and the Domain of Yama. King Chujiang dares to seal it as soon as he says it, so isn't he worried about offending other big forces?

Among them, there must be some reason.

"My lord, my young master and young lady must arrive at Yan Luo Wangyu within ten days to participate in the hundred-year apprenticeship assessment of Yan Luo Biancheng King in the sixth hall. This opportunity is once in a thousand years and cannot be missed. I hope you will be accommodating." , in the future, my Wei family will definitely reward you generously."

In front of the fleet, an old man in a brocade robe said in a low voice.

While speaking, Tanshou took out a storage bag and handed it over without any trace.

Opposite the old man in the brocade robe was a middle-aged man with a rough and sinister face, wearing a scarlet cloak, as powerful as a tiger, with a forceful aura.

"What do you mean?" The shady middle-aged man frowned, pushed the old man's hand away, and snorted coldly, "You know, my master has issued a death order this time, and all the guards of the second hall have been mobilized and deployed There are many checkpoints, no matter how rich your wealth is, how many people can you bribe?"

Although the words were harsh, they secretly awakened everything.

The old man's expression was startled, and he said: "May I ask you, who offended the King of Chu Jiang, and put on such a big battle?"

While speaking, he passed the storage bag in his hand for the second time.

This time, the shady middle-aged man did not refuse, raised his hand, put away the storage bag, slapped his face slightly, his expression became much more relaxed, and said: "For the sake of the Wei family, it's okay to tell you A few days ago, my master arrested a woman in the human world in order to help a friend in the fairy world, but I heard that someone will come to rescue the woman near the end..."

After such an explanation, the old man immediately understood, and couldn't help being surprised: "Is the opponent very powerful? In order to deal with him, he actually wants to block the Wanxing channel?"

"Whether it's powerful or not, I don't know. Our order is to block this place and not allow any forces to enter."

Speaking of this, the shady middle-aged man waved his hand and said: "You go, maybe you can pass after we catch that enemy, but now, it is absolutely impossible."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then turned and walked into the cabin, as if he had reported the matter to the young master and young lady of the Wei family.

Not long after, the fleet slowly exited the Ten Thousand Stars Passage, but instead of leaving, it docked to one side, as if planning to wait for a while before looking for another opportunity.

Seeing this, the shady middle-aged man couldn't help snorting coldly, shaking his head, "Unfortunately, this is the Wei family of the Human Spirit Division, rich in oil and water, but there is no way to kill it fiercely, what a pity..."


In the distance, Chen Xi had a panoramic view of all this, calmly smiled and said, "It seems that the King of Chujiang already knew that I was coming, so I was a little flattered to put on such a big formation."

Bei Ling couldn't laugh, and frowned: "The Wanxing channel is blocked, what should we do?"

"It's very simple, just rush over." Chen Xi said indifferently, "At this time, there is no need to hide where we are, is there?"

Bei Ling nodded, his clear eyes were full of fear, and said: "This is indeed the only choice."


On the other side, in the Wei family's fleet.

The brocade robed old man frowned, looking anxiously at a boy and a girl opposite.

The boy was about thirteen or fourteen years old, with an immature face, a hulking back, and a heroic figure. His small face was full of anger. Obviously, he didn't know how to hide his emotions.

The girl is slightly older than the boy, but she is only fifteen or sixteen years old, pure and beautiful, graceful and luxurious, with clear eyes, shining with the luster of wisdom, beautiful and wise.

The boy's name is Wei Xiaofeng, a descendant of the Wei family who controls the Human Spirit Division, and the seventh son of the patriarch, while the girl's name is Wei Lan, who is Wei Xiaofeng's biological sister.

The identities of the two are both extremely respected, almost equal to Cui Qingning.

"Damn it! It's really hateful! What kind of King Chu Jiang doesn't even give us Renling Division face, it's just too much deception!" Wei Xiaofeng shouted angrily.

"Seventh Young Master, after all, this is King Chu Jiang's territory, and the other party is determined to block the Wanxing Passage, so we can't force our way in."

The brocade robed old man smiled bitterly and comforted, "In my opinion, wait a few days, there may be another turning point. After all, it's not just our Wei family who come and go in the Ten Thousand Stars Passage every day, Chu Jiang The king's blockade of this place will inevitably provoke public outrage, maybe we can fish in troubled waters and wait for the opportunity to pass."

"However, there are only ten days left before my elder sister and I will be apprenticed to a teacher. How can there be any time to delay? What if we go late at night, what should we do?" Wei Xiaofeng said aggrievedly.

"Okay, Xiaoqi, just wait with peace of mind."

Wei Lan spoke from the side, and pointed out the window, "Look, didn't that treasure ship also stop?"

Wei Xiaofeng raised his eyes, took a look, and immediately said with disdain: "It's just an ordinary treasure ship, how can it compare with our Wei family, we all stopped, how can he have the courage to advance rashly? Sister, I'm not talking about you, In the future, don't compare these trash with our Wei family, it would be too flattering to them."

Wei Lan frowned, and couldn't help shaking her head, this little brother was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and he has developed some bad habits, but his heart is very good, it's just that he lacks tempering.

Seeing that Wei Lan was silent, Wei Xiaofeng spoke more and more vigorously: "Haha, I was wrong to blame them just now, sister, look quickly, that treasure ship actually rushed towards the Ten Thousand Stars Passage, could it be that the people on board wanted to seek death? "

The brocade robed old man and Wei Lan suddenly looked up, and sure enough, they saw the treasure ship rushing towards the Wanxing Treasure Ship, they couldn't help frowning at the same time, could it be that the people on this treasure ship are really fools?

If those Jiang Hunwei were offended, wouldn't they end up being killed on the spot?

But in the next moment, their eyes widened, they looked like they couldn't believe it, their whole bodies were stiff and dull.


I saw two figures suddenly flashed in the distance, the male was handsome and handsome, the female was as cold as ice, they didn't ask any questions at all, and they didn't even give those Jianghun guards a chance to stop them, they just started killing them!

This...is the other party really crazy?

The two were surprised, and without any hesitation, they went straight to the bow of the boat and looked into the distance.

I saw that young man, as if a god had come down, with a wave of his hand, he released billions of divine radiance, shining the world, and killed more than ten Jianghunwei in an instant, with blood flying and screaming.

That was a group of strong Earth Immortals, the weakest of which had five levels of Earth Immortals, but in the hands of that young man, it was easier than killing a group of ants!

And that woman was not bad either, with a wave of her hand, the faint blue flame turned into a sharp blade, tearing through the world, with unrivaled sharpness, bringing up strings of scarlet blood flowers.

Each string of blood flowers represents the fall of a Jianghunwei!

This time, both the brocade robed old man and Wei Lan were stunned, like clay statues, the other party is not crazy, they are clearly two masters with terrifying and astonishing combat power!

"Sister, Uncle Yun, what are you guys doing? It's just a treasure ship that seeks death beyond its means, what's the fuss..."

That young man Wei Xiaofeng rushed out and muttered a few words rather dissatisfied, but before he finished speaking, he stayed there with his eyes wide open, his jaw almost fell to the ground in shock.

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