divine talisman

Chapter 979 Stupid Yaksha [Part 2]

Crossing the Ten Thousand Stars Passage is equivalent to entering the Realm of the Six Kingdoms.


Under the dark clouds, a treasure ship skimmed towards the distance at an extremely fast speed. The hurricane roared and the huge waves roared to the sky, which could not interfere with its forward speed.

The speed is indeed very fast!

The Wei family's fleet sailed in at full speed, barely able to hang behind.

The reason for this is that Chen Xi had his own plan, in order to catch the other party by surprise before the forces under King Chujiang could react.

If the other party finds out about him and kills all the Jiang Soul Guards near the Ten Thousand Star Passage, then the defense and layout of the other party will definitely be greatly enhanced.

In that case, the pressure on oneself will increase greatly, and it will be extremely troublesome.

Because there are many dangers and restricted areas in this vast sea of ​​suffering, the opponent has been entrenched here all year round and has already occupied a favorable location, so the only way to speed up and make a tough pass all the way has become the best choice.


Yaksha sea area.

This is the second line of defense for King Chujiang's forces after the Ten Thousand Stars Passage.

In the turbid sea water, there is only an isolated island standing. There is no grass on the isolated island, and the rocks are pitch-black. From a distance, it looks like a halberd inserted upside down in the sea, piercing the sky.

The name of the island is Bloody, a rather bloody name.

At this time, there was a group of yakshas stationed on Yuxue Island. There were about three hundred of them. On their bare dark green skin, the image is terrifying.

The leading Yaksha, with a pair of blood-colored wings, is extremely eye-catching, and his face is no doubt like an ordinary person, except for a pair of eyes that are glowing with a strange blood-colored luster.

He is the king of this team—Yasha King Yantu!

A king of earth immortals who has fought with King Jikang of Chujiang for 3000 years, with outstanding military achievements and shocking strength.

According to the rumors, Yaksha King Yantu possessed the ability to advance to the Ninth Layer of Earth Immortal and ascend to the Immortal Realm a long time ago, but he was forced to stagnate at the Eighth Layer of Earth Immortal because of his secret technique.

The reason is to follow the King of Chujiang all the time, and to be loyal to him all his life, which can be said to be extremely loyal.

Feeling his loyalty, King Chu Jiang personally assigned this sea area to Yan Tu, and let him manage it. Naturally, this sea area became the famous "Yasha Sea Area" in the sea of ​​suffering.

"Three hundred powerful Yasha generals, four strong commanders, plus I, Yan Tu, this kind of power is just to kill a strong earth immortal from the human world. I really don't know what the Lord thinks."

Yan Tu sat behind the throne, stroking his chin in deep thought.

"My lord, I think the lord has made a big fuss. If that little guy comes, I, Aguro, can easily crush him to death. Why do you need to sit here yourself?"

Next to him, a strong Yaksha with a ferocious face and a layer of black-green scales on his scalp didn't take it seriously.

"It's better to be careful."

Yan Tu glanced at the other party. This Aguluo was one of the four commanders under him. He was violent and bloodthirsty. He was unparalleled in bravery. He was one of his right-hand men.

"Hey, I'm just worried that the other party can't even pass through the Ten Thousand Stars Passage, so we'll have to wait for so long for nothing."

Aguro shook his head and stood up, saying: "My lord, I will take my brothers to patrol first, staying here will almost suffocate me."

Yan Tu waved his hand and said: "Go, go, but I can warn you, you must not go to the Wanxing Passage, otherwise you will disrupt the master's layout, and even I will not be able to save you."

Aguro smiled ferociously and cruelly: "Don't worry, my lord."

After a while.

A Yaksha team led by Aguro rushed out of the Bloody Island and disappeared into the cloudy and gloomy world.

"The lord has set up three lines of defense. Since I, Yan Tu, guard the second line of defense, then no matter who the opponent is, they will never pass through from now on, unless..."

Yan Tu murmured, a pair of strange blood pupils showed a cold and firm look, "Unless you step on my Yan Tu's corpse!"


On the deck, Chen Xi flicked the "Returning Spirit Disk" in his hand.

This thing is indeed very wonderful. There are two copper rings, one large and one small, inlaid on it. A gear-like restraint spans between the two copper rings. The big copper ring represents the three thousand worlds in the human world, and the small copper ring represents the three thousand worlds in the human world. Hundreds of millions of small worlds.

Move the copper ring with your fingers, and the names of the worlds will appear on the surface. As long as you select it, and then fill it with immortal essence, the prohibition inside will be activated, and a passage to the human world will be opened, which is extremely magical.

The only disadvantage is that such a rare treasure can only be used once, and after using it, the restrictions inside it will collapse, making it useless.

But for Chen Xi, this was enough.

"I didn't expect that a little guy was released, but a treasure was replaced. Isn't this a kind of reward?" Beside, Bei Ling said softly.

Chen Xi keenly noticed that Bei Ling's mood seemed to be a little depressed, and after being taken aback, he said, "If I return to the human world, then you..."

Belling smiled and said, "I definitely can't."

Although he was laughing, it was a bit forced, and although his voice was calm, there was a touch of vibrato.

Chen Xi was stunned again. Knowing that Bei Ling could answer without hesitation, it was obvious that she had weighed this question in her heart for a long time.

But when he learned that the answer was yes, he was still a little disappointed.

But very soon, Chen Xi collected his mind and said with a smile, "That's right, Netherworld is your hometown to you, and if you want to revive the glory of the Holy Ghost Emperor back then, you can only stay here."

Bei Ling turned his head, looked into the distance, and said: "Yes, in the final analysis, I am just a lonely soul. Only by staying in the Netherworld can I firmly remember my mission."

Having said that, she sighed faintly in her heart, feeling inexplicably sad and lost.

"Don't worry, we will be able to meet again one day."

Chen Xi stepped forward and stood side by side with her, his expression was calm, and there was a hint of strong confidence in his voice.

"I hope so."

Bei Ling closed the blue hair around her ears, her clear eyes were blurred, and she looked into the distance, where the turbid waves were rolling and the hurricane was howling, just like her complicated and turbulent mood at this moment.

Chen Xi felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull and upset, and he opened his mouth to say something, when he suddenly noticed that a group of people were galloping menacingly from a very far away place.

"Be careful, there are enemies coming."

Chen Xi reminded that the person had already leaped and stepped into the air.


Like thunder, in the next instant, a team tore through the void, crushing them like billowing black clouds, with an astonishing momentum.

The leader, with a burly physique and a ferocious face, covered with a layer of black and green scales on the top of his head, and a pair of black wings on his back, is Aguro, one of the four commanders under the Yaksha King.

Behind him, followed by eighty Yaksha guards, each with scarlet eyes and fierce aura.

"Yasha?" Belling was surprised.

"You can watch the battle, these bastards are handed over to me."

Chen Xi stepped into the air, his body was like a spear, his long hair fluttered, and he carried a coercive force.

"Haha, you must be that little guy from the human world!"

Na Aguro laughed, holding a scarlet halberd, flapping his wings, billowing black mist, like a demon god.

"Just such a small number of people is really not enough. Didn't King Chujiang tell you that when you die, it's better to bring more people so that you don't die too quickly?"

Chen Xi said coldly, feeling a flame burning in his chest, wanting to vent.

"You arrogant human being, you are really blindly confident."

In the team, a yaksha came out, Jie Jie said with a grin, "After three breaths, I will turn you into a pile of minced meat, remember, I am the guard of the yaksha tribe..."


Before the words were finished, a violent wind of fists rang out, and a road of fire tore through the void, spread out, and roared towards the Yaksha guard.

Huozhaoshen Fist!

The next moment, the yaksha guard grinned on his face, the bridge of his nose and lips sunken suddenly, his bones shattered, and the trace of a fist was clearly printed.

Immediately afterwards, his entire head shattered with a bang, and his brains and blood shot out, and he was killed by a punch on the spot!

Chen Xi withdrew his hand, without moving a step, and said calmly, "I'm not interested in knowing the name of someone who can't even catch a punch from me."

At this moment, all the Yaksha guards present finally changed their colors. Unexpectedly, a companion who was alive just now has turned into a cold headless corpse in the blink of an eye.

One of the yakshas couldn't hold back any longer, rushed out with a rage, and went straight to kill Chen Xi.

"Despicable human beings! It's really damn good to win with a sneak attack. I will tear you to pieces and eat you bite by bite! Remember, I am the guard of the Yasha tribe..."


Before he finished speaking, there was another roar of violent punches, like spreading a scarlet carpet leading to hell, like burning, like burning, like blood, like in full swing.

However, the Yaksha guard had been on guard for a long time, and a jet-black celestial body gushed out from his body. He raised his right fist and greeted him. .

However, when the wind of the fist collided with his palm, his face changed suddenly, and he felt a huge force coming, like a vast ocean covering his body, and he slammed heavily on his palm.

In an instant, the five fingers of that palm shattered into powder, and immediately after, the tiger's mouth broke, and blood shot out.

With a shrill scream, this Yaksha held his right arm and stepped back again and again, screaming again and again. It was shocking that every time he took a step back, a part of his body exploded, first his right arm, then his right shoulder, Up to the entire chest, head...


When he retreated to the seventh step, his whole body had turned into pieces of flesh, pouring into the rolling sea of ​​bitterness like a bloody waterfall, which was shocking.

Seeing this, those yakshas froze and their pupils constricted. This was not a sneak attack, but they were still obliterated by the opponent's punch. How terrifying is the strength of the human kid?

However, Aguro's face darkened, and he stared at Chen Xi violently, saying, "Damn human beings, I am the four leaders of the Yasha Clan..."

"You idiots, do you have to report your name before the battle?"

Chen Xi shook his head and interrupted, he had serious doubts about the IQ of these ferocious Yashas.

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