divine talisman

Chapter 980 Sinking Bitter Crystal [Part 3]

It was only later that Chen Xi learned that the Yaksha clan had always had such a disposition, that is, at the beginning of each battle, they would report their names in order to intimidate the enemy, and let the enemy live under his fierce power until death.

This is the tradition of the Yaksha clan, imprinted in the blood of every Yaksha.

But in the eyes of most powerhouses, this is a joke, and some people even joked that if you want to know whether a certain Yaksha wants to do something, you just need to hear whether he reported his registration number or not.

But obviously, the Yaksha people don't think so, and even think that disturbing their self-registration numbers is simply the greatest slander and trample on their honor.

So, after being interrupted by Chen Xi to announce his name, Aguro became completely angry, his eyes widened, his face was ferocious and distorted, he shouted loudly, waved his red blood halberd, and put his hood on Chen Xi.


The long halberd soared into the air, chopping down like blood-colored lightning, and the attack opened and closed, surrounded by a force like a mountain, smashing into the void, chopping down.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be dragged into a sea of ​​blood, and there were screams like howling ghosts and wolves everywhere, and blood was pouring into the sky, sweeping in all directions.

Regarding this, Chen Xi remained motionless, raised his right arm, and with his five fingers together like a blade, he slashed in the air, drawing a mysterious and unpredictable trajectory.


Bei Ling's eyes were condensed, and a look of astonishment burst out. From Chen Xi's blow, she clearly felt a killing power that was close to judgment, just like the execution of sinners who blasphemed the way of heaven. It has an awe-inspiring, chilling, and ruthless flavor.

Judgment Profound Truth!

Divide Yin and Yang!


There was only a sharp sound like tearing cloth, and with a swipe of Chen Xi's finger, the sea of ​​blood, the waves of blood, the heavens and the earth, were all cut into two, like cutting yin and yang, like dividing black and white, and destroying the dead, like breaking the bamboo. !

With just one blow, Aguro's anger was destroyed with one blow.

"The power of judgment! This is the untold secret of the Criminal Law Department, how did you learn it?" Aguro flashed away, his expression already a little surprised.

He is well aware that the real power of judgment is in the Criminal Law Department, and almost no one understands and controls it.

It was only recently that it was reported that among the members of the Cui clan, there was a little girl who had mastered the profound meaning of the ruling and caused a sensation in the entire Nether world. If not for this, his master is also the King of Chu Jiang, so how could he return the Nether to Zhao? ?

One is to be afraid of the strength of Cui's patriarch, and the other is because this little girl's aptitude is too amazing. Once she grows up, she may become a powerful "Judge Cui" again.

Under such circumstances, Chujiang King had no choice but to take the initiative to return the Nether Disk, lest Cui Shi would be completely offended.

"Let's talk nonsense, I'm not interested in answering any of your questions, and I'm not interested in knowing your names." A cold arc appeared on the corners of Chen Xi's lips, and he said lightly, "Don't waste time, let's go together."

As soon as these words came out, all the Yasha guards present couldn't help but widen their eyes, as if they were looking at idiots.

Go together?

Isn't this guy too arrogant?Or do you think that each of them is a soft persimmon and can be manipulated by others?

A boundless anger surged into every Yaksha's heart suddenly, making them irritable, angry, and about to go crazy.

"Looking for death, really looking for death! Human! You will pay the price for your arrogance and ignorance!" Aguro said in a deep voice, his whole body soaring, like a demon god.

However, Chen Xi acted as if he had never heard of it, and calmly said, "What? Will it hurt your self-esteem if we go together? Then let me do it."

A chilling and ruthless force spewed out from Chen Xi's fingertips. In an instant, his whole body seemed to be the embodiment of a judgment, cold and indifferent, with a light swipe of his fingertips.

With a bang, a big head was harvested!

Before everyone could react, Chen Xi's slender figure flashed, and then became blurred and misty, turning into afterimages, and threw himself into the group of yakshas.

The phantom flickers, like traveling through layers of void.

Fluttering in the air, locking all directions.

The palm fingers were like blades, turned into the power of judgment, and in an instant, they exploded among the yaksha group, rushing towards all directions.

Divide Yin and Yang!

Ruling the universe!

Kill all evil!

Good and evil are judged!


There is a limit to everything!

In addition to the seventh form "Blade of Order", the supremely inherited Taoism "Seventh Form of Judgment" inherited from the third page of Nether Records was picked up by Chen Xi at his fingertips.

Blood was splashing, stumps were falling, and screams were heard endlessly. This world seemed to have turned into a place of judgment, where lives were being harvested, and those blasphemers were being judged.

There was a Yaksha who couldn't stand this kind of horror and wanted to run away, but the next moment, his head was beheaded and he died on the spot.

There were still others who were desperately trying to get close to Chen Xi, but their entire bodies were cut into thousands of pieces, and blood rained down like a waterfall.

This picture is too tragic, ruthless and cold, it is unbearable to look at.

"It turns out that the treasure lost by the Cui family was taken away by him..."

In the distance, Bei Ling looked at the incomparably tragic scene in the distance, and looked at the stern and ruthless figure, but he remembered the scene in the canyon outside Ziluo City in his mind.

At that time, he said that he would help her out.

When she thought he was just making a joke to comfort herself, he actually did it, which made her happy and moved.

But no matter what, she never expected that he would take away the mysterious treasure inherited from Cui's ancestors in the secret realm of Cui's ancestral land!

If it wasn't so, where did he comprehend the profound meaning of the ruling?

Once he figured this out, Bei Ling's lips curled up irresistibly, "This guy, on the surface, pretends not to hold grudges against the Cui family, but he is more ruthless than anyone else in secret, but I like it!"

Even she herself didn't realize how dazzling and brilliant the slightly raised smile on her cold and beautiful face at this moment was, taking away the beauty of the world and eclipsing everything else.


"It turned out to be the secret judgment!"

"Ruling? Isn't that the secret of Cui, the criminal law department?"


"This...how is this possible?"

Farther away from the battlefield, the Wei family's fleet stopped. Wei Lan, Wei Xiaofeng, and the old man in brocade stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the bloody battlefield from a distance, their faces were shocked by endless shock. replace.


This is the most lethal and ruthless profound meaning of the Great Dao in the netherworld, except for the other shore, sinking, and ending. For countless years, almost no one has been able to comprehend it.

But now, not only the little girl from the Cui family, but even the cultivator in the human world in front of him is actually in control. How can this not be shocking?

"Miss, do you still remember the method he used to kill the first Yaksha just now?" the old man in brocade robe suddenly said in a low voice.

This made Wei Lan startled for a moment, pondered for a moment, and then said in surprise: "It seems...it is..."

"That's right, it's the road of the fire, that is to say, this strong man from the human world has also mastered the Taoism of the other side of the perfect realm!" The brocade robed old man's eyes were burning, and there was a touch of exclamation in his voice.

"The verdict, the other side...how is this possible?"

Wei Lan has always felt that his wisdom is good, at least he has won the praise of many elders in the clan, but now, he feels that his brain is not enough.

She didn't even know how many times she said "how is this possible" today!

The profound meaning of the ruling of the Criminal Law Department, Judge Cui used it to run rampant in the world back then, controlling the Six Departments of the Underworld, under one person, above ten thousand people!

The other shore Taoism of Huangquan Palace is one of the three supreme Taoisms of the Netherworld. Until now, only the current Huangquan Emperor has mastered it to a perfect degree.

Today, these two supreme principles are actually in the hands of a strong man in the human world. This simply broke Wei Lan's previous cognition and caused her thinking to suffer an unprecedented impact.

"Really so powerful?" Wei Xiaofeng said weakly.

"At least in the Netherworld, there is no other existence like him, and it is not an exaggeration to call him unique in the world." The old man in brocade robe said with emotion.

"I heard that when the third Emperor Youming fell, he left his treasures, Youming Record and Xiexie Pen, in the human world, making it impossible for all gods and Buddhas to find them. Tell me, Uncle Yun, those two treasures Could it be obtained by this strong man in the world?"

Suddenly, Wei Lan murmured.

"Youminglu and Xiexie Pen?" The brocade-robed old man was taken aback.

"Impossible, if it is the descendant of the third Nether Emperor, I am afraid that he has been beheaded by Mantian God and Buddha, how can he survive until now."

Without waiting for an answer, Wei Lan denied her own statement, because this has long been an iron law recognized by every creature in the Netherworld—anything, thing, or person related to the third Nether Emperor will be ruthlessly obliterated!

"Sister, look, the battle is over!" Wei Xiaofeng called out.

Wei Lan and the brocade-robed old man immediately woke up from their chaotic thoughts.


"The way you looked just now was really scary."

Seeing Chen Xi, whose clothes were not stained with blood and who had recovered his appearance, Bei Ling secretly heaved a sigh of relief. She didn't want Chen Xi to become a cold and heartless person because of the profound meaning of the ruling.

Chen Xi smiled, and said, "To treat the enemy, one has to be ruthless."

As he spoke, he flipped his hands and took out an object, which looked like jade but not jade, iron but not iron. The surface was densely covered with dense textures, only the size of a thumb, and the whole body was crystal clear with strands of turbid light.

"Do you know what this is?"

Chen Xi asked, he found this from the yaksha leader, Aguluo, and the reason why he noticed it was because this little thing contained a trace of corrupted daoism, restrained in it, just looking at it from the surface, it was not Just don't notice it.

If he hadn't already mastered the mystery of sinking, he would have almost thrown this thing away as useless.

"It seems to be..." Bei Ling frowned, looked carefully for a long time, and then looked surprised, and said: "Is there a trace of the mystery of sinking in it?"

Chen Xi nodded, and said, "So, you recognize this thing?"

Bei Ling looked excited and said: "This is the famous 'Sinking Bitter Crystal' in the Netherworld! Although I have never seen it, I have heard about it too many times!"

Sinking bitter crystal?

There was a flash of light in Chen Xi's eyes, and he thought to himself, this couldn't be a rare treasure like the Bianhua fruit, right?

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