divine talisman

Chapter 981 One Sword Shocks the World [Part 1]

Sink bitter crystal.

A strange spar that contains the meaning of perdition!

This kind of strange spar is produced in the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness, and it is extremely difficult to obtain. Legend has it that every sunken bitter crystal is guarded by a thousand-year-old demon named Buddha-faced ghost.

This demon is transformed by the hostile spirit in the sea of ​​suffering. Its face is like a compassionate Buddha statue, but its body looks like a ghost with green eyes that is common in the sea of ​​suffering.

Because it is not inborn, but transformed by hostility and resentment, its body is contaminated with the resentment of many gods and Buddhas who fell into the sea of ​​bitterness. After years of changes, its strength is extremely powerful.

In addition, the Buddha-faced ghost has been dormant in the extreme depths of the sea of ​​suffering, and it is also suffering a lot to kill it.

From this we can see how difficult it is to obtain a sinking bitter crystal.

In the market, a piece of sunken bitter crystal the size of a thumb in Chen Xi's hand has a price but no market, no matter how high the price is, it cannot be bought.

Knowing all this, the excitement in Chen Xi's heart subsided quite a bit, and he regained his composure. He said in surprise, "So, it is simply impossible to obtain a large amount of sinking bitter crystals?"

Originally, he thought that since he had found rare treasures such as sinking bitter crystals, it would be great if he could collect some and bring his sinking dao will to perfection.

I never thought that it would be so troublesome to get one.

"That's true." Bei Ling replied, "Because it's so rare, there are only a few people in the nether world who can comprehend the meaning of sinking."

"However, I heard that the subordinates of the second hall Yanluo King Chujiang have been entrenched on the sea of ​​bitterness. On the one hand, they are guarding the channel of ten thousand stars, and on the other hand, they are also helping the king of Chujiang to collect sunken bitter crystals."

After a pause, Bei Ling said thoughtfully, "So if you want to obtain the Bitter Crystal of Fallen, perhaps plundering it from them is also a good choice."

They, of course, refer to the subordinates of King Chu Jiang.

Hearing this, Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and he said, "This is actually a good idea."

Just now, when he suppressed and killed Yasha leader Aguluo and others, he had already found out that there was a Yasha king Yantu entrenched in the Yasha sea area far away, and he was one of the right-hand men of King Chujiang. Maybe he killed the other party. You can find some sinking bitter crystals.

"King Chujiang has the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian. Are you really planning to kill him?" Suddenly, Bei Ling asked seriously.

When talking about this topic, Chen Xi's expression became much calmer and more serious, and he replied without hesitation: "We must go."

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized that Bei Ling was worried about himself, and the lines of his face softened, and he said, "Don't worry, since I dare to come, at least I won't let myself fall into death."

Belling nodded, lowered his head, and didn't say much.

In fact, the closer she was to the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, the more she wished to walk slower and for a longer time. There were even many times when she wanted to use various reasons to persuade Chen Xi to return.

But in the end, she still held back. She knew very well that on the one hand, she was worried that Chen Xi would be in danger, but most importantly, she didn't want to separate from Chen Xi so early.

Because at that time, Chen Xi will leave and return to the human world, and he can only stay in the Netherworld, and maybe he will never be able to meet again in the future.

woo woo woo~~ woo woo woo~~

At this moment, a desolate sound of horns suddenly came from the distant sea, shaking the world, releasing a fierce and raging killing intent, which was breathtaking.

Accompanied by the sound, three yaksha teams roared towards them, like dark clouds, like locusts overwhelming the sky, each of them had ferocious scarlet faces, flapping their pitch-black wings, and their momentum was terrifying.

"King Yasha's next commander is Murfu!"

"Yasha King's second commander is Hua Ling!"

"Yasha King's next four commanders Ye Luozhen!"

Before the person arrived, the sound had already rumbled, stirring the world like thunder.

The three yaksha teams each have a hundred yakshas, ​​and the leader of the yakshas are all the peak kings of the eighth level of the earth immortal, and they are menacing.

In just a split second, these three Yaksha teams had already surrounded the treasure ship that Chen Xi and Bei Ling were on, blocking all escape routes.

"Are you that human from the human world?" The leader, Yasha who called himself Murfu, crossed his arms and stared proudly at Chen Xi and Bei Ling, and asked coldly.

"Brother, what are you doing with so much nonsense, regardless of whether they are human beings in the human world, kill them first!" Next to him, Hua Ling, the second commander of Yasha, said murderously, eager to try, his eyes were full of brutal killing intent.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, the three Aguros haven't arrived yet, do you want to wait for him for a while?" The leader of the Four Yakshas, ​​Ye Luozhen, hesitated for a moment, and then asked in a low voice.

"That idiot, what are you waiting for him to do?" The commander-in-chief Mofu asked displeased.

"Yeah, yeah, Aguro is here, and our credit is missing." Second Commander Hua Ling also shook his head again and again.

These yaksha leaders, in their speech and behavior, seemed to regard Chen Xi and Bei Ling as something in their pockets, and they were extremely arrogant and domineering.

For all of this, Chen Xi remained expressionless, completely ignoring it, his eyes were dark, and he passed through the dark yaksha team, looking into the distance.

There, there is an extremely terrifying aura, hidden and motionless, watching the situation here from afar.

Chen Xi didn't need to guess to know that the other party was most likely the Yasha King Yantu!

"A very powerful opponent..."

Chen Xi withdrew his gaze, thoughtfully. The Yaksha King's aura was as dense as a mountain and as thick as the sea, and it exuded a murderous aura. It was obviously experienced in many battles and should not be underestimated.

It can even be said that this King Yaksha was the first earth immortal peak king he encountered when he entered the Netherworld, which made him feel a little bit of pressure!

Of course, it's just stress.

Regarding this, Chen Xi couldn't wait any longer. The higher his cultivation level, the stronger his combat power, and it would be difficult for him to find a worthy opponent. Either they were too weak, like the elders of the Cui family, or they were too strong, like the Emperor of the Underworld. Qi Shanhe and Cui Zhenkong, the patriarch of the Cui family.

On the contrary, it is extremely difficult to meet an opponent like Yasha King who is equal to him and can bring him a little pressure.

This is the extreme cold.

Strictly speaking, Chen Xi has reached the "extreme state" of the realm of the earthly immortal, standing proudly at the pinnacle of power in the human world. Among his peers, it is difficult to find an opponent.

As for the existence of heavenly immortals and mysterious immortals, they have surpassed the limitations of the realm and become existences on another level, which cannot be compared together.

"Damn human, how dare you ignore us! Little ones, kill this son!"

Hua Ling, the second leader of the Yakshas, ​​had the most irritable nature, and when he saw that Chen Xi was ignoring them, he immediately became furious and yelled up to the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!

In the next instant, the hundred Yaksha guards behind Hua Ling moved out in unison, flapping their wings, like a group of demons that had emerged from hell, roaring and rushing towards Chen Xi with strange laughs.


The attack of the Yaksha tribe is very simple, even brutal, it is charging!Incomparably brave, like an iron rider riding mountains and rivers, attacking like thunder and sweeping away the wilderness, with an unstoppable and terrifying momentum.

However, as soon as they moved, Chen Xi also moved.


With the sword talisman in hand, the sword's edge is surrounded by hundreds of millions of divine brilliance, like a round of brilliant scorching sun reaching the sky, and it slashes away with a chilling, ruthless, and slaying power to kill all things.

This sword has a murderous intent!

This sword is like cutting Yin and Yang!

This sword seems to be able to separate the sky, the earth, and the people into black and white, good and evil, and turbidity, so that all laws of the world can return to order.

This sword is one of the seven moves of the judgment "All Laws Have Limits"!


When the sword fell, the world seemed to return to silence and fell into a stillness, only a touch of sharpness that seemed to tear apart the chaos disappeared in a flash.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and it could be clearly seen that the faces of the three leaders of the Yasha tribe, Mofu, Hualing, and Yeluozhen, had a grim smile that was sure of victory.

You can see the murderous look in the scarlet eyes of the hundred Yaksha guards rushing forward, and you can see the worry and killing intent in Bei Ling's clear eyes.

But all of this turned into shock and bewilderment in the next moment, and there was even an indescribable palpitation.


The Yaksha who rushed over first trembled, and then his whole body turned into pieces of flesh, and fell suddenly, as if he was dismembered by thousands of sharp blades at the same time. The picture was cruel and terrifying, even death At that time, the grin on his face did not dissipate.

This scene also broke the silence of the atmosphere.

After that, there was a dull burst of shattering, like the sound of corpses being chopped into pieces on thousands of documents in a slaughterhouse, and it resounded continuously.

Immediately afterwards, puffs of scarlet blood rained down into the air, staining the surface of the sea red!

With just one sword strike, a whole hundred Yaksha guards turned into rain of blood, splattering the world.

This scene can no longer be described in words. You must know that these are a hundred Earth Immortal-level powerhouses, but they have not charged up yet, just like a group of ants, crushed to death by a sword!

Those horrible and miserable scenes, like a bloody purgatory, shocked the audience.

What followed was endless fear, which spread to the hearts of every yaksha like a tide, devouring and disintegrating their fighting spirit like a poisonous snake.

Their faces changed drastically, their pupils shrank, and their bodies trembled like ants who had fallen into the abyss, and their souls were dying!

Even Namofu, Hua Ling, and Ye Luozhen, the three leaders of the Yasha clan, couldn't help trembling all over their bodies, their expressions were extremely serious, revealing incomparable fear.

Who would have thought that this strong man from the human world would have such a terrifying battle?

It was precisely because he didn't expect it that he was shocked to the extreme and fearful to the extreme.

This sword strike was just as Chen Xi expected——to catch everyone's attention first!

Similarly, this is also a sword that he can use with all his strength in his current state, in order to break through the heavily besieged situation, smash it to pieces, and kill a road that will make the enemy's liver and gallbladder tear apart!

Of course, no one noticed that after the sword was struck, Chen Xi's face turned pale for a moment, which was fleeting.

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