divine talisman

Chapter 982 Killing All [Part 2]

Chen Xi stood quietly, his clothes loose, his body like a spear, as if he wanted to pierce a hole in the sky.

The power caused by the sword just now made every gaze that looked at him extremely fearful, as if facing a supreme master of swordsmanship!

At this time, he was trying his best to restore the immortal essence in his body.

Because the sword just now emptied all his immortal energy, and with the power of Cangwu seedlings, it was too late to replenish it. If not, he would have already taken advantage of the good situation created by this sword to kill him repeatedly.

Fortunately, he has the Cangwu seedlings, otherwise, it would take a lot of money to recover the true energy just by relying on immortal stones and elixirs, and the most important thing is to waste time.

The Cangwu seedling is different, it is rooted in Chen Xi's chaotic world, and it spews out the majestic power of immortality all the time, so in the battle, it will never be affected by it.

This is the sky-defying feature of the Cangwu seedlings. This ancient sacred tree is the only one in the Three Realms, and there is no second one to be found.

"Kill! Let's go together, kill this damn human! Otherwise, none of us will survive!"

At this time, the yaksha commander, Mo Fu, also reacted from the shock and roared sharply. He knew very well that the opponent might be terrifying, but compared with it, the most terrifying thing was being destroyed.

If the fighting spirit is gone, how can we talk about survival?

"Kill! Let's go together and kill this thief!" Second Commander Hua Ling shouted, boosting morale.

"Kill! I, Yaksha warrior, flow the blood of fighting and killing, why should I be afraid of a battle?" The four commanders, Ye Luozhen, also looked like iron, and shouted loudly.



The three commanders of the Yasha guards shouted in unison, and immediately reawakened the fighting spirit in the hearts of those Yashas, ​​the fear in their hearts was swept away, and the fighting spirit was burning.

"You three commanders, Aguro and his subordinates, are all dead, and you will repeat the same mistakes?" Seeing this, Chen Xi only said a word.

The voice was calm, but it was heard clearly and unmistakably in the ears of every nightshade guard.

All of a sudden, their original fighting spirit was thwarted a little, and their faces were filled with surprise.

"Stupid! Can you believe the words of that despicable human being?"

"Kill! Kill that damn liar!"

Mo Fu and Hua Ling were startled and angry, and shouted loudly.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help showing a sneer on his lips, they really are a bunch of simple-minded guys.


Even though he thought so in his heart, the others had disappeared and rushed into the Yaksha group.

At this time, the celestial essence in his body had recovered to its original state. As soon as he took a move, his whole body descended like a tiger, came out of its nest like a phoenix, flew nine heavens like a dragon, and faced the water like a basalt.

Stepping out step by step, with oneself as the center, all the celestial beings roared and condensed in the middle, and broken black holes were reflected in the void, like ripples and waves, one after another, creating a terrifying force field, twisting, rotating, Diffusion in all directions.

Under the influence of this weird and terrifying force field, the bodies of all Yaksha guards, including the three commanders, couldn't help being severely distorted, and everyone felt that they would be torn apart in the next moment.

"This person is actually so powerful!"

All the guards of the Yasha clan trembled in their hearts, and retreated back unconsciously.

Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom! ...

Chen Xi stepped into the void, flickering in the emptiness, like a god of death harvesting life, the sound of footsteps falling with each step was shocking, unbelievably fast, and even more so with a vivacious murderous intent.

It was the nine-step killing against chaos, but now it has been integrated into many avenues and profound meanings, operating under the control of talismans, the murderous aura is as real as it is, and it seems to be an unrivaled sharp blade, spreading in all directions.

Puff puff!

Shocked by the sound of Chen Xi's footsteps, some Yaksha guards who retreated a little slower were directly invaded by murderous aura. From the appearance alone, there was no injury at all, but the meridians in their bodies were already broken, and their souls were shattered, silently and silently. life.


The Great Commander Mo Fu's face was twisted and twisted, and a strong black light burst out from his whole body, as if he had turned into a great demon god, with black clouds surrounding his body, and evil spirits rising into the sky. In that evil spirit, seas of blood, skeletons, dead bodies, and fierce ghosts actually appeared... Waiting for the vision, it seems that the gate of hell has been opened.


Amidst the black cloud and evil mist, Mofu soared into the air with his wings, striding across the void with one step. He actually ignored Chen Xi, and instead punched Bei Ling. Terrible breath.

Bei Ling could feel that if he was hit by Murph's punch, any vitality and life will be ruined, and the blood plasma, immortal essence, and flesh and blood in his body would be turned into dead objects.

This is a terrifying and vicious punch that can turn people into ghosts and corpses into bones!


At this moment, Chen Xi snorted coldly, the sword's posture changed, and a sword was slashed out, and the profound meaning of judgment followed, crushing the void, and the last strike came first.

Mo Fu was originally calling attention to besieging Wei and saving Zhao. Seeing this, a sneer appeared on his lips, his figure stretched out, and disappeared from the spot with a bang.

At the same time, on both sides of Chen Xi's body, two terrifying forces suddenly surged, killing them violently.

Holding a long knife in Hua Ling's hand, the knife is like the scorching sun in the sky, overflowing with billions of dazzling lights.

A heavy hammer, held in the hand of Ye Luozhen, is as powerful as a mountain that breaks the sky, with a majestic power that crushes the world.

One on the left and the other on the right, they arrived suddenly, with a tacit understanding, and they were so sophisticated and ruthless.

Regarding this, Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to it, ignored it, rubbed his body and retreated violently, and slapped the void behind him with a backhand palm. This palm was like burning flames, paving the way for the fire to shine, enveloping the deep and mysterious other shore With a bang, the power surged into the void.

"Ah—!" In the originally empty space, there was an extremely shrill scream, and then Mo Fu's tall figure stumbled out of it.

It's just that at this time, his body was already covered in blood, and half of his cheek was crushed and collapsed, which was very terrifying.

This sudden scene not only stalled Hualing and Ye Luozhen's offensive.

At this moment, Chen Xi seized the gap, turned the sword talisman, and splashed a beam of brilliant sword energy in the void. With a snort, it tore through the sky, and swiped down.


Two bloody arms flew across the sky.

Hua Ling and Ye Luozhen cried out in shock and anger, and each retreated violently. In an instant, their joint attack was completely disintegrated.

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't have much sense of accomplishment, and he didn't chase after him. He just raised his eyes and glanced into the distance, revealing a strange expression.

There, a terrifying aura is rushing towards the distance rapidly...

"King Yasha fled without a fight? Did he abandon these subordinates?"

A thought flashed in Chen Xi's mind, and the next moment, he stopped thinking about it, and jumped into this group of yakshas once again.

After a cup of tea.

The war is over.

Three hundred Yasha guards, together with three top-level Yasha commanders of Earth Immortals, died together, and their bodies sank into the ocean of misery.

In fact, from the very beginning of the battle, the outcome of this battle has already been determined. As Chen Xi said before, when the strength reaches a certain height, the number of enemies cannot make up for this gap at all.

Even before, if he had to guard against the Yaksha king Yantu's surprise attack, Chen Xi would have killed these Yaksha guards more calmly and casually.

This is the real peak power, which belongs to the extreme realm of the earth fairy realm!

And Chen Xi who possesses such power, among his peers, who can match him?

The turbid sea surface was filled with blood, and if it was real, it would dye this sea area dark red, which was shocking.

"These guys are really poor. There are only six sinking bitter crystals on their bodies. It's a pity that the Yaksha king escaped. If they keep them, they may be able to find more..."

After cleaning up the battlefield, Chen Xi looked at the six thumb-sized bitter crystals in his hands that were filled with turbid air, and he couldn't help sighing, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Bei Ling couldn't help but glared at him, and said: "Be content, one of them can make a strong man in the nether smash his head. You can get six of them at once, and you are not satisfied. If other people know about this, you must be caught." It’s impossible to vomit blood.”

Chen Xi was stunned, and with a swipe of his big hand, he threw the three sinking bitter crystals to Bei Ling: "Here, this is yours. Now that you've said that, let others envy you."

"Give it to me?" Bei Ling was stunned and surprised.

"Is there something wrong?" Chen Xi said as a matter of course.

Bei Ling was silent, and directly returned the three sinking bitter crystals, "I'm with you, and I didn't help much, and I don't want you to give me any compensation."

However, Chen Xi didn't answer at all, turned his head directly, jumped into the treasure boat, and said with a smile, "What kind of compensation? This is a spoil of war. Of course, you will get half of it. Don't be mother-in-law. Hurry up, we are about to set off."


This guy actually dislikes my mother-in-law!

Bei Ling looked up in embarrassment, but was stunned for the next moment. On the bow of the ship, the sea wind was howling, and the lead clouds were like falling. Against the gloomy and gloomy background, the young figure was tall and straight, with fluttering clothes, long hair flying, and a handsome face. The smile is bright, the teeth are white, it looks so dazzling and dazzling.

This scene made Bei Ling feel an amazing and warm feeling for no reason. She knew that she might never forget this scene in her life.


In a stormy, thunderous sea area, one can vaguely see a castle-like building standing abruptly on the sea of ​​bitterness. No matter how violent the storm is beating, or the raging waves are rushing to kill, the castle remains motionless.

In the castle, the atmosphere is quite quiet.

An old man with gray hair sat by the fire, as if asleep,

"Yes, I escaped, because I know very well that I am not the opponent of that human being, so I can only rely on your strength, no, I rely on the power of the 'Ancient Demon Slayer Formation'!" Beside, Yan Tu said in a deep voice.

"Is it really so powerful?" The old man opened his sleepy eyes and asked slowly.

"Long Huai, you don't have to doubt it, because you are no match for him at all. I even doubt that there is no one in the fairyland who can match him." Yan Tu said expressionlessly.

"Hehe, then I need to get to know him better."

The old man stretched his waist, sighed comfortably, and murmured, "Don't forget, this sea area is called Eternal Budu. Didn't the bald donkey in the Buddhist world say that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless? I, Longhuai, are here, who can get through this?"

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