divine talisman

Chapter 983

Never cross the sea.

After crossing this sea area, it only takes three hours to reach the other side of the sea of ​​suffering.

"It seems that this is the last line of defense laid down by King Chu Jiang..."

In the cabin, Chen Xi said thoughtfully: "I have a hunch that Yasha King Yan Tu will also appear on this last line of defense, and we will also usher in a fierce battle."

"In the legend, the Everlasting Sea Region was the area where the third Nether Emperor and the gods had the most tragic confrontation. The area below it was like an abyss, unfathomably deep, filled with many ancient prohibitions, and it was known as the place where the gods buried their bones."

Bei Ling looked calm, and sat cross-legged across from Chen Xi, holding a teapot, poured a cup of tea for Chen Xi, and then said quietly, "There are even some space-time magnetic fields, turbulent vortexes, extremely dangerous, if you want to pass through, you must Be more careful."

"I understand this." Chen Xi nodded, and after a moment of silence, he looked up at Bei Ling and said seriously, "Actually, I'm only worried about one problem right now."

Bei Ling was startled, his expression became serious, and he said, "What are you worried about?"

Seeing her like this, Chen Xi couldn't help but smiled, and then said: "Of course I'm worried that you will risk your life desperately."

"Uh..." Bei Ling was a little caught off guard, and looked at Chen Xi in a daze, not knowing what to say.

Because she really thought so. As early as when she first entered the sea of ​​suffering, she discovered that following Chen Xi's side, she couldn't help much. Instead, she felt like a burden.

And the deeper she went into the sea of ​​suffering, the stronger this feeling became, which made her feel rather annoyed, and even regretted following Chen Xi's side, allowing him to take care of herself.

It was precisely because of this kind of thinking that she had made up her mind to pay attention, and if something life-threatening happened next, then no matter what the price was, she would fight for it.

But Bei Ling didn't expect that Chen Xi would see through the deepest secret in her heart all at once, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Remember, no matter what happens, you must listen to me. This is my only request." There was an undeniable flavor in Chen Xi's voice.

Bei Ling couldn't help biting her cherry lips, and said, "Why? Are you afraid that I will distract you?"

Chen Xi smiled wryly, touched his nose, "You know I don't think so."

Belling asked casually: "Then what do you think?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she felt a little regretful, and felt like a messy little girl. This kind of emotion appeared on her, but it really shouldn't be.

Unconsciously, she lowered her head.

This ice-cold woman was usually calm and graceful, with an elegant demeanor, but now she showed a rare expression of embarrassment, and she was surprisingly beautiful.

Chen Xi was also taken aback by this question, and then burst out laughing. After pondering for a moment, he said seriously: "I have always believed that the value of things in this world is not reflected by the strength of their strength, nor is it a kind of The principle of dealing with things that must be followed. What's more, these foreign things cannot be tolerated between friends. Bei Ling, you have helped me a lot, so don't underestimate yourself."

Speaking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but think of the past, those close friends in the Great Chu Dynasty, Zhen Liuqing, Fan Yunlan, Ling Yu, and the others, as well as the big brother Huo Mole on Xihua Peak, etc. people……

In the end, he concluded: "In my opinion, a friend is someone who can talk freely without restraint after ignoring interests, status, family background, and strength. Perhaps this view is naive, ridiculous, and difficult to achieve. But this makes the friendship more precious."

After Bei Ling listened quietly, he glanced at Chen Xi complicatedly for a while, and said, "So, we are also friends?"

"Of course." Chen Xi laughed.

"It's a great honor for me to be friends with a peak king of earth immortals." Bei Ling made a harmless joke, and immediately laughed himself, like a flower bud just blooming after the rain, delicate and beautiful, dazzling and dazzling.

No one knew, but she sighed faintly in her heart, as if lost, friends, they are still friends after all...


In the sky, a thunderclap suddenly resounded, shattering the clouds in all directions, splashing out pieces of dazzling and dazzling lightning, illuminating the entire gloomy and gloomy world with splendor.

At the same time, a violent and suppressed fluctuation spread like a tide.

The treasure ship began to vibrate violently, as if driving into a treacherous river beach full of rocks, making a squeaking and squeezing sound like being overwhelmed.

Chen Xi's expression turned serious, he immediately got up, and Bei Ling and he jumped out of the treasure ship.

Under the sky, the hurricane roared and the huge waves roared. In front of the nature of the world, the two of them were like two leaves of duckweed, as if they would be swept away in the next moment.

"That's the Impassable Sea Territory..." Bei Ling looked into the distance, slightly parted his cherry lips, and whispered a few words.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, his eyes were like lightning, reflecting the world, and said with a smile, "Look, our enemy has been waiting for a long time."


In this sea area, the hurricane roared, like a violent god angry, setting off a thousand waves, raging and roaring, crushing the void until it whimpered.

Thunder and lightning roared, like twisted silver snakes, densely covering the sky above the sea area, and from time to time, one after another, strange void cracks flashed, like ancient beasts hiding in the dark opening their mouths.

There are sometimes space-time storms, space turbulence, palpitating ancient restrictions, and even more mournful cries that seem to come from an earlier time.

Here is the Eternal Impassable Sea Region, the area where the third Nether Emperor fought the most intense battles with the gods. A powerful person in the Buddhist world watched this scene, and once expressed the feeling of "the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the shore is the same".

Here, it is also known as the burial place of the gods in the nether world. In the sea below, there are countless corpses of gods and Buddhas, unyielding spirits.

At this time, amidst the raging wind, cloud, thunder, lightning, and storm, there is an ancient castle standing in it, standing still, like a needle that stabilizes the sea.

Yasha King Yan Tu and Long Huai, the third line of defense guard, stood side by side on the castle.

Surrounding the two of them, a line of Jianghun Guards and Yaksha Guards are distributed on both sides of the ancient castle, guarding the sea in a wing shape. Looking from afar, it is dark and dense. Each of them is wearing fine armor, like a thousand troops ready to go. The horse stands solemnly, piercing the sky with a murderous aura.

These are thousands of strong earth immortals!

Such a huge scene is like returning to the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, Yasha patrols the sea, and the strong are like forests, which is enough to make most of the strong in the world despair.

woo woo woo~~ woo woo woo~~

The desolate sound of the horn vibrated between the heaven and the earth, no matter how loud the sound of thunder was, it could not cover it, but instead added a sense of chill to this area.




Waves of uniform shouts resounded throughout, like a tide of war, roaring in all directions, dispelling the sea water, and shaking the void into circles of ripples.

Facing such a scene, Chen Xi and Bei Ling looked so insignificant, like two ants who accidentally broke into the thousands of troops, as if they would be torn to pieces by the chilling killing intent in the next moment.

If it was another strong person who came here, I am afraid that his fighting spirit will collapse in an instant, and he will be so frightened that his soul will be frightened and he will surrender without a fight.

After all, such a scene is too frightening. The number of local immortals reaching thousands is enough to sweep away any one of the top ten immortal sects in the Xuanhuan Territory!

From this we can also see how terrifying the background and power of the Second Hall of Yama is.In the human world, it is definitely the existence of the supreme overlord level power.

But now, putting on such a large formation is just to deal with Chen Xi and Bei Ling... Obviously, after Chen Xi beheaded Aguro, Mofu, Hualing Yeluozhen and other Yasha leaders, these The subordinates of King Chujiang no longer dare to treat them as ordinary people.

Perhaps, this is another level of importance, a kind of recognition of the strength of Chen Xi and the others.

Of course, when the opponent dispatched such a huge force, it is also possible that they wanted to completely kill the two of them here with the force of a thousand pounds and the momentum of thunder!

"My God! This is too..."

On the distant sea, when Wei Lan, Wei Xiaofeng, and the old man in the brocade robe saw such a majestic and terrifying scene on the Wei family's fleet, they were so shocked that they couldn't find any words to describe their feelings at this moment. .

They had seen the scene where Chen Xi beheaded more than a hundred Yasha guards including Aguro at the bank of the Myriad Star Passage before, and they had also seen the scene where he beheaded the three Yasha commanders and three hundred Yasha guards with his sword.

At that time, the entire Wei family fleet was full of deep respect for Chen Xi and Bei Ling. Even Wei Xiaofeng, the most rebellious seventh young master of the Wei family, changed his normal behavior and worshiped Chen Xi to the extreme.

But now, seeing such a scene, everyone felt chills all over their bodies. No matter how blindly they worshiped the strength of Chen Xi and Bei Ling, they could no longer have the confidence to believe that the two of them could win.

They asked themselves, even if they were any other strong Earth Immortal who came here, they would feel powerless and hopeless at the scene in front of them.

This is beyond the scale of battle, but war!

That huge power, even if it is used in a power battle, has the power to sweep all directions, but now, it is only used to deal with two people.

Under such circumstances, let alone having a chance of winning, even running away, I'm afraid it's impossible!

"Unexpectedly, they think highly of me, Chen Xi."

Chen Xi stood in mid-air, facing the thousands of strong earth immortals standing in the distance alone. He had no fear in his heart, nor was he overwhelmed by the opponent's aura. On the contrary, there was an indescribable fighting spirit in his chest. Burning fiercely.

"You don't seem to be scared at all?"

Bei Ling smiled lightly, her hair fluttering like a waterfall, covering her cold and beautiful face, only her pair of pupils were full of murderous intent.

"Aren't you the same?" Chen Xi smiled, and immediately raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry.

"Go, I'll take you to kill the enemy!"

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