divine talisman

Chapter 984 Earth Immortal Invincible [Part 1]

Let's go, I'll take you to kill the enemy!

A plain and calm sentence ignited the powder keg like a spark, instantly igniting the fighting spirit in Bei Ling's heart!

Although there are thousands of people, I will go!

In the next moment, the two joined hands to start a charge.


A sound of old horns resounded through the sky, and as soon as the two of them took action, thousands of strong earth immortals on the third line of defense also began to move.




Iron armor and fine armor, the momentum is like a tidal wave, gathering together, if black clouds cover up in an instant, its cry is like lightning and thunder, its momentum is like a landslide torrent, smashing the void, crushing out thousands of evil spirits.

The scene at that moment was like the opening of hell, the demons that had been preparing for a long time suddenly launched, thousands of various attacks, covering the sky, like thunderstorms dancing wildly in the sky, covering the sea area with a radius of [-] miles.

That is a strong man of thousands of earth immortals!

That is a terrifying force capable of sweeping across a small world in an instant!

The momentum alone is enough to make one's liver and gallbladder split!

This is the real battle!

The figure paused, like an old turtle facing the water, hundreds of millions of divine radiance enveloped his body, Chen Xi's back was straight, and his feet stepped into the void, no matter how fierce the killing intent came to his face, he still remained motionless.

His long hair fluttered, his face remained calm, only a pair of eyes were burning with fierce flames, and his fighting spirit burst out, as if he wanted to incinerate the world.

On the side, Bei Ling was covered in blue flames, her clothes were fluttering, her hair was flying, and her expression was as cold as ice. At this moment, she had forgotten about life and death, and she just wanted to fight side by side with the man beside her!


The billions of divine splendor surrounding Chen Xi's body suddenly boiled violently, turning into countless dense symbols, filling Chen Xi's body, and emitting a thundering sound.

Looking from a distance, his tall figure is bathed in a sea of ​​runes, his body is surrounded by the aura of the Dao, and his soaring and outstanding look is unforgettable at first sight.


When the turbulent enemy army appeared, when the overwhelming variety of Taoist techniques and magic weapons poured in, Chen Xi moved, bent his elbows and clenched his fists, wrapped in blazing luster, and rushed away with a bang.

The next moment, a road of fire spread out, like a long rainbow penetrating the heaven and earth, like fire, like burning, like blood, like burning, illuminating thousands of mountains and rivers!

Puff puff……

Under the shocking eyes of Wei Lan, Wei Xiaofeng, and the brocade-robed old man, I saw that the road of the fire was destroyed all the way, rushing and tearing a hole in the black tide of enemies!

Wherever it passes, any offensive will collapse, and any magic weapon will be crushed, making it invincible.

Immediately afterwards, a shrill cry resounded, and the group of strong earth immortals who charged up first could not resist the impact of the road of fire, or were severely injured and fell, or were burned in the air!

Some were lucky enough to avoid the road of Huozhao, but were affected by that terrifying punch, as if falling into the eye of a storm, crumbling and hissing fiercely.

Huozhaoshen Fist!

Straight to the other side!

This kind of fist power, inherited from the hand of the third Nether Great Emperor, combined with the Taoism of the other side of the Perfect Realm, was unleashed by Chen Xi who had reached the "Extreme Realm" of the Earth Immortal. , charging forward with a terrifying force of soul-stirring force, who can match him?

With just one punch, more than thirty Earth Immortal powerhouses fell!

This punch also caused a little panic in the opponent's attack, but it quickly dissipated. After that, those strong men under the command of King Chujiang became more cautious, and instead of rushing forward, they chose to cross and surround them in all directions.

"It should have been like this a long time ago, otherwise, you would have no chance..."

Chen Xi said to himself, the fighting spirit in his chest became more and more intense, and he and Bei Ling exchanged a glance, both of them chose to rush to kill with a very tacit understanding.

Chen Xi rushed forward and unleashed the "Huo Zhaoshen Fist", opening and closing, and the shadows of the fists cascaded out of the sky, like a road of fire extending to the sky, colliding with a group of strong earth immortals.

After Bei Ling was broken, his slender fingers changed, splashing out streaks of blue-like blade lights, just like streaks of waning moons tearing through the void and sweeping away.

In the blink of an eye, the figures of the two were already surrounded by enemies coming from all directions. The field was full of blazing light and roaring, magic weapons were flying, Taoism was flying, and screams were endless, creating chaos.

Similarly, blood splashed from time to time, corpses fell from time to time, and the scene was extremely tragic.


Gradually, Chen Xi's offensive became faster and faster, his fist shadows were like waves, like sea tides surging, faint vortexes of stars, looming, producing an extremely strong devouring force, pulling those Yasha Guards and Jiang Soul Guards body.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of bone breaking and screams resounded from time to time, blood sprayed, and each blow took away several lives.

However, there were too many enemies, densely packed, swarming them, fearless of death, even though Chen Xi stood tall, he could only barely maintain the safety of himself and Bei Ling, but could not completely wipe out his opponents in a short time.


Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't care about it, his figure was like a dragon, he picked up various Dao techniques at his fingertips, and turned them into dense and palpitating symbols, wreaking havoc in all directions.

Or like the cycle of the five elements, or like the changes of yin and yang, or like the wind and thunder, or like the rewinding of the galaxy... Immortal, good fortune, swallowing, annihilation...

All the mysteries of the Dao, the peak Dao methods, are perfectly interpreted by him, and they are governed under the Talisman, just like the emperor in the Talisman. The awe-inspiring style.

Blood splashes!

Rain falls on severed limbs!

The entire world was filled with that unparalleled killing intent, blazing Shenxi, shrill screams, and angry shouts. It was the aura of war that changed the color of the world.

The sky above the head, the clouds were broken, the sun and the moon were dark, and the void was crushed into long, narrow and twisted black holes.

The turbid sea of ​​bitterness under his feet had already been soaked in endless blood, spreading out a thick and disgusting blood.

This picture, like the battlefield of gods and demons, is shocking!

With the passage of time, more and more enemies fell, and Chen Xi's aura was still like a rainbow, never weakened by half. Firstly, thanks to the help of the Cangwu seedlings, there was no need to worry about the depletion of immortal energy.

The second reason is that he has reached the realm of "heart and soul" due to his powerful Dao Xin cultivation. He is unique in the world and has already surpassed the category of earth immortals.

The secret power of the heart is endurance.

In this protracted battle, Fang can reflect its true strength.

With the combination of these two advantages, unless there is an absolute crushing force attacking, Chen Xi will be completely invincible, even fighting for seven days and seven nights is no problem!

But in comparison, Bei Ling's momentum was not as good as before, panting, his white forehead was soaked with beads of sweat, and his cold face was a little pale.

She is not as perverted as Chen Xi, and even if she frequently uses king-level dark crystals, it is still difficult for her to continue. In addition, her strength is already at the sixth level of immortality, and it is already impressive enough to be able to fight among thousands of troops so far. looked sideways.

But even so, she had tightly pursed her cherry lips and fought brazenly, and her black eyebrows never furrowed, because she didn't want to drag Chen Xi down, and she didn't want Chen Xi to be distracted from herself at this moment.

Most importantly, she stubbornly believes that she can still fight!You can also share Chen Xi's worries with a tiny bit of strength!

Yes, even if your physical strength is exhausted and your immortal energy is exhausted, as long as you are alive, you still have to fight to the end!


Far away, on the Wei family's fleet, Wei Lan, Wei Xiaofeng, and the old man in brocade robe looked at the tragic battlefield and the two figures fighting among the tide of enemies, and couldn't help but clenched their hands tightly.

The body is as small as grass, and the fighting spirit moves the sky!

In this vast battle like a war, who would have imagined that just two people could unleash such terrifying combat power?

Who would have dared to imagine that the two of them could fight to such an extent and still not fall?

"If this kind of person survives this time, he will surely become the Supreme Supreme in the future!" the brocade robed old man murmured, with an indescribable respect and shock in his voice.


"I admit that what you said before is true. Even I am no match for this son's combat power. Even this kind of combat power is enough to sweep the realm of the earth fairy, and no one can match it."

On the ancient castle standing like a reef in the sea of ​​bitterness in the distance, Longhuai's snow-white beard and hair were flying, and between the opening and closing of his eyes, strands of horror flashed across.

He is very aware of the strength of his subordinates. Each of them has a cultivation base above the fifth level of the Earth Immortal Realm, and has been fighting in the sea of ​​suffering all year round, with extremely rich combat experience.

Now, there are thousands of people gathered here by me, but they can't help the two people, a man and a woman, instead, people die and fall all the time.

Such a scene couldn't allow him not to be shocked!

"At this point in the battle, one hour and three quarters of an hour have passed, and 210 seven Jianghun guards and 78 Yasha guards have fallen. If this continues, I am afraid that the opponent will really win..."

On the side, King Yaksha murmured, his expression was extremely serious, "How about we also make a move?"

"hold on."

Long Huai vetoed without hesitation, "No matter how strong a person's power is, it is limited after all. I don't believe it. All the power of my Yama Second Hall combined cannot consume him to death!"

"Sacrificing so many subordinates, are you not afraid that the Lord will hold you accountable?" Yan Tu frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with Long Huai's ruthlessness.

You must know that these subordinates are the backbone of the second hall. If there is a large loss, it will take a long time to recover.

"Hehe, you are wrong. Even if they die cleanly, as long as we can kill these two people, the Lord will not be angry with us. Don't worry, since I dare to do this, I have my own arrangements."

Long Huai said lightly, with a secretive smile on his old cheeks, "Permanence is not as simple as just talking about it."

"What arrangement is it that even I hide it?" Yan Tu frowned more and more.

"Haha, don't be impatient, you'll understand later." Long Huai suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes were burning with an inexplicable frenzy of anticipation.

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