divine talisman

Chapter 985 The Prohibition of Sinking [Part 2]

Belling's consciousness was a little fuzzy.

At this point in the battle, she has forgotten how much time, the world, and the enemy in front of her...

There was only one thought left in his heart - he couldn't hold Chen Xi back.

Blood began to soak in her body, and her arms were slightly stagnant due to excessive consumption of strength. Every time she swung it, it was like a mortal swinging a millstone with his bare hands.

Many times, she wanted to give up.

There were also many times when she couldn't help but want to help Chen Xi who was beside her.

But in the end, she gritted her teeth to hold back all of this, and because of the excessive force, streaks of bright red blood spilled from the corners of her lips, but she didn't seem to notice it.

This battle is too hard!

Bei Ling has never experienced such a feeling since he practiced. Because his strength and mind are on the verge of collapse, he has to grit his teeth and hold on.

She even wanted to ask herself, for what?

Every time at this moment, Chen Xi's figure would always appear in her heart, and she knew that it was the answer to why she insisted, and she had to stick to it.

In the final analysis, it was because she really didn't want to drag Chen Xi down!

And how could he understand all of this?

Bei Ling raised his eyes, his vision was blurred, only the shrill and angry screams and the sound of violent fighting were in his ears, but he couldn't catch that familiar figure!

This made her suddenly feel a sense of hesitation, as if she was abandoned by the whole world in an instant. This feeling even made her forget the exhaustion and powerlessness in her body for a moment.

What about him... people?

Bellingo wanted to take another look at that figure. With just one look, she firmly believed that she would be able to gather more strength, and she would be able to hold on for a while...

Unfortunately, all of this seems to be a luxury.

call out!

The moment Bei Ling appeared in a trance, a bright black long knife pierced through the air, and the sharp and chilling light made her eyes hurt, but when she wanted to raise her hand to defeat it, she unexpectedly I can no longer muster any strength.

"After all... I'm going to die..." Bei Ling's lips showed a hint of weakness, but at the same time, her eyes burned with a touch of determination.

Even if she dies, she will help Chen Xi get rid of another enemy!

As for being smashed to pieces, what's the point?

However, at this moment-

A strong arm suddenly wrapped around her waist and lifted her up. At the same time, a familiar voice came from her ear, "Stupid! Have you forgotten what I told you?!"

There was undisguised anger in the voice.

But Bei Ling laughed, and she could hear the undisguised concern in her voice, so that was enough.

Even, she couldn't help thinking that if she died at this time, she would have no regrets, wouldn't she?

Then, she felt that she was lying on Chen Xi's back. His back was not considered generous, but it made her feel an incomparably solid and at ease.

So, she finally couldn't bear it anymore and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

A smile overflowed from the pale cherry lips.

That is her happiness.


"What a stupid woman..." Chen Xi muttered to himself and shook his head. The next moment, his figure flashed, and he started killing again.

It's just that he was obviously more careful in his movements, lest he disturb the woman on his back that irritated him.

The battle is still going on.

The killing, blood, and screams rendered this place like a bloody purgatory.

The enemy is surging, rushing forward without fear of death, every face is full of anger, ferocity, and twisted colors, and at the same time, there is a touch of horror, fear, bewilderment, and exhaustion that can't be restrained.

At this point in the battle, they had already lost most of their companions, and were about to use up the last strength in their bodies, but the young man on the opposite side was like an immovable mountain, insurmountable and desperate.

Is he tireless?

Where did he get so much strength?

Is he really invincible?

All kinds of doubts surged into their hearts, like poisonous snakes, biting everyone's fighting spirit and will. This feeling made them extremely angry and frightened to the extreme.

All of a sudden, there was a look of bewilderment in his expression, as if facing a monster that could never be measured by common sense.

But no matter what they think, the battle belonging to Chen Xi is still unfolding, calm, chilling, and calm, like a reaper of the undead, every time he attacks, he will take a life away.

That cold and indifferent posture, the ruthless and fierce killing technique, is interpreting the alternation of life and death, the collision of blood and fire, shocking enough to frighten the world!


"Are you going to win?"

Wei Lan murmured, even she didn't realize that there was a tremor in her voice, it was the shock after extreme nervousness, the excitement after extreme shock, it was hard to restrain herself.

"not yet."

The brocade robed old man's mouth was dry, and he swallowed with difficulty. He actually didn't want to destroy Wei Lan's idea, but reality is reality after all. At this time, he couldn't deceive himself.

In that battlefield, there were thousands of Chujiang King's subordinates, but now there are only a few hundred people left.But don't forget that there are still two important figures on the ancient castle far away!

Even, on the other side of the sea of ​​bitterness, on Wanliu Mountain, there is a Daluo Jinxian sitting in town.

At this moment, how can you make false claims about victory or defeat?

"But in my heart, they have already won!"

On the side, Wei Xiaofeng clenched his fists tightly, and there was enthusiasm and admiration in his green and immature face, "Because they are the real strong, with few enemies and many enemies, never give up, who dares to say Are they losers?"

Hearing this, Wei Lan and the old man in brocade robe were taken aback for a moment, they looked at each other, and couldn't help but feel a deep sense of relief in their hearts, this kid has finally grown up!

Perhaps this is the benefit of traveling abroad.

Staying at home all day, pampering yourself in every possible way, is like a flower in a greenhouse, and it is difficult to become a climate at any time. Only traveling can enrich one's experience, enhance one's vision, and broaden one's mind and tolerance!

At that time, is the real growth and maturity.


On the castle, Yan Tu's expression was extremely solemn and extremely gloomy, the distant battlefield was reflected in his dark red pupils, and there was a mass of murderous intent surging between his chest and abdomen.

"No more than a quarter of an hour at the most, the whole army will be wiped out! Elder Long Huai, how long are you going to wait!?" Yan Tu said coldly, his voice seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth.

"It's almost there, just a thread away." Long Huai replied calmly with no expression on his face.

"A line? How much is a line?"

Seeing his appearance like this, Yan Tu couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and said, "One thousand and thirty-two strong earth immortals, just die in front of you and me, can you bear it?"

Long Huai frowned, glanced at Yan Tu displeasedly, and said, "Some subordinates are just dead. Why should they be so frightened and angry? What's more, they didn't really die!"

"Huh? Didn't really die?"

Yan Tu was stunned, his eyes sparkled, and he asked anxiously, "How do you say that?"

Long Huai looked at the sky from a distance, and that secretive deep smile appeared on his lips again, pointing to the billowing sea area, and said: "Commander Yan Tu, have you forgotten that this is where the third Emperor Youming fought against the gods? The final battlefield, known as the place where the gods are buried."

Yan Tu frowned and said, "Do you still have the time to go around the corner? Just speak up if you have something to say!"

Long Huai smiled, not caring at all, and said, "Since you know the Ancient Demon Slayer Formation, you should have heard of the 'Forbidden Sinking', right?"

Yan Tu was stunned, and then seemed to think of something, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and said: "When the third Emperor Youming suppressed and killed many gods and Buddhas, what kind of terrible restriction was imposed?"

"Not bad!"

Long Huai smiled proudly, "Although the third Nether Emperor was suppressed and killed back then, the 'Sinking Ban' he personally placed suppressed and killed an unknown number of powerful people in the Three Realms!"

Yan Tu was stunned, he had also heard that when the "Forbidden Sinking" came out, the sky was stained with divine blood, and the entire sea of ​​bitterness was stained with thick blood, which would not fade away for tens of thousands of years!

One can imagine how terrifying the power of this formation is.It can be compared with the "Zhuxian Sword Formation", "Dutian Blood Demon Formation", "Thousand Buddha Burning King Kong Demon Subduing Formation" and other terrifying formations in the ancient times!

"Could it be...you..." Yan Tu wondered.

"Yes, after a while, the 'Forbidden Sinking' that disappeared in the long river of time will be opened!"

Long Huai's eyes were burning with enthusiasm, and then he sighed again, shaking his head and said, "Unfortunately, although the ruins of the 'Sinking Forbidden' are still there, they are already riddled with holes. These thousands of subordinates can only exert [-]% of their power."

"Subordinate of Blood Sacrifice..."

Yan Tu's eyes shrank, and he finally understood, his face darkened, "You old bastard, you have made up your mind from the beginning to use the hands of these two people to kill all these subordinates?"

"How could I think so?"

Long Huai saw that he had reached this point, but the other party still didn't understand Gu Lai, so he couldn't help becoming more unhappy, and hummed: "My plan is very simple, if I can use this to kill those two people, that would be great, if No, it will not be too late to activate the 'Forbidden Sinking'."

"But as long as you and I make a move, there is absolutely no need to sacrifice so many subordinates!" Yan Tu was still angry.

"Commander Yan Tu!"

Long Huai sternly said: "Are you really ignorant, or are you an idiot? The sacrifice of 'Sinking Forbidden' is the power of blood, and the primordial spirits of those fallen subordinates will be revived in the grand formation! Who can say Are they dead?"

Yan Tu was stunned, all the anger faded from his face, he knew that he had misunderstood Long Huai, but he still snorted coldly, "You old bastard, with such a deep mind, who can guess what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd?"

"Then shut up obediently and just follow my command."

Long Huai glared at the other party, and then seemed to realize something, suddenly looked serious, looked at the battlefield in the distance, and said: "The battle is about to end, hurry up! Give me all the sinking bitter crystals on your body!"

Yan Tu was stunned, but thinking about the scene of being scolded by Long Huai before, he still resisted the doubts in his heart, and obediently handed over a storage bag.

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