divine talisman

Chapter 986 Sinking into the Sea of ​​Misery [Part 3]

Long Huai glanced at the storage bag, and couldn't help frowning: "Only 49? If I remember correctly, none of the fallen bitter crystals collected by you and the Yasha guards in the past hundred years have been handed over to the master, right?"

Yan Tu snorted coldly: "Do you think Shen Shen Kujing is a rotten street item that can be found casually?"

Long Huai glanced at the other party, said no more, and turned to look at the battlefield in the distance.


It was also at this time that Chen Xi killed the last Yaksha Guard with Bei Ling on his back, blood splashed, and a beautiful arc was drawn in mid-air.

So far, all the 32 Earth Immortal powerhouses under King Chujiang's command have been beheaded, blood stained the sea of ​​bitterness, and there is a strong bloody smell that will not fade for a long time.

Chen Xi carried Bei Ling on his back, stepped into the void, and before arriving at the castle, he had a tall figure, his clothes were stained with blood, his eyes were as deep as an abyss, and there was a fierce fighting intent.

After such a shocking battle, he was unscathed, not even his aura or breath weakened, and he was still as calm as the sea, exuding a frightening power.

"Both of you, if I'm not mistaken, after killing you, you will be able to reach the other side of the sea of ​​suffering." Chen Xi said, with a touch of chill in his voice.

Even if they already knew that Chen Xi hadn't been damaged in this battle, but when they saw him appearing in front of them, confronting them from afar, their auras were like rainbows like lightning, and their divine power was unparalleled, Yasha King Yan Tu and Long Huai felt in their hearts. Still can't help but amazed.

This Earth Immortal strongman from the human world is really extraordinary and comparable, no wonder he dared to break into the Netherworld alone and become an enemy of King Chujiang. No one can match his courage alone.

Of course, the admiration in their hearts was admiration, and the two of them did not have any fear or uneasiness, because in their eyes, even if Chen Xi survived safely until now, he would definitely die the next moment!

"Of course, my little friend is so powerful that no one in the fairyland can match him. Even the old man and King Yaksha don't think they are your opponents."

That Long Huai laughed loudly, with a feeling in his voice, "However, it is not so easy to kill us, and it is absolutely impossible to cross this sea area, I don't know if you believe it or not ?”

Looking at the two big men under King Chujiang's command, seeing the confident and contemptuous expressions on their brows, Chen Xi couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, and then calmly said, "Then you'll have to try it out."

"Yes, you have to try it. Empty words are useless."

Long Huai nodded with a smile, then pointed at the sea area under Chen Xi's feet, and said, "Look, little friend, that's where you will be buried!"


As soon as his voice fell, an incomparably terrifying aura suddenly surged out from the sea water under Chen Xi's feet. At that moment, it was like an ancient god who had been sleeping on the bottom of the sea for an unknown number of years revived.


In just an instant, the sea area with a radius of ten thousand miles, the sea water seemed to be boiling, the blood was overflowing, glowing with a penetrating luster, rolling and converging towards the center.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that the huge sea has turned into a huge vortex without a sound, and it is spinning crazily.

Every time it rotates, there is a force that wants to sink the sky and the earth, pulls the void and shatters it, swallows up the clouds of thousands of miles, and creates space cracks and black holes one after another.

This force was too terrifying. With Chen Xi's strength and reaction speed, just as he was about to teleport away, he was dragged abruptly and frozen in mid-air. No matter how much he struggled, it was useless.

This is the power of perdition, but how could it be so terrifying?

No, this is an ancient formation!

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, but before he could react, he felt that his body was uncontrollably being tightly grasped by a force, and he was ruthlessly dragged into the sea of ​​suffering.


The blood surged, submerging him and Bei Ling on his back and disappearing.

Seeing this, Longhuai couldn't help laughing up to the sky, his face was distorted with excitement, "Look, this is the power of the ban on sinking. I, Longhuai, have been stationed here for 3000 years, and have been repaired for 3000 years! Now it costs 32 The blood sacrifice of the famous earth immortal powerhouse has finally activated it!"

At this moment, Longhuai, like an old lunatic falling into madness, yelled frantically: "This is the masterpiece of the third Nether Emperor, the supreme restriction of the fallen gods! After endless years, he finally reappeared in the world , Looking at the entire Netherworld, who has ever witnessed this glorious scene that is destined to be engraved in the annals of history?"

The blood wave rolled, and the thousands of miles of sea area turned into a palpitating huge vortex, spinning and roaring rapidly, generating an irresistible force of sinking, distorting and collapsing this piece of heaven and earth.

Such a devastating scene, coupled with Long Huai's crazy scream, gave people an unparalleled strong impact on the soul.

Even Yasha King Yan Tu had to admit that he was shocked by this scene, and even for a moment, he couldn't help but feel small and powerless like a mayfly.

Faced with such a scene, facing this "Forbidden Sinking" that slaughtered countless powerful people in the Three Realms back then, who can remain unmoved and shocked?

"That's enough! You'd better be concerned about whether you can kill those two guys! This ban on sinking can only exert [-]% of its power after all."

After a while, Yan Tu woke up from the shock, seeing Long Huai still talking to himself like crazy, he couldn't help frowning, and reminded him in a cold voice.

Being interrupted by someone to express his excitement, Long Huai was extremely displeased, glanced at Yan Tu with disdain, and then said proudly, "Don't worry, let alone the earth immortals, even the heavenly and mysterious immortals, it is difficult to escape from it! "

"Are you sure?" Yan Tu said.

"It's still uncertain, but with these sinking bitter crystals, they will definitely die!"

Long Huai took out a storage bag from his bosom with a smile, poured it all into the sea of ​​bitterness without hesitation, and murmured, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the sacredness of the 'Forbidden Sinking' once again." At this moment, although these sinking bitter crystals are a little rare, they are enough to unleash the power to kill Xuanxian-level powerhouses..."

"You... just wasted it like that?"

Yan Tu was a little bit pained, these were the 49 sunken bitter crystals that he had brought his subordinates to collect for hundreds of years, and now they were dumped into the sea of ​​bitterness by Long Huai like garbage, how could he not feel distressed.

"What is waste!" Long Huai yelled loudly, "When the bitter crystals of sinking are gone, you can look for them again, but how many times can you see the ban of sinking in your life?"

Yan Tu froze, speechless and heartbroken.

Facing such an old lunatic, he had nothing to say, he could only cast his gaze into the sea water, and murmured: "This time, I must die, that's right, even Xuanxian can't survive, let alone two A strong Earth Immortal?"

"Just wait quietly. If there is no time for a cup of tea, the two of them will surely die. At that time, you and I will join hands, just gather the primordial spirits of those subordinates, and everything will end perfectly."

On the side, Long Huai's beard was flying, and he laughed loudly, full of complacency.


"That is……"

Wei Lan's face turned pale with fright, and she trembled.

Before that, that piece of sea area suddenly turned into a sky-swallowing vortex, dragging the void into the sea. If they hadn't set foot in it, they might be buried in it in an instant.

Now, although he survived the disaster, he was still terrified in his heart.

"The ban of sinking!"

The old man in brocade uttered four words lightly from his lips, his voice was obscure, and there were only four words, but they seemed to weigh more than a thousand ounces. When the words came out, he was in a state of desperation.

"The ban of sinking? What is the ban of sinking?" Wei Xiaofeng yelled at the side, not panicking or fearing much, but responded to the sentence, "Youth is ignorant and fearless."

The old man in brocade robe took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and then slowly opened his mouth, telling the pair of siblings everything he knew.

After listening, Wei Lan froze there, muttering: "So, they are doomed to die this time..."

But Wei Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and said: "The ban of sinking! This is the supreme ban used by the third Emperor Youming to suppress and kill the gods of the three realms, but the subordinates of King Chujiang used it to deal with two people from the human world." Earth Immortal powerhouse, this method is really too despicable, is it worthy of the glorious reputation of this great formation? Damn it! Really hateful!"

The brocade robed old man smiled wryly. Of course he could see that the ban on sinking was not perfect, and its power was not as terrifying as the rumors. What's more, those two strong men in the human world killed thousands of earth immortals The strong, how can we talk about being despicable or not despicable if we use this to deal with them?

"It's just that it's a pity that these two peerless men and women..." the old man in brocade robe sighed, with a deep sense of regret in his heart.


On Wanliu Mountain, the clouds are rolling and the mountain breeze is blowing.

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang stood proudly on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, his clothes faltering, overlooking the vast sea of ​​suffering, the sun and the moon rising and falling in his pair of eyes, reflecting the heaven and the earth, as if penetrating the nine heavens and ten earths, nothing escaped his eyes.

"This Long Huai is quite courageous."

After a while, Ji Kang murmured, but Gu Qi's thin face showed a touch of emotion, as if he was also amazed by the "forbidden sinking".

"The poor two little fellows failed to set foot on Wanliu Mountain after all, and this king regards them as potential opponents, so I overestimated them..."

Shaking his head, Ji Kang flicked his sleeves, turned around and left, without taking another look, he seemed a little dispirited.

In the depths of Wanliu Mountain, in the God Prisoner's Cave.

At this moment, Qing Xiuyi, who was sitting cross-legged quietly, also opened a pair of clear eyes in the darkness, as if she could see through barriers and see through numerous voids, overflowing with an indescribable luster.

"You are here, why did you bring a woman?"

A cold and clear sigh resounded in the darkness. There was a rare trace of complaint in the voice, but more of relief and joy.

"Is life and death already divided? You, Ji Kang, seem a little premature..."

After a while, Qing Xiuyi, who had been thinking for a long time, closed her eyes again, and everything returned to the darkness.

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