divine talisman

Chapter 987 Sinking Suppresses the Sky [Part 1]

Thanks to Brother Zhou Zhou for giving 100000 rewards, and being promoted to the diamond leader!Thank you!



Chen Xi only felt as if his body was being clamped by an iron tongs, and he was falling fiercely towards the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness. The sea water was tumbling, and the majestic and incomparable pulling force made his whole body twitch with energy and blood.

Three thousand feet.

Eight thousand feet.


He didn't know how deep he had fallen in the sea of ​​suffering, but when Chen Xi's consciousness was shaken to the point of bewilderment, he suddenly felt his whole body stiffen, and instantly stopped moving.


From the extremely fast fall to the extremely fast stillness, the terrifying recoil force was so uncomfortable that Chen Xi couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Fortunately, Bei Ling has been hidden by me in the pagoda of the Buddha, otherwise, she might not be able to bear it just this time..."

Before Chen Xi could heave a sigh of relief, he felt a terrifying pressure surge, like a hundred thousand mountains pressing down on him, his skin and bones all made a crackling sound of being overwhelmed.

"Not good! This power is too terrifying. It is as violent as the sea and as dense as a mountain. It also carries a power that makes the soul want to sink and collapse..."

Chen Xi was startled in horror, and he didn't care much about it. He urged the immortal essence with all his strength, poured it all over his body, and suddenly exerted force, trying to break free from this weird and terrifying force field.

Unexpectedly, every time he mobilized his immortal essence, the bondage of this pressure became tighter, and strands of strange and twisted runes surged in, binding his body tightly like chains.

This strange and distorted rune has a muddy and obscure color, and it penetrates into the soul with a terrifying crushing force, like a millstone, trying to crush his entire soul to powder!


It was a kind of pain that touched the soul, it was indescribable. At that moment, Chen Xi felt that his soul was about to be blown away, and his physical body was completely sinking into it!

Looking from afar, Chen Xi was like a small bug stuck in the turbid sea water, struggling constantly, but he couldn't escape from the comfort at all. Instead, strands of bright red blood stains were squeezed out from the pores all over his body, Bleeding from the seven orifices appeared terrifying.

This is the power of the "Sinking Forbidden". The third Nether Emperor personally arranged in this sea area to kill and sink an unknown number of Gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms. It is known as the place where the gods are buried. false name.

Although it is already dilapidated and can only exert [-]% of its power, that level of power is enough to sink Xuanxian, making his body and soul completely crushed here!

"Damn! Is this the power of sinking?"

Chen Xi tried his best to calm himself down, carefully perceiving the terrifying power coming from all around him, and frantically deduced it in his mind, not daring to delay a bit.

Because he knew very well that if this situation continued, he would die within a short while!



"Using the sea of ​​bitterness as the foundation, and integrating all the mysteries of sinking into an ancient restriction, no wonder there is such a terrifying power. If you want to get out of trouble, the most urgent task is to find the flaws in this ancient restriction..."

"Flaws? No, this restriction is integrated with the sea of ​​suffering, and naturally blends with the heavens and the earth. It is the most perfect and seamless. Even if you find the flaws with the eyes of God, how can you escape with your current strength?"

Once he calmed down, it was as if Chen Xi had become another person. The deduction power of the soul that had already reached the realm of transcendence and sanctification was running, and in an instant, tens of thousands of years flashed in his heart.

"Perhaps, I can only start with the power of the sinking. With my talisman Tao cultivation base and the sinking Tao I have comprehended, it seems to be the only choice..."

Very soon, Chen Xi made a decision, endured the severe pain of his soul and physical desire to collapse, and calmly felt the sinking power coming from all directions.

And those strands of strange and distorted obscure runes became his primary target to conquer.

Chen Xi guessed correctly, these obscure and turbid runes are the most core thing in the "Sinking Forbidden", and they are the foundation of the prohibition.

This kind of rune completely interprets the trajectory of the sinking power. It is a way of using power, a technique, mysterious and unpredictable.

The reason why the forbidden power is so terrifying is that it is released through the operation of this rune.

"If it is normal, just comprehend this ancient prohibition, I am afraid that you will be able to comprehend the method of using the sinking Taoism. Unfortunately, the time is not with me. At this time, we must thoroughly understand it as soon as possible, and maybe we can find it. A ray of life..."

In the next moment, Chen Xi's entire soul was running crazily, like an octopus with tens of thousands of tentacles, penetrating into those strange and twisted runes, and perceiving them carefully.

"If there is no extradition, there will be no limit to the sea of ​​suffering; if there is no suppression, there will be no other way..."

"Sinking, sinking the body of sin, sinking the soul of sin, suppressing all evil, eradicating evil, ordering the world, returning to reincarnation..."

"Sinking into the foundation, the eternal life will be peaceful, all things will be orderly, and all heavens will know the rules and not exceed the rules..."

Soon, various perceptions flooded my heart like a tide, majestic and vast.


Chen Xi, who was meditating and contemplating enlightenment, didn't realize that a terrifying sinking force suddenly surged, arousing the power of the entire "Forbidden Falling" and turning into a strange wave, rushing towards him...

That was the power of 64 "Sinking Bitter Crystals", sacrificed into the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness by Long Huai, intending to completely wipe Chen Xi away!

This force is very special, it seems to be everywhere, and it seems to be absent everywhere. It is invisible, but it uses the turbid sea water to cover Chen Xi.

Great sound!

The elephant is invisible!

When a power reaches its peak, it appears extremely calm and silent.

This is the scene in front of me.

Chen Xi didn't even realize that this force had already permeated his whole body!

However, before this force erupted with a terrifying force capable of obliterating everything, suddenly there was another sudden change.

With a buzzing sound, in the Pagoda of the Buddha, the Nether Record glowed. It opened page by page until it turned to the fourth page. Lines of indistinct ancient handwriting emerged. As soon as it appeared, it shone brightly. A terrifying force of swallowing was emitted.


The obliterating power of the "Forbidden Sinking" was directly absorbed by the Nether Record before it showed its power, and then poured into the lines of blurred writing on the fourth page.

In just a split second, Chen Xi trembled all over, and a huge and incomparably mysterious handwriting suddenly appeared in his mind, causing him to freeze there all of a sudden—"Shen Shen Zhen Tian Jing"?

This is another terrifying Taoism, which interprets the ultimate meaning of sinking!

In the next moment, Chen Xi seemed to be in a daze, his figure flickered lightly, and like a fish, he easily escaped from the shackles of that terrifying restriction.

"Bury the heavens, the seal of perdition"

"The sea of ​​bitterness, the sea of ​​sinking!"

"Do not cross the gods and Buddhas, the ban of sinking!"

These are all the profound meanings in the "Shen Shen Zhen Tian Jing", which are all presented in these three moves.


Chen Xi stretched his back, and practiced these three moves in the depths of the torrential sea of ​​suffering. When he raised his hands and feet, he carried a sinking force, pulling the surrounding sea water, turning into circles of whirlpools and spreading in all directions...

At this moment, the "Forbidden Sinking" was like a fake, it could no longer affect Chen Xi in the slightest!


Above the sea of ​​bitterness, before the castle.

In the sea area of ​​thousands of miles, it turned into a vortex and spun wildly, producing a sinking force that tore apart the world, crushing the void into broken pieces of black holes.

"It's time for a cup of tea, why hasn't there been any movement?" Yan Tu asked with a frown after counting the time.

"Wait patiently. After all, this is the 'Banishness of Sinking' imposed by the third Emperor Youming back then. It's power is unpredictable, and it's uncanny workmanship. How can I judge it with a single word?"

Long Huai cast a sideways glance at Yan Tu, and immediately said proudly, "However, it is actually very simple to determine whether those two guys have fallen."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and a bronze mirror appeared in his hand. The surface of the mirror spewed out a blue glow, and with a buzzing sound, a light curtain had already condensed.

The light curtain flowed, and a picture of turbid sea water emerged.

"Commander Yan Tu, please look, within this light curtain is the core of the 'Forbidden Sinking'. There are countless restrictions. Once you fall into it, it will be difficult for gods to survive!"

Long Huai pointed to the light curtain in midair, and said confidently.

"Huh? Why can't I see anything except a piece of turbid sea water? Are you fooling me again, you old lunatic?" Yan Tu sized him up and said displeased.

On the light curtain, the turbid water rolled, blurred and distorted, and there was no clear scene at all.

Seeing this, Long Huai was startled, and murmured: "No, this is the 'mirror of floating light reflecting the heart', one master and one pair, and the other is hidden by me in the sanctuary of sinking. Now, ghosts and gods can hardly hide their tracks, how could this be?"

As he spoke, he gritted his teeth, bit the tip of his tongue, and spurted a mouthful of blood towards the bronze mirror in his hand, and then swiped his fingers repeatedly, only to hear a buzzing sound, and the light curtain flashed and rolled endlessly.

Soon, a scene of detailed scenes emerged.

But when you see everything clearly, whether it's Long Huai or Yan Tu, their eyes and pupils shrank, their mouths widened, and they all stood there in a daze.

I saw that in the light curtain, the sea was surging and turbulent, and a tall figure could be vaguely seen criss-crossing it, actually practicing a kind of Taoism!

"You damn old lunatic, this is what you call the 'Forbidden Sinking'? You can't even kill a small earth fairy, so why are you talking about Xuanxian's difficulty in surviving in it?"

Yan Tu's face darkened all of a sudden, he gritted his teeth and said, "And what about my 49 sinking bitter crystals? Are they all fucking fed to dogs?"

"This this……"

But Long Huai turned a deaf ear to this, staring fixedly at the light curtain, trembling all over with shock, almost couldn't believe his eyes.

"No, I have studied this array for 3000 years, how could it be that it has no power at all? Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Long Huai's face was distorted and crazy, and he roared crazily.

When he was speaking, he jumped into the air suddenly, and quickly poured out one after another mysterious formulas from his hands, smashing them into the vast sea of ​​suffering.

"The blood is burning, the primordial spirit is a sacrifice, and the ban of sinking is for me to refine that damn bastard!" Long Huai roared sharply, completely insane.

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