divine talisman

Chapter 988 Completely Obliterated [Part 2]

Yan Tu was shocked, and lost his voice: "Old lunatic, what are you doing, do you want to sacrifice blood to the primordial spirits of those subordinates?"

Long Huai had already said before that the 32 Earth Fairyland subordinates who were beheaded by Chen Xi and Bei Ling did not really die.Instead, the blood was sacrificed to the "Forbidden Sinking", while the primordial spirit stayed behind. After killing Chen Xi and Bei Ling, they could all be reborn with secret methods.

But now, looking at the situation, that Long Huai actually wanted to sacrifice all the primordial spirits of the thousand and thirty-two subordinates of the Earth Fairyland, how could Yan Tu not be surprised?

"Hmph, it's just some subordinates. As long as you can kill those two people completely, what's the pity?"

That Longhuai stood proudly in the air, screaming crazily, with a distorted expression, as if possessed by a madman.

"Old lunatic! If you do this, the Lord will never let you go!"

Yan Tu was so angry that he jumped into a rage, and as soon as he jumped, he flew into the air and came to Long Huai, wanting to stop him.

"Haha, it's too late, everything is too late! That kid will definitely die! Commander Yan Tu, if you don't leave now, you will be involved, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Long Huai looked up to the sky and burst out laughing, turned around and returned to the castle.


Yan Tu's gaze was about to burst into flames, but when he saw the terrifying scene in the sea of ​​suffering, he was startled, turned around and fled away as if flying.

The vortex formed by the ten-thousand-mile sea area has changed its appearance at this time, glowing with an incomparably thick blood light, rushing straight into the sky, bewitching and bloody, rendering the world into a deep red color.

At the same time, a terrifying wave spread in all directions like a tide, protruding from the sea of ​​bitterness as if with a pair of invisible arms, intending to drag the whole world into the sea and sink into it completely!

"Back! Rewind!"

"Damn it! How could it become scary again?"

In the distance, screams of panic and anger suddenly came from the Wei family's fleet. Immediately, the entire fleet retreated violently like an arrow flying from the string, avoiding a distance of [-] feet before avoiding The range of fluctuations.

But even so, the faces of Wei Lan, Wei Xiaofeng, the old man in brocade robe and others turned pale with fright, and their bodies were drenched in cold sweat, as if they had walked through the gate of hell.

"The ban on sinking is so terrifying, I'm afraid even the gods in the sky can't survive if they fall into it?" Wei Lan said tremblingly, his teeth trembling for a while.

"Damn it! The subordinates of King Chu Jiang are really hateful! Even we were almost affected. If I succeed in cultivation in the future, I must kill him at the gate of the mountain!" Wei Xiaofeng gritted his teeth, extremely angry.

"Depending on the situation, I'm afraid those two will not be able to survive..." The brocade robed old man murmured and sighed again.

"This damned bastard in the human world, if he doesn't die this time, the old man will kill himself by wiping his neck! Hahahaha..." Long Huai laughed, his beard and hair were flying, and his demeanor was insolent.

"Hmph! You should still think about how to report to the director!" Yan Tu said coldly.

Right at this moment-

In the center of the blood-red sea that turned into a vortex, a golden glow suddenly rose, like the first ray of dawn that tore through the darkness at dawn, extremely blazing and dazzling.

At the same time, a cold and indifferent voice suddenly resounded through the world, "I'm sorry, it seems that you have to wipe your neck and commit suicide this time!"

Long Huai's smile suddenly froze, like a duck being strangled by the neck, the eyeballs almost fell out.

And Yan Tu beside him was not much better, his pupils dilated, his face showed a look of disbelief, and he looked like a ghost.

I don't know when, the vortex in the thousands of miles of sea area disappeared without a trace, and the sea surface returned to calm, only the bewitching blood color paved the turbid sea surface with a daunting luster.

Even the raging hurricane, violent thunder, and distorted lightning... all disappeared at this moment, leaving only a dead atmosphere.

In this quiet atmosphere, a tall and tall figure rose up from the waves, floating in midair, with long hair flying, and a cold and indifferent look on his handsome face.

This figure is naturally Chen Xi!

It's just that compared with before, he now seems to be the master of this sea of ​​bitterness, his waist is like a pillar of the sky, his eyes seem to reflect the secrets of the sky, and he is breathtaking. Wherever he steps, the air currents, dust, Order...all restored to an orderly peace.

Seeing him standing under the sky intact, Wei Lan, Wei Xiaofeng, and the old man in brocade robes on the Wei family's fleet all lost their voices and were so shocked that they were speechless.

If the perception was not there, they almost thought they were dreaming!

"you you you……"

On the ancient castle in the distance, Long Huai shouted a series of "you", but was so shocked that he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Who would have imagined that a grand formation laid down by the third Nether Emperor of that year, and an ancient restriction that had sunk countless corpses of gods and Buddhas, would not be able to trap even a strong man in the fairyland?

This simply broke Long Huai's cognition, making him unable to accept this fact at all!

The Yesha King Yan Tu next to him was also shocked, but compared to Long Huai, he quickly recovered from the shock, because he knew very well that since this young man from the human world can escape from the "prohibition of sinking", he is enough Proving how terrifying its strength is.

"Old lunatic! Why are you still standing there, kill this kid immediately!"

Yan Tu Changsheng let out a roar, flapped his wings behind his back, tore apart the void, and violently killed Chen Xi.

As the king of the Yasha tribe, his combat experience is extremely rich. He has fought with Chu Jiang Wang Jikang for 3000 years and survived to this day.

However, as soon as he made a move, Chen Xi also moved.

With a slight wave of his hand, with him as the center, an invisible force field suddenly surged from all directions, the sea of ​​bitterness rolled, and there were vortex black holes in the depressions.


When the figure of the Yaksha King Yantu just came out from the void and arrived in front of Chen Xi, before he could move, he felt staggering all over his body, and suddenly fell into the sea water below.

That feeling was like a pair of powerful terrifying hands sticking out of the sea, grabbing his body, trying to suppress him, and sinking his body and soul.

"not good!"

Yan Tu's heart skipped a beat, his expression changed suddenly, and he swung the blood-colored halberd in his hand violently. His figure shook, and he was about to break away from the tearing force.

It's a pity that he obviously underestimated the horror of this invisible force. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free. Instead, he sank deeper and deeper, like a bug falling into a spider, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Damn it! This is the power of perdition! How can you, a despicable human being, master it!?" Yan Tu roared, his expression distorted, and he flapped his wings repeatedly.

"I forgot to tell you, I have not only mastered the Dao of Sinking, but also the 'Forbidden Sinking'."

With a calm and indifferent voice, Chen Xi waved his sleeves, and the sea surface with a radius of ten thousand miles was violently turbulent, turning into a terrifying vortex, spinning crazily.

The void collapsed, the heavens and the earth were in chaos, and the power of the "Forbidden Sinking" reappeared in the world again!

"This is impossible! This is the ancient formation laid down by the third Nether Emperor back then. How could it be controlled by you? Impossible! Absolutely impossible..."

Yasha King Yan Tu was frightened and roared again and again, his voice was full of shock and fear. He couldn't believe it. How could this guy from the human world turn his back on the guest in such a short period of time and put the "Sinking Forbidden" "All mastered.

You know, it took 3000 years for Longhuai to exert only [-]% of the power of the "Forbidden Sinking"!


Before the voice fell, the next moment, a terrifying sinking force, engulfed in the monstrous sea water, completely submerged Yasha Wang Yantu.

The sea water was tumbling, and the vortex was turning, but there was no sound of Yan Tu anymore, as if he was thrown into hell all at once, and fell completely.

Such a scene shocked everyone on the spot.

Especially when the Wei family's fleet was on board, they saw King Yasha, the strongest Earth Immortal who had followed King Chujiang for countless years, be suppressed by Chen Xi with a wave of his hand, sinking into the sea of ​​misery, and everyone trembled. , was so shocked that his scalp went numb, and he gasped for air.

As for Long Huai, his old face turned pale with fright, and he muttered with trembling lips: "This is actually true, you have really mastered the 'Forbidden Sinking', could it be...you are the successor of the third Nether Emperor? "

At the end, there was an uncontrollable tremor in that voice.

But immediately, he shook his head again and again, "Impossible, if that's the case, how could you have survived until now, the Mantle of the Nether Emperor is a taboo in the Three Realms!"

"Have you finished talking? Then let's have a taste of the power of the 'Forbidden Sinking'." Chen Xi said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, the sea of ​​bitterness surged up into the sky, as if it was about to drown the sky, it rushed away, and before Long Huai could sense it, it had already drowned him and the castle under his feet .

"Damn you bastard! Do you think you can save that woman by doing this? With King Chujiang sitting in Wanliu Mountain, you will definitely die!!"

In the turbid sea water, Long Huai's extremely venomous scream could be heard, and the next moment, all of this had returned to the surface of the sea along with the surging sea water, disappearing without a trace.

So far, the last line of defense laid down by King Chujiang has all collapsed, and the entire army has been wiped out!

At this moment, the sea water was turbulent, and returned to the previous calm. Only Chen Xi stood upright in midair, with a lonely and majestic figure, like an unshakable mountain.

"I didn't expect that you are still alive. It's beyond my expectation. Come on, my king is waiting for you on Wanliu Mountain. If you don't come after three days, that woman will be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell." !"

In this silence, an indifferent and deep voice rumbled from far away, like thunder, shaking between the heaven and the earth, breathtaking.

Chen Xi raised his head abruptly, his eyes were deep and deep, and streaks of lightning arcs flowed, as if he could see through nothingness, and looked into the distance to the Wanliu Mountain on the other side of suffering.

"King Chujiang? When I arrive, it will be your death day!"

When Chen Xi spoke, his voice was calm, as if he was talking to himself, but there was an undeniable chilling power.

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