divine talisman

Chapter 989 The Prestige of King Chujiang [Part 3]

In the turbid sea of ​​suffering, Chen Xi stopped and pondered for a long time, but finally resisted the urgent impulse in his heart, and did not immediately go to the other side of the sea of ​​suffering, Wanliu Mountain.

three days left.

He needs to settle down and rest.

This time he entered the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and went through a series of bloody battles, which benefited him a lot, especially in the big formation "Sinking Forbidden", he accidentally obtained the inheritance of "Shenchen Township Scripture", and then fused the 64 sinking bitter crystals In one fell swoop, he broke through the Great Dao of Sinking to perfection!

It is also with the help of this that the other party can control the "Forbidden Sinking" and easily kill Yasha King Yan Tu and Long Huai.

It's a pity that this "Sinking Forbidden" is in dire condition, if it weren't for Long Huai's blood sacrifice to the primordial spirits of 32 strong Earth Immortals, it would have been difficult to exert any power at all.

Up to this moment, the supreme restriction placed by the third Nether Emperor himself had completely collapsed and could no longer be repaired.

This had to make Chen Xi feel regretful, because if this "Forbidden Sinking" could be repaired, he could definitely take advantage of it to compete with King Chu Jiang, and even have great confidence in suppressing his sinking here.

"The other side, the verdict, the sinking... It's a pity that although he has mastered many profound principles, his cultivation level is still too low. If he faces the King of Chujiang, he may have to rely on the help of Xiaoding."

Chen Xi pondered for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking, "Senior, the King of Chujiang possesses the strength of the Great Luo Jinxian. If you make the move, what are the chances of winning?"

Xiao Ding was silent for a moment, and said: "If it was effortless in my heyday, but now, there is no chance of winning."

Chen Xi was startled.

Before he could speak, Xiao Ding continued: "However, if you and your woman are rescued from him, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Can't kill it?" Chen Xi was a little disappointed.

"Yam Luo of the Ten Palaces, either enshrined in the fairy world, or enshrined in the Buddhist world, his status is stronger than that of Daluo Jinxian, and should not be underestimated."

Xiao Ding replied, and then suddenly said something strange, "However, things may turn around, so let's play it by ear. According to my deduction, this trip to Wanliu Mountain will not be too peaceful..."

After all, Xiao Ding fell into silence again.

Chen Xi was stunned, he only cared about whether he could kill King Chujiang, but he was not at all interested in any "turning point".

"Forget it, it's all up to you in the end!"

After a while, Chen Xi took a deep breath, his eyes became clear and firm, and he sat cross-legged in mid-air, and began to meditate.

Now, after mastering the esoteric meaning of sinking to perfection, he has a natural sense of familiarity with this sea of ​​suffering, as if returning to the embrace of the original source, without worrying about any danger at all.


While Chen Xi was meditating, the Wei family's fleet also galloped over, but they didn't approach Chen Xi, but circled in a big circle and passed by one side.

On the treasure ship, Wei Lan, Wei Xiaofeng, the old man in the brocade robe, and even the other Wei family servants on the treasure ship all bowed in unison at this moment, silently saluting to the tall figure in the distance to express their respect and thanks.

Because they knew very well that the ability to cross the Impassable Sea this time would not be possible without Chen Xi's help.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Wei Lan glanced at the figure in the distance, then took a deep breath, and directed the fleet to move on.

"Sister, one day, I will also become an existence like that senior, stand upright and never give up!"

On the side, Wei Xiaofeng clenched his fists tightly, with a firm expression on his small face.

Wei Lan and the old man in brocade robe looked at each other, both of them were relieved. When a young boy starts to pursue his goal, he is not far from growing up.


Two days later.

Chen Xi woke up from his meditation, took a deep breath, his eyes were deep and deep, and there was a hint of coercive power.

In two days, he has adjusted his state of mind, energy, and cultivation to the peak state, as clear as the blue sky, as clear as washing, and the ancient well is calm.

He stood up, thought for a while, and in the end he didn't bother Bei Ling, who was still deep in meditation.

The fierce battle a few days ago was nothing to him, but to Belling, it was the most difficult and dangerous battle he had ever encountered in his life.

At that time, she had tried her best and squeezed out the last ounce of strength in her body, but it was foreseeable that after going through this extraordinary training, her cultivation base and combat power would inevitably undergo an earth-shaking transformation.

Therefore, it is better not to disturb her cultivation at this time, stay in the pagoda of the Buddha, as long as Chen Xi does not die, she will not have to worry about her life.


Without wasting any more time, in the next instant, Chen Xi's entire figure melted into the void and disappeared.

On the other side of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, it is an area belonging to the domain of King Yama. It is vast and vast, and the coastline alone is undulating as if it were endless.

And the most conspicuous among them is undoubtedly Wanliu Mountain.

This majestic and steep mountain range is like a peak that reaches the sky, straddling the coastline, the mountains are undulating, its color is like ink, despite the endless years of erosion, it still remains motionless, exuding a majestic and solemn atmosphere that makes people feel confused.

According to the rumors, Wanliu Mountain is the place where thousands of rivers flow into the Yan Luo Kingdom, and thousands of rivers flow into the sea of ​​suffering. During the reign of the third Emperor Youming, he once climbed to the top of Wanliu Mountain, looked at the vast sea of ​​bitterness, and said " Thousands of streams will return to the clan, and the world will return to one."

But now, this Wanliu Mountain has become the place where King Yan Luo Chujiang occupies the second palace, and it is one of the ten holy places in Yama King Domain, and its status is not lower than that of the Six Daos of the Underworld.

The blue sky is clear, the clouds are transpiring, and the cold and harsh mountain wind howls up and down Wanliu Mountain, adding a sense of coldness and chill.

When Chen Xi arrived at this time, he only took a look at the mountain, and then headed straight to the top of Wanliu Mountain.

During this process, he didn't encounter any obstacles, nor touched any kind of restriction. The entire Wanliu Mountain was quiet and dead.

But the more so, it made Chen Xi look more serious.

He is very clear that all this undefended everything silently declares how powerful, how confident and arrogant the master here is, and he doesn't even bother to use any tricks to deal with him.

In other words, the opponent is already ready to defeat him in the front!

Regarding this, Chen Xi faced it with silence, and his figure did not hesitate at all. After a while, he had already reached the top of Wanliu Mountain.

There is only a solitary cliff flat here, lingering in the sea of ​​clouds, steep and rugged, revealing a sense of solitude.

On the cliff flat, there stood a lone and tall figure.

He wears an emperor's crown on his head, dark black clothes, a strange face, a stalwart waist, his hands behind his back, standing there casually, but he has a calm, majestic, majestic spirit that swallows thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

The first time he saw this person, Chen Xi knew clearly that the other party must be Chujiang King Jikang, and Chujiang King Jikang could only be him, because that kind of imperial aura like controlling the world and controlling the universe cannot be faked at all. of.


The moment before Chen Xi's figure appeared, Ji Kang also raised his eyes, as if he had already expected him to come, and glanced away indifferently and calmly.

What kind of gaze is this?

It reflects everything in the world, ups and downs of the sun, moon and stars, accommodates all things in the mountains and rivers, and evolves all kinds of unpredictable mysteries!

The moment he was caught by this pair of gazes, Chen Xi's soul felt oppressed, and he felt as if he had been seen through from top to bottom, from top to bottom, without any secrets to speak of.

This feeling made him tremble, and he felt the terror of the other party more and more.

Great Luo Jinxian!

This is the real Daluo Jinxian, not just a clone like Bing Shitian, the oppression and power it brings is naturally worlds apart, like clouds and mud.

If Bing Shitian's avatar is compared to a giant tree beyond the scope of the human world, then this Chu Jiang Wang Jikang is a towering tree with roots intertwined in the two realms of the immortal and the underworld, covering the whole world!

Chen Xi stood on his feet, his whole body roared with celestial energy, and it circulated to the limit, and his vigilance and caution reached the extreme. Only in this way could he counteract the ubiquitous terror and deterrence power.

"You are very good. No wonder you were able to kill a clone of Bing Shitian. If you were an ordinary Earth Immortal, you would kneel down and surrender without any thought of resistance after seeing this king for the first time."

Chujiang King Ji Kang said calmly, "However, in this king's opinion, the Earth Wonderland is an Earth Wonderland after all, vulnerable to a single blow. If you want to rescue that Qing Xiuyi, you will have no chance of winning."

The voice was gentle, without any forceful power, but in this calmness, there was naturally a deep and heavy power, like a god reading out his will, making people dare not have any blasphemous intentions.

Chen Xi pursed his lips, and said, "But I really want to have a try, how would it feel to kill a Da Luo Jinxian with my own hands."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang shook his head, he didn't care, and said: "After you get out of the 'forbidden sinking', this king knows that it is absolutely difficult to change your mind with words alone. But this is also good, although my subordinates It's useless, but after all, I have worked for this king for many years, you came and killed you, just to avenge them."

Speaking of this, Ji Kang raised his eyes, his eyes fell on Chen Xi's face, and said: "Qing Xiuyi is imprisoned in the 'Prisoner's Cave' in the hinterland of Wanliu Mountain. Close it."

After speaking, he did not see any movement, a terrifying aura suddenly spread out, disturbing the secrets of the sky, shaking the clouds, and causing the world to fall into a sign that it was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, Ji Kang is like an incarnation of the god of the heavens, controlling the heavens and the earth in his own aura, giving people a supreme and unshakable aura.

In front of him, everything in this world seems to be a small and powerless ants, they can only submit, but not disobey!

In just a split second, Chen Xi immediately felt that the sky, this place, and all things seemed to have abandoned him, exiled him, and abandoned him from the Dao!

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