divine talisman

Chapter 990 Revealing Identity [Part 1]

Chen Xi had experienced this kind of feeling in his little senior sister Li Yang, like being a prisoner exiled by heaven, being abandoned from the world, extremely uncomfortable.

This made his soul tremble violently, and he seemed to be suppressed to the point of collapse. His energy and immortality were on the verge of a feeling of wanting to get out of control.

But at this moment, Chen Xi made his move without any hesitation, without any thought at all, because if he didn't make a move, he would be completely suppressed by the opponent's power the next moment. At that time, not to mention making a move, he might not even be able to commit suicide. arrive.


With a flash of his figure, he stepped into the void, bent his elbow and clenched his fist, and punched out violently, a bright red road of burning fire spread out, running through the other shore.

Looking at the Huozhao road, Chu Jiang Wang Jikang's eyes lit up, and he said thoughtfully: "The other side is perfect, Huozhao Shenquan, this kind of Taoism, even the emperor of Huangquan, Qi Shanhe, can't master it."

In the calm and still voice, he waved his sleeves lightly, the mountain wind blew, and the space of heaven and earth seemed to be transformed into layers of bubbles, and the flaming punch disappeared in the invisible space, leaving no trace, relaxed and comfortable, like It's as easy as extinguishing a candle light casually.

Chen Xi's lips were tightly pursed, his eyes were like burning raging flames, and his fighting spirit was raging.

Without hesitation, he punched again.

In an instant, thousands of fires rose up through the sky, intertwined vertically and horizontally, like fire covering the sky, everywhere was the other side, and the fire filled the sky.

But it's a pity that King Chu Jiang's figure didn't move, and he just raised his hand to disintegrate all these offensives.

"With such a trivial skill, you also want to challenge this king?"

King Chujiang said calmly, his figure was as lonely and majestic as a mountain, and although there was no irony in his voice, the manner of looking down on all living beings like ants was already the greatest indifference and disdain.

Chen Xi didn't say anything. At this moment, he was like a hard, stubborn, stubborn stone, turning a deaf ear to everything around him, and only focused on fighting.

The Huozhaoshen Fist was ineffective, so he sacrificed his sword talisman and performed the "seven moves of judgment".


The dark and dumb sword talisman, with its inner edge, carries a ruthless and chilling power, like the blade of the sky, tearing the void and cutting down.

Divide Yin and Yang!

This sword is the first move of the Seven Judgment Forms. It is unparalleled in its sharpness. Make a small opening.

This scene surprised Chu Jiang Wang Ji Kang slightly, "The power of the Judgment of the Criminal Law Department? That old man Cui Zhenkong has worked so hard for endless years, and he has not been able to master it until now, but you, a little guy in the human world, learned it through comprehension. It was somewhat beyond my king's expectations."

Having said that, his movements were not slow. When he pressed his hands in the void, the sky and the earth seemed to turn into a millstone. There was only a muffled bang, and the sword energy that slashed towards him was like paper, crumbling every inch of it. broken.

Chen Xi suffered a shock, his figure staggered backwards, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale.

He wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his lips, stubborn as ever, and charged forward again with his sword in hand.

To rule the world, to kill all evils, to judge good and evil, to distinguish between right and wrong, and to have a limit to all dharmas... This is an unrivaled Dao dharma inherited from Nether Records, which was hacked out repeatedly by Chen Xi.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like the blade of judgment, chilling and ruthless, each blow is enough to cut down mountains and rivers for a hundred thousand miles, and crush any strong man of the same generation!

But in the face of all this, Chujiang King stood still, his figure never moved half a step from the beginning to the end, just waving his hands, he completely destroyed this offensive, which was more terrifying than the first, and was extremely relaxed and comfortable.

This is not because the seven rulings are not strong enough, but because of the great disparity in realms. One is the peak of the Earth Immortal Eighth Layer, the other is the real Daluo Jinxian, one is on the ground, and the other is in the sky. How can they be compared?

This kind of situation is no different from a gnat shaking a big tree or hitting a rock with a pebble.

However, Chen Xi was still completely unaware of this, and rushed all the way, determined, persistent, and ruthless, without any wavering, let alone any discouragement.

Soon, he was covered in blood, like a blood man, and the dark red blood was dripping on the ground, shocking.

It wasn't that the king of Chujiang took the initiative to injure him, but that he was attacked by the counter-shock force when he kept charging. From this, we can see how terrible the king of Chujiang is.

The figure didn't move, and Chen Xi was eaten to death.

If he took the initiative to attack, the winner might be decided in an instant.

But the strange thing is that Chujiang Wang Jikang didn't do this, like a cat playing with a mouse, he seemed not in a hurry to kill Chen Xi, but wanted to see how this little thing from the human world could kill himself. to kill.


Soon, Chen Xi's moves changed again, he put away the sword talisman, and suddenly formed a simple handprint with his hands. At that moment, a terrifying tearing force shattered and collapsed the void, turning it into a turbulent flow.

Bury the heavens, the seal of perdition!

This is one of the three tricks in the "Shen Shen Zhen Tian Jing", using sinking as a seal, shaking the sky, shaking the earth, wanting to bury the world in sinking!

At this moment, Chu Jiang Wang Jikang's eyes opened and closed, and strands of lightning burst out, "It really is, no wonder I can control the 'Sinking Forbidden', this king finally understands!"


At this moment, Chen Xi's palm formed seals, and came to kill him, but that Chujiang King Ji Kang did not move at all, as if he had been dazed, and a strange look appeared in the magic.

For this, Chen Xi would not hesitate in the slightest, his palm print broke through the air, and he slapped Chujiang Wang Jikang hard.

However, the next moment, he sensed that something was wrong, because the opponent's body was like an unfathomable ocean, dispelling all the power of this blow.

What made him palpitate especially was that he clearly sensed that the opponent's body also contained a power of perdition, and even condensed it into the power of laws one after another!


King Chu Jiang exhaled and inhaled, and his body rolled violently like a vast ocean. Chen Xi only felt his whole body tremble, and he staggered and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood again.

At this time, Chen Xi was covered in blood, and his face was pale and almost transparent. Even though he had Cangwu seedlings to supplement his immortal essence, the trauma in his body was so severe that he still felt a little unbearable. There were signs of a breakdown.

"Is this the Great Luo Jinxian? Sure enough, I am not able to contend against..."

Chen Xi was panting heavily, his eyes were red, like a trapped animal on the brink of extinction, he didn't feel any discouragement in his heart, it was just through this battle, which was almost like hitting a pebble against a rock, that he recognized a reality.

"Continue, or this king will kill you immediately!"

Seeing that Chen Xi was not moving, the always indifferent and calm Chu Jiang Wang Jikang seemed a little impatient, and he spoke in a deep voice, revealing a sense of being bossy and irresistible.

"It seems that although you have condensed the profound meaning of sinking into the power of law, you have not mastered the skills that can fully exert its power."

Chen Xi guessed what the other person was thinking in just an instant, and a thick sneer appeared on his lips.

"That's right. This king has been sitting on the shore of the sea of ​​suffering for countless years, and has been comprehending the magic of Shenchen day and night. Unfortunately, apart from the 'Shenchen Zhentian Jing', there is no exercise that can exert the full power of Shenchen."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang answered honestly, frankly and calmly, staring at Chen Xi with burning eyes, and said, "And you, a small ant from the human world, can actually master this exercise, which makes this king a little jealous."

Seeing that the other party revealed the exercises he had learned, Chen Xi pursed his lips, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Could it be that you didn't do anything all this time to confirm this point?"

"Although your cultivation base is low, you are not too stupid."

Chu Jiang Wang Jikang said lightly, "Whether you master the other side, the judgment of the Dao, or the sinking Dao, I am not surprised, because in this netherworld, the one who controls the other shore is the Emperor Huangquan, and the one who controls the ruling is the Criminal Law Department. The one who grasps the will of perdition is this king."

After a pause, he continued: "What really interests me is that the Taoism you have performed, the Huozhaoshen Fist, the Seven Styles of Judgment, and the Sinking-Suppressing Heavenly Scripture. Looking at the entire Netherworld, you can master these three at the same time. There is only one person who can achieve the highest inheritance, and that is the third Nether Emperor!"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, feeling a little heavy in his heart, as expected, the other party had already guessed something.

"If my king's guess is correct."

Chu Jiang King Ji Kang suddenly raised his head, his eyes were like thunder and lightning, and he locked on Chen Xi coldly, "You should be the successor of the third Emperor Youming!"

Chen Xi thought for a while, then calmly said, "It's sort of."

Seeing Chen Xi's admission, Chujiang King Ji Kang did not show any excitement, but said with great interest: "Before you die, can you tell this king how you managed to survive until now without hiding from the eyes and ears of all the gods and Buddhas in the sky?" of?"

Chen Xi understood what the other party meant. As the successor of the third Great Nether Emperor, he was definitely a taboo among taboos, and he couldn't escape the killing of the gods of the Three Realms at all.

However, his situation is a bit special. According to the little senior sister Li Yang, from the moment he obtained the fragments of the river map, his fate has been covered up, and he has become a heresy in the eyes of heaven. Naturally, he will not be noticed by those gods and Buddhas. .

Of course, Chen Xi didn't intend to tell the other party all this. He raised his eyes, looked straight at Chu Jiang Wang Jikang, and calmly said, "I'm not dead yet, so you don't need to know."

Chujiang Wang Jikang was startled, then smiled lightly and said, "Why, don't you accept your fate at this time?"

Chen Xi pursed his lips and said nothing, only had a pair of eyes, calm and stubborn as before.

The wind can blow up a big white paper, but it cannot blow away a butterfly, because the power of life lies in disobedience!

"In this case, the king can only kill you first, and then collect what he wants from your soul."

Chujiang Wang Jikang smiled, but his voice was cold and merciless, exuding a supreme aura of life and death.

"Come on then."

Chen Xi answered calmly, every word sonorous.

Seeing this, King Chu Jiang laughed loudly, and the sound shook all directions. At this moment, the figure that had been standing in place finally moved. The next moment, a slender and generous hand pierced through nothingness and came to the altar above Chen Xi's head. , with one shot.

Incredibly fast!

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